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peremptory 发音

英:[pə'rem(p)t(ə)rɪ; 'perɪm-]  美:[pə'rɛmptəri]

英:  美:

peremptory 中文意思翻译



peremptory 词性/词形变化,peremptory变形

副词: peremptorily |名词: peremptoriness |

peremptory 短语词组

1、peremptory challenge in jury selection ─── 陪审团遴选中的强制性质疑

2、peremptory plea ─── [法] 断然的抗辩

3、peremptory day ─── [法] 绝对审判日

4、peremptory period ─── [经] 决不展期, 不许反的期间

5、peremptory charge ─── [法] 终局控诉

6、peremptory norm ─── [法] 强制规范

7、peremptory challenge ─── [法] 绝对回避

8、peremptory nonsuit ─── 绝对不起诉

9、peremptory mandamus ─── [法] 强制履行令, 强制执行命令书

10、peremptory call ─── [法] 正式催告

11、peremptory rule ─── [法] 不可更改的法则

12、peremptory order ─── 强制性命令

13、peremptory regulations ─── 强制性条例

14、peremptory judgment ─── [法] 终审判决, 不能上诉的判决

15、peremptory instruction ─── [法] 必须执行的指令

16、peremptory exceptions ─── 强制性例外

17、peremptory writ ─── [法] 强制被告出庭令

18、peremptory exception ─── [法] 完全否认诉讼原因的辩护

19、peremptory defined ─── 强制性定义

peremptory 相似词语短语

1、preemptory ─── 先占权

2、crematory ─── n.火葬场;垃圾焚化场;adj.火葬的

3、peremptorily ─── adv.独断地;断然地;蛮横地

4、redemptory ─── adj.赎回的,收回的;拯救的

5、persecutory ─── 迫害的

6、pre-emptory ─── 对于清空者

7、feretory ─── n.棺架;圣骨箱

8、pre-emptors ─── 对于清空者

9、deceptory ─── 失礼的

peremptory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The butler, seeing his master, made a significant and peremptory sign to them both to retire. ─── 一看到伯爵,管家向军官和勤务兵作了一个明显而严厉的手势,要他俩走开。

2、These children wait conversation with baby of his pillow, cloth constantly, peremptory elephant treats his closest friend. ─── 这些孩子时常和他的枕头、布娃娃等说话,俨然象对待一个他最亲近的朋友。

3、marked by rude or peremptory shortness. ─── 以粗鲁或者专横、无礼为特点。

4、peremptory period ─── [经] 决不展期, 不许反的期间

5、peremptory interrupter relay ─── 强拆继电器

6、a peremptory manner ─── 专横的态度

7、But a peremptory negative from upstairs prevented any play from being acted thereon. ─── 但是来自于楼上不容置疑的反对声,阻止了这戏台上的任何演出。

8、He made a peremptory order. ─── 他下达了一个必须服从的命令。

9、The need for serious thought made his tone more peremptory but less bitter. ─── 他心里觉得事情严重,口音就更加沉着,却不象以前那么严峻了。

10、The letter was peremptory in tone. ─── 信中的语气强硬。

11、Military laws are peremptory ─── 军律严明

12、peremptory regulations ─── 强制性规章

13、letter was peremptory in tone. ─── 信中的语气强硬。

14、peremptory call ─── [法] 正式催告

15、He spoke with a peremptory note in his voice. ─── 他以咄咄逼人的口气说话。

16、peremptory plea ─── [法] 断然的抗辩

17、a peremptory writ ─── 强制令状((强迫被告无条件出庭的传票))

18、A peremptory writ shall be issued for constraining appearance in court. ─── 拘传应当发拘传票。

19、Rich traveler writer is peremptory the newest profession that becomes the United States. ─── 博客作者俨然成为美国的最新职业。

20、peremptory exceptions ─── 完全否认诉讼原因的辩护

21、Olivia, curious to see who this peremptory messenger might be, desired he might be admitted ─── 奥丽维娅对这个固执己见的送信人感到好奇,就吩咐叫他进来。

22、his remarks were intended to be completely nonracial; a nonracial reason for the peremptory challenge of the juror. ─── 他有意使自己的评论完全没有种族色彩;陪审员对种族偏见断然驳斥。

23、Antibiotic is peremptory those who became modern society popularize medicaments: Cough? ─── 抗生素俨然成了现代社会的普及药物:咳嗽了?

24、'I've been calling you for ten minutes',said Marguerite from her window in a tone that verged on the peremptory. ─── “我叫了您有十分钟了,”玛格丽特在窗口说,口气几乎有些生硬。

25、People wonders at him " barpque " act, yao Ming already whistle is loud, cast a basketball high, peremptory manner of a pair of judgment. ─── 人们纳闷于他的“怪异”举动,姚明已一声哨响,高高抛起篮球,俨然一副裁判架势。

26、However, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal assigns a peremptory period to present the evidence, the evidence shall be presented in the specific period. ─── 但受理诉愿机关限定于一定期间内提出者,应于该期间内提出。

27、Formerly there was a right to "peremptory challenge", by which a defendant could object to a juror without giving a reason, but the number of such challenges was limited. ─── 在需要实行陪审制的诉讼程序(包括民事诉讼和刑事诉讼)中,首先需要从法院所在地的地区居民中随即抽选出大批候补陪审员,组成候选陪审员团。

28、A peremptory decree. ─── 中止政令

29、a peremptory summons/order/command ─── 强制性的传票/指令/命令

30、Having checked that it was Tu Wei-yueh on the other end, he shouted one peremptory sentence into the receiver: "The factory closes down tomorrow!" ─── 他问明了是屠维岳时,就只厉声吩咐一句:“明天全厂停工

31、He had a peremptory blunt butting even bullying manner ─── 有时他神志冷峻,甚至不留情面。

32、They also speak with these friends, feed a meal to them, inquire after sb's health, such a few children exist really in peremptory life. ─── 他们也同这些朋友对话,给它们喂饭,嘘寒问暖,俨然生活中真存在这样一些小朋友。

33、Seek to make thy course regular, that men may know beforehand, what they may expect; but be not too positive and peremptory; and express thyself well, when thou digressest from thy rule. ─── 施政须力求正规,俾众知所遵循,然不可过严过死;本人如有越轨,必须善为解释。

34、He is much too peremptory to cooperate with others. ─── 他太蛮横,没法跟人合作。

35、peremptory instruction ─── 心须执行的指令

36、Suddenly there was a loud and peremptory rapping on the wall of the room next door. ─── 师傅总这么说,并带着怂恿的神情朝赵树理微笑。

37、peremptory exception ─── 完全否认诉讼原因辩护

38、The abrupt advice: "Leave your house, " hurled at Jean Valjean by a stranger, had alarmed him to the extent of rendering him peremptory . ─── 一个不认识的人突然向他提出“快搬家”的劝告,这已够使他提心吊胆,把他变成坚持己见无可通融的了。

39、Spray or oil paint like surface of mural face furniture and wall monochromatic, cooperate to coordinate with wall, peremptory a wall. ─── 壁面家具表面与墙一样喷涂或油漆成一色、与墙壁配合协调,俨然一堵墙。

40、peremptory rule ─── [法] 不可更改的法则

41、" even if the office of sea of bark of double star headquarters, peremptory also the world of a shoe. ─── 即使是双星总部汪海的办公室,也俨然一个鞋的世界。

42、peremptory nonsuit ─── 强制驳回起诉

43、He was neither overly worried nor briskly peremptory. ─── 他既不是过分地忧心,也不是盛气凛凛地专横。

44、imperious; peremptory; domineering; despotic; high-handed; bossy; overbearing ─── 专横

45、We should firmly avoid making arbitrary decisions and taking peremptory actions in violation of democratic centralism on the one hand, and weak and incompetent leadership on the other. ─── 坚决克服违反民主集中制原则的个人独断专行和软弱涣散现象。

46、spoke in commanding (or peremptory) tones; peremptory commands. ─── 以命令的口吻说话;强制命令。

47、There was a peremptory note in his voice. ─── 他说话的声音里有一种不容置辩的口气。

48、A certain number of peremptory challenges, for which no cause need to be given, may also be exercised to reject potential jurors. ─── 一,强制性的挑战需要一定数目的没有理由那么简单,也可以对拒绝潜在的陪审员。

49、Imperial orders are peremptory ─── 敕令严明

50、'I've been calling you for ten minutes, 'said Marguerite from her window in a tone that verged on the peremptory. ─── “我叫了您有十分钟了,”玛格丽特的窗口说,口气几乎有些生硬。

51、Olivia, curious to see who this peremptory messenger might be, desired he might be admitted. ─── 奥丽维娅对这个固执己见的送信人感到好奇,就吩咐叫他进来。

52、On being waked out of his sleep to read Kutuzov's cold and peremptory note, Rastoptchin felt the more irritated the more he felt himself to blame. ─── 从睡梦中被唤醒,接到库图佐夫冷冰冰的命令口吻的便笺,拉斯托普钦愈益觉得气愤,愈益感到自己不对了。

53、"His first care was given to the child; whose cries, indeed, as she lay writhing on the trundle-bed, made it of peremptory necessity to postpone all other business to the task of soothing her." ─── 他先诊视那孩子,是啊,那婴儿躺在轮床上辗转哭泣,使他不能不撇下其它,把平息她作为当务之急。

54、peremptory judgment ─── [法] 终审判决, 不能上诉的判决

55、Nowadays, alibaba is already peremptory become Chinese Internet company get military thing, and appear on the market as it, sun Zhengyi also gains profit accordingly more than a few dollars. ─── 如今,阿里巴巴已经俨然成为中国互联网企业的领军人物,而随着它的上市,孙正义也因此获利超过几十亿美元。

56、It is a peremptory point of virtue that a man's independence be secured. ─── 保持个人的独立性无疑是件好事情。

57、that men may know beforehand what they may expect: but be not too positive, and peremptory; ─── 你须要努力把你的行事之道做得很有规律,前后一致,如此他人可以知道他们可以预期什么; 但是也不要过于一定或确凿;

58、A peremptory dismissal,rebuke,shout ─── 不容分说的解雇、指责、喊叫.

59、peremptory writ ─── 强制被告出庭令

60、a peremptory challenge ─── (无需指明理由请求某一陪审员回避的)绝对回避

61、With a brief, almost peremptory gesture he pointed to a chair. ─── 用一个简短、近乎霸道的手势他指向一张椅子。

62、Peremptory Nom ─── 强制性规范

63、an autocratic person; autocratic behavior; a bossy way of ordering others around; a rather aggressive and dominating character; managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way; a swaggering peremptory manner. ─── 专制的人;专制的行为;差使别人的专横习惯;有点好斗、专横的性格;用专横、无情的方法管理职员;傲慢、专横的举止。

64、“Take it, take the child,” said Pierre, handing the child to the peasant woman, and speaking with peremptory haste. ─── “接着,接着小孩,”皮埃尔边说边把小孩递给姆妈,并用命令口吻匆忙对她说,“你交给他们,交给他们!”

65、She was the mother of two peremptory little boys ─── 她现在已是两个无法无天的小男孩的母亲。

66、While in UK, only the defense has the opportunity to make a peremptory challenge to the potential juror and arbitrarily reject a number. ─── 在英国,只有辩护方有权利对候选陪审员提出无因回避请求,拒绝一定数量的陪审员。

67、Laws and penalties are peremptory ─── 典型严明

68、His peremptory style became more understandable ─── 他的专横的作风就变得更加可以理解了。

69、Four whipping bars, ff as well as marcatissimo, put a more or less vicious and peremptory end to the phrase. ─── 四个鞭打般的小节,以带强调的最强音给乐句一个或多或少野蛮而断然的结束。

70、peremptory order [ command ] ─── 严令

71、In many other matters we seem to be practicing more democracy than before, when in fact authoritarian practices, arbitrary decisions made and peremptory actions taken by a few people or an individual are all too common. ─── 另外有许多事情,形式上似乎比过去民主,但在实际上,命令主义、少数人或个人独断专横的现象却是十分严重的。

72、His suspensions may have been ad hoc and peremptory, but he was right to think the bank should not judge its success by the sums it moves. ─── 他中止现金流的行为也许很专横,但他认为世行不应以捐助量论成功是对的。

73、a peremptory dismissal, rebuke, shout ─── 不容分说的解雇、 指责、 喊叫.

74、Developers have to do is two things, first, according to the Ministry of Construction of peremptory norms build housing, and secondly, to provide good customer service. ─── 开发商要做的就是两件事情,第一,根据建设部的强制规范建设好房屋,第二,向客户提供良好的服务。

75、in a peremptory manner ─── 态度专横地

76、They also speak with these friends, feed a meal to them, inquire after sb's health, such a few children exist really in peremptory life. ─── 他们也同这些朋友对话,给它们喂饭,嘘寒问暖,俨然生活中真存在这样一些小朋友。

77、Scarlett submitted meekly to being carried toward the carriage and also to the peremptory manner in which Uncle Peter criticized her and Prissy. ─── 思嘉乖乖地让他驮着向马车走去。 一面不声不响地听他用命令的口吻批评她和百里茜。

78、In pursuance of her father's peremptory command, Sophia now admitted Mr. Blifil's visit ─── 为了服从她父亲专断的命令,苏菲亚接见了布利非先生。

79、Something was making him nibble at the edge of stale ideas as if his sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his peremptory heart. ─── 不知什么东西在使他从陈腐的学说里摄取精神食粮,仿佛他那壮硕的体格的唯我主义已经不再能滋养他那颗唯我独尊的心了。

80、peremptory challenge ─── 不述理由而要求陪审员回避

81、His peremptory tone irritated everybody. ─── 他那专横的口气激怒了大家。

82、peremptory mandamus ─── [法] 强制履行令, 强制执行命令书

83、The abrupt advice: "Leave your house," hurled at Jean Valjean by a stranger, had alarmed him to the extent of rendering him peremptory. ─── 一个不认识的人突然向他提出“快搬家”的劝告,这已够使他提心吊胆,把他变成坚持己见无可通融的了。

84、He knows only a few words of practical, peremptory English. ─── 他只懂几句实用应急的英语最终结论。

85、His peremptory character makes people around him feel disgusted. ─── 他横蛮的性格,让周围的人感到厌恶。

86、peremptory day ─── [法] 绝对审判日

87、The officer issued peremptory commands. ─── 军官发出了不容许辩驳的命令

88、She developed a peremptory and fussy disposition. ─── 她养成了一种蛮横和过分注意细节的性格。

89、peremptory norm ─── [法] 强制规范

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