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strata 发音

英:[ˈstreɪtə]  美:[ˈstrɑːtə]

英:  美:

strata 中文意思翻译




strata 网络释义

n. 层;[地质] 地层;阶层n. (Strata)人名;(意、塞)斯特拉塔

strata 短语词组

1、strata circulare membranae tympani ─── [医] 鼓膜环层

2、strata albocinereum ─── [医] 白质灰质层

3、strata cinereum colliculi superioris ─── [医] 上丘灰层

4、strata circulare ─── [医] 环层

5、strata basale ─── [医] 基底层

6、strata album profnndum ─── [医] 深白层

7、strata corneum ─── [医] 角质层

8、strata corneum epidermidis ─── [医] 表皮角质层

9、central gray strata ─── [医] 中央灰层

10、strata cinereum cerebelli ─── [医] 小脑灰层

11、strata circulare tunicae muscularis ─── [医] 肌织膜环层

12、strata bacillare retinae ─── [医] 视网膜杆体层

13、strata cerebrale ─── [医] 大脑层

14、strata compactum ─── [医] 致密层(蜕膜)

15、strata alba corticis ─── [医] 皮质白层

16、strata corneum unguis ─── [医] 甲角质层

17、Oehl's strata ─── [医] 透明层

18、Arlt's strata ─── [医] 网状纤维层(连结丘脑和枕叶)

19、strata bacillorum ─── [医] 杆体层(视网膜)

strata 词性/词形变化,strata变形

名词复数形式:stratas 原型:stratum

strata 常用词组

overlying strata ─── 覆层;表层;上覆地层

rock strata ─── 岩层

series of strata ─── 层系,岩系

strata 相似词语短语

1、strati ─── n.层云(stratus的复数形式);n.(Strati)人名;(意、罗)斯特拉蒂;(俄)斯特拉季

2、stratal ─── adj.地层的;层的

3、strath ─── n.平底河谷,宽平河谷

4、-strata ─── n.层;[地质]地层;阶层;n.(Strata)人名;(意、塞)斯特拉塔

5、straits ─── n.[海洋]海峡;困难(strait的复数)

6、straths ─── n.平底河谷,宽平河谷

7、strato- ─── suff.层;n.(Strato)人名;(希、德)斯特拉托

8、stratum ─── n.(组织的)层;[地质]地层;社会阶层

9、strati- ─── n.层云(stratus的复数形式);n.(Strati)人名;(意、罗)斯特拉蒂;(俄)斯特拉季

strata 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results suggest that carbon isotope is very useful for Early Proterozoic carbonate strata correlation. ─── 作者认为,碳同位素对于早元古代碳酸盐地层的对比是很有用的。

2、Migrants, both male and female, seem to come from all socioeconomic strata. ─── 似乎来自各个社会经济阶层的男女移民都有。

3、Contact relation of subaqueous volcanic rocks and underlying strata is conformity, disconformity or erosion. ─── 与下伏地层呈整合、假整合或侵性接触;

4、They belong to the rich strata and never work. ─── 他们属于富裕阶层,不干活。

5、The basic substance Willis selected for the strata of his experiments was beeswax . ─── 威利斯在他做的试验中选择摸拟地层基本物质是石蜡。

6、The Neopaleozoic strata in the area is divided into 8 sequences. ─── 将研究区上古生界划分为8个层序,建立相应的层序地层格架。

7、The effect of the differential strata in halfspace on the damping is analyzed by theory of wave ... ─── 依波动理论 ,提出了基础振动的影响深度确定公式。

8、He hates the privileged stratum. ─── 他憎恨特权阶层。

9、within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago. ─── 岩层中的证据表明该地区在15,000 年前曾经非常干旱。

10、North to Songhuajiang river, thrust-fold systems thrusting from NWW to SEE controlled strata fluctuation. ─── 在松花江以北,构成一个自北西西向南东东逆冲的逆冲-褶皱系统,控制了地层起伏的格架。

11、The argument that the Nyalam Group represents the whole Precambrian strata in the Himalaya area is worth discussing. ─── 因此,认为“聂拉木群”代表喜马拉雅地区全部“前寒武系”是值得商榷的。

12、A region or stratum distinguished by composition or content. ─── 地带以构成成分和含量来区别的区域或地层

13、Another possibility could be that measurements may not yet have been taken from the correct rock strata. ─── 也还有其他的可能,就是目前尚未针对正确的岩层量测数据。

14、Analyzed the differences when the "unconformability body" impacted on difference types of strata reservoirs. ─── 分析了不整合体对不同类型地层型油气藏作用的差异性,建立了不同的成藏模式。

15、A large mass of igneous rock that has melted and intruded surrounding strata at great depths. ─── 岩基大量的已经熔化并已侵入周围地壳岩层的火成岩

16、There is a series of strata composed of dolomitite, calcareous dolostone and quartzose sandstone. ─── 大青山地区发育一套以白云岩、灰质白云岩和少量石英砂岩为主的地层。

17、The primary unit of lithostratigraphy, consisting of a succession of strata useful for mapping or description. ─── 地层,岩组岩石地层的基本单位,构成用于制图或描绘的一系列层次

18、Several stable, continuous and thick incompetent beds exist in Jurassic red strata in Wanzhou. ─── 在万州侏罗纪红层中,连续分布多层产状稳定、厚度较大的软弱夹层。

19、Instead, they are other volcano types, like strata volcanoes, for example, which are a result of the tectonic plate movement. ─── 相反,它们是其他类型的火山,比如地层火山,是板块运动的结果。

20、A bend in a stratum of rock. ─── 地层折曲岩石地层的褶曲

21、In the local or global movement of rock mass under mining,overlying strata play a key role. ─── 上覆岩层对采动岩体活动全部或局部起决定性作用,上覆岩层运动是一个复杂的时空过程,具有时效性。

22、Using her unique feminism perspective, she panoramically described the life of the females of the lower strata in the society. ─── 她以自己独特的女性视角下的女性文学,将下层女性的生存状态诠释得淋漓尽致。

23、Is The Intermediate Stratum Forming in China? ─── 中国的中间阶层正在形成?

24、The sequence strata are divided with the method of high_resolution sequence stratigraphy. ─── 在高分辨率层序地层划分对比的基础上,建立了高精度层序地层格架。

25、This proposed method has been used for quality evaluation of natural Gamma spectral log in the Ordovician carbonate strata in Tahe oilfield. ─── 目前这种方法在塔河油田奥陶系碳酸岩盐地层的能谱测井资料质量评价中取得了明显的效果。

26、Within this market, there are three different strata of technologies, known as “stacks”. ─── 在这个市场内部,存在三个不同层级的技术,成为“叠层”。

27、To displace or move(a vein,lode,or stratum,for example. ─── (地层,矿脉等)转位,滑动置换或移动(例如水脉、矿脉、地层等)

28、China is a large, populous country with a variety of social classes, strata and groups. ─── 中国是一个人口众多的大国,存在不同的阶级、阶层和社会群体。

29、During folding, fracture and fault are most Likely formed where in the strata paleokarst hadbeen developed. ─── 在相同岩性和岩性组合条件下,褶皱前古岩溶发育地段更易产生断裂和裂缝。

30、Novels mainly contain a satirical portrayal of the upper strata of society. ─── 小说是一个含有讽刺意味的上流社会写照。

31、Research on Rare-Earth Elements Geochemistry of Coal-Bearing Strata II. ─── 含煤岩系稀土元素地球化学研究2。

32、The iron bearing formations mainly occur in the Middle and ,especially,Upper Devonian strata. ─── 含矿建造主要赋存于中上泥盆统 ,而以上泥盆统为主。

33、As I stated before, they naturally strata and settle into pools of related thought. ─── 如我前面所说,它们自动分层,并进入相关思想的层次。

34、While we were walking, I thought the lights of our Ruhmkorff devices would automatically attract some inhabitants of these dark strata. ─── 我一边走一边想,我们带的兰可夫灯的灯光必然要引起那些沉黑的海底下居民的注意,齐集前来。

35、The AVN consisted of the deep stratum and the superficial stratum. ─── 其中右、中过渡细胞束在靠近AVN时基本汇合一处。

36、An aquifer is a water-bearing rock stratum such as sandstone and chalk. ─── 地下蓄水层是一些有水的岩石层, 如沙岩和白垩岩。

37、The slope mudflow around the seat of Ningshaan County occurs on a steep slope of Middle Devonian strata. ─── 宁陕县城周围坡面型泥石流发育于中泥盆统地层的陡坡上。

38、Because some strata are carbonaceous shale, the result of geophysical work was infected. ─── 因部分地层中含有碳质板岩,对地球物理工作的结果产生了一定的影响。

39、A portion of bedrock or other stratum protruding through the soil level. ─── 出露层露出地表的一部分基岩或其他地层

40、Regularity of rock strata movement will be changed by effect of geodynamic underground mining. ─── 在地质动力的作用下,矿山地下开采正常的岩层与地表移动规律将发生变化,甚至会发生突变灾害。

41、The research can be used to interpret similar inharmonious thickness variation in isochronic strata correlation. ─── 可用于解释类似相域等时旋回厚度的不协调变化。

42、To lie at an angle to the horizontal plane, as a rock stratum or vein. ─── 下沉从地平线下降,如岩石层或岩脉

43、He tried to guess how the strata behaved at the time the contortions formed. ─── 他试图推断地层在扭曲形成时是如何变化的。

44、Meanwhile, discovery and its tectono-paleogeography background of the strata has a great significance for the study of orogenic belt of East Kunlun Mt. ─── 同时,该套地层的发现及其古构造沉积背景的确定对东昆仑造山带的研究具有重要意义。

45、Stratum is only a substitute to class.Another example is market and capitalism. ─── “阶层”其实只是“阶级”的代名词。“市场”代替“资本主义”也是如此。

46、The rock samples were collected from various strata of Whipple mountain, south California, USA. ─── 岩石样品采自美国南加州Whipple山的不同地层。

47、Such a class of businessmen selling to the "lower strata" of the population did not exist in precapitalistic ages. ─── 在前资本主义时期,这样一个销售商品给“较低阶层”民众的商人阶层还不存在。

48、Ya strata is very good but Do you have the Unmoving bone issue on like somethings hands you rigged in CX? ─── Ya地层是非常好,但是您是否有不感动人的骨头问题像某事递您在CX装配了?

49、Along thickness of strata,mineralization of master ore bed has obviously vertical zonality in the upward order of... ─── 上述特点与我国及国外海相砂页岩型铜矿一致。

50、The Silurian strata are recognized in the area north of the Lungmuco area. ─── 发现了大量新近系松西组安山质火山岩沉积盆地;

51、The older strata gradually disintegrated. ─── 年代较久的地层逐渐崩解了。

52、The example shows that the method of multistep flow unit study can be suitably applied in tidal-flat facies strata. ─── 实践证明,渗流屏障和连通体等地质条件控制下流动单元定量研究方法在潮坪相地层中有很好的应用效果。

53、The Lazhuglung Formation overlies unconformably the Ordovician and Silurian strata. ─── 发现了几个重要的不整合界面;

54、The subjacent and lateral strata previously have been compacted. ─── 下卧层和旁侧层先已压实。

55、The strata lithology of Three Gorges Reservoir Area is of great variety. ─── 三峡库区地层岩性较为齐全多样。

56、There were several strata of shop assistants in old China. ─── 在旧中国,店员有不同的阶层。

57、Early Paleozoic high-overmature strata are important source rock in Chinese petroliferous basins. ─── 下古生界高过成熟地层是我国重要的烃源岩。

58、A thin, leaflike layer or stratum occurring especially in metamorphic rock. ─── 叶形线薄的叶状地层,尤其出现于变质岩中

59、By following the fossils, Smith was able to put all the strata of England's earth into relative temporal sequence. ─── 通过研究这些化石,史密斯能够把英国土地所有的地层按相对的时间顺序排列起来。

60、The heat preservation time which will influence the boriding stratum is discussed primarily. ─── 初步探讨了保温时间对45钢渗硼层的影响。

61、The white rock strata lying obliquely on the coast looks like the backbone of a dragon and extends from the coast into the sea. ─── 眼前斜卧在海岸的白色岩层貌似龙脊,由海岸延伸入水。

62、They represent all social strata . ─── 他们代表各个社会阶层。

63、To form bends in(a stratum of rock). ─── 地层褶曲(在地层的岩石上)形成弯曲

64、To expose(rock strata) by erosion. ─── 剥蚀因腐蚀而露出(石层)

65、The atmosphere is actually composed of many strata or layers, of which we are interested in only the lowest one. ─── 大气实际上是由许多层次所组成,我们只对其中的最低层有兴趣。

66、The overburden in the mining influencing zone is often composed of red strata and coal beds in many coal mines. ─── 许多矿区煤层采动影响范围内的覆岩层由红层和煤层共同构成。

67、Cantilever beam of key strata breaks and caves into blocks,which is periodic weighting of mining face. ─── 关键层悬臂梁破断垮落成承压砌块,其垮落及沿架后切落,形成工作面周期来压。

68、These are all proclaimed in the literature of the old Tatar and Kipchak aristocratic strata, meaning ?zbek literature. ─── 古代的鞑靼和钦察贵族阶层的文学都在宣称这些品质。

69、The overburden strata movement is a complicated time and space process. ─── 上覆岩层的运动是一个复杂的时空过程。

70、There are two main Chinese Loanword strata in Kam language in Sanjiang area: Middle Chinese and Mandarin. ─── 广西三江侗语汉借词可区分为中古和近现代两大层次。

71、Gravel strata is a kind of typical instable layer in drilling engineering. ─── 卵砾石地层是钻探工程中常见的一种典型的不稳定地层。

72、The metallogenesis is controlled by the strata,volcanism and structure. ─── 富钠细碧角斑岩、火山碎屑岩、基性侵入岩为该区的主要岩浆岩类型。

73、In parallel or concordant bedding the strata overlay each other like pages of a book. ─── 在平行的或者整合的层面中,地层好象书页一般互相重迭。

74、The lower stratum divides again into Ds and Es. ─── 下层又分成D级和E级。

75、It cuts a clean cylinder of rock,from which can be seen the strata the drill has been cutting through. ─── 它切割出一块表面光滑的圆柱体石头,从这石块上可以看出钻头在切割的岩层。

76、The conditions under which the urban poor and professional people existed as independent social strata have virtually been eliminated. ─── 城市贫民和自由职业者差不多已经失掉成为社会阶层的条件。

77、Meteorite strike events have severe, great and long-term impact on strata structure of the earth surface. ─── 历史上发生的陨击事件对地球表面岩层构造产生了极其严重、深刻和长远的影响。

78、Strata were pushed into folds that have now weathered out into long east-west ridges. ─── 地层被挤成褶皱,现在因周围岩石风化而挺立起来,形成了长长的东西走向的山脊。

79、The sedimentary features and strata touching relation in the Early-middle Mesozoic of Helanshan area were contrast to that of Ordos Basin. ─── 贺兰山地区中生代早中期的沉积特征及地层接触关系与鄂尔多斯盆地内部相一致;

80、Geology The primary unit of lithostratigraphy, consisting of a succession of strata useful for mapping or description. ─── 地层,岩组:岩石地层的基本单位,构成用于制图或描绘的一系列层次

81、Because, owing to historical, political and economic peculiarities, the upper strata hold the chief sway in minority nationality areas. ─── 因为在少数民族地区,由于历史的、政治的、经济的特点,上层分子作用特别大。

82、If we fail in our work among the upper strata, all our efforts will come to nothing. ─── 如果上层这一关过不好,一切都要落空。

83、There are three deltaic types developed in lacustrine strata,i.e. ─── 在湖泊中存在三种三角洲类型,即正常三角洲,辫状三角洲和扇三角洲。

84、"This find is vrey important," he said after examining the strata. ─── 他查看了地层之后说,“这一发现很重要。”

85、Datong coal-bearing strata for the Jurassic Datong group, the Carboniferous Taiyuan, Shanxi. ─── 大同市含煤地层为侏罗纪大同组,石炭系太原组、山西组。

86、Basalt,olivine basalt and peridotite buried in deep strata may act just as the melten iron in laboratory. ─── 地下深处的玄武岩、橄榄玄武岩和橄榄岩与实验室条件下的熔融铁类似。

87、The subaerial volcanic rocks underwent weak alteration and unconformity with underling strata. ─── 与下伏地层多呈角度不整合接触,古风化壳常见,常含有陆相植物;

88、Ordovician strata in Tahe oilfield belong to carbonate reservoir with well developed fractures and dissolution pores. ─── 塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩储集层裂缝普遍较发育,同时存在大量溶蚀孔隙。

89、In digging the well, the men struck first a stratum of sand, then several strata of rock. ─── 在挖井时,他们先挖掘到一层砂,之后是几层石头。

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