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08-25 投稿


censure 发音

英:[ˈsenʃər]  美:[ˈsenʃə(r)]

英:  美:

censure 中文意思翻译




censure 词性/词形变化,censure变形


censure 反义词


censure 短语词组

1、reprimand vs censure ─── 训斥vs责难

2、censure definition ─── 责难定义

3、censure crossword ─── 指责纵横填字游戏

4、censure government definition ─── 责难政府的定义

5、censure meaning ─── 责难意义

6、censure motion ─── [法] 不信任提议

7、censure 40k ─── 谴责40k

8、censure synonym ─── 责难同义词

9、censure sentence ─── 谴责判决

10、censure vote ─── [法] 不信任票

censure 同义词

excommunication |criticize | rail | damn | reprimand | denunciation | criticism | exclusion | contempt | condemn | knock | reproach | fault | condemnation | denounce | deprecation | impute | accusation | slate | blame | complaint | scorn | disapproval | hell | criminate | animadversion

censure 相似词语短语

1、licensure ─── n.许可;发给许可证;特许

2、ensure ─── vt.保证,确保;使安全

3、censored ─── adj.被设限的;被检查过的;v.审查;删掉(censor的过去式和过去分词)

4、cynosure ─── n.指针;众人瞩目的焦点

5、censures ─── v.严厉斥责,正式谴责;n.斥责,谴责

6、censurer ─── 指责别人的人(censure的变体);谴责别人的人(censure的变体)

7、censured ─── v.严厉谴责,责备(censure的过去式和过去分词)

8、coinsure ─── v.共同保险;共同担保

9、censuses ─── n.人口普查,人口调查;(官方的)统计,调查;vt.实施统计调查

censure 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A few Democrats in Congress are talking of censure and investigations, and popular momentum, if it gets going, could make them bolder. ─── 一些国会中的保守党议员正在讨论谴责和调查总统,这股受到普遍欢迎的力量如果任其发展,其结果将使其更加大胆。

2、allow to go without comment or censure. ─── 不多说或责难而允许过去。

3、Their censure did not much affect him, for the good-natured young man was disposed to accept with considerable humility the dispraise of others. ─── 他们的非议没有使他生气,因为这位好心的年轻人,总是非常谦虚,愿意接受别人的批评。

4、The act of disapproving; condemnation or censure. ─── 不赞成;非难;谴责

5、Don't censure him before the truth os not clear. ─── 在弄清全部事实真相前不要谴责他。

6、Xing had been spurned by Qin himself. Naturally he completely approved Wang's idea. He told Wang to get his wife to arouse the women's association, so that they would censure Qin also. ─── 兴旺就是武委会主任,从前也碰过小芹一回钉子,自然十分赞成金旺的意见,并且又叫金旺回去和自己的老婆说一下,发动妇救会也斗争小芹一番。

7、The Senate will censure one of its members. ─── 参议院是否会公开指责。

8、Individuals unwilling to apologize when an apology is in order are subject to censure and opprobrium. ─── 个体不愿意道歉当道歉井然有序的时候受制于责难和污名。

9、It's cinematic charisma." A film director is the ultimate father figure, doling out responsibility, praise and censure. ─── 只有最强有力的人如李慕白才能够认识到这一点。

10、incur censure from various quarters ─── 受到各方面的责难

11、to shield one's friend from censure ─── 使朋友不受责备

12、Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it. ─── 人类对于不公正的行为加以指责,并非因为他们愿意做出这种行为,而是惟恐自己会成为这种行为的牺牲者。

13、Tending to censure; highly critical. ─── 吹毛求疵的好挑剔的;苛评的

14、The managers, Arsene Wenger and Jose Mourinho, could also face censure for coming on to the pitch. ─── 主帅温格和穆里尼奥亦可能因进入球场而面对指责。

15、They only succeeded in inviting the censure of all the other delegates. ─── 他们只是引起了所有其他代表的谴责。

16、Darcy;the latter of whom, however, could not be prevailed on to join in their censure of her, in spite of all Miss Bingley's witticisms on fine eyes. ─── 不过,尽管彬格莱小姐怎么样说俏皮话,怎么样拿她的“美丽的眼睛”开玩笑,达西却始终不肯受她们的怂恿,夹在她们一起来编派她的不是。

17、The regulator also called in large state-owned groups to censure them for risky offshore derivatives trades. ─── 中国证监会还召集大型国有集团开会,批评它们从事高风险的境外衍生品交易。

18、deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious. ─── 因为错误、罪恶或者伤害而应该受到责备、责难。

19、If already made clear fit of the disease that it is hysteria, attendant person is not panic-stricken, should not censure patient malinger more. ─── 如已明确为癔症发作,在场人不要惊慌失措,更不要指责患者装病。

20、His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure. ─── 他的不诚实行为受到了严厉指责。

21、Anti thinks, be given by fabricant Xiao Tinghai " thunder arrived " , or censure its page too too flowery, coarse. ─── 反对者认为,被制作者肖廷海给“雷到了”,或指责其页面太花哨、太粗糙。

22、High birth does not prevent them from falling into a woeful state, or from censure. ─── 出身并不阻碍他们坠入地狱或受人鄙视。

23、To this end, Jilin Pharmaceutical Shenzhen that breaches of the listing rules of conduct for public censure. ─── 为此,深交所认定吉林制药的行为违反上市规则,给予公开谴责。

24、Even she does have many shortcomings many ugly aspects, I dont wanna others to censure her jest her.It will be felt like yourself has been censured or jested. ─── 即使她有很多缺点有很多丑陋的地方,我就是不愿意别人指责她、笑话她,就好像是在指责我、笑话我。

25、Procrastination, hesitation or sleeping over the problem will only lead to adversity and you, my brother, will hardly be able to escape censure. ─── 如迁延不决,或委之异日,不仅徒生困扰,吾弟亦将难辞其咎。

26、Whoever criticizes us in good faith is not blameworthy. However sharp his criticism or severe his censure, he is not to be blamed or punished or given tight shoes to wear. ─── 凡是善意提出批评意见的,言者无罪,不管你怎么尖锐,怎么痛骂一顿,没有罪,不受整,不给你小鞋穿。

27、You need not blame and censure yourself. ─── 你不必自怨自艾。

28、Dodd was hurt and angered by the Senate censure and not ready to give up his seat without a fight. ─── 参议院对多德的公开指责使他处于困境,同时也让他大为恼火,他不想不战而退地放弃他的席位。

29、As censure is but awkwardly softened by apology, I shall offer you no apology for this letter. ─── 在这封信里,我不打算对你讲什么客套话,因为客套话很别扭,只能使批评显得很软弱无力。

30、If Mr Fukuda judges the public readier to punish the opposition rather than him for the “failure in politics”, he may choose to ignore any censure. ─── 如果福田首相判定民众将政治危机的责任归咎于反对派而非他本人,那么他将选择对任何责难都置之不理。

31、But deceives Tarry actually the bad record which strives for him, fully suffered the media to censure, said that he that was a stupid violating a regulation. ─── 但蒙塔里却为他争取到的不良记录,饱受媒体非议,称他那是一次愚蠢的犯规。

32、condemn or censure sb/sth loudly and forcefully ─── 大声地、狠狠地责备或训斥某人[某事物

33、Shoichi Nakagawa submitted his resignation Tuesday after fellow Cabinet members criticized his behavior and opposition lawmakers filed a censure motion against him. ─── 中川昭一在内阁成员批评其行为,反对派议员提出谴责他的动议后于星期二递交辞呈。

34、The fear of losing control, for example, is a commonly referenced condition, as is fear of ridicule or social censure. ─── 例如说:经常说的对失去控制的恐惧。对嘲弄或社会责难的恐惧也一样。

35、They made propaganda in various ways, disclosed the truth, counterattacked the censure from those who were for the opium traffic, and acted to help the local people to be off the habit. ─── 他们通过各种途径进行反鸦片的宣传,揭露事实真相,反击鸦片贸易既得利益者的责难,采取实际行动帮助当地人们戒除吸鸦片的恶习。

36、If he incur public censure, none will defend. ─── 如果他遭受公众的责难,谁都不会为他辩护的。

37、Yet on January 11th, when the LDP used its supermajority to reinstate the mission, no censure followed. ─── 1月11日,当自民党就是这么做了后,并无不信任案出现。

38、Elinor kept her concern and her censure to herself. ─── 埃莉诺把关切与责备都留在自己的心里。

39、The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government. ─── 反对派通过了对政府的不信任投票。

40、Once the men were convicted, Rio immediately sacked them, prompting accusations it had abandoned them to avoid Beijing's censure. ─── 这四人被定罪后,力拓立即解雇了他们,招致外界指责该公司为了避免北京方面的谴责而抛弃了雇员。

41、To overlook, forgive, or disregard(an offense) without protest or censure. ─── 宽恕毫无抗议或责备之意地忽视、谅解或宽恕(冒犯行为)

42、containing or imposing condemnation or censure. ─── 含有或者施以谴责或者责难。

43、It is a controversial policy which has attracted international censure. ─── 这是一条有争议的政策,已经遭到国际谴责。

44、subjected to enemy attack or censure. ─── 受敌人攻击或责难的影响。

45、"No man can justly censure or condemn another,because indeed no man truly knows another" (Thomas Browne). ─── “没有人能够公正地苛评或谴责他人,因为事实上没有人能够真正地了解他人” (托马斯·布朗)。

46、In the presence of adversaries who will misrepresent our best deeds, and impugn our motives where they cannot censure our actions, how circumspect should we be! ─── 在我们的反对者面者,他们不仅不同意我们的行动,更编造我们的好行为并质询我们的动机,我们当非常谨慎!

47、As is usual with the vulgar and narrow-minded, he was more disposed to reproach others with his failures than to censure himself. ─── 他象那些心胸狭窄的粗人一样,他对自己的失败不仅不反躬自省,反而怨天尤人。

48、Moderation: Avoid extremes; do not get angry at injuries, even if you think they deserve censure. ─── 适度:避免走极端;对别人的中伤,即使你认为应当收到谴责,也勿动怒。------中庸无过不及,恰倒好处。

49、She tried to wrap up a censure in a polite formula. ─── 她试图用客套的话掩饰指责之意。

50、They were unanimous in their censure of the program. ─── 他们在对那项方案的谴责是一致的。

51、At the same time I wished to shield her conduct from censure. ─── 同时我还希望掩盖她的举动以免受指责。

52、Radial respect is maintaining to this matter " indignant screen " manner, distain to the detail that censure openly response. ─── 光线方面对此事保持着“愤怒屏蔽”的态度,对于指责的细节不屑作正面回应。

53、Mankind are very odd creature: one half censure what they practice, the other half practice what they censure. ─── 人类是非常奇怪的生物:有半数的人指责自己的所作所为,而另一半则在实行自己所指责的事情。

54、He received a public censure for his dishonorable behavior. ─── 他因不光彩的行为而受到公众谴责。

55、When some artist remake other artists' song, it usually gives rise to public censure in Japan, USA or whatever other countries. ─── 在日本,美国或者其他国家,翻唱别人的歌往往回招来公众的责难.

56、The member censure him since He has do a very contemptible thing. ─── 因为他做了一件可鄙的事情,会员们都责难他。

57、Culpable i.Deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious. ─── 受责备的因做错事、干坏事、做不合时宜或导致伤害的事而应受责备或惩处的。

58、Centre international contre la censure ─── 反对检查制度国际中心-

59、She would rather have had them spoken about, even in terms of severest censure. ─── 她宁可叫他们尽量数说自己的错处,即使是极严厉的斥责。

60、The jaundiced Italian public has been slow to censure Mr Berlusconi, whose ratings remain high for a political leader in a severe recession. ─── 吹毛求疵的意大利公众并未急着指责贝鲁斯科尼先生,对于处在严重经济衰退下的政治领导人来说,他的支持率一直居高不下。

61、The Opposition plan to put down a censure motion on the Government's handling of the affair. ─── 反对党拟将谴责政府处理该事的动议提交议会辩论。

62、How do Female Cadres Avoid Censure ─── 优秀女干部如何免遭非议

63、If he resists, the LDP might censure him in the upper house, producing a similar outcome. ─── 如果他加以拒绝,自民党(LDP)也许会在上议院对他横加指责,达到类似的结果。

64、Deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious. ─── 受责备的因做错事、干坏事、做不合时宜或导致伤害的事而应受责备或惩处的

65、But says on Wilde the fairy tale, actually obtains the different viewpoint the people identically appreciate enjoy the world praise as if never has had the censure and scolded. ─── 但就王尔德童话来讲,却得到不同观点的人们一致赞赏而享有世界性的赞誉似乎从未有过的的非议和责难。

66、Give every man thine ear, but few thy judement.Take each man's censure, but reserve judgement. ─── 人人的话你都要倾耳去听,但是自己不可多开口;接受人人的意见,但是保留自己的主张。

67、Tanzania Burton whole world bond fund manager Hasen peaceful said abundantly: “we walk comprehensively while the Asian coin censure time increases price buys up. ─── 坦伯顿全球债券基金经理人哈森泰博说:“我们趁亚币全面走贬时加码买进。

68、An employee comes back to his house after an exhausting day, bearing the censure of his boss and competing with his colleagues. ─── 当一名雇员疲惫了一天后,回到了他的家里,他忍受着老板的责难,并与同事们竞争着。

69、be subjected to the censure of public opinion ─── 受到舆论的指责

70、The opposition tried to propose a vote of censure on the prime minister . ─── 反对党努力建议对首相投不信任票。

71、an expression of criticism and censure. ─── 一种批评或谴责的表示。

72、It is not one writer's business to censure others ─── 一个作家的职责并不是去责难其他的作家。

73、However,opposition is not censure of each other,but preserving "necessary strain" in each other. ─── 但这里的对立不是两者相互指责,而是在两者之间保持一种“必要的张力”。

74、But this " network battle " allow a few students greatly accurate, they censure school just violate individual privacy, "Officious " . ─── 但这场“网络战”让一些学生大为不爽,他们指责校方侵犯个人隐私,“多管闲事”。

75、of the Mogul is not a gloomy book, for all its censure. ─── 责难,但《莫卧儿的诅咒》并不是一本悲观的著作。

76、Since the censure meetings had exposed their romance to the public eye, and since Young Black and Qin had learned that it was entirely reasonable and legal anyway, they began seeing each other openly. ─── 两个斗争会开过以后,事情包也包不住了,小二黑也知道这事是合理合法的了,索性就跟小芹公开商量起来。

77、Although recent censure of corporate boards of directors as "passive" and "supine" may be excessive, those who criticize board performance have plenty of substantive ammunition. ─── 尽管最近对公司董事会“被动”和“懒散”的指责可能有些过分,但那些批评董事会业绩的人有充足的实质性证据。

78、The week daybreak saw the rotten piece he will be very happy, because may censuring heartily, censure time will obtain one kind to satisfy. ─── 周黎明看到烂片他会很高兴,因为可以尽情的贬,贬的时候得到一种自我满足。

79、He established the medieval concept of the Christian emperor as subject to episcopal advice and censure, and he opposed tolerance for adherents of Arianism. ─── 他建立了中世纪对皇帝的概念,即基督教皇帝必须接受主教的建言及批评,他反对容忍阿里乌主义(Arianism)的支持者。

80、Her own marriage, poor thing, had not been successful, but having had the good sense and ability to force her husband into pronounced error, she herself had passed through the necessary divorce proceedings without incurring censure. ─── 她自己的婚姻可怜并不圆满,可是她心地明白,手段高明,结果她丈夫被她逼得犯了一件大错,而她自己却从容完成了必要的离婚手续,同时并不引起舆论的谴责。

81、But as for their censure, this was truly just and absolute, amounting to the "Final Judgment" of the last day of the world and leaving no room for appeal. ─── 但是他们的毁骂,那简直至公至确,等于“世界末日”的最后审判,毫无上诉重审的余地。

82、censure severely or angrily. ─── 严格地或生气地责备。

83、Look carefully, the sound that censure crosses laudatory more, this is not fathomless, who lets you often have an accident of in quick succession?The family's mouth is not blocked up. ─── 仔细一看,指责的声音多过赞美的,这不难理解,谁让你接二连三的老出事呢?人家的嘴是堵不住的。

84、They would sacrifice you without a single thought if it meant risking censure or gossip on your behalf, and you well know it. ─── 如果因为你而有闲话或者危险而不利的议论,他们不会没有想法而愿意为你牺牲他们的利益的,你应该知道这个。"

85、He could face censure from his colleagues. ─── 他可能要面对同事的指责。

86、He received a public censure for his dishonourable behavior. ─── 他因为不名誉的行为受到了公众的谴责。

87、The men of perfect practice will not mean to change themselves to cater for conduct standard of others when encountering disputes or censure. ─── 修行完备的人在遭遇是非责难时,就不会刻意地改变自己去迎合这些人为架构的行为标准。

88、To scold or censure. ─── 严斥,责骂

89、The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government, putting the prime minister in an embarassing position. ─── 反对党通过了对政府的不信任投票,让首相陷入尴尬境地。

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