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09-06 投稿


animadverting 发音


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animadverting 中文意思翻译



animadverting 词性/词形变化,animadverting变形

动词过去分词: animadverted |动词第三人称单数: animadverts |动词过去式: animadverted |动词现在分词: animadverting |

animadverting 相似词语短语

1、animadversions ─── n.批评;非难;评语

2、animal testing ─── 动物试验

3、animadverted ─── v.批评;谴责,非难;注意到

4、animadverter ─── 批判者

5、animadvert ─── v.批评;谴责,非难;注意到

6、animadversion ─── n.批评;非难;评语

7、adverting ─── n.广告(非正式);v.引起注意;提及

8、animadverters ─── 煽动者

9、animadverts ─── v.批评;谴责,非难;注意到

animadverting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Marxism philosophy contains animadverting and constructing dimensionality because of its practice by spurning metaphysics. ─── 马克思哲学拒斥形而上学的实践特质内在地含有对现代性的批判向度和建设向度。

2、Absorbing theories of main capitalist economy with a animadvert attitude values to understand capitalism well. ─── 在全球化与两制关系的新条件下,认识资本主义的发展有特殊重要的意义。

3、That is narrative.Although many critics always animadvert on Hardy"s earthliness related to "narration", narrative form is a character.And, it can embody author"s personality. ─── 虽然故事代表的通俗性常常为文人学者所不诟,但以“讲故事”的形式来叙事本身就是一种特征,是作家个性的体现,作家有权选择以何种方式来讲述故事。

4、soundly analyzing,exposing and animadverting on the reasons and phenomena of influencing administrative efficiency; ─── 充分揭露并分析批判影响行政效率的原因和现象;

5、Part four is continue present the Western Marxism"s main humanities, which include theory of association, humanities dialectic and history humanities and theory of animadvert etc. ─── 第四部分:继续阐述西方马克思主义的主要人学思想,包括交往理论、人学辩证法和历史人学以及批判理论。

6、Animadvert on Reductionism From the View of Complexity ─── 论复杂性研究对还原论的批判

7、9.Part four: Analysising the using extra culture and animadverting culture of Asturias , this part point out the confict and accommadation between mainland culture and extra culture. ─── 叶脉维管组织发育不良,导管分子数目少,木质化程度低,根尖短而细,生长点仅由少数具分生能力的细胞组成,根冠细胞大,但数量少。

8、To affirm or animadvert, to compliment or denounce, whatever happens, they after all attracted age"s sight. ─── 或肯定、或批判、或褒扬、或贬斥,无论如何,他们毕竟吸引了时代的目光。

9、The new philosophical proposition implied concern on the people's livelihood and animadverting on the political system of autarchy. ─── 这新的哲学命题中实际上蕴涵着对民生的关注和对专制政体的批判。

10、Animadverting thought is a way of thinking which is necessary for legal profession.It is also an important part of legal professional ability. ─── 摘要批判性思维是法律职业所必需的思维方式,是法律职业能力结构中的重要组成部分;

11、animadvert on his fault ─── 指出他的错误

12、"One dimensional" is the theoretical latitude Herbert Marcuse use to animadvert on toady's developed industrial society. ─── “单向度”是马尔库塞在批判当今发达工业社会的现代性中的理论维度。

13、It is the most sharp weapon of theory for ethics to rethink of and animadvert on the view of development. ─── 可持续发展伦理观是学术界在研究可持续发展和环境伦理学过程中形成的一种新型的环境伦理理论。

14、On the Research of Globalization and Anti-Globalization: Between Construction and Animadvert ─── 全球化与反全球化研究:在建构与批判之间

15、Zhang Zai's theory on "Nature" was theorized by animadverting on Buddhism and Taoism. ─── 张载在对佛老哲学进行批判的基础上阐述其对“性”的理解。

16、As yet foreign powers have not been rigorous in animadverting on us. ─── 到目前为止,外国还没有严厉的为难我们。

17、Progress of art originates from art's animadverting on itself. ─── 艺术的进步,源于艺术对自身的批判。

18、"Jian-qi" was his life engine to animadvert the society, to pursue the ideal of social reform, and to be honest and brave. ─── 堂堂的“剑气”化作批判社会、变革天下的理想抱负和刚直不阿、奋勇前行的人生动力。

19、catharsis and animadvert ─── 宣泄与批判

20、Animadvert thinking ─── 批判性思维

21、The new philosophical proposition implied concern on the people's livelihood and animadverting on the political system of autarchy. ─── 这新的哲学命题中实际上蕴涵着对民生的关注和对专制政体的批判。

22、Finally the Sino-soviet conflicts were represented according to the national benefit and the extremely animadvert. ─── 由此可见,在中苏这一特殊的同盟关系中,国家利益因素似乎变的不那么重要。

23、animadverting on the rationalism and upholding the non-rational thinking; ─── 批判理性主义而崇尚非理性思想;

24、Part one, philosophy and animadverting mode of thinking . ─── 一部分,批判的思维方式与哲学。

25、Animadvert on Neo-Cultural agent persons ─── 新文化媒介人批判

26、Historical science thinking has three levels: research history according to historical essential features、 comprehend history with historical theory and animadvert praxis with historical theory in academic level and practical level。 ─── 历史科学思维具有三个层次:按历史本来面目研究历史、将研究结果历史地理解历史、将研究结果进行对现实的理论批判和现实批判。

27、Animadvert on the Thought of Politics, Dynamic Activity and Economy-Technology ─── 政治、能动行动和经济-技术思维批判

28、Practice-animadvert theory as historical science establish itself according to animadvert the view about the independency of language of metaphysics。 ─── 实践批判理论作为历史科学还通过对形而上学的语言独立性观点的批判而确立自身的特征。

29、Animadvert on the tow consciousnesses;we will try to discuss the prospect of feminism literature. ─── 并且,借助于对这种现象的批判,本论文将试图继续探讨女性写作在“自恋”与“自虐”之后将向何处去的重大课题。

30、Proper methods should be sought to bring the animadverting thought training into the teaching system of legal profession education. ─── 应当把批评性思维训练纳入到法律职业教育教学体系之中,并且探索适当的途径和方法。

31、As an intellectual, paying attention to animadvert on the arms is as important as acting as the arm of animadverting. ─── 而知识分子本身,则不但需要充当批判的武器,也需要注重武器的批判。

32、On Marx and Angles's Animadvert to "the Genuine Socialism" ─── 试论马克思恩格斯对"真正的社会主义"的批判

33、4.Part four: Analysising the using extra culture and animadverting culture of Asturias , this part point out the confict and accommadation between mainland culture and extra culture. ─── 第四部分:分析阿斯图里亚斯对超现实主义借鉴与批判,进一步理清在拉美现代文化中所存在的本土化和世界化之间冲突与调节。

34、The animadvert on the lierator painting has been changed from painting langue to the tropism of artist"s valuepoint. ─── 随着社会的急剧发展,中国当代绘画多元发展。

35、The form of Marx's view of labor freedom was a process of gradually deepening the analyzing and animadverting on labor.Generally the process experienced three developing stages. ─── 马克思劳动自由观的形成是一个逐步深化对劳动的分析和批判的过程,大致经历了三个发展阶段。

36、Therefore, it is argued in the paper to adhere to the collectivism by reestimating and animadverting the communitarianism, but not to replace or recruit it with collectivism. ─── 站在集体主义高度审视和批判社群主义,取其精华、剔其糟粕,而不是以社群主义代替或补充集体主义,这是我们对待社群主义的唯一正确态度。

37、Psychosomatic medicine and conversion of modern medical model is a effectively animadvert on technology paramountism. ─── 二、心身医学和医学模式转换是对技术至上论的一个有力批判。

38、The animadvert on the alienation of Marx and the criticism to capitalisms things of Lucas secret of the alienation, also provide us a new view to acknowledge the limits and deficiency of modernity. ─── 马克思对异化劳动广泛、深入的批判和卢卡奇对资本主义物化现象的深刻批判,揭示了异化、物化现象的秘密,也为我们认识现代性的限制及其缺憾提供了新的维度。

39、Although they animadvert on the traditional culture, but their purpose is to protect it; ─── 虽然也批判传统文化,但这种批判是以维护为其前提的;

40、On the basis of freedom for politics and economy,neo-liberalists animadvert on the system model of centralism and national intervention,and so fight for the system of welfare state. ─── 新自由主义者以政治自由和经济自由为基本出发点,对集权主义和国家干预的制度模式进行批判,反对福利国家的福利制度。

41、Doubt and Animadvert: Inner Motive Force of Innovation of Science and Culture ─── 怀疑和批判:科学与文化创新的内推力

42、The practice of practical animadvert theory embodies the unification between subject and object and subjective tropism and actualize human society through practice. ─── 实践批判理论的主体实践是能动性主导受动性的统一,充分体现人的主体向度,不断改变实践的方式,其目的是实现人类社会即人类自由解放的社会。

43、Animadvert on West Human Living Environment Design Theory ─── 西方人居环境设计思想批判

44、Hayek formed his dualistic theory of law by animadverting on them. ─── 在对法律实证主义一元论批判的基础上,哈耶克建立了法律二元观。

45、Try to avoid the too frequent use of such Latin words as juxtaposition, animadvert, salutation, recapitulate. ─── 尽量不要经常使用这些拉丁词语,比如juxtaposition, animadvert, salutation, recapitulate。

46、With the help of such a perplexing concept, the paper tries to seek the possibility of a final animadvert on the transcendental logic in aesthetics. ─── 它包括“先验还原与文学批评”,“先验还原与艺术独创”,“先验还原与美学批判”三个章节。

47、In the midst of the aggressive animadverting, subverting and dissolving of post-modern philosophy, will subjectivity go towards dusk or twilight?What kind of subjectivity do we need? ─── 尽管这一“旧”问题在不同历史阶段的“合法性危机”中,拥有自己不断转型的“新”形态,但是随着后现代哲学咄咄逼人的批判、颠覆和解构,主体性是走向黄昏还是向黎明迈进?

48、to animadvert at length upon her faulty use of French ─── 对她法语中的错误使用多加指责

49、On Animadverting Thought and Legal Professional Education ─── 论批判性思维与法律职业教育

50、Based on the animadverting legal system of the bourgeois, Marks had put forward his forest legislation view. ─── 摘要马克思的森林立法观是在批判资产阶级法制的基础上提出的。

51、On the Inherent Logic of Practice in Practical Animadvert Theory ─── 论实践批判理论的主体实践内在逻辑

52、to animadvert on one's shortcomings ─── 揭(某人的)短

53、Zhang Zai's theory on "Nature" was theorized by animadverting on Buddhism and Taoism. ─── 张载在对佛老哲学进行批判的基础上阐述其对“性”的理解。

54、It is the greatest theoretical mistake for some critics studying Kang Youwei to identify him as a reformist and animadvert upon the great man for so long. ─── 把康有为定性为“改良主义者”并长期进行批判,是康有为研究领域最大的理论误区;

55、In this article we will discuss the cause that doubt and animadvert become inner motive force of innovation of science and culture in the dimensionality of paradigm transition, thinking fashion and mentality and emotion. ─── 本文试图从理论范式的转换、思维、心理情绪等三个维度论述怀疑和批判成为科学与文化创新的内推力的原因。

56、In 1950s the glass curtain walls were bricked as a animadvert on capitalist aesthetic. ─── 1950年代将玻璃幕墙用砖砌上以示对资本主义审美的批判;

57、It treated to the modernity of western society with animadvert spirit of Marxism, exceeded the aesthetic modernity which is based on didacticism aesthetic and German classic aesthetic, spark plugged aesthetic education. ─── 它以马克思主义的批判精神对待西方社会的现代性 ,超越西方启蒙主义美学和德国古典美学所构建的审美现代性 ,为人类的全面自由发展而倡导审美教育。

58、mass animadvert ─── 大批判

59、China Today's contemporary photography already has broken the limit of tradition and idea, all images have the value of animadverting have become part of contemporary art history date bank. ─── 今日中国的当代摄影已经打破了传统与观念的限制,一切具有批判性价值的影像都成为当代艺术史资料库中的一个组成部分。

60、Abstract: There were a tidal wave of mass animadvert on excellent music works as well as the well known musicians during the Cultural Revolution. ─── 内容提要: “文革”期间,在极左政治的严励钳制之下,音乐界出现了对中、外优秀的音乐作品和优秀的音乐家的“大批判”狂潮。

61、The second, Chen Du-xiu committed himself to animadverting connatural culture and introduction of west culture, but Du Ya-quan opposite it . ─── 二、陈独秀致力于批判中国固有文明和引进西方现代文明,杜亚泉却留恋中国固有文明而不满于西方文明的输入。

62、to animadvert on corruption ─── 对腐化现象进行谴责

63、Different from wrong conception of history, having no conception may be a new perspective of the Sino-Japan relationship. Thus, shall we animadvert on those having no conception of history? ─── 和“错误的历史观”不同,“没有历史观”或许是从另外一种观察视角下的发现。如此说来,对于“没有历史观”,是否还应一如既往地“批判”呢?

64、So we should anakyze and study his attitude on the war with animadverting attitude. ─── 对这部作品的主题和作者的战争态度应以批判的态度来分析研究。

65、For sake of teachers professional development, we should give right site to education blog.Education blog should animadvert on teachers daily life and not complain it; ─── 但是,从教师专业成长而言,还需要教师给它正确定位:批判而不是抱怨教育日常生活;

66、Keywords CBL teaching;Animadvert thinking;Construct question;Nursing education; ─── CBL教学;批判性思维;构建问题;护理教育;

67、Effective in social animadverting and aesthetic education ─── 具有社会批判力和审美教育作用

68、On young Marx's animadverting and transcending of modern western views on the human rights ─── 论青年马克思对近代西方人权观的批判与超越

69、Analyzing, animadverting and transforming "concept" to achieve their return to the reality is one of contemporary philosophy's basic tasks. ─── 分析批判改造“概念”、实现其向本体回归是当代哲学的基本任务之一。

70、Progress of art originates from art’s animadverting on itself. ─── 艺术的进步,源于艺术对自身的批判。

71、Proper methods should be sought to bring the animadverting thought training into the teaching system of legal profession education. ─── 应当把批评性思维训练纳入到法律职业教育教学体系之中,并且探索适当的途径和方法。

72、The style of gentlemen in Wei and Jin Dynasties impelled YU Da-fu to animadvert on social life or avoid the society or drink and play with prostitutes. ─── 魏晋名士风流感染郁达夫既批判现实,又避世归隐,甚至饮酒狎妓;

73、the author's improper consciousness of ugliness appreciation makes him forget to animadvert on the ugliness. ─── 作家“审丑”尺度不当,忘记了对丑的批判。

74、Based on the animadverting legal system of the bourgeois,Marks had put forward his forest legislation view. ─── 马克思的森林立法观是在批判资产阶级法制的基础上提出的。

75、The paper attempt to animadvert on those issues of indoctrination with the framework and standard of Scheffler, which had been used to analyze the educational statements. ─── 论文尝试采用谢弗勒分析教育陈述的框架和标准,对灌输言论进行系统的批判。

76、Precondition Animadvert on Building Chinese Modality of Social Science ─── 建构社会科学中国形态的前提批判

77、To sum up, this essay argues that Wittgenstein’s aesthetics thinking had the power to animadvert on and perfect traditional aesthetics. ─── 总起来看,本文认为,从理论上看,维特根斯坦的美学思想中包含了对传统美学批判和完善的力量。

78、5. Doubt and animadvert are inner motive force of innovation of science and culture. ─── 怀疑和批判是促进科学与文化不断创新的内推力。

79、animadvert on ─── 批判

80、issue of nationality animadverting is complex. ─── 国民性批判问题是复杂的。

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