acuteness 发音
英:[[ə'kju:tnəs]] 美:[[ə'kju:tnəs]]
英: 美:
acuteness 中文意思翻译
acuteness 短语词组
1、acuteness wet wart ─── 尖锐湿疣
2、visual acuteness ─── 视力
3、acuteness of vision ─── [医] 视敏度
acuteness 反义词
acuteness 词性/词形变化,acuteness变形
副词: acutely |名词: acute-ness |
acuteness 同义词
gravity | keenness |ingenuity | perceptiveness | sensitivity | seriousness | severity | intensity | acuity | sharpness
acuteness 相似词语短语
1、bruteness ─── 残忍
2、astuteness ─── n.精明;机敏;狡猾
3、activeness ─── n.主观能动性;活动积极性
4、muteness ─── n.无言;哑
5、faceteness ─── 多面性
6、nasuteness ─── 鼻祖
7、cuteness ─── n.娇小可爱
8、accurateness ─── n.正确度
9、arguteness ─── 争论
acuteness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、His be ashamed into anger patted faucet with ground of firm of right hand firm, water did not come out however, but acuteness ache lets him cannot help extending the hand into the mouth, it is that right hand. ─── 他恼羞成怒用右手狠狠地拍了一下水龙头,水倒是没出来,可剧烈的疼痛让他不禁把手伸进了嘴里,是那只右手。
2、Since the establishement of the company, it has persisted in the enterprise ideology of "acuteness antecedently;innovation is always honoured; ─── 公司自创建以来,始终坚持“敏锐在先,创新为荣,科技自主”的经营理念为准则。
3、Acut pancreafitis ─── 急性胰腺炎
4、What reason can be caused acuteness have a headache? ─── 哪些原因会引起剧烈头痛?
5、As the acuteness of this remorse began to die away, it was succeeded by a sense of joy. ─── 当悔恨的剧痛终于渐渐消失,接踵而来的反而是庆幸。
6、The more I formerly admired you for your penetration and acuteness of mind, the more do I now weep for you and deplore you. ─── 我从前愈是钦佩你的洞察力和敏锐的思考能力,如今就愈是为你感到伤心和惋惜。
7、The room of dot uses the object of metallic acuteness less as far as possible, power supply cord has been jumped over lesser, had better conceal. ─── 小孩子的房间尽量少用金属尖锐的物体,电源线越少越好,最好隐藏起来。
8、The middleaged person with nicer physical strength still can play ping-pong, badminton, tennis, climb, bicycle, swim wait for an activity, but do not do acuteness exercise. ─── 体力较好的中年人还可以参加乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、爬山、自行车、游泳等活动,但不要做剧烈的运动。
9、The heartbeat when acuteness activity is added fast can achieve / cent or above 160 times, and can fall when Morpheus to 40 - 50 / cent. ─── 剧烈活动时心率增快可达到160次/分或以上,而睡眠时可降至40-50次/分。
10、acuteness in the serious period ─── 急性加重期
11、acuteness of vision ─── [医] 视敏度
12、The nerve ending of dizzy place of tit, breast is rich, sensory acumen, when producing a tit to chap, ache is acuteness. ─── 乳头、乳晕处的神经末梢丰富,感觉敏锐,发生乳头皲裂时,疼痛剧烈。
13、As soon as this was touched upon in any way she was capable of great acuteness ─── 只消触及这一点,她准变得极敏锐。
14、After rapid movement, have dinner passes, heart underside (or so both sides appears possibly) can appear similar acuteness acerbity keenly feel. ─── 在急剧的运动、用餐过后,心脏下侧(左右双方都可能出现)会出现类似的剧烈酸痛感。
15、First gear concentration is acuteness. ─── 一档集中剧烈。
16、I do not, therefore, need any penetrating acuteness in order to discern what I have to do in order that my volition may be morally good ─── 因此,我不用什么聪明才智来判断我该做什么,以便使我的意愿在道德上为善。
17、This man had exercised the office of turnkey with so much vigilance, acuteness, and fidelity, that he gradually rose to be governor. ─── 此公当看守一向谨慎小心,精明能干,忠心耿耿,因此逐步迁升为典狱。
18、Aching degree constant more acuteness, show ache, bright more painful or auger painful, the made aggravate such as rage, strong light or blare. ─── 发作时常伴有局部潮红、眼结膜充血、流泪、畏光、鼻粘膜充血、鼻塞、流涕或流涎等。
19、After feculent sexual life, sun Mou by fish " acuteness wet wart " , he feels embarrassed go to large hospital, one year many is treated in small clinic, it is good to was treated, good hair, relapse 45 times, spent more than 80000 yuan. ─── 一次不洁性生活后,孙某被查出“尖锐湿疣”,他不好意思去大医院,在小诊所治疗一年多,治了好,好了发,反复四五次,花了八万多元。
20、So how to treat acuteness wet wart? ─── 那么该如何治疗尖锐湿疣呢?
21、The rural legal dissension embodies the characteristics of complication on the objects, group on the size, diversification on the kinds and acuteness on the solving methods. ─── 它既包括社会形态的更替,又包括社会制度的转变和社会体制的变革;
22、What you say is marked with your usual acuteness and good sense ─── 你的话总是一针见血,头头是道。
23、(5) pudenda excrescence: Visible at acuteness wet wart, infectivity soft wart, pudenda is benign tumor. ─── (5)阴部赘生物:可见于尖锐湿疣、传染性软疣、阴部良性肿瘤等。
24、Other signs are inconstant, such as the presence of hollow feet, scoliosis, decrease of the auditive acuteness or diabetes. ─── 其它症候变化较多,例如足部下凹、脊柱侧凸、听觉灵敏度的减退或者糖尿病的出现。
25、After the meeting, liu Yun plaints insufficient to the query of red acuteness, but he thinks, the meaning of this dialog depends on, can discuss the value of Internet and brand from another angle. ─── 会后,刘允感叹对于丹的提问不够尖锐,但他认为,这场对话的意义在于,能够从另外一个角度来探讨互联网和品牌的价值。
26、Sight and scent became remarkably keen, while his hearing developed such acuteness that in his sleep he heard the faintest sound and knew whether it heralded peace or peril. ─── 他的视觉和嗅觉变得极为灵敏,而听觉敏锐到睡觉时也能听到最轻微的声响,辨出其中预示的吉凶。
27、If there is massagist beside you, can be replaced with sufficient ministry massager, it has two to adjust archives, first gear is gentle and demulcent; First gear concentration is acuteness. ─── 假如你身边没有按摩师,可用足部按摩器来代替,它有两个调节档,一档暖和镇痛;一档集中剧烈。
28、In an acuteness and fluctuant society, because do not hold to consult,people often is met group and cannot obtain contented, it is more important to cannot obtain happy; ─── 在一个剧烈变动的社会中,人们常常会因为把握不住参照群体而不能获得满足,进而不能获得快乐;
29、Main show is blister, debaucjed, desquamate, local acuteness Sao itchs. ─── 主要表现为水疱、糜烂、脱皮,局部有剧烈瘙痒。
30、She looked at me with a kind of fresh acuteness ─── 她又用炯炯逼人的眼光盯视着我。
31、For example, the former easily learn hydrostatics, where the premises are few, but the conclusions are so fine that only the greatest acuteness can reach them. ─── 例如,有的人很理解水的种种作用,而关于水的原则却是很少的;然而其结论又是如此之精致,那是非有极大的正确性办不到的。
32、Typical acuteness wet wart does not need lab examination to be able to make examine break commonly. ─── 典型的尖锐湿疣一般不需作实验室检查即可作出诊断。
33、He suffered much from a morBid acuteness of the senses ─── 他由于异常的神经过敏而吃了不少苦头
34、He had a narrow, clean-shaven face, with features evenly distributed and an expression of placid acuteness ─── 他那张狭长的脸刮得光溜溜的,眉宇间有一种安详而精明的神气。
35、She felt the acuteness of Hurstwood's position, and wished deeply that she could be alone with him, but she did not understand the change in Drouet. ─── 她体会到赫斯渥痛苦的处境,因此很希望自己能够单独和他在一起。可是她不理解杜洛埃身上的变化。
36、Have ruinous to verrucous body medicaments to be able to be used at the cure of acuteness wet wart. ─── 具有对疣体破坏性的药物都能用于尖锐湿疣的治疗。
37、The X-ray display and differential diagnosis of acut miliary tuberculosis of the lung ─── 急性粟粒型肺结核的X线表现及鉴别诊断
38、If the patient is given priority to with the expression of acuteness ache, anodyne of Ying Yujiang force, be like narcotic, in order to reduce its anguish. ─── 假如患者以剧烈疼痛的表现为主,应予强力镇痛剂,如麻醉药,以减少其痛苦。
39、(1) is nightly clonic acuteness Sao is urticant. ─── (1)夜间阵发性剧烈瘙痒。
40、How did acuteness wet wart have a relapse to want to treat? ─── 尖锐湿疣复发了要怎么治疗?
41、Their acuteness often surprises ─── 他们的洞察力往往令人拍案称奇。
42、Acut lung injury ─── 急性肺损伤
43、"He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses" (Edgar Allan Poe) ─── “他由于异常的神经过敏而吃了不少苦头”(埃德加·艾伦·波)
44、* is certain and venereal can do not have special symptom even, if first phase syphilis, acuteness is wet verrucous, often do not have painful without urticant, be ignored easily. ─── *某些性病甚至可以没有特殊症状,如一期梅毒、尖锐湿疣,往往无痛无痒,容易被忽视。
45、Phlogistic to dental pulp the ache that cause, anodyne has certain effect, and when ache is acuteness, the effect of anodyne is not apparent. ─── 对于牙髓炎造成的疼痛,止痛药有一定的作用,而当疼痛剧烈时,止痛药的作用就不明显了。
46、Main show is: Caboodle Mie relatively Hui thinks of? of Zou Nao confused contented cost of near modern course leads acuteness oscillation. ─── 主要表现为:远洋航线运价高位盘整,近洋航线费率剧烈振荡。
47、1 、 lumbago accompanies the vagina to bleed, and ache is acuteness, should notice to whether have stream those who produce but can, or whether ectopic pregnancy. ─── 1、腰痛伴随阴道出血,且疼痛剧烈,要注意是否有流产的可能,或是否宫外孕。
48、Abstract Acut e pancreatitis is one the common acute abdomens. ─── 急性胰腺炎为常见急腹症之一,轻重不一,从单纯性水肿型到出血坏死型。
49、Your state of mind calms basically, but the acuteness wave motion that faces prices on occasion still meets some to rise and fall, when having sheet especially. ─── 你的心态基本平静,但偶而面对行情的剧烈波动还是会有些起伏,特别是有单的时候。
50、Acuteness wet wart often needs cancer, as compressed as genital Baowenyang papule disease and disease of pearl appearance papula differentiate wet wart, false sex wet wart, genital. ─── 尖锐湿疣常需与生殖器癌、扁平湿疣、假性湿疣、生殖器鲍温样丘疹病及珍珠样丘疹病鉴别。
51、To having the old person of hypertrophy of the prostate, want to notice to maintain defecate unobstructed, avoid excessive overworked and acuteness activity. ─── 对患有前列腺肥大的老人,要注意保持大便通畅,避免过度劳累和剧烈活动。
52、If ache is acuteness, haemorrhage is more, can ask doctor processing. ─── 如果疼痛剧烈,出血较多,可请医生处理。
53、Global Revival and conflict acuteness of religion cotemporary ─── 当代全球的宗教复兴与宗教冲突的加剧
54、In the computer that this century appears and telegraphic internet network, those who opened information revolution is prelusive, will bring more acuteness change to human society. ─── 在本世纪出现的计算机和电信互联网络,揭开了信息革命的序幕,将给人类社会带来更为剧烈的变化。
55、Will tell commonly, patient of armour hepatitis or the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem hepatitis, the person that cure above of half an year can enter acuteness activity. ─── 一般来讲,甲型肝炎或戊型肝炎病人,治愈半年以上者可以参加剧烈活动。
56、acuteness of color resolution ─── 彩色分辨率[分解力]锐度
57、Is acuteness wet wart venereal? To which one division should look? ─── 尖锐湿疣是性病吗?应该到哪一科看?
58、Can consider to if aspirin, diminish inflammation is painful,use anodyne when ache is acuteness etc. ─── 在疼痛剧烈时可考虑用镇痛剂如阿斯匹林、消炎痛等。
59、(4) can undertake via diagnose hind drawing is treated, but feel namely after drawing the symptom is aggravating, aching and acuteness patient. ─── (4)经确诊后可以进行牵引治疗,但牵引后即感症状加重,疼痛剧烈的患者。
60、Is acuteness wet how to treat especially best? Some saying that use wart enlighten good some says bad, after all what medicine is best? ─── 尖锐湿尤怎么治疗最好?有的说用疣迪好有的说不好,到底什么药最好?
61、To this ill prevention and cure: Neck ministry maintains measurable pose, avoid to secure unwell head for long, avoid cervical and abrupt acuteness activity. ─── 对本病的防治:头颈部保持适度姿势,避免长时间固定不适头位,避免颈部突然剧烈活动。
62、All his motions and evolutions expressed a dry, cautious, acuteness ─── 一举一动都说明他为人刻薄、精明、小心翼翼。
63、When rheumatism breaks out, ache is acuteness, drag in whole body is articulatory, resemble by tiger bite into same, ache so that bear hard. ─── 当风湿发作时,疼痛剧烈,累及全身关节,就像被老虎咬住一样,疼得难以忍受。
64、Got acuteness wet wart to you can want a child? ─── 得了尖锐湿疣能要小孩吗?
65、The dot of my home why acuteness cough, return companion to have vomitive state, ate medicine not to see the effect, who can tell me to do? ─── 我家的小孩子为什么剧烈咳嗽,还伴有呕吐状态,吃了药都不见效果,有谁能告诉我怎么办?
66、Diagnose acuteness wet wart is how appearance? ─── 诊断尖锐湿疣是怎么样子的?
67、If the clap patient with too long wrapping incorporates at the same time acuteness wet wart, bring about acerb wet verrucous recrudesce more easily. ─── 包皮过长的淋病患者若同时合并尖锐湿疣,更容易导致尖锐湿疣复发。
68、On april 1999 two pig farms broke out an infectious disease which was charaterized by acuteness, fever,high mortality, hemorrhage of lymphatic node, kidney and spleen, ulcers of caecum and ileum. ─── 1999年5月,惠水及印江县养猪场爆发一种以急性经过、高热稽留、死亡率高、淋巴结及肾脾出血性变化显著、盲肠末端及回盲瓣附近有钮扣状溃疡等为特征的侍染病。
69、First pharynx and larynx stresses urticant feeling and calcination feeling, epigastrium calcination feels or ache, appear ever since gastroenteritis symptom, acuteness vomiting, diarrhoea. ─── 先有咽喉抓痒感及灼烧感,上腹部灼烧感或疼痛,其后出现胃肠炎症状,剧烈呕吐、腹泻。
70、Typical acuteness wet wart does not need lab examination to be able to make examine break commonly. ─── 典型的尖锐湿疣一般不需作实验室检查即可作出诊断。
71、"I am not mad," replied Faria, with that acuteness of hearing peculiar to prisoners ─── “我没有疯!”法里亚大声回答说道,他有着犯人们那特有的敏锐的听觉,把巡查员所说的每一个字都听得清清楚楚。
72、Her uncle looked at her awhile with genial acuteness ─── 姨父看了她一眼,目光显得和蔼而犀利。
73、As the acuteness of this remorse began to die away, it was succeeded by a sense of joy ─── 当悔恨的剧痛终于渐渐消失,接踵而来的反而是庆幸。
74、Additional, skull nerve and blood-vessel are passed from aperture of skull bottom bone, when nerve and hemal damage, have a headache the meeting is more acuteness. ─── 另外,颅神经和血管都从颅底骨孔通过,当神经和血管受损时,头痛会更剧烈。
75、But She said it with a hesitation that did not escape the acuteness of the child. ─── 但她说话时有点犹豫,这没有逃过孩子犀利的目光。
76、Competence at demanding skills that few can master is especially good, and competence at demanding skills that involve mental acuteness, craft, and concentration is best. ─── 具备很少人能具备的那些方面的能力尤其好,其中具备涉及脑力、技巧和专注方面能力的当然最好。
77、He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses(Edgar Allan Poe) ─── 他由于异常的神经过敏而吃了不少苦头(埃德加 艾伦 波)
78、Keywords acut lung injury;partial liquid ventilation;perfluorocarbon; ─── 关键词急性肺损伤;部分液体通气;氟碳;
79、If pathogenic bacteria noxiousness is acuteness, did not wear outwards in purulent fluid before defeating, inflammation already diffused, encroach whole eyelid board and form palpebral abscess. ─── 如果致病菌毒性剧烈,则在脓液未向外穿破前,炎症已扩散,侵犯整个睑板而形成眼睑脓肿。
80、The study of quantitative assessment about the acuteness in experiment operation ─── 实验操作敏捷性定量评价的研究
81、The medicaments of a few kinds of commonly used remedial acuteness wet wart introduces below, offer reader reference. ─── 下面介绍几种常用的治疗尖锐湿疣的药物,供读者参考。
82、There are two types of histopathological changes: chronicand acuteness. ─── 其组织病理变化可以分为慢性和急性两种类型。
83、Acuteness wet wart is the infection as a result of acerb wet verrucous virus, cause the benign proliferation of skin mucous membrane. ─── 尖锐湿疣是由于尖锐湿疣病毒的感染,导致皮肤粘膜的良性增生。
84、Keywords Receptors;peroxisome proliferators;Acut lung injury;Inflammation; ─── 受体;过氧化物酶增殖剂;急性肺损伤;炎症;
85、13. Underlying the rush overseas is the acuteness of Japan's demographic challenges. ─── 急促投资海外的根本原因是因为:日本人口上的艰钜挑战。
86、hearing acuteness ─── 听觉锐度
87、But she said it with a hesitation that did not escape the acuteness of the child. ─── 但她说话时有点犹豫,这没有逃过孩子犀利的目光。
88、Why do I often have a headache recently `` is headache slight be fond of `` to arrive to be met in the evening acuteness painful `` what reason ` ? ─── 为什么最近我老是头痛``白天是轻微的疼``到了晚上就会剧烈的痛``什么原因`?
89、How to prove oneself get acuteness wet wart? ─── 怎么才证实自己得了尖锐湿疣呢?
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