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08-10 投稿


passively 发音

英:[ˈpæsɪvli]  美:[ˈpæsɪvli]

英:  美:

passively 中文意思翻译



passively 同义词

inertly | reflexively | impassively | inactively

passively 短语词组

1、passively defined ─── 被动定义

2、passively definition ─── 被动定义

3、passively aggressively ─── 被动地

4、passively suicidal definition ─── 被动自杀定义

5、passively syn ─── 被动同步

6、passively listening ─── 被动地倾听

7、passively define ─── 被动定义

passively 反义词


passively 相似词语短语

1、passives ─── n.被动者(passive的复数形式)

2、caressively ─── 爱抚地

3、expansively ─── adv.辽阔地;可扩张地

4、passivity ─── n.被动性;被动结构;无抵抗

5、impassively ─── adv.无感情地;缺乏热情;冷淡,冷漠

6、passingly ─── adv.顺便;附带地

7、pensively ─── adv.焦虑地;沉思地

8、massively ─── adv.大量地;沉重地;庄严地

9、passive ─── adj.被动的,消极的;被动语态的;n.被动语态

passively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You get out of the magical thinking of waiting passively for a miracle to happen. ─── 你就避免了消极地等待奇迹出现的白日梦。

2、Level 3- Passively increases Kardel's range by 165. ─── 三级-被动地增加狙击手的步枪165的射程。

3、You can wait passively for another moment to arrive. ─── 可以被动等待另一个瞬间。

4、It passively accepts what is put before it,it wallows in ways to make time pass----hours of sitting before the television or in aimless puttering. ─── 人们被动地混日子,消极地消磨时间----连续几小时坐在电视前或盲无目的地乱转。

5、This mild agreement can actually be used to passively disagree if you put enough reluctance in your voice. ─── 如果你的口气表现得十分勉强,这个委婉的同意实际上可以用来表示消极的不同意。

6、In short, a lot of television usurps one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it. ─── 即使是我们中间那些最迟钝、最没有天才的人也能做出一些事来,而这些事使那些从来不在任何事情上专心致志的人感到像是奇迹一般。

7、Self-starting Passively Mode-locked Er~(3+)-doped Fiber Lasers ─── 亚皮秒自起振被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器

8、It is helpful not to judge your reactions, but see them passively, as if unable to bring into action the faculty of discrimination. ─── 不去评判你的感觉,而是被动的观看它,仿佛你没有能力调动自己的分辨力,这个态度是有帮助的。

9、SNP inhibits the proliferation of passively sensitized HASMCs and induces apoptosis of passively sensitized HASMCs,which may be related to treatment of airway remodeling in asthma. ─── SNP能抑制被动致敏的HASMCs的增殖,并且能诱导被动致敏的HASMCs凋亡,这种作用可能与治疗哮喘患者的气道重建有关。

10、Level 3 - Passively increases nearby friendly units' attack speed by 20%. ─── 三级-被动地提升周围友方单位20%的攻击速度。

11、Carrie heard this passively. ─── "嘉莉听着他说,没有提出反对。

12、Meanwhile, the prairie of Mongolia people used means to produce major change, from aleatoric nomadism, get used to prairie zoology passively, transfer to transform a prairie artificially. ─── 与此同时,蒙古人民的草原利用方式发生了重大改变,从任意游牧,被动地适应草原生态,过渡到人为地改造草原。

13、While you're passively standing there moping; ─── 在你被动、忧郁地站在那里的时候;

14、Her defeat had proven the woman passively with submitted to the status at that time the society, as well as is restrained the father despotism fact. ─── 她的失败证明了妇女在当时社会中的被动与屈从地位,以及受制于父性专权的事实。

15、Object itself spawns no threads; instead, it passively responds to ─── 对象本身不生成任何线程,而是被动地响应来自许多可能的客户端线程的

16、Hollywood studios now understand that fans are not content to sit and passively absorb stories, and that they can wreck a film's prospects if affronted. ─── 好莱坞公司现在知道了,影迷不会仅仅满足于坐享其成,冒犯了他们,整个影片的前景可能就会毁于一旦。

17、Influence of energy-transfer upconversion (ETU) effect on the output pulse in d iode-pumped Cr:YAG passively Q-switched lasers is investigated. ─── 分析和报道了受激粒子能量上转换 (ETU)效应对Cr:YAG被动调QNd :YAG Nd :YVO4激光器的输出脉冲影响研究 .

18、As a passively managed bond fund, the management fee and expense ratio of the PAIF are substantially lower than those of actively managed funds. ─── 作为一种被动式管理的债券基金,它的管理费及开支比率远低于主动式管理的基金。

19、People do not merely passively respond to the world. ─── 人们不只是被动地对外部世界做出反应。

20、We are all having a smoke in fact every day , are to have a smoke passively. ─── 其实我们每天都在吸烟,是被动地吸烟。

21、It's assumed the viewer just passively watches it and then unthinkingly apes the attitudes and behavior on the show. ─── 这是在假设观众仅是被动地去看它,然后不假思索地模仿演出里的态度与行为。

22、It is better for us to go into action now and take the enemy by surprise, rather than wait passively until the enemy comes and seizes us. ─── 与其坐以待毙,不如先下手打他个措手不及。

23、Passively reduces the cost in power points of all nature spells. ─── 减少自然符咒的施法时间。

24、In no case will they look on passively ─── 他们决不会在一边看热闹。

25、"That is a bay, a king's bay, which waits passively for the king to boat on it, or swim in it. ─── “那是海湾,国王的海湾,顺从地等着国王在里面滑船,或是游泳。

26、People absorb information both actively and passively. ─── 人们吸收信息的方式既有积极的,也有消极的。

27、Besides, "the what learned special field off-focal business or been short of job skill " people approaches 1/5 , they become the NEET member of race relatively passively. ─── 另外,“所学专业冷门或缺乏职业技能”的人接近 1/5,他们相对被动地成为NEET族成员。

28、By using a Cr4+:YAG chip in the laser cavity as a saturable absorber, a laser diode continuously pumped Nd: YVO4 laser is passively Q- switched for the first time. ─── 在Nd:YVO4激光谐振腔内采用Cr4+:YAG作为饱和吸收体,实现了激光二极管连续泵浦Nd:YVO4高重复率被动调Q激光运转。

29、Level 2 - Passively increases nearby friendly units' attack speed by 15%. ─── 二级-被动地提升周围友方单位15%的攻击速度。

30、It does not mean to passively put up with whatever situation you find yourself in and to do nothing about it. ─── 它不表示消极地忍受任何你正处于的情况,毫不作为。

31、The corporate, which used to passively adapt to the environment, tends to respond actively to the important social issues and key stakeholders. ─── 与过去企业被动地适应环境不同,今天的企业越来越倾向于对重要的社会事项和关键利益相关者作出反应。

32、Also the ways child adopts to solve conflict himself and authority are highly correlated to his age, from passively accepting authority regulation to actively negotiating with authority, at the end ,firmly insisting his own interest. ─── 儿童与权威发生矛盾时所运用的解决方式与年龄发展密切相关,随年龄增高儿童由被动接受权威规则发展到主动与权威进行意见协商或坚持自己在权威关系中是利益。

33、As a physical barrier, the FG-Nups would interact to form a gelatinous meshwork through which only small molecules could passively diffuse (14). ─── 如果是一个物理屏障,FG-核空蛋白相互作用形成一个胶质的网状结构,只有小分子物质能够通过它被动扩散。

34、They stand around on the sidelines passively watching everyone else having fun playing the other roles. ─── 他们被动地站在旁边,看着别人扮演这其它的角色。

35、They are made in a variety of organs, such as young leaves, embryos, and roots, and move passively throughout the plant. ─── 他们在植物体内的许多组织内例如叶子,胚芽和根部被生产出来,并且在整个植物体内被动的移动。

36、Instead of working hard to create some chances, these people wait passively for the arrival of success. ─── 这些人不努力工作去创造机会,而是消极地等待着成功的到来。

37、Sadly, most enterprises are passively involved in this war without guns, and many key positions in the various enterprises watched wastage and no trick back days. ─── 可悲的是,大部分企业都是被动地卷入这场没有硝烟的战争的,而且诸多企业眼睁睁看着各个关键岗位的人才流失而回天无术。

38、Whether the Bill will be passed now or in five years time we shall adjust ourselves passively. ─── 不论现在或五年后通过法例,我们都祇会被动配合。

39、The next best thing is to passively eavesdrop.After that, perform traffic analysis: analyze the characteristics of communications. ─── 其次则是,采取被动地窃听方式,然后做电信与通讯的特性分析。

40、Level 1 - Passively increases nearby friendly units' attack speed by 5%. ─── 一级-被动地提升周围友方单位5%的攻击速度。

41、The next one questions that and looks at passive nature, or passively trying to have reconfiguration programmability. ─── 下一个问题是看看被动性,或被动地尝试让重组具有可编程性。

42、If a journey is the road to choose positively or guide passively,then it should also bear other implied meaning. ─── 如果任何一段旅程,都是一条主动选择或被动带领的道路,那么它应该还承担其他的寓意。

43、suffer without protest; suffer or endure passively. ─── 不反抗地容忍;被动地承受或容忍。

44、"Wanting to be like a princess is not about passively waiting for your prince to come rescue you, " she says. ─── “想当公主,并不意味着要被动地等待王子来拯救自己,”她说。

45、The key to expressing anger healthfully is to do it assertively; not aggressively or passively. ─── 健康表达愤怒的方式是带主见而不是带攻击性或被动地表达。

46、Level 2- Passively increases Kardel's range by 110. ─── 二级被动地增加狙击手的步枪110的射程。

47、The female superior's characteristic is the male is in passively, the female is in initiative, has increased the fresh idea for the sex life. ─── 女上位的特点是男性处于被动,女性处于主动,为性生活增添了新意。

48、Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor. ─── 他们不是主动寻求提高口语的机会,而是被动等待机会的到来,同时疑惑为什么他们的英语还是很差。

49、Using radioactively labeled elements he demonstrated that the region of maximum absorption of water is a few centimeters behind the root tip and that quantities of minerals are absorbed passively in the transpiration stream. ─── 利用放射性标记元素证明了水分吸收的主要部位在根尖以上几厘米,矿物质随蒸腾作用被动的吸收入植物体内。

50、The Ent was passively joined the war, but they are the real lionhearted soldiers. ─── 在战争不可避免的情况下,他们的出现是将会改变整个战争历史上的状况的。

51、He sat there passively, content to wait for his father to make the opening move. ─── 他被动地坐在那里,心满意足地等着他父亲走第一步棋。

52、What mainly goes up, therefore, is not the core network but the number of casual contacts that people track more passively. ─── 因此,数量上升的并非核心网络,而是偶尔联系、被动关注的好友。

53、In the face of dangers, it is better for one to take positiveactionsagainst them rather than wait passively for one's end. ─── 在危险面前,与其坐以待毙,不如采取针锋相对的行动。

54、The animal struggles for a while and then floats passively (the forced swim test). ─── 动物挣扎一会儿,而后顺从地漂浮(强迫游泳实验)。

55、Rather than passively listening to music, Rauscher advocates putting an instrument into the hands of a youngster to raise intelligence. ─── 劳舍尔主张让孩子亲手演奏乐器来提高智力,而不是被动地听音乐。她引用了1997年在洛杉矶的加州大学进行的一项研究来作为例证。

56、Mathematical models of passively controlled anti rolling tank are developed by adopting two side valves control and one side valve control respectively. ─── 基于查德惠克被动式减摇水舱理论,分别建立了单侧气阀和两侧气阀控制的可控被动式减摇水舱系统数学模型。

57、Mainly used evaporate passively to improve the thermal environment of the tents. ─── 利用水分蒸发吸收大量汽化潜热的特性来改善帐篷的热环境。

58、A anti?resonant ring(ARR) was introduced to a conventional passively Q?switched laser. ─── 在普通被动调Q激光器中引入抗共振环(ARR)结构。

59、The guidance of furniture is such a fashion that what "KASDIA" adores is not to passively follow the trends but to improve and create a new fashion with strategically advantageous point. ─── 家具的主旨是时尚,而KASDIA崇尚的时尚并不是被动的跟着潮流走,而是高屋建瓴不断地改良和创造时尚。自公司始创以来,其工作重心一直致力于产品的设计、选材及手工上。

60、This inner city terrace in Sydney uses an upward raked eave to passively shade highlight windows. ─── 在悉尼内城的屋顶,用上仰式的屋檐间接的遮挡了太阳辐射强烈的窗户。

61、The mathematical model of passively controlled anti-rolling tank is set up based on theories of U-type passive anti-rolling tank. ─── 在查德惠克U型被动式减摇水舱理论的基础上,建立了“船舶-可控被动式减摇水舱”系统的数学模型。

62、"Yes; we must put the madman with the madmen." The soldiers seized Dants, who followed passively ─── 士兵们过来抓住了唐太斯的胳膊,唐太斯已经陷入一种虚弱的状态,毫不反抗地随着他们去了。

63、It automates the steps necessary to connect the IPC endpoint passively and create/activate its associated service handler. ─── 他自动执行被动连接到IPC对端必须的步骤和创建激活他相关的服务处理器。

64、Taking the crash into account, the oil fund's performance was essentially indistinguishable from that of a passively managed index fund. ─── 把危机的原因考虑在内,石油基金的表现从本质上来看与被动的指数基金并无差别。

65、They were at first grudgingly and later passively accepted. ─── 他们起先是不情愿地,后来是消极地接受了。

66、Passively speaking, the modern media squeezes the space of personal lives, makes culture public and worldly and bourgeois. ─── 从消极方面来理解,公共媒体是对私人生活空间的挤压,并且使文化公共化、世俗化和平庸化。

67、So, again for the time being, if there is further inflow, you will see us buying US dollars and increasing the Aggregate Balance passively. ─── 因此,若现时再有资金流入,金管局将会继续被动地买入美元及扩大总结馀。

68、I also wasn't clued into the fact that I never really tried to go after girls, and instead passively waited for them to come into my life. ─── 我也意识到我并没有试着去追求过哪个女孩,而只是被动地等待她们进入我的生活。

69、To take care of marital interest, I just am being dealt with passively, resemble wooden image sometimes same, without the feeling of the least bit joy. ─── 为了照顾丈夫的兴趣,我只是被动地应付着,有时就像木偶一样,没有半点快乐的感觉。

70、Widely Tunable Self-starting Passively Mode-locked Er-doped Fiber Laser ─── 宽可调谐自起振被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器

71、It is possible to argue and negotiate with the government rather than to acquiesce passively in its policies ─── 人们有可能同政府争辩谈判,而不必俯首贴耳地接受他们的政策。

72、[Tw no passiv]decide(to do one thing rather than another) ─── [不用于被动语态],决定(做一事而不做另一事)

73、Thus, Chinese learners receive this language passively for a certain purpose. ─── 因此中国学习者为了某种特定的目的,被动地接受这个语言;

74、Floating in water, the human body becomes passively stable, and postural control is no longer an issue. ─── 在水中,人体的稳定处于被动状态,不再需要靠自己维持姿势。

75、The passively controlled anti-rolling tank is one of the most popular stabilization equipments,and the control rule is the key factor of its stabilization effect. ─── 可控被动式减摇水舱是世界上成功使用的减摇装置之一,气阀控制规律是决定可控被动式减摇水舱减摇效果的关键因素。

76、It is helpful not to judge your reactions, but see them passively, as if unable to bring into action the faculty of discrimination. ─── 不去评判你的感觉,而是被动的观看它,仿佛你没有能力调动自己的分辨力,这个态度是有帮助的。


78、In these enemy characteristics pessimists may and a basis for the theory of national subjugation, and passively minded military men a basis for opposition to war of annihilation. ─── 在这里,悲观主义者可以据之引向亡国论,消极的军事家又可以据之反对歼灭战。

79、The major characters in the novel, either crazy about power-seeking or lost in self-effacement to resist the power passively, all ended in tragedy. ─── 小说中的人物,或因追逐权力而疯狂,或用消极对抗以虚无自我从而粉碎权力可操纵的对象,但结局都是悲剧性的;

80、Therefore, it innately has great control over mana and can passively restore it's own mana pool as it casts spells, restoring the mana pools of it's allies in the process. ─── 因此,它天生就有强大的魔法控制力,可以在施法的时候恢复它和它盟友的法力。

81、Your relay will passively estimate and advertise its recent bandwidth capacity, so high-bandwidth relays will attract more users than low-bandwidth ones. ─── 你的中继将定期估计并公布它最近的带宽,高带宽的中继将因此吸引更多的用户。

82、He/she has exhibited problem-solving intelligence rather than passively waiting for an answer to drop from on high. ─── 他表现出了解决问题的能力,而不是坐等天上掉答案。

83、At the same time, one shouldn't passively acquiesce to the future and what it holds. Simply doing nothing does not avoid risk, but heightens it. ─── 同时,一个人也不应该对未来以及它将带来的后果被动地默认。什么都不做不但不能避免风险,反而是增高风险。

84、Internet has been attacked by more and more intruders and worms, network security technologies like firewall and intrusion detection system can only respond to the intrusion passively. ─── 互连网络受到越来越多的入侵者和蠕虫攻击,防火墙与入侵检测等网络安全技术只能被动的响应入侵行为。

85、Instead of putting it off and hastening along, she yielded herself up to the pull, and stood passively still. ─── 她并没把棘树用手摘开,往前快快走去,却就着棘树这一拉的劲儿,索性就老老实实地站住了。

86、They served him passively and if obedience consisted in disappearing, they disappeared. ─── 她们被动地服侍着他,如果为了服从,应当退避,她们便退避。

87、The sense of position of a joint was actively and passively measured using a Biodex system 3 isokinetic dynamometer. ─── 以单因子变异数分析,分析三组受试者主动关节复位测试的平均绝对误差。

88、The Research on Diode-pumped cw Passively Q-switched Nd:GdVO_4 Lasers ─── 全固态Nd:GdVO_4连续波被动调Q激光器的研究

89、It is the process of detecting faults in a system under scrutiny by passively observing its input/output behavior during its normal operations. ─── 它通过被动的观察被监测的程序在正常操作过程中的输入输出行为,来发现系统中存在的错误。

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