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09-10 投稿


argot 发音


英:  美:

argot 中文意思翻译



argot 网络释义

n. 隐语;暗语;暗号;俚语;黑话

argot 词性/词形变化,argot变形

名词复数: argosies |

argot 短语词组

1、bandit argot n. ─── 土匪黑话

argot 相似词语短语

1、ergot ─── n.麦角;麦角症;麦角碱

2、argol ─── n.[有化]粗酒石

3、argent ─── adj.银的;似银的;银白色的;银制的(等于argenta);n.银;银白色;n.(Argent)人名;(法)阿尔让;(英)阿金特

4、argotic ─── 辩论的。

5、Margot ─── n.玛戈特(女子名)

6、ariot ─── adj.长得过于茂盛的;adv.骚乱地

7、Turgot ─── n.(Turgot)人名;(法)杜尔哥

8、argon ─── n.[化学]氩(18号元素);n.(Argon)人名;(西、土、英)阿尔贡

9、argots ─── n.隐语;暗语;暗号;俚语;黑话

argot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Implied Cultural Features in the Motivation of Naming Argot Jargon ─── 论隐语行话命名理据中的隐型文化特征

2、9 see joke: Couple and child live in all one room, there is the argot that a child does not know between the couple. ─── :去香港吧!9看笑话:夫妇与孩子共住一室,夫妇之间有一个孩子不知道的暗号。

3、The special vocabulary peculiar to the members of an underworld group; argot. ─── 下层社会成员所用特殊词汇;隐语。

4、In the grating argot of his public-relations past, Mr Cameron was elected to "decontaminate" the brand. ─── 在私下谈论卡梅伦过去的公共关系形象时,认为他是保守党的“净化器”。

5、Just as the financial crisis has morphed into a daily grind instead of a daily fire drill, its peculiar argot has found its way into everyday conversations. ─── 随着金融危机从“狼来了”变成活生生的磨难,金融业的一些特有隐语也进入到了日常对话中。

6、If we appear more critical of the government than of the opposition it is only because we believe that - pray excuse cricketing argot - there is no point in bowling to the fielding side. ─── 我们绝不委婉。

7、footballing argot ─── 足球行话

8、bandit argot ─── 土匪黑话

9、In addition to this, mastering the argot of Macau tf iads provides investigators andauthorities with a very imPortan lingual reference. ─── 秘密语作为一种属于非主流语言文化的特定语言现象,是一个非常值得探讨而又十分有趣的重要分支领域。

10、In Japanese travel agents argot, the annual "departure ratio" of young women in their 20s has fallen from more than 30 percent in the late 1990s to about 23 percent last year. ─── 日本旅行社的数据显示,20多岁女性的"离境率"已经从上世纪90年代晚期的超过30%减少到去年的大约23%。

11、Gobbledygook cant palaver jargon argot ─── 隐语,黑话,土话,无意的闲谈

12、thieves' argot. ─── 盗贼的黑话。

13、Entire subcultures now define themselves primarily or exclusively through their chosen text-messaging or instant-messaging argot. ─── 整个亚文化群也主要或专门通过他们选择的短信隐语来彰显自己。

14、argot n. ─── 行话;

15、But in the argot of today's financial markets, Chindia is a magical land where China's and India's economies supposedly combine to produce untold riches. ─── 不过,在当今的金融市场行话中,Chindia(China+India)代表着一块神奇的土地,人们想象中国和印度将在这里共同创造数不清的财富。

16、Which is to say, in the argot of new media: old, slow and expensive to produce. ─── 也就是说,商业周刊被新媒体称作陈旧的,反应迟钝的及制作成本昂贵的杂志。

17、prisoner argot ─── 犯人隐语

18、You have entered the Kingdom of Argot, ─── 你不是黑话中人而潜入黑话王国,

19、Slang is an active linguistic constituent of English, which has entered dominant culture from cant, jargon, and argot of different sub-cultures. ─── 俚语是英语中较为活跃的语言成分,它从大量不同亚文化的黑话、行话及暗语中溢出而进入主流文化。

20、Burroughs, it’s positively cutesy.) It has many admirers, perhaps because they are unable even to understand its title, let alone the fashionably indecipherable argot of the dialogue. ─── 有许多人喜欢它,也许正因为他们连它的名字也搞不懂,更不用说那些满是时 髦难懂的切口的对话了。

21、For, it must be stated to those who are ignorant of the case, that argot is both a literary phenomenon and a social result. ─── 因此,必须向不明真相的人说清楚,黑话是文学范畴中的一种奇迹,也是人类社会的一种产物。

22、skillful use of serious and funny argot ─── 亦庄亦谐

23、The clusters had what are known in the argot of the trade as deep roots. ─── 一个群体拥有一种在贸易行话中被称作“深根”的东西。

24、How! Argot! ─── 怎么!黑话!

25、Which is to say, in the argot of new media: old, slow and expensive to produce. ─── 也就是说,商业周刊被新媒体称作陈旧的,反应迟钝的及制作成本昂贵的杂志。

26、argot of the university campus ─── 大学校园内的俚语

27、argot jargon ─── 隐语行话

28、The Argot of Drug Addicts in the Slang of the Young in the Contemporary Russian Language ─── 现代俄语青年俚语中的吸毒者黑话成分

29、As a kind of aberrance of langUage argot has been evident throughout history, indifferent cultllres and conteXts. ─── 秘密语,是世界大多数民族共同具有的一种语言变异现象。

30、Some traditionalists warn that digitalreading is the intellectual equivalent of empty calories. Often,they argue, writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot thatvexes teachers and patents. ─── 一些保守从义者正告道,数字涉猎就是体力活动外的空暖量食物。他们道,普通情况下,网络写脚会使用一类争教生和野少捕狂的淌畅难懂的网络语行。

31、At the same time points out Argot Literature has the nature of argot. ─── 指出所谓隐语文学指的是具有隐语性质的文学。

32、He knows thieves' argot. ─── 他懂盗贼的黑话。

33、It is a more recent addition to language, added to the vernacular of engineers through the argot of World War II airplane mechanics. ─── 这个词比较新,它是在二战时期从航空工业开始成为工程师的行话的)。

34、4 Entire subcultures now define themselves primarily or exclusively through their chosen text-messaging or instant-messaging argot. ─── : 现在所有这些子文化们主要或完全以自己选用的短信或即时通信语言来为自己定义。

35、2.Please advise your travel plan at earliest date so we make argot acidly. ─── 请尽早告知旅游计划,以便我们做出安排。

36、Argot renewal on same term rest since our current sale maxcannot increase as competition keener here. ─── 希望以相同条件签约,因此地竞争激烈,本公司目前无法提高销售极限。

37、The Chinese language is spoken throughout theworld, and as such has a long history of argot. ─── 汉语是世界上使用人口最多的一种语言,因而汉语秘密语非但历史悠久,也是世界上诸同类语言现象中最大的一系。

38、DEBT reduction, or deleveraging as it is known in the inelegant argot of economists, is a painful process. ─── 削减债务,或用经济学家并不文雅的行话来说“去杠杆化”,是一个痛苦的过程。

39、prison argot ─── 监狱黑话

40、The argot and proverb created by them enrich Chinese language. ─── 他们创造的隐语、歇后语、谚语等丰富了中国的语言。

41、Why, argot is horrible! ─── 黑话终究是太丑了!

42、Entire subcultures now define themselves primarily or exclusively through their chosen text-messaging or instant-messaging argot. ─── 所有的亚文化如今都把自己大部分或全部定义为包括经过他们挑选的通过文本信息或即时信息表达的暗语。

43、7. Argot renewal on same term rest since our current sale max cannot increase as competition keener here. ─── 希望以相同条件签约,因此地竞争激烈,本公司目前无法提高销售极限。

44、2. The argot andproverb created by them enrich Chinese language. ─── 他们创造的隐语、歇后语、谚语等丰富了中国的语言。

45、To speak in argot or jargon. ─── 用黑话讲,用术语讲

46、The special vocabulary peculiar to the members of an underworld group ; argot . ─── 下层社会成员所用特殊词汇;隐语。

47、thief argot ─── 贼语

48、Some traditionalists warn that digital reading is the intellectual equivalent of empty calories. Often, they argue, writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot that vexes teachers and patents. ─── 一些传统主义者警告说,数字阅读就是脑力活动中的空热量食物。他们说,通常情况下,网络写手会使用一种让老师和家长抓狂的晦涩难懂的网络语言。

49、"Subject of the Kingdom of Argot?" ─── “黑话王国的庶民。”

50、the special vocabulary peculiar to the members of an underworld group; argot ─── 黑话下层社会成员所用的特殊词汇;隐语

51、Zhang;this match the argot which they try to remind,stimulate and insult me and prove the existence. ─── 与其事后白天用隐语提醒刺激侮辱我的意思印证。

52、criminal argot ─── 犯罪隐语

53、sociologists' argot ─── 社会学者的用语

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