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08-15 投稿


pleasingly 发音


英:  美:

pleasingly 中文意思翻译



pleasingly 反义词


pleasingly 短语词组

1、pleasingly affectionate ─── 温柔

2、pleasingly plump ─── 令人愉快的丰满

3、pleasingly affection ─── 愉快的感情

4、pleasingly fragrant ─── 香喷喷

pleasingly 词性/词形变化,pleasingly变形

名词: pleasingness |副词: pleasingly |

pleasingly 同义词

attractive | amiable | nice | luscious |pleasant | favorable | satisfying | easeful | agreeable | absorbing | lovely | desirable | pretty | entertaining | adorable | enjoyable | flavorful | satisfactory | charming | fair | beautiful | comely | good-looking | pleasurable | accommodating | delightful | acceptable | gratifying | congenial | enviable

pleasingly 相似词语短语

1、bleatingly ─── 凄凉地

2、pleasing ─── adj.令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的;合意的;v.取悦(please的现在分词)

3、leadingly ─── 领导

4、gleamingly ─── adv.隐约可见地;若隐若现地

5、unpleasingly ─── 不愉快的

6、pressingly ─── adv.强求地;恳切地;固执地

7、appeasingly ─── 貌似地

8、pleadingly ─── adv.诉愿地;祈求地

9、pleasantly ─── adv.愉快地;和蔼地,亲切地;友好地

pleasingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The only arguable plea for capital punishment is the right of society to retribution in this world with the prospect. ─── 可为死刑申辩的唯一辩词在于:由于来世可以重生,社会有权在今世报应。

2、He is a warm-hearted man, responding to every plea. ─── 他是个热心人,有求必应。

3、Your testimony will support his plea of innocence. ─── 你的证言将证实他的无罪抗辩。

4、The plea of Force Majeure may never be invoked. ─── 不得以不可抗力为由进行抗辩。

5、Their pleas for basic medical equipment and improved care have long fallen on deaf ears. ─── 他们对提供基本医疗器材和改进医疗服务的呼吁一直未受理会。

6、They made a desperate plea for help. ─── 他们不顾一切地恳求帮助。

7、Foreign journalists (despite pleas for access) have been shut out altogether. ─── 外国记者基本都被拒之门外。

8、Movies are pleasingly arranged, face-out style, on a virtual bookshelf. ─── 电影用让人喜欢的方式,面朝上的放在一个虚拟的书架上。

9、If you want to open the window, pleas go ahead. ─── 如果你想开窗户,那就开吧!

10、Don't make me lie to my husband was her unspoken plea. ─── “不要逼我对丈夫撒谎”其实是她没有道出的恳求。

11、It can be a cry, a plea, a verbal flag ("Pay attention to me! ─── 它可以代替哭泣、代替恳求,它是用语言摇动着的一面旗----“请你听我说!”

12、He was charged with murder, but got off on a plea of insanity. ─── 他被指控犯了谋杀罪,但以精神错乱为由逃过惩罚。

13、Pleas,turn off your TV because we speat too much time on it. ─── 关掉电视吧!因为它占掉我们太多时问了。

14、Pray for our Mission Department leader Dr. Tung and plea the God give us the mind for outreach Gospel mission. ─── 为本教会宣教部门负责人董医师祷告,也求神将向外传福音的心意,放在弟兄姊妹心中。

15、Pleas contact Housekeeping if there is any problem with the hair dryer in your washroom. ─── 客房的浴室备有吹风筒,如有问题请与客房中心联系。

16、And here it is hot but pleasingly so, as a friendly wind is usually puffing our sail and cooling us as well. ─── 这儿的天气也很热,但是还好有风能吹动我们的船帆,并给我们带来凉爽。

17、Hence his focus on tough penalties for corrupt businessmen and his plea for higher ethical standards. ─── 因此,他关注的是对腐败企业实施严厉惩罚,并且呼吁提高道德标准。

18、Ended his plea on a note of despair; a note of gaiety in her manner. ─── 在绝望的声调中结束了他的请求;她举止中透露出欢快的情绪

19、A pleading made by a plaintiff in reply to the defendant's plea or answer. ─── 原告驳复被告申诉或答复的辩护。

20、Katanga and Chui will be asked to enter their pleas on Tuesday. ─── 加丹加和翠即将在周二被传唤入庭答辩。

21、She beleaguered him with pleas for forgiveness. ─── 她缠着他要求宽恕。

22、Please stop arguing Plea the year. ─── 同我一起唱,为岁月而歌!

23、Pleas don't go to any trouble to give us special meals or anything. ─── 不要特意为我们做专门的饭菜或者其它什么的。

24、Everybody signed on the plea letter,expect building a new school in our town. ─── 大家在致市长的请愿书上签了名,要求在我们村里办一所新学校。

25、She made an impassioned plea for justice. ─── 她激昂地抗辩,恳求获得公正。

26、His plea unimpressed the vast majority of shareholders present. ─── 他的请求未能使在场的大多数股东动心。

27、The counsel for the plaintiff closed his case with a plea for damages. ─── 原告律师用提出赔偿损失费来结束。

28、Their pleas unsteel his heart. ─── 他们的恳求使他心软。

29、The nymph continued her flight with his plea half uttered. ─── 他的恳求还没有说完,少女已经跑远了。

30、She leave the party on the plea of a headache. ─── 她藉口头疼离开了晚会。

31、Read of the indictment to the accused and hearing his plea. ─── 向刑事案被告宣读起诉书并听取他的答辩。

32、Last month I got a perm. Now, I'd like it straightened pleas. ─── 上个月我烫了头发,现在我想把它弄直,谢谢。

33、The prisoner made a plea for mercy. ─── 囚犯恳求宽恕。

34、In many cases the troops had yield to these desperate pleas. ─── 在许多情况下,部队同意了这些铤而走险的请求。

35、The President brushed off their pleas for him to reconsider his decision. ─── 他们请总统重新考虑已经做出的决定,但他拒绝了他们的请求。

36、He reached a plea bargain with the authorities. ─── 他与当局达成了辩诉交易。

37、More pleasingly still, the first images it sent back could have come out of a geography textbook's chapter on arctic terrain. ─── 更加高兴的是,在其发回的第一个图片中的影像仿佛就像是来自地理书中北极圈图片一样。

38、Our aim is to make your stay ion Guangzhou acom fortable and pleas ant one. ─── 3、提供免费停车场。

39、When she saw that her pleas were disregarded, her voice trailed off in sobs. ─── 她发现她的要求被置之不理时,便呜咽起来,再也说不下去了。

40、Impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason;stubbornly unyielding. ─── 固执的,不动摇的,坚强的对托辞、恳求或理由无动于衷的;绝不让步的

41、Physical education advocates made a plea: Why not dedicate the time to physical instruction? ─── 体育倡导者们提出了一个请求: 为什么不把这一时间用在体育训练上?

42、In her address to Congress. Elle makes a final plea for support. ─── 在国会演讲上,艾莉发出支持议案的最后请求。

43、To make a humble or urgent plea. ─── 乞求做出低声下气或迫切的恳求

44、But he did not answer my plea. ─── 但他并不回答我的问题。

45、Auroras, such as the one pictured above, pleasingly testify to a stream of particles from the sun that gets through and hits the atmosphere. ─── 就像上面图片中展示的那样,极光以一种令人愉快的方式证明了存在一股来自于太阳的物质颗粒流穿过并撞击大气层。

46、He did not attend the dinner; his plea was that he was too busy to come. ─── 他没有参加那次宴会,借口是他太忙不能来。

47、A plea hearing is set on next Monday. ─── 一场请求辩解的听证会将在下周一举行。

48、As a spiritual woman,Mary Anne was convinced that God's hand was at work in leading her to Yongxin's plea. ─── 作为一名精神高尚的女人,玛丽·安妮认为这是上帝之手将她引到了勇新的求愿上面。

49、The melody, pure and understated, unfolds softly and pleasingly. ─── 作品的旋律舒展柔美,委婉质朴。

50、Plea---noun, The hospital sent out a plea for blood-donors. ─── 医院向社会呼吁公民义务献血。

51、His admission was part of a plea bargain with the prosecutor. ─── 他的供认是与检方进行辩诉交易的一部分。

52、He ignored his wife's plea, to stop picking on his daughter and lifted his hand to settle her whit a blow. ─── 他不顾妻子让他不再责备女儿的乞求; 举起手打了她一个耳光。

53、Her parents' pleas decided her against dropping out of college. ─── “她父母的请求使她拿定主意不中途辍学”。

54、In making that plea he will breathe in vain. ─── 他做那种恳求是白费口舌的。

55、He bolstered his plea with new evidence. ─── 他举出新的证据来支持他的抗辩。

56、Plea that an accused person has already been acquitted of the crime with which he is charged. ─── 一种抗辩,即对被指控的罪行被告已被宣判无罪释放。

57、My face was out of its pleasingly ambiguous state but stepped straight into a world of stark prejudice. ─── 我的脸摆脱了令人高兴的混乱状态,但直接走向了一个明显歧视性的世界。

58、A plea hearing is set for next Monday. ─── 下周一将举行答辩听证会。

59、She had excused herself from the walk on the plea of a headache. ─── 她未与古莱先生去散步的借口是“头痛得厉害。”

60、He refused to contribute, on the plea that he couldn't afford it. ─── 他藉口无能为力拒不捐献.

61、She made an impassioned plea for help. ─── 她恳切地求助。

62、He ignored his wife's plea,to stop picking on his daughter and lifted his hand to settle her with a blow. ─── 他不顾妻子让他不再责备女儿的乞求;举起手打了她一个耳光。

63、He refused to listen to her tearful pleas. ─── 他对她声泪俱下的恳求置之不理。

64、The interior design is pleasingly simple. ─── 这种室内设计简约宜人。

65、Will you plea send us sample of the best cotton towel you can offer of the following kinds: . ─── 如能供应下列品种的上等全棉毛巾,请寄样品。

66、He refused to contribute,on the plea that he couldn't afford it. ─── 他藉口无能为力拒不捐献。

67、She had a pleasingly direct manner. ─── 她为人直爽,令人愉快。

68、Her plea was that she did not see the signal. ─── 她的辩解是说她没看见信号。

69、If the district attorney agrees to show leniency by discussing a plea. ─── 如果地方检查官同意宽大的讨论诉求。

70、He wound a plea for money into his letter. ─── 在信中他委婉地表示需要钱

71、They addressed to the governor a plea for clemency . ─── 他们向州长提交了宽刑的申辨书。

72、He fences his doctrines with the specious plea that statesmen must live as the world lives. ─── 他用似是而非的遁词为他的教义作辩护,说政治家必须象世人那样活着。

73、They made no plea for relief. ─── 他们并没有申请救济。

74、He was absent under the plea of illness. ─── 他借口有病没有出席。

75、Promoting the internationalisation of the renminbi as a rival to the dollar may sound pleasingly patriotic to China's leaders. ─── 推动人民币国际化、使之与美元抗衡,听上去或许充满爱国之情,能博得中国领导人欢心。

76、The overall impression left by the review is a plea for continued support. ─── 复查得出的总体看法是仍然继续请求支持。

77、Determination of plea of setoff should produce the effect of res judicata. ─── 关于诉讼中的抵销之既判力问题,下文将作进一步的讨论。

78、Impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason; stubbornly unyielding. ─── 固执的,不动摇的,坚强的对托辞、恳求或理由无动于衷的; 绝不让步的

79、Pleas call me whatever doubts you have. ─── 如果有任何疑问尽管打电话给我。

80、He turned a deaf ear to all pleas for mercy. ─── 他对所有的恳求毫不理会。

81、Pleas account for your disgraceful conduct. ─── 对你的可耻行为请作解释。

82、The doctor needs my weight, pleas weigh me. ─── 医生要我的体重,请给我量一下。

83、During the hearing, the judge asked if Crowe's wife agreed with the plea deal. ─── 审讯期间,法官问克里斯多佛的妻子对审判过程是否认同。

84、He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their plea. ─── 他垂听穷人的祷告,并不藐视他们的祈求。

85、EUROPEAN bank presentations used to be filled with graphs of assets that sloped pleasingly upward. ─── 曾几何时,欧洲银行做陈述时,总是展示一幅幅上扬的资产曲线图,令人赏心悦目。

86、No plea can be set up on the ground of ignorance. ─── 以无知为理由而提出的抗辩是不能成立的。

87、She had a pleasingly direct manner. ─── 她为人直爽,令人愉快。

88、Pleas take my regards to them when you meet parents . ─── 你见到父母时,请代我向他们致以最亲切的问候.

89、They addressed to the governor a plea for clemency. ─── 他们向州长提出了宽刑的申辩书。

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