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08-26 投稿


altruist 发音

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altruist 中文意思翻译



altruist 网络释义

n. 爱他主义者;利他主义者

altruist 同义词

philanthropist | do-gooder | benefactor | humanitarian

altruist 词性/词形变化,altruist变形

副词: altruistically |名词: altruist |形容词: altruistic |

altruist 反义词


altruist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、p.1 原文:...kindness, humour, heartlessness, gregarousness, altruism, motherlove and sefl-awareness. ─── 14译文:...如仁慈、幽默、冷漠、无情、合群、利他、无私、母爱以及自我意识。

2、Altruism may breed better marriages, a new study suggests. Or, the data might mean that good marriages make people more altruistic. ─── 一项新的研究显示:利他主义孕育美好的婚姻,或幸福的婚姻让人们更无私。

3、"The poor are also poorer now, so altruists can achieve more with their donation. " But as Karlan warns, not everyone is an altruist. ─── “穷人目前也变得更穷,因此利他主义者的捐助可以起到更大的作用。”但卡兰警告称,不是所有人都是利他主义者。

4、To that extent, a poor man who shares his crust with a starving friend is surely a greater altruist than either billionaire. ─── 从这种程度上讲,和这两位亿万富翁相比,与一个要饿死的朋友分享自己面包皮的穷人当然是个更伟大的利他主义者。

5、While the altruist would want the evidence, the warm-glow giver just wants to feel the connection. ─── 利他主义者希望看到证据,而“温暖的光辉”型捐助者只是想感受到那种关联。

6、Altruism: unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness ─── 利他主义,无私:对他人福利给以无私的关注;无私

7、In humans, the same primitive area of the brain stimulated by food or sex is also stimulated by acts of altruism. ─── 人类大脑中受食物和性刺激的脑区也受利他主义行为的刺激。

8、rich altruist made regular donations for homeless people. ─── 这位无私的富翁经常为无家可归的人捐款。

9、A classic example of altruism. ─── 利他主义的典型例子’。

10、Emphasize brotherhood, altruism, and compassion in our daily lives. ─── 在我们的日常生活中,强调兄弟关系、他和同情精神。

11、Make altruism and giving part of your life, and be purposeful about it. ─── 为他人着想,献出你一部分生命,过有目标的生活。

12、altruist, instead of continuing to perform selfless ACTS, will try to compel change in the offender. ─── 利他主义者不是继续进行无私的行为,而是试图强迫违反者改变。

13、I'm not buying the factory because I'm an altruist. I expect it to be making me a lot of money in a few years 'time. ─── 我购买这家工厂,不是因为我是一个利他主义者,而是因为我指望它能在几年后给我挣一大笔钱。

14、Thus, if given a choice, a female will apparently favour a brave altruist over an opportunistic risk-taker. ─── 所以,如果有机会,女性显然会偏爱一个勇敢的爱人者,而不是一个投机取巧一味冒险的(爱己者)。

15、Its “goodness” stems less from all that guff about corporate altruism than from Adam Smith's invisible hand. ─── 公司的“善举”更多的是源自亚当?斯密所谓的那只“看不见的手”,而非企业利他主义之类的空话。

16、A controersial Jesuit priest named Anthony de Mello questioned our underlying moties in doing good deeds. "Charity," he said, "is really self-interest masquerading under the form of altruism." ─── 一位有争议的名叫安东尼梅德洛耶稣教徒神父质疑我们行善的潜意识的动机。“行善”他说,“实际上是的利他式化下的自我利益形式”。

17、altruism activity ─── 利他行为

18、Egoism and Altruism ─── 利己利他

19、while primitive brain rules of altruism and empathy end up in the misfiring that cheers us in the chastened reconciliation of Shakespeare's final scene. ─── 令我们欣喜的是,最初大脑内的有关利他主义和同情的规则以失效的方式,在莎士比亚的终场中,以饱经磨难的和解结束。

20、They became aware that the late 18th-century cult of sensibility, which had championed untrammelled emotion as the fount of altruism, could easily spill over into self-indulgent histrionics; ─── 他们开始认识到,18世纪后期对敏感顶礼膜拜,将未驾驭的情感视为利他主义之源泉,却往往过于汹涌而沦为个人放纵的表演;

21、Children demand sacrifice and altruism, a long-term investment of parental time and money. ─── 养育孩子需要奉献及无私的精神,需要长期的、大量的亲情及金钱的投入。

22、Cheung Mun Yee, in her eulogy, besides highly praised Ah Mui for her contribution to the Performing Industry., she praised her for her altruism and chivalry, and contribution to the society. ─── 前广播处处长张敏仪,在致悼词时高度称赞梅艳芳除了演艺事业成功之外,还有她的真情与侠义,对社会贡献良多。

23、On Egoism and Altruism of Mahayana ─── 大乘佛教自利利他思想述评

24、Altruism runs higher among older people and those with college educations. ─── 利他性在年长的人群和大学学历人群中较强。

25、efficiency of altruism ─── 利他主义效率

26、2.Swartz was determined to make Timberland a living laboratory for an [b]altruism[/b]-driven culture without [b]torpedo[/b]ing the family business. ─── 史瓦兹决定使添柏岚成为一个活生生的实验室,在不至于摧毁家族事业的前提下,带动一种利他主义的文化。

27、An analysis of game theory on egoism and altruism--a new perspective on study of moral education in primary and middle schools ─── 利己与利他的博弈论辨析--中小学德育研究的新视角

28、sociobiology theory of altruism ─── 利他的社会生物学理论

29、Trivers, then at Harvard University, to phrase the issue in modern evolutionary terms with his theory of reciprocal altruism. ─── Trivers)才提出互惠利他理论,以现代演化生物学解释了生物的利他行为。

30、"We went into this experiment with the idea that altruism was really a function of the brain's reward systems -- altruistic people would simply find it more rewarding," he said. ─── “我们是带着利他主义的确是大脑奖励机制的一个功能的想法开始这项试验的,也就是说,利他的人们会得到(其大脑)更多的奖励。”他说。

31、The issue rather is how a favor done for another finds its way back to the original altruist. ─── 其实问题在施者的付出是不是有机会得到回报。

32、So although selfish punishment aids altruism from within a group, the model also bolsters the idea of group selection, a concept that has seen cycles of popularity in evolutionary biology. ─── 因此,尽管自私惩罚可以在群体中帮助利他主义,自私惩罚的模式也支持了群体选择的想法,这是在演化生物学中曾经数度相当风行的概念。

33、He's seeking to remind people that self-interest, not just altruism , justifies engagement abroad. ─── 他提醒人们,参与国外事务不光是为了他人的利益,也是为了自身的利益。

34、Altruism and cooperation: the strategies for existence and evolutionary approaches in organisms ─── 利他与合作:生物有机体的生存策略和进化路径

35、The bottom line, he said, is that altruism may rely on a basic understanding that others hae motiations and actions that may be similar to our own. ─── 他说,底线是利他主义可能是基于这样的基本认识:别人也有和我们自己近似的动机和行为。

36、ambition that is masked as altruism. ─── 利他主义掩盖下的野心.

37、The altruist, instead of continuing to perform selfless acts, will try to compel change in the offender. ─── 利他主义者不是继续进行无私的行为,而是试图强迫违反者改变(观念)。

38、You don't need to be a celebrity or a world-renowned altruist building schools in rural high mountain areas to make a difference. Be authentic. ─── 你无须是一位尊贵名人或者是知名的慈善家,利他主义者,你同样可以在乡村的山区建造一座学校而有所作为.我们只讲求“真实”。

39、The second form is reciprocal altruism, or “you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours”. ─── 另一种形式则是互惠型的利他行为,或称为“狼狈为奸,唯利是图”。

40、Through most of our prehistory, humans lived under conditions that would have strongly favoured the evolution of all four kinds of altruism. ─── 人类的史前阶段,生活的环境相当有利于形成以上的四种善行。

41、A Review of the Theoretical Studies on Altruist Behavior ─── 利他主义行为发展的理论研究述评

42、Theories of egoism and altruism; status of a fetus; problem of overpopulation; Judith Thomson; debate on local cases. ─── 利己主义与利他主义、胚胎的地位、人口过多的问题、汤逊、本地个案之研究。

43、Altruism: from sociobiology to social science ─── 利他主义:从社会生物学到社会科学

44、altruism strategy ─── 利他策略

45、Humans are a mix of selfishness and altruism but generally feel better working to help each other rather than to do each other down. ─── 人类是利己主义和利他主义的混合体,但通常而言,相互帮助比勾心斗角让人感觉更好。

46、3.Far from being a senseless exercise in self-deception, this purification from the dangers of wallowing in smug altruism leads to greater self-knowledge and dedication. ─── 不同于毫无意义的自欺欺人,这种使人从沉浸于自鸣得意的利他主义的危险中得到解脱的灵魂净化,能够让人更有自知之明,更加乐于奉献。

47、Partnerships: Altruism can lead to feelings of friendship, which then create reciprocity. ─── 合作伙伴关系:利他可能产生友好的感情,然后建立互惠。

48、altruism contract ─── 利他合同

49、There are also indicators that altruism has biological roots. ─── 可是也有关于利他主义具有生物学根源的证据。

50、Deposit payment into the above bank account and return the original deposit slip with this application form to your insurance broker, “Altruist Financial Group Limited”(. ─── 到以上银行帐户缴付有关保费,并将收据正本连同本投保书递交至你的保险经纪“进邦汇理有限公司”(。

51、He is no more a democrat or an altruist than Russia's prime minister, Vladimir Putin, but on his watch Tatarstan held together better and suffered fewer economic shocks than much of Russia. ─── 与俄罗斯总理普京相比,他的专制与利己毫不逊色,但在他的统治下,鞑靼斯坦在保持内部稳定和避开经济危机的冲击方面比俄罗斯大多数地方要成功。

52、Smith was careful to emphasize that individuals are motivated not by altruism but by need for the cooperation of others. ─── 史密斯小心地强调,个人的动机是需要别人合作而不是利他主义所驱动的。

53、Behaviorists often reduce what we call empathy to a mercantile business known as reciprocal altruism. ─── 原来这是因为我们的”移情“在行为学者看来只是一种”重商“的东西:相互利用。

54、Wanting so much to be helpful, they may chronically subordinate their own needs to the needs of others, going beyond loving sacrifice or healthy altruism into servitude. ─── 他们是那么的乐意帮助他人,他们可能长期的为了别人的需求而轻视自己的需求,超过了爱心的奉献或健康的利他,而变为被奴役。

55、Altruism: giving things away with no certain return is odd behaviour in evolutionary terms. It may help with group bonding or simply give pleasure. ─── 利他行为:从进化角度上看,一味给予而不求回报是件怪事。这可能对团队融合有益或纯粹出于高兴。

56、A Review of the Theoretical Studies on Altruist Behavior ─── 利他主义行为发展的理论研究述评

57、You must find that central standard of altruism which can be responsible for history, which possesses the value of the whole, and which pursues the universe. ─── 你们必须找到那个能为历史负责的无私的中心标准,那个标准拥有全体的价值,且那是追寻天宙的标准。

58、The Altruist in Politics ─── n. 《政治中的利他主义者》,本杰明·卡多佐(Benjamin Cardozo)著

59、reciprocal altruism ─── 互利主义

60、Altruism is a rather new word for unselfishness, coined by 19th century humanist philosopher Auguste Comte as an alternative to egoism, which means putting oneself above all else. ─── 利他主义相对自私自利主义来说是个新词儿,由19世纪人文主义哲学家奥格斯特伯爵做为对利已主义(一种将自己的利益高高置上的主义)之外的一种选择提出来。

61、Basically, communitarianism encourages the general public to participate in public affairs and to cultivate the sense of community through the promotion of altruism, fraternity, and service. ─── 基本上,社区主义是指经由鼓励公民参与公共事务,透过利他、博爱、服务等精神的发扬,积极培养社区意识。

62、Next his team hopes to test children, and find out how and when altruism develops. ─── 下一步,他的团队希望测试儿童,试图发现利他主义行为是从何时、如何发展的。

63、Reciprocal altruism means unselfishness based on giving and sending back in reciprocation. ─── 互惠利他理论的实质内涵是以回报为基础的利他互惠。

64、The Research on Altruism and the Management Model in Family Business ─── 利他主义与家族式中小企业管理模式研究

65、(2) Intrinsic reward and altruism will make individuals share knowledge in high frequency. ─── 内在报酬、利他主义才会对知识共享产生持久的激励作用;

66、We see it in the growing altruism of Trade Unionism ─── 从工会主义日益增长的利他精神即可见一斑。

67、A strong hand had to bring forth political altruism, whatever the tone of economics. ─── 不管经济体制如何,必须有强权推行政治利他主义。

68、Keywords altruism;sociobiology;kin selection;reciprocal altruism;paradigm; ─── 利他主义;社会生物学;亲族选择;互惠利他主义;范式;

69、Understanding the Relationship Between Egoism and Altruism from the Viewpoint of Moral Subject ─── 从道德主体出发来理解利己与利他的关系

70、Economic Analysis of Resources Allocation Within the Framework of Intergenerational Altruism ─── 代际利他下资源分配的经济学分析

71、Keywords Founding family business (FFB);No-Founding family business (N-FFB);Two sides-three layers principal-agent problem;Altruism;Owner's authority;Pyramid-controlling structure; ─── 创业型家族企业(FFB);非创业型家族企业(N-FFB);“双重三层”;委托代理问题;利他主义;业主权威;金字塔控制结构;

72、A discrimination Between Altruism and Egoism ─── 利他主义与利己主义辨析

73、Whatever, altruism and happiness seem to go together in the realm of love. ─── 不管怎样,在爱的世界里无私和幸福似乎是不可分割的.

74、His sense of altruism is touching. ─── 他舍己为人的精神令人感动。

75、Ambitionthat is masked as altruism. ─── 利他主义掩盖下的野心。

76、His altruism won the neighbors' respect. ─── 他那利他的行为赢得了邻居的尊敬。

77、She was a fierce opponent of all forms of collectivism and statism, including fascism, communism, and the welfare state, and promoted ethical egoism while condemning altruism. ─── 她是所有形式的集体主义和国家统制,包括法西斯主义,共产主义和福利国家的激烈反对者,极力主张道德的利己主义并谴责利他主义。

78、Nowadays, our culture disvalues liberal education, is skeptical of virtue, and, in particular, glorifies self-aggrandizement over altruism. ─── 如今的教育忽视通识教育,对注重美德不敢苟同,还尤其推崇自私自利的扩张主义,而置利他主义于不顾。

79、Anonymity is the truest expression of altruism. ─── 不记名是利他主义最真的表现。

80、statement of altruism contract ─── 利他合同说

81、But the recipients of their largesse are unlikely to care if the donors are motivated by altruism, public relations or a guilty conscience. ─── 但不论捐赠者是因为利他主义的动机,还是因为公共关系的需要,或者是良心的愧疚而捐赠,对于受赠者来说,这一切都无所谓。

82、kin altruism ─── 亲缘利他

83、A New Exploration on Altruism ─── 利他主义新探

84、Quote the name of employed person(s) on the back of the cheque(s) and returns it with application form to your insurance broker, “Altruist Financial Group Limited”*. ─── 列出受雇人仕名称于支票背后并将支票连同投保书递交至你的保险经纪“进邦汇理有限公司”*。

85、It is the also the vibration of altruism that causes humans to veil their real self out of the belief that it is not perfect enough. ─── 也就是利他主义的振动导致人类遮蔽自己在信仰里显得不够完美的真实自我。

86、Sympathy motivates altruism in relation to the plight of the recipient. ─── 同情心考虑接受者的困境,激励利他行为的产生。

87、The Progress on Altruism Research of Animals and Its Debate ─── 动物利他行为的研究进展及争鸣

88、In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters, it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish "cheaters". ─── 为了使利他主义者不被非互惠者们利用,可以预期,互惠利他主义只能在查明和惩罚“骗子”的机制都存在的情况下发生。

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