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08-18 投稿


apprise 发音


英:  美:

apprise 中文意思翻译



apprise 网络释义

vt. 通知;报告

apprise 词性/词形变化,apprise变形

动词现在分词: apprising |动词过去式: apprised |动词过去分词: apprised |动词第三人称单数: apprises |

apprise 短语词组

1、apprise sb of sth ─── 告知某人某事

2、to apprise sb of sth ─── 将(某事)通知(某人)

apprise 习惯用语

1、be apprised that... ─── 已获悉...

2、apprise sb. of ─── 告知某人某事

3、be apprised of ─── 获悉; 了解, 被告知

4、apprise sb. of sth. ─── 告知某人某事

apprise 相似词语短语

1、appraiser ─── n.鉴定人,评价人;估价官

2、appraised ─── v.评估(appraise的过去式形式);估价

3、apprised ─── v.通知;报告(apprise的过去式和过去分词)

4、appraise ─── vt.评价,鉴定;估价

5、appraisee ─── n.受评人;接受评核人员

6、appriser ─── 学习

7、apprize ─── vt.通知;报告

8、apprises ─── vt.通知;报告

9、appraises ─── 评价;估价

apprise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Apprise sb. of sth. ─── 告知某人某事

2、One should also apprise oneself of the statutory duties of a director and be satisfied that one is in a position to discharge the same before accepting the appointment. ─── 同时,也要了解接受委任后所要担负的法律责任。

3、I'm glad to apprise you that you are the winner. ─── 我很高兴地通知您,您获奖了。

4、I am very sorry to apprise you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a stomachache. ─── 很抱歉,我因患胃病今天不能到校。

5、Interface, which the runtime system subsequently calls to apprise the profiler of interesting events. ─── 接口,运行库系统随后调用它以向探查器通知感兴趣的事件。

6、I will apprise you of the situation . ─── 我将把情况告知你。

7、apprise him of my arrival ─── 通知他我已到达

8、This paper focuses on synthetically making use of the credit apprise model developed previously and making those model more applicable in practice. ─── 对于前人业已开发的信用评价模型进行综合运用,使其在实践中的运用更贴近与实际,是本文的重点。

9、The secretary came to apprise us that the erection of the monster machine had been successfully completed. ─── 秘书来通知我们说那台巨型机器已胜利安装成功。

10、13 Should it please my father to bring any injury upon you, may the LORD do thus and so to Jonathan if I do not apprise you of it and send you on your way in peace. ─── 倘若我父亲愿意加害你,我若不通知你,不放你走,使你平安离去,愿上主这样这样加倍罚我约纳堂!

11、Brocklehurst to apprise Miss Temple and the teachers of my vicious nature. ─── 而要是你继续努力,好好表现,这些感情正因为暂时的压抑,不久就会更加明显地表露出来。

12、and fall they surely would, should accident or vigilance apprise the enemy of the movement. ─── 而且,一旦发生什么意外,或是敌人察觉到他们的行动意图,那么他们肯定惨败无疑.

13、Self-worth sense is to be a guest individual in social life accepts a kind of positive feelings to know and apprise the main body of society and himself as a host. ─── 自我价值感是指个人在社会生活中,认知和评价作为客体的自我对社会主体(包括群体和他人)以及对作为主体的自我的正向的自我情感体验。

14、I need to speak to my professor and apprise him of the change. ─── 我得跟我的教授谈谈,通知他这个变更事项。

15、Units shall make their rules and regulations and material matters that have a direct bearing on the immediate interests of the laborers public to the laborers, or apprise the laborers of them. ─── 用人单位应当将直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度和重大事项决定公示,或者告知劳动者。

16、23.We have the honour to apprise you that our Mr.B. ─── 自今日起,我公司的BS先生已退出。

17、apprise of ─── vt. 报告, 通知

18、We must apprise them of the dangers that may be involved. ─── 我们必须把各种潜在危险告诉他们。

19、, Ltd. which is an Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise invested by the American Apprise Software, Inc. ─── 我们期待充满活力、肯吃苦耐劳的人士加入,为公司的成长和成功作出贡献。

20、Passepartout, not daring to apprise his master of what he heard, listened with set teeth, immovable as a statue ─── 路路通不敢把这事告诉他的主人,他象一座塑像,一动也不动,咬着牙听人家争论。

21、Interface , which the runtime system subsequently calls to apprise the profiler of interesting events . ─── 接口,运行库系统随后调用它以向探查器通知感兴趣的事件。

22、As a new business analyst and member of the Apprise Software Support Team, your first few weeks will involve extensive training. ─── 作为爱普瑞斯客户支持团队新的一员,公司将于前几周给予你广泛的专业培训。

23、My ex-husband was eager to apprise me of the fact that my thesis was appraised as worthless. ─── 我的前夫迫不及待地告诉我,我的论文被评价得一无是处。

24、Apprise Software develops markets and supports enterprise software for mid-sized consumer goods distribution companies. ─── 爱普瑞斯软件公司,以当今领先的技术,为客户提供业务解决方案和客户支持。

25、In pertaining to apprise Bush and Kerry, Wangfang said," compared with Kerry, Bush is more upright, he is a man who keeps his words.He favored Iraq war and he did launch a war. ─── 对于布什与克里的评价,王舫说,“与克里比起来,布什比较正直,敢说敢做,他赞同战争也发动了战争。

26、She came in to apprise, apprize me that my presence was required. ─── 她进来通知我需要我出面。

27、At Apprise Software, project leadership is determined by the ability of the individual, not the duration of time that they have worked with us. ─── 在爱普瑞斯,项目经理不是由工作年限来决定的,我们更看重的是个人能力。

28、However, Monte Cristo only made a sign to apprise Ali, who, understanding that danger was approaching from the other side, drew nearer to his master. ─── 但基督山却只作了一个手势通知阿里,阿里懂得危险是在从更衣室那方面过来,就向他的主人挨近一点。

29、He came to apprise us that the work had been successfully completed. ─── 他来通知我们工作已胜利完成。

30、despatch a messenger to apprise the grooms at the first station. ─── 派一个人去通知第一站的马夫。

31、He was apprise, apprized of the situation. ─── 他已获悉情况。

32、PASsepartout, not daring to apprise his mASter of what he heard, listened with set teeth, immovable AS a statue. ─── 路路通不敢把这事告诉他的主人,他象一座塑像,一动也不动,咬着牙听人家争论。

33、During the drive home from the airport, they had time to apprise her of everything that had changed since she'd been gone. ─── 从机场驱车回家的路上,他们利用这段时间告诉她自从她离开后这里的很多事情已经改变了。

34、As a new QA Analyst and member of the Apprise Software QA Team, your first few weeks will involve extensive training. ─── 作为爱普瑞斯QA团队的新一员,公司将于前几周给予你广泛的专业培训。

35、the smoke will apprise me - the report arrives too late;it lags behind the missile. ─── 且葡萄弹的烟雾会通知我,枪声比飞弹要晚出现。

36、As a new QA Analyst and member of the Apprise Software QA Team, your first few weeks will involve extensive training. ─── 作为爱普瑞斯QA团队的新一员,公司将于前几周给予你广泛的专业培训。

37、As a new member of the Apprise Software R&D Team, you will first be provided with extensive training to familiarize yourself with our software and programming language. ─── 作为爱普瑞斯研发团队新的一员,公司将于前几周给予你广泛的专业培训,让你熟悉我们的软件和编程语言。

38、She caMe. in to apprise Me. that my presence was required. ─── 她进来通知我(有事)需要我出面。

39、I shall not fail to apprise you of my arrival. ─── 我到达时一定通知你。

40、After our technicians have the damage appraised, we will apprise you the results. ─── 在我们的技术人员鑑定损失后,我们会通知你结果。

41、Considering influential factors of behavior deviation are fuzzy,fuzzy apprise principle is applied to assess behavior deviation. ─── 考虑到行为距离影响因素的模糊性,采用了模糊评价原理来对行为距离进行度量。

42、He came to apprise us that the work had been successfully completed. ─── 他来通知我们工作已胜利完成。

43、To apprise is to make information known. ─── 你把整个题目发上来吧。

44、Whatever your desired direction, it is likely that Apprise Software has a road to take you there! ─── 无论你想走什么样的职业道路,爱普瑞斯都能给你提供相应的舞台,让你实现你的梦想。

45、Apprise Software (Asia) Co., Ltd. founded in May 2007, is an company based on Nanjing Apprise software Co. ─── 爱普瑞斯软件,以当今领先的技术,为客户提供业务解决方案和客户支持。

46、She came in to apprise me that my presence was required. ─── 她进来通知我(有事)需要我出面。

47、The Study on The Quality Apprise and Analysis for The Frame of Aerial Negatives ─── 航摄底片画面质量评价与分析研究

48、He conceived that it would be fine to let that event apprise Ruth of his return. ─── 他设想最好以文章见报的方式告诉露丝他已回来了。

49、Nobody was willing to apprise the President of the great danger in which the nation stood. ─── 没有人愿意提醒总统关于国家所面临的极大危险。

50、As a concerned international citizen, I believe it is my duty to apprise you of the following. ─── 作为一个关注社会的国际公民,我觉得这是我分内的职责,让您知晓如下事宜

51、to apprise sb of sth ─── 将(某事)通知(某人)

52、As a new business analyst and member of the Apprise Software Support Team, your first few weeks will involve extensive training. ─── 作为爱普瑞斯客户支持团队新的一员,公司将于前几周给予你广泛的专业培训。

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