prelate 发音
英:[ˈprelət] 美:[ˈprelət]
英: 美:
prelate 中文意思翻译
prelate 网络释义
n. 高级教士;高位神职者
prelate 短语词组
1、prelate priest ─── 牧师
2、domestic prelate ─── [天主教]国内教廷(高级)神长, 廷内主教(荣誉职衔)
prelate 词性/词形变化,prelate变形
prelate 相似词语短语
1、prolate ─── adj.扁长的;扩展的
2、prelocate ─── 预定位
3、prelatize ─── vt.置于主教制管辖之下
4、prelaty ─── 保险费
5、prelatise ─── 预评级
6、prelatess ─── 高级
7、relate ─── vt.叙述;使…有联系;vi.涉及;认同;符合;与…有某种联系
8、prelature ─── n.主教;高级教士之职
9、prelates ─── n.高级教士;高位神职者
prelate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Italian-born English prelate, philosopher, and theologian who founded Scholasticism and is best known for his ontological argument for the existence of God. ─── 圣安塞姆意大利裔的英国主教,哲学家和神学家,他创立了学院哲学并以对上帝存在论的论证而闻名
2、A young lady fall in love with the estimable prelate. ─── 一个年轻女士爱上了这位可尊敬的高级教士。
3、The Order has six officials: the Prelate, the Dean, the Secretary, the Registrar, the King of Arms and the Usher. ─── 本勋章共设6位职员:高级教士、司祭长、秘书、注册官、纹章院长及传令官。
4、English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites (1427-1431) and crowned Henry VI king of France and England (1431). ─── 博福特,亨利:(1377?-1447)英国高级教士和外交家。他是罗马教皇的使节,委以肃清胡斯运动派成员(1427-1431年)的任务,并为法国和英国国王亨利六世加冕(1431年)
5、Irish prelate and scholar who devised a scheme of biblical chronology that placed the Creation in the year4004 b.c. ─── 厄舍尔,詹姆斯1581-1656爱尔兰圣分会高级教士,学者,他发明的基督教纪年中神的创造天地是在公元前4004年发生的
6、(1585-1642) French prelate and statesman; principal minister to Louis XIII. ─── (1585-1642)法国高级牧师和政治家;路易十三的首要大臣。
7、Spanish prelate and scholar, last of the Western Fathers of the Church. ─── 西班牙高级教士和学者,最后一位西方教父。
8、English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites(1427 - 1431)and crowned Henry VI king of France and England(1431. ─── 博福特,玛格丽特1441-1509英国兰开斯特王朝拥护者。通过她的儿子亨利·都铎(后来的亨利七世)和有影响的伍德维尔家的女儿伊丽莎白的婚姻,她与约克党人结成联盟
9、But neither criticism will do the 63-year-old prelate much harm in the places where he is likely to make a difference. ─── 但是两种批评都不会对这位想要有所作为的63岁高级教士有多大伤害。
10、was raised in a faint and faltering tone by those of the prelate's soldiers who had hastened, though surprised and at disadvantage, to the defence of the walls. ─── 海拉丁似乎自己也意识到他的安全发发可危,所以一走到露天底下,他便不再卖弄他习惯的那套俏皮话,似乎发誓要表现得谦卑、勇敢而又积极。
11、Then, we talk about the inside details of this new QoS model, describe the interfaces between MPLS and prelate RSVP, between MPLS and QoS routing, between MPLS and DiffServ, and so on. ─── 之后把这一QoS服务模型展开,分别阐述了MPLS如何同DiffServ的集成,MPLS如何同QoS约束路由的集成以及MPLS同轻量级rsvp的接口等。
12、domestic prelate ─── 国内高级神长
13、Saint Anselm,Italian-born English prelate,philosopher,and theologian who founded Scholasticism and is best known for his ontological argument for the existence of God. ─── 圣安塞姆,意大利裔的英国主教,哲学家和神学家,他创立了学院哲学并以对上帝存在论的论证而闻名。
14、Prelate Trainers now train the Sword Skill ─── 主教导师可以训练剑技能
15、Christian prelate and martyr who led Christians in North Africa during persecution by the Roman emperors Decius and Valerian. ─── 基督教主教和殉教者,在受罗马皇帝德西乌斯和卫莱拉迫害期间,他曾在北非领导基督教徒。
16、The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate, patron of arts in the middle ages ─── 他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。
17、He is the most senior prelate to have been linked to the scandal. ─── 他是牵涉此次丑闻中最高级别的教士。
18、Nobody is a civil Lord, a prelate or a bishop while he is in mortal sin. ─── 没有人会是一个民间的主,一个总主教或主教,而他是在大罪。
19、The office or station of a prelate. ─── 高级教士的职位或身份
20、1585-1642) French prelate and statesman; principal minister to Louis XIII. ─── 法国高级牧师和政治家;路易十三的首要大臣。
21、What have we to do with this mitred prelate,--with this crowned king? ─── 那女的舌头上夹了根劈开的小棍,她大胆放肆,摇唇鼓舌,反对教会长老,才遭此应得报应。
22、The hymn was over, the prelate had began to deliver his discourse ─── 赞美诗唱完了,主教开始布道。
23、The retired prelate told visitors that he gave his health condition "full marks" but said he felt tired as his fast entered the final day. ─── 禁食进入最后一天(十月廿一日),他告诉来访者,自己的身体状况「一百分」。
24、Do you know the name of that prelate? ─── 你知道那个高级教士的名字吗?
25、English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites(1427-1431) and crowned Henry VI king of France and England(1431). ─── 英国教士的外交家,作为罗马教庭使节反对胡斯派(1427-1431)并为亨利6世加冕。
26、English prelate who served as archbishop of Canterbury from 559 until his death and was instrumental in establishing ecclesiastical forms for the Anglican Church. ─── 帕克,马修:(504-575)英国高级教士,559年至去世曾担任坎特伯利大主教,为圣公会教堂一些教会体制的建立起了作用
27、A young lady falls in love with the estimable prelate ─── 一个年轻女士爱上了这位可尊敬的高级教士
28、Germany senior Roman Catholic prelate said the church had been blind for too long. ─── 德国高级天主教徒的叙述说,天主教缺乏判断力已经很久了。
29、"You consider, then, the situation of the worthy Prelate as being dangerous? ─── “绰号是叫长胡子威廉,或‘阿登内斯野猪’吗?”
30、British historian and prelate known for his study of the constitutional history of medieval England. ─── 斯塔布斯,威廉:(1825-1901)英国历史学家和高级教士,以他对中世纪英格兰的宪法历史研究著名
31、The Italian-born prelate is an expert in dealing with China Church affairs. ─── 这位意大利出生的牧者是中国教会专家。
32、1.Celibacy stopped churchmen from producing heirs, and the general idea was that the church lands would go back into the hands of the Church upon the death of a prelate. ─── 独身制度使得神职者不能再有后代,这也使得教会的土地在高级教士死后能够回到教会手中。
33、Prelate: n. ─── 高级教士;
34、In charge of each will be a former Anglican prelate. ─── 负责人要是曾经的圣公会高级教士。
35、The Bishop of London, a senior bishop in the Church of England, serves as the Order's Prelate. ─── 勋章的高级教士由英国圣公会内高级别的伦敦主教担任;
36、The office or station of a prelate. ─── 高级教士的职位或身份。
37、Prelate 2000 +4 bonus to self spell skills (body, mind, spirit). ─── 主教2000+4自我魔法技能。
38、Let us see therefore what he said of this prelate, and how far he said truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. ─── 因此让我们来看一看,他谈到有关这个主教的情况,看看在多大程度上他说的都是事实,决无谎言。
39、French prelate and statesman; principal minister to Louis XIII ─── 法国高级牧师和政治家;路易十三的首要大臣
40、“All we ask is to be permitted to rescue our church, but we cannot hammer a single nail,” complains Bishop Dionysios, a Greek Orthodox prelate who still conducts services there. ─── ,现如今这位希腊正教主教仍然在这里执行着传教布道的神职。
41、Decreased the recycle time on the Prelate's Saint Lorne's Ire power ─── 减少主教圣罗恩之怒的冷却时间
42、Frankish poet and prelate at the court of Charlemagne. ─── 法兰克诗人和查理曼宫廷的高级教士。
43、Italian - born missionary and prelate who introduced Christianity to southern Britain and in598was ordained as the first archbishop of Canterbury. ─── 奥古斯丁意大利裔传教士及高级教士,他将基督教义传至英国南部,并于598年被任命为坎特伯雷地区第一任大主教
44、"No," answered the Prelate, "for I have not yet told thee the terms which you demanded to hear from me. ─── “还没说完,”主教说,“我还没说出你要求我告诉你的条件。”
45、prelate nullius ─── 独立教区高级教士
46、1. Do you know the name of that prelate ? ─── 你知道那个高级教士的名字吗?
47、Cardinals elected conservative German prelate Joseph Ratzinger on Tuesday as the new leader of the Roman Catholic church. ─── 圣经有几处章节指出,人类可自由的支配地球并利用其资源;
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