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08-09 投稿


consistence 发音


英:  美:

consistence 中文意思翻译



consistence 网络释义

n. 浓度;[流] 稠度;坚固性(等于consistency)

consistence 短语词组

1、consistence limit ─── 稠度极限

2、consistence factor ─── 一致性系数

3、consistence meter ─── 稠度计

4、operational consistence ─── 操作一致性

5、soil consistence ─── 土壤结持度

6、consistence check ─── 一致性检验

7、consistence index ─── 稠度指数

8、consistence definition ─── 一致性定义

consistence 词性/词形变化,consistence变形

动词现在分词: consisting |动词过去式: consisted |动词过去分词: consisted |动词第三人称单数: consists |

consistence 相似词语短语

1、insistence ─── n.坚持,强调;坚决主张

2、inconsistence ─── 不一致;不一贯

3、consistencies ─── n.[计]一致性;稠度;相容性

4、consistency ─── n.[计]一致性;稠度;相容性

5、inconsistency ─── n.不一致;易变

6、consistences ─── n.浓度;[流]稠度;坚固性(等于consistency)

7、consistent ─── adj.始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

8、coexistence ─── n.共存;和平共处;并立

9、consilience ─── n.符合,一致

consistence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Atlantic Ocean catches consist mostly of yellowfin. ─── 大西洋所渔获的也基本上是黄鳍金枪鱼。

2、Your application will consist of a single form and a component. ─── 您的应用程序由单个窗体和一个组件构成。

3、Functions consist of a header and a body. ─── 函数由头部分和体部分组成。

4、If a phone number is considered to consist of seven digits or "items," it would fill up working memory. ─── 如果一个电话号码被认为是由七个数字或单元组成的,那么工作记忆就会被装满。

5、How many districts does the city of Beijing consist of? ─── 北京城由几个区组成?

6、What does executing ability consist of ? ─── 执行力由什么构成呢?

7、Processes that consist of molecular changes are called chemical reactions. ─── 包含分子变化的过程称作化学反应。

8、The outdoor sprints consist of the 100-meter,200-meter,and 400-meter events. ─── 室外的短跑运动包括100米、200米、400米。

9、They consist of a stack and register context. ─── 它们包含堆栈和注册上下文。

10、All darts, whether they are shaped or straight, consist of two sides. ─── 所有的省道,无论它们是曲的还是直的,都有两条边组成。

11、All bodies consist of molecules and these of atoms. ─── 一切物体都由分子组成,而分子由原子组成。

12、In modern GUIs, these primitives consist of pointing, clicking, and dragging. ─── 在现代图形用户界面中,这些原语包括指向、单击和拖动。

13、In fact the clean and jerk consist of two steps. ─── 挺举实际上包括两个步骤。

14、His story doesn't consist with our theory. ─── 他所讲的与我们的理论不一致。

15、CIM classes consist of properties and methods. ─── CIM类由属性和方法构成。

16、The basic principles mainly consist of legality and reasonableness. ─── 基本原则主要包括合法性原则和合理性原则。

17、The testing result of voltage transfer circuit and proportional amplifying circuit is in consistence with the simulation result. ─── 电平转换电路和比例放大电路的性能符合设计指标,文中给出了测试曲线和数据。

18、Learning and personality do not consist together. ─── 学问与品格并不总是一致的。

19、It turn out that the logical nature of the controversy between is in-consistence in induction and deduction. ─── 认为消解悖论解决论争的唯一途径,是建立归纳和演绎的一致性。

20、Each seed consist of endosperm and 2 cotyledon embryo. ─── 成熟种子具胚乳,子叶二枚。

21、The atmosphere consist of more than 70% of nitrogen. ─── 大气中含有 70% 以上的氮气。

22、Consist of housing, impeller, motor, base and connection box. ─── 圆形管道风机系列主要由外壳、叶轮、电机和接线盒组成。

23、What events does canoeing consist of at the Olympics? ─── 奥运会的皮划艇项目有哪些?

24、As mentioned above, our bank will consist of only one table. ─── 像上面所提及的,我们的银行仅仅包含一张表。

25、Spot buyer will not able to secure consistence supply of coal and also cannot secure a fixed price from the mine. ─── 买家不能确保稳定的供应煤,同时也不不能确定煤矿开采的固定价格。

26、Health does not consist with intemperance. ─── 健康和酗酒不能相容。

27、How many Olympic disciplines do aquatics consist of? ─── 奥林匹克水上运动包括哪些项目?

28、They consist of 1700 or more tribes. ─── 他们由1700个或更多部族构成。

29、What will life consist of on other planets? ─── 在其他的星球上,生命将由何组成?

30、Regret consist one of the most sorrowful moment in our life. ─── 我们都知道什么叫做后悔,对不对?人间最难过的时刻常常是在后悔的时机里面。

31、The winder will consist of an air expanded winding mandrel. ─── 卷取机由气动胀缩卷筒组成。

32、Thing just it oneself, consist in your consciousness! ─── 事物只是它本身,在于你的意识!

33、Most of the happiness in this world consist in possess what others can not get. ─── 大部分世上的幸福,在于拥有别人不能得到的东西。

34、STRING2 shall consist of uppercase LETTERS, NUMBERS, or both. ─── STRING2应当由大写字母,数字或两者一起组成.

35、Rock and soil materials consist of grains and pores. ─── 摘要 岩土介质是晶粒状材料,存在大量的孔隙。

36、English: Health does not consist with intemperance. ─── 中文:健康与纵欲难相容。

37、Moreover, I also contrast each edition of textbooks with its own principles of editing, analyzing the consistence from the whole to parts. ─── 并将各教科书与各版本的编写计画之课程理念作前后的对照,从整体到细部进行详尽的比较分析。

38、Health do not consist with intemperance. ─── 健康不放纵,放纵不健康。

39、The throwing events consist of javelin, discus, hammer and shot. ─── 投掷项目包括标枪、铁饼、链球和铅球。

40、STRING1 shall consist of uppercase LETTERS only. ─── STRING1应当只由大写字母组成.

41、A people's mediation committee shall consist of women members. ─── 人民调解委员会中应当有妇女委员。

42、Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. ─── 品德可能仅仅在于有勇气作出抉择

43、Comparison of an actual test results with the calculation by numeric simulation from the model showed good consistence. ─── 利用数值解法对一个测试实例进行了计算与实测的对比,结果表明有较好的一致性。

44、Stools were very light in color and of mushy consistence. ─── 大便颜色很淡,并且软如泥。

45、They consist of a single integrated circuit on a chip. ─── 它们在芯片中包含了一个简单的集成电路。

46、Our deeds must consist with our words. ─── 我们必须言行一致。

47、His actions lack consistence. ─── 他的行动缺乏一致性。

48、But what does this fullness and perfection consist of concretely? ─── 可是,具体来说,这份完美和满全包含著甚麽?

49、What does the act of throwing consist of? ─── 投掷动作由什么构成?

50、A large network may consist of over one million computers. ─── 一个大型网络有可能包含一百多万台计算机。

51、Stools were very light in color and of mushy consistence. ─── 大便颜色很淡,并且软如泥。

52、A week consist of seven day. ─── 一星期由七天组成。

53、Though different nations define administrative reconsideration variably , the fundamental connotation remain apparent consistence. ─── 虽然各国对行政复议的称呼不尽相同,但基本内涵却存在着明显的一致性。

54、It is impossible for man's happiness to consist in wealth. ─── 人的幸福不能依附于财富。

55、The main scenic spots of Beihai Park consist of three parts. ─── 北海公园的主要景点由三部分组成。

56、The MOS dynamic shift regisers do not consist of flip-flops, but of inverters. ─── MOS动态移位寄存器不是用触发器组成,而是用反相器组成。

57、Ice and water consist of the same substance in different forms. ─── 冰和水由相同的物质组成,但形态不同。

58、Learning doesn>t consist in being an empty receptacle. ─── 学习并不是往空容器里塞东西。

59、All arts consist in the imitation and study of nature. ─── 一切艺术存在于对自然的模仿和研究。

60、As the soul of traditional Confucianism, the East-Balance is of inner consistence with the objective of harmonious Socialist society. ─── “中和位育”作为传统儒家思想的精髓,其核心思想与社会主义和谐社会的理想有着内在的一致性。

61、All substances consist of small particles which are called molecules. ─── 所有的物质都是由称做分子的粒子组成的。

62、Loader log files consist of two sections: a header and a body. ─── 加载程序日志文件包含两个部分:标题和正文。

63、What did your work consist of exactly? ─── 你过去的那份工作包括哪些方面?

64、There was no excuse which didn't consist of the inexcusable . ─── 他找不到任何可以求得谅解的借口。

65、Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter consist of atoms . ─── 大多数人熟悉一切物质都是由原子组成的这一概念。

66、On a macroscale it can be considered consist of two surfaces. ─── 从宏观的角度看来,它能被考虑为含有两个表面。

67、I do not know what soundness of mind exactly consist of. ─── 我不知道心灵的健全到底是由什麽构成的。

68、Your aura usually consist of more than one color at a time. ─── 在一个时期内你的光环至少由一种以上的颜色组成。

69、You ought to go in trap consist of eagerr hopes border aspirations. ─── 你必需与内心期望与热情步调一致。

70、The weather will consist of sun shine interchanging with periods of light rain. ─── 天气将是晴天和小雨相间。

71、How many players does a handball team consist of? ─── 手球队由几名队员组成?

72、The major findings of this study are: 1 the generic structure of abstracts from the four sub-corpora show much consistence. ─── 通过研究发现:1在结构方面,来自两个学科两个写作群体的英文摘要呈现较大的一致性。

73、Alignment fields consist of very low distortion sinusoidal waves. ─── 排队过程包含很低的扭曲的正弦波。

74、A link set may consist of up to 16 links. ─── 一个链路群可能由 16 条链路组成。

75、His words does not consist with facts. ─── 他的话与事实不符。

76、Family groups consist of an old male and several females and their young. ─── 一个家族由一只年长的雄性,几只雌性及幼崽子组成。

77、Afternoon workouts consist of snatch and/or clean + jerk and pulls. ─── 下午的训练包括抓举和/或挺举,拖拽。

78、Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consist in the ability to stick to one thing till it get there. ─── 想想那邮票吧:其用处在于它能粘住一样东西直至达到目的为止。

79、Stools were ery light in color and of mushy consistence. ─── 大便颜色很淡,并且软如泥。

80、Their life consist of the humdrum activity of everyday existence. ─── 他们的生活由日常生存的平凡活动所构成。

81、A: How many players does a volleyball team consist of? ─── 一支排球队有多少名队员?

82、Only 6 parthenogenic plants consist over 50%of haploid ceils. ─── 在28株孤雌生殖后代植株中,有6株单倍体细胞超过50%。

83、What should your articles consist of ? ─── 应该怎样您的文章构成?

84、How many parts does the Great Hall of the People consist of? ─── 人民大会堂由哪几部分组成?

85、Like housebreaking, consistence and patience goes a long way. ─── 像在家搞破坏,坚持和耐性就可以解决它。

86、They consist of the true basics: running, jumping, swimming, etc. ─── 他们包括了几项最基本的技能:奔跑、跃、泳等。

87、His conclusions do not consist with the facts. ─── 他的结论兴事实不符。

88、The assignments consist of problems from the course textbook. ─── 作业由这门课教科书中的问题所组成。

89、Strings can consist of any Unicode characters. ─── 字串可包含任何Unicode字元。

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