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08-28 投稿


smells 发音

英:[smelz]  美:[smelz]

英:  美:

smells 中文意思翻译




smells 常用词组

smell of ─── 有…的气味;闻出…的味道

sweet smell ─── 闻起来香

sense of smell ─── 嗅觉

smells 短语词组

1、breath smells bad ─── 呼吸有异味

2、it smells so fresh ─── 闻起来很新鲜

3、bad smells ─── 坏味道, ─── 坏气味

4、hunting dog smells ─── 猎狗的气味

5、good smells ─── 好气味

6、get hit with bad smells ─── 被难闻的气味击中

7、it smells badly ─── 闻起来很难 ─── 闻

8、nice smells ─── 好闻的味道

9、it smells delicious ─── 闻起来很香

10、now the meat smells very nice ─── 现在肉闻起来很香

11、bad smells great but it tastes ─── 难闻的味道很好,但味道很好

12、it smells strong ─── 闻起来很香

13、it smells nice ─── 闻起来很香

14、because it smells bad ─── 因为它闻起来很难闻

15、hunting dog smells badly ─── 猎狗闻起来很难闻

16、it smells so good ─── 闻起来真香

17、breath smells alcohol ─── 呼吸有酒精味

18、it smells good ─── 闻起来很香

19、breath smells good ─── 呼吸很好闻

smells 词性/词形变化,smells变形

动词第三人称单数: smells |动词现在分词: smelling |动词过去分词: smelled/smelt |动词过去式: smelled/smelt |

smells 相似词语短语

1、skells ─── 骷髅

2、spells ─── v.拼写(spell的第三人称单数);n.符咒;魅力(spell的复数);一段时间

3、smelts ─── n.胡瓜鱼(smelt的复数);胡瓜鱼科;v.熔炼;精炼(smelt的第三人称单数)

4、smellers ─── n.触须;闻的人;鼻子

5、stells ─── 石柱

6、smelly ─── adj.有臭味的,发臭的

7、smell ─── n.气味,嗅觉;臭味;v.嗅,闻;有……气味;察觉到;发出……的气味;n.(Smell)(美、俄、英、印、新)史默乐(人名)

8、swells ─── v.涌浪;胀罐(swell的第三人称单数形式);n.肿胀(swell的复数)

9、shells ─── n.贝壳(shell的复数);v.脱壳(shell的第三人称单数形式)

smells 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Taste and smell are closely connected. ─── 味觉与嗅觉是密切相关的。

2、Or you could say, 'It smells great in here, and I can't wait to have one of those cookies, but wow, it's messy in here. ─── 你也可以说“这里好香啊,我真想马上吃一块饼干,只是这里稍微有一点乱。”

3、Bad, nauseating smells coming from drainpipes into apartments. ─── 公寓排水管道发出恶臭。

4、In the market, I breathed the smells of the Orient. ─── 在集市上,我闻到了东方的气息。

5、It smells delicious. ─── 它闻起来真香。

6、The fruit tase is richness and smells faint scent. ─── 带有丰富的水果味,浓郁而又不失典雅。

7、She smells like angels ought to smell. ─── 她闻起来就像个天使。

8、This fish isn't fresh; it smells! ─── "这条鱼不新鲜,已经发臭了。"

9、The smell of garlic filled the kitchen. ─── 厨房里弥漫着大蒜味道。

10、Can you smell a gas leak? ─── 你能闻到煤气漏气吗?

11、His little brother wrinkled up his nose at a nasty smell. ─── 他的小弟弟闻到那难闻的味皱起鼻子。

12、The markets, I breathed the smells of the Orient. ─── 在这些市场上,我闻到了东方国家的气味。

13、Can you smell an escape of gas? ─── 你能闻到漏出的煤气吗?

14、I seem to smell gas. ─── 我好像闻到煤气味儿。

15、Poorly fermented silage smells rancid. ─── 发酵不好的青贮料其味道腐臭。

16、Can you smell the perfume of the roses? ─── 你能闻到玫瑰花的香味吗?

17、She is cooking something that smells great. ─── 她在煮什么东西呢,闻起来不错。

18、Dude, put the cover back on it. It smells like b.o. ─── 伙计,把盖子盖回去。闻着像汗臭味。

19、The best fish smells after three days. ─── 原意:鱼过三天后,再鲜也变臭。

20、Take a smell at this fish and tell me whether it's fresh. ─── 你闻一闻这条鱼,看看新鲜不新鲜。

21、Hmm, it smells like fresh homemade bread. ─── 嗯,闻起来好像是刚出炉的面包。

22、His suggestion smells of trickery. ─── 他的建议似有诈。

23、His urine is cloudy and it smells strong. ─── 他的小便混浊,而且气味不好。

24、Delicious smells wafted up from the kitchen. ─── 厨房里飘出了香味。

25、He said he couldn't come into work because he was ill, but I smell something fishy and think he went to see the last day of the Test Match. ─── 他说因为他病了不能来上班,不过我有点怀疑,我认为他是去看最后果一天的各国家队间的决赛了。

26、from a distance it smells of honey like the rest, and bees fly into and out of it just the same. ─── 它依然从远处散发着蜜糖的芬香,依然有蜜蜂飞进飞出。

27、Her sweater smells of damp wool. ─── 她的羊绒衫发出一股湿羊毛味。

28、Your breath smells of brandy. ─── 你呼吸中带有白兰地酒味。

29、Go upstairs before she smells a rat. ─── 在她起疑之前上楼。

30、The food smells absolutely marvellous. ─── 这食物闻起来香极了。

31、Benny, your breath smells like an ashtray. You've got to stop smoking! ─── 班尼,你的口气闻起来像烟灰缸。你必须要戒烟了!

32、I don't like the smell of lavender. ─── 我不喜欢熏衣草的香味。

33、Let's put that dish away, it smells. ─── 咱们把这个菜拿走,有味儿了。

34、We'll take the dog -- she'll smell those rabbits out. ─── 我们把狗带著--它会嗅出那些兔子的。

35、P: Seat cushion in 13F smells rotten. ─── 13F座椅垫有腐烂的气味。

36、She took a smell at the flower. ─── 她闻一闻那朵花。

37、I can smell gas -- is the oven on? ─── 我闻到煤气味了--烤箱开著呢吧?

38、The garlic smells the kitchen out. ─── 厨师房一股蒜味。

39、Yuck, it smells like a sewer down here. ─── 好恶,这里闻起来像下水道。

40、We have an extractor fan in the kitchen to get rid of the smell of cooking. ─── 我们的厨房里有台排气扇,用来消除油烟。

41、His offer smells strongly of a plot. ─── 他的建议明显地带有阴谋的意味。

42、Lol i guess so it helps when a man smells good. ─── 嗯,我想这可以使一个男人的气味变的很好闻。

43、Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco? ─── 你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗?

44、He rarely washes, and he smells. ─── 他很少洗澡,所以身体发出臭味。

45、Since when it grows, and smells. ─── 从此它永远鲜艳、芳香。

46、I love this body lotion, it smells so good. ─── 我喜欢这个润肤露,味道很好闻。

47、Winter smells like metal, clear and drisk. ─── 冬天是金属的味道,寒冷而清新。

48、Mrs. Brown: Yes. Get me a lit-tle. It smells nice. ─── 布朗太太:好,给我来一点。闻起来真香。

49、Allen: That smells delicious, Jack. ─── 埃伦:杰克,那味道闻起来很香。

50、You know, once you're dead, nothing smells bad anymore. Rotten eggs? No problem. Dead fish? Like a spring breeze. ─── 你要知道,一旦你死了,什么东西闻起来都不会太差劲。臭鸡蛋?没问题。死鱼?那味道就像春风吹拂。

51、I can smell the fragrance of flowers after showers. ─── 我可以闻到雨后鲜花的清香。

52、Mom, breakfast smells great. What is it? ─── 妈妈,早餐闻起来好香啊.是什么?

53、Get a whiff of this! It smells lovely doesn't it? ─── 你闻闻,是不是很香?

54、I can smell something burning. ─── 我闻到有东西烧焦了。

55、I'll bet it tastes even better than it smells! ─── 我保证它吃起来比闻起来更香!

56、He's dirty, and what's more he smells. ─── 他很脏,而且身上还有味呢。

57、The smoke from the fireplace smells good. ─── 从壁炉中冒出来的烟很好闻。

58、That door handle still seems to me like a special sign of entry into a world of different moods and smells. ─── 对我来说,直到现在,它仍像进入另一世界的特殊标记,这个世界有着不同的情绪和味道。

59、He is dirty, and what is more he smells. ─── 他很脏,而且还能闻到味。

60、He smells the cake. It smells good. ─── 他闻蛋糕。蛋糕闻起来真香。

61、"Smells like a gym down there," he told a friend. ─── “那儿就象一个吵闹的体育馆,”克林顿向他的一个朋友这样描述过。

62、Cooking smells wafted along the hall. ─── 做饭的味道顺着走廊飘过来。

63、Your breath smells of brandy [fish]. ─── 你嘴里有白兰地[鱼]味。

64、Donna is sensitive to strong smells. ─── 唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。

65、I smell burning, for the pie and potatoes are burned to cinders. ─── 我像是闻到了烧焦的味道,原来是馅饼和马铃薯都烧焦了。

66、Have a smell of this wine; is it all right? ─── 你来闻一闻这酒,是好的吗?

67、Dashan: Mmm. Everything smells delicious. ─── 大山:啊,每道菜闻着都是那么香。

68、Her favorite essence smells like gardenias. ─── 她喜欢的香水闻起来象栀子花。

69、My nose also smells bad and is dry. ─── 我的鼻子一直有臭味,干燥。

70、She cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. ─── 她受不了香烟的气味。

71、The kitchen smells as if something is burning. ─── 厨房里好象有什么东西烧着了。

72、Even when the roses were taken away, the smell lingered on in the room. ─── 尽管玫瑰花已被拿走,但花的香味却在房间里久留不去。

73、Don't drink that juice. It smells badly off. ─── 别喝那果汁了,闻起来已经严重变质了。

74、Beer has a very distinctive smell. ─── 啤酒有一种特殊的味道。

75、The smells from the kitchen made our mouths water. ─── 厨房里的香味馋得我们直流口水。

76、He is so short, his hair smells like feet. ─── 他太矮了,头发都散发着脚的味道。

77、The cheese was emitting a strong smell. ─── 干酪散发出强烈的气味。

78、The smell of cooking tells them there is a meal in the offing. ─── 他们闻到做菜的味儿,知道眼看要吃饭了。

79、It never wets you and it always smells good. ─── 它从不把你淋湿,而且总是挟带着一股清新的气息。

80、Let bad smells go running -- step into a fresh pair of shoes or sneakers with these simple solutions. ─── 让臭味消失——下列简单的方法让你的鞋子保持清新

81、That meat smells a bit iffy to me. ─── 那块肉闻起来有点变质了。

82、Her favourite essence smells like gardenias. ─── 她喜欢的香水闻起来像栀子花。

83、Lilly: Who smells like week-old bologna. ─── 你闻起来像是放了几个礼拜的大腊肠。

84、The rank smell of vomit reached me. ─── 我闻到了呕吐物的臭气。

85、It smells good, and tastes good. You would like it. ─── 它闻起来很香,吃起来很好吃。你肯定会喜欢的。

86、I didn't eat the fish because the smell put me off. ─── 我没吃那条鱼,因为它的气味使我恶心。

87、Are you eating pomelo? It smells so good! ─── 你们在吃柚子吗?闻起来真香啊!

88、Lead the way with the police dog; he'll soon smell the fellow out. ─── 带着警犬领路吧,它马上会把好家伙的行踪嗅出来。

89、I know the smell of powder. ─── 我上过战场。

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