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08-15 投稿


amb 中文意思翻译




amb 短语词组

1、amb- ─── [医] 两, 复, 双, 两侧

2、amb express amb express

3、amb fund amb ─── 基金

4、amb acc amb acc ─── 公司

amb 相似词语短语

1、ambo ─── n.(早期教堂的)读经台;讲道台

2、lamb ─── n.羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉;vt.生小羊,产羔羊;vi.生小羊,产羔羊;n.(Lamb)人名;(英)兰姆;(德)兰布

3、Camb ─── n.综眼

4、jamb ─── n.[矿业]矿柱,侧柱;门窗侧壁

5、amb. ─── 高级内存缓冲器(AdvancedMemoryBuffer);n.(Amb)人名;(尼日利)安布

6、Amb ─── 高级内存缓冲器(AdvancedMemoryBuffer);n.(Amb)人名;(尼日利)安布

7、gamb ─── n.(尤指绘在盾形纹章上的)腿;胫

8、amba ─── n.安巴(抽穗早型鸭茅品种);n.(Amba)人名;(刚(金))安巴

9、iamb ─── n.抑扬格,短长格

amb 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study on AMB with a Bias Coil ─── 偏置线圈式电磁轴承的研究

2、Before and after drinking AMB,the activities of IgG,IgM,IgA,C3,C4,CIC,CRA and the levels of the SIL-2R were detected. ─── 检测其服用前后的IgG、IgM、IgA、C_3、C_4、循环免疫复合物(CIC),补体溶解免疫复合物活性(CRA)以及可溶性白细胞介素2受体(SIL-2R)的水平.

3、This thesis mainly concerns the application of a new differential transformer radial displacement sensor on Active Magnetic Bearing(AMB). ─── 本文对一种新型的差动变压器式径向位移传感器在磁悬浮轴承中的应用进行了研究。

4、If fungal culture or identification can't be detected, suggest taking experienced treatment, or may choose AMB injection or ITZ injection. ─── 如果没有条件做真菌培养或鉴定,建议经验性治疗。可选用AMB或ITZ注射液。

5、First inhibition of Manchurian walnut (Junglans mandchuricum) extract, ICZ, FCZ AMB, and 5-FC against 133 strains of C. albicans in vitro were tested with NCCLS work programme. ─── 以NCCLS方案检测了胡桃楸提取物和伊曲康唑(ICZ)、氟康唑(FCZ)、两性霉素B(AMB)和5-氟胞嘧啶(5-FC)对133株白念珠菌体外生长抑制作用。

6、Design Method of AMB Controller Based on the Current Distribution ─── 基于磁极电流分配的电磁轴承控制器设计

7、The configuration and basic theoretics of active magnetic bearing(AMB) are narrated. ─── 叙述了磁力轴承的主动控制原理及控制系统的组成;

8、The curative effect of AmB is affirmed and we haven't found life - threatening side - effect in children. ─── 以胸膜为基底的楔形实变影提示发生致命性咯血的可能。

9、For the strong nonlinearity of the 3-pole AMB, feedback linearization of the nonlinear system is proposed based on the special structure of the system model. ─── 其一为线性回授控制器,另二种控制器皆建立在回授线性化的基础上,分别为线性回授控制器以及积分滑动模式控制器。

10、The measuring of both axial displacement and radial displacement of the rotor forms the base of controlling the whole AMB system. ─── 因此,对转子轴向位移和径向位移的检测就成为控制整个电磁轴承系统的基础。

11、Study on induction of apoptosis in mouse S_(180)_ tumor cells by allium macr ostemon bunge (AMB) ─── 天然食物小根蒜诱导S_(180)细胞凋亡作用的研究

12、The Research of the PWM Depend on other in Controllers of AMB Motor ─── 无轴承电机中磁浮系统的互补PWM控制器研究

13、Coulomb friction model with high accuracy is proposed so that more accurate equations of motion can be established for the transient response of the singledisk rotor which drops onto the backup bearing as soon as AMB shuts down. ─── 摘要就磁轴承发生故障时转子坠入备用轴承所产生的非线性瞬态响应,提出了摩擦力的计算模型,从理论上建立了更为精确的运动微分方程。

14、In this dissertation gas bearings are used as the main supporting elements, AMB as control and error compensation device, thus they can make up each other. ─── 利用气体静压轴承作为主要支承,利用磁轴承作控制和误差补偿,使两者优势互补。

15、Application Research of Fuzzy PID Self-adjusting Control in the AMB System ─── 主动磁悬浮轴承系统中的模糊自整定PID控制研究

16、Stability Analysis of Experimental AMB Prototype for Aircraft Engine ─── 实验用航空发动机磁悬浮轴承样机的稳定性分析

17、The thesis mainly researches on inductive displacement sensor for AMB. ─── 本文研究了用于磁悬浮轴承系统的电感式位移传感器。

18、Active magnetic bearing (AMB), which makes rotor suspend stably by controllable magnetic field force, is novel and of high performance. ─── 主动磁力轴承(以下简称磁力轴承)是利用可控磁场力使转子稳定悬浮的一种新型高性能轴承。

19、The MIC results of JC1A standard strain indicated that the inhibition of allicin against C. albwans was equivalent to FCZ, slightly lower than ICZ, AMB, and 5-FC. ─── 标准菌株JC1A的MIC结果表明大蒜素提取物对白念珠菌的抗菌作用相当于FCZ,略低于ICZ、AMB和5-FC;

20、In many countries such as USA, France, Japan, and Switzerland, AMB has been industrialized. ─── 在美国、法国、日本、瑞士等国已获得了工业领域的引用。

21、Research on Digital Control System of AMB Based on DSP ─── 基于DSP的磁力轴承数字控制系统研究

22、The principal work of this dissertation is the research of the displacement sensor on AMB and the relative design of electro magnetic compatibility. ─── 本文的主要工作就是研究磁轴承用位移传感器和相关的电磁兼容。

23、The relations between stiffness and damping performances and structure parameters of AMB system and frequency specificity of the control loop are analyzed herein. ─── 分析了磁力轴承系统的刚度阻尼特性与其控制器特性之间的关系;

24、Study on the Influence of Immunosuppression of Supernatant of S180 by AMB and PUPS ─── 中药黄芪注射液、猪苓多糖注射液影响S180肿瘤细胞培养上清免疫抑制作用的研究

25、The fundamental and the math model of Self-sensing Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) are studied and its stability is analyzed. ─── 本文研究了无传感器磁悬浮轴承系统的基本原理、闭环系统的数学模型及其稳定性。

26、For the realization of AMB centralized controller, The paper proposes two methods: LQR and linear state feedback decouple controller. ─── 文中采取了两种理论方案实现AMB的集中控制:LQR和线性状态反馈解耦控制。

27、The sensitive rates of these Candida species to amphotericine B(AMB),5-fluorocytosine(5-FC),nystatin(NYS),ketoconazole(KTC),econazole(ECO),and miconazole(MTC) were 8.49%,14.91%,12.39%,46.56%,38.76%,and 30.73%,respectively. ─── 念珠菌对两性霉素B(AMB)、5-氟胞嘧啶(5-FC)、制霉菌素(NYS)、酮康唑(KTC)、益康唑(ECO)、咪康唑(MTC)的耐药率分别为8.49%、14.91%、12.39%、46.56%、38.76%、30.73%。

28、Anar Bikini per biquini, Bikini vendes bikini, nedar amb biquini. ─── 到比基尼岛购泳装,比基尼岛卖泳装,游水需泳装.

29、Applications of AMB Inverter in The Building Energy Supplying System ─── 安邦信变频器在建筑大厦集中供热上的应用

30、Furthermore, the same levitation of AMB system is realized in which a non magnetic-conducting layer of material is installed between the stator and rotor. ─── 此外,当在传感器的转子与定子之间加入一层非导磁材料时,也能静态悬浮。

31、Research on Fuzzy PID Control of AMB ─── 主动磁力轴承的模糊PID控制

32、Mice were divided into 3 groups: AmB-injected,AmB-lipid-injected,and AmB-PBCA-NP-injected group. Brain-targeting ability of AmB-PBCA-NP was then evaluated by determination of AmB concentrations in mice brain and other specimens. ─── 小鼠分3组,每组28只,分别注射AmB粉针剂、脂质体(AmB-L)及纳米制剂(AmB-PBCA-NP),通过检测小鼠脑组织等脏器中的药物浓度,评价其主动脑靶向作用。

33、We named it "medullary visceral zone (MVZ)", for it contains several nuclei (NTS, NDMX, Amb, etc.) ─── 因NTS、NDMX和Amb等与内脏活动有关的核团在该区,故提出了“延髓内脏带(MVZ)”的概念。

34、The MIC results of JC1A standard strain indicated that the inhibition of allicin against C.albicans was equivalent to FCZ,slightly lower than ICZ,AMB,and 5-FC. ─── 标准菌株JC1A的MIC结果表明大蒜素提取物对白念珠菌的抗菌作用相当于FCZ,略低于ICZ、AMB和5-FC;

35、Fd Amb ─── (=Field Ambulance) 野战救护队(英陆军)

36、AMB offers a variety of flexible leasing services for customer. ─── 安博能提供灵活多样的租赁服务。

37、The study of AMB control algorithm has been developed. ─── 了磁悬浮轴承控制系统的控制算法研究。

38、Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB) have such a lot of advantages that it is called a technology revolution in the bearings. ─── 磁悬浮轴承由于具有一系列独特的性能,被称为是支承技术的一场革命。

39、The main work of present dissertation is to measure the axial displacement of AMB rotor using eddy current sensors. ─── 论文的主要工作是利用电涡流传感器径向测量电磁轴承转子的轴向位移。

40、ambambulatory ─── 下床活动

41、Sec Fd Amb ─── (=section of field ambulance) 野战救护分队

42、Application of DSP in control system of AMB ─── DSP在电磁轴承控制系统中的应用

43、AMB Inverter ─── AMB变频器

44、The design of displacement measurement system for AMB based on DSP ─── 基于DSP的磁悬浮轴承位移检测系统设计

45、He must not eat anything found dead orz torn by wildanicals, Sex nd so become unclean through it. I amb the LORD. ─── 8自死的或是被野兽撕裂的,他不可吃,因此污秽自己。我是耶和华。

46、Based on studying AMB suspension characteristics, by the rulesof Riccati transfer matrix, the variety of dynamic property, eigenfrequency and main vibration model of rotor are calculated. ─── 在研究磁悬浮主轴支承特性的基础上,利用传递矩阵法,求得其固有频率,分析了支承对固有频率的影响,开发了转子结构动态特性分析软件模块。

47、In this paper, a conceptive kind of intelligent AMB (active magnetic bearing) is introduced, this is the idea of IMB (intelligent magnetic bearing). ─── 摘要介绍了磁悬浮轴承(AMB)智能化的构思,即IMB设计思想。

48、INTERFEED CHINA 2002 Expo & Forum is organised by AMB Exhibitions Shanghai - a member of the Allied Media Worldwide Network. ─── INTERFEED CHINA 2002展览会暨研讨会由万能国际集团成员之一的AMB上海万能展览服务有限公司主办。

49、The Rationality Analysis of Single Freedom control Independently on AMB ─── 主动磁悬浮轴承单自由度独立控制研究

50、Active magnetic bearings (AMB) are novel supporting instruments that have been attracting scholar's great attention. ─── 主动磁力轴承系统(简称磁力轴承系统)是一种目前备受专家学者关注的新型承载装置。

51、Nonparanetric correlation analysis with SPSS10.0 demonstrated that the data of MICs for Ambisome and AmB were correlated(r=0.643,P

52、In order to raise or guarantee the precision and dynamic stiffness of AMB spindle units mounted o... ─── 分析了实现混合控制需要解决的关键技术问题以及混合控制方法的应用展望。

53、There are some chief conclusions: (1) Firstly eddy current sensors are put radially to measuring the axial displacement of AMB rotor. ─── 主要成果是:(1)首次把电涡流传感器置于转子径向来测量转子的轴向位移,观测到电磁轴承转子轴向位移和传感器输出的线性关系。

54、Keywords Immobilized Growth Microorganism(IGM);Azo dyes wastewater;Highly effective Decolourizing Microorganism(HDM);Anaerobic Moving Bed (AMB); ─── 固定化微生物;偶氮染料废水;高效脱色菌;厌氧移动床;

55、Pharmacokinetic studies of intraperiton-eal injections of AmB alone and AmB + Rif combination in non-infected rats and serum levels of infected rats during sacrifice were determined. ─── 对非感染大鼠和感染大鼠,在腹腔注射两性霉素B或两性霉素B加利福平后进行了血清浓度测定。

56、Study of Digital Control Technology of AMB Application ─── 数控技术在磁轴承应用中的研究

57、A Coulomb friction model with high accuracy is proposed so that more accurate equations of motion can be established for the transient response of the single-disk rotor which drops onto the back-up bearing as soon as AMB shuts down. ─── 摘要就磁轴承发生故障时转子坠入备用轴承所?生的非线性瞬态响应,提出了摩擦力的计算模型,从理论上建立了更为精确的运动微分方程。

58、AMB capitalizes on land and facility opportunities quickly, accommodating sale/leaseback, vacant facility and relocation requirements. ─── 安博能迅速处理土地和设施交易,包括收购/回租、处理闲置设施,对物业进行改造等。

59、Study on Dynamic Stability of Flywheel Rotor Supported by AMB Based on PID Controller ─── 基于PID控制的主动磁轴承-飞轮转子系统运动稳定性研究

60、the relationship between the inhibitory effects of AMB and its dosage; ─── AMB与ALI之间是否存在剂量依赖效应;

61、Study of control system of motorized spindle supported with AMB based on DSP ─── 基于DSP的主动磁轴承电主轴控制系统研究

62、Keywords AMB Inverter Tertiary oil recovery technology; ─── AMB变频器;三次采油技术;

63、The most important research field of AMB focuses on the research on the controller. ─── 在磁力轴承系统的研究中,控制器的设计是其中至关重要的一环。

64、AMB CO ─── (=ambulance company) 救护汽车连

65、Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) is one of typical electronic &mechanical products and a new type of high performance bearing piece. ─── 主动磁轴承是典型的机电一体化产品,是一种新型的高性能支承部件,其具有无摩擦、无磨损、无需润滑以及寿命长等一系列传统的滚动轴承和滑动轴承所无法比拟的突出优点。

66、Active Magnetic bearings (AMB) are complex machines in which sensors and controllers are used to stabilize the levitation of the rotor. ─── 主动磁悬浮轴承则是由传感器、控制器来实现使转子稳定悬浮的一种复杂的机械装置。

67、radial AMB ─── 径向磁力轴承

68、The experimental result indicated that AMB can increase the immunologic function of elder mice, it can enhance cellular and humoral immunity, complement level, CMSC activity. ─── 本文实验结果表明,北芪能增强老龄鼠及氢化可的松致免疲功能低下模型鼠的免疫功能,提高细胞免疫、体液免疫、补体水平、CMSC活性,使老龄鼠免疫器官和组织超微结构恢复正常。

69、A fuzzy control scheme with a fitted modifying factor was proposed according to in herent characteristics and performance requirement of active magnetic bearings (AMB). ─── 摘要结合主动磁力轴承(AMB)自身特性和性能需要,提出了一种拟合修正因子模糊控制器设计方法。

70、AMB is one of the advanced technology, and the research come down to Electromagnetism, Control Theory, Mechanics, Rotor Dynamics and Computer Science, and so on. ─── 主动磁轴承技术足一种高新技术,其研究涉及到电磁学、控制理论、机械学、转于动力学以及计算机科学等众多学科的知识。

71、AMB s professional management team oversees the operation of all portfolios. ─── 安博的专业管理人员能对物业的建设及运营进行有效管理。

72、According to AMB"s feature and designing desire, we have proposed control algorithms that suitable for AMB system. ─── 从磁力轴承系统的特点和设计要求出发,提出了适应于磁力轴承系统的控制算法。

73、In design of HDD suspended by AMB, it is one, of difficulty and emphases that active control for rotor according as the signal of displacement. ─── 在磁悬浮硬盘设计中,传感器检测的转子位移信号是控制器对轴承进行主动控制的依据,是整个系统研究的重点和难点之一。

74、Use the active magnetic bearings(AMB)to improve the rotary accuracy of Externally pressurized gas bearing,realize improvement of spindle rotary accuracy. ─── 利用主动磁轴承来提高气体轴承回转精度,实现主轴回转精度的提高。

75、whether it had synergistic action or not if AMB and DEX were used together in the treatment. ─── 以及(6)联合应用AMB+DEX其作用是否相加等问题。

76、AMB TN ─── (=ambulance train) 救护列车

77、“Upon carefu l consideration,one cannot but be am azed theub iqu ity of amb igu ity in language. ─── ”(仔细思考一下,我们不能不惊奇地发现普遍存在的语言歧义现象)。

78、AMB -Rotor system ─── AMB转子系统

79、AMB [ambulance] ─── 救护车

80、Abstract: The paper introduces the applications of AMB inverter in the Building Energy Supplying system ; including the energy supplying system,the control method and the analysis of energy saving effect. ─── 摘要:本文节介绍了安邦信变频器在集中供热上的应用,包括概况介绍集中供热的系统、控制方法及节电效果分析。

81、WGA-HRP labeled terminal fibers were mainly observed in AMB,NTS,intermediate zone and reticular formation of pons. ─── 2)WGA-HRP标记神经纤维主要存在于双侧孤束核、疑核、脊髓中间区、延髓网状结构;

82、The sensitive rate of 665 fungi to 5FC,AMB,FAC and ITR was 93.4%? 88.8%? 89.6% and 75.2% respectively. ─── 665株真菌对氟胞嘧啶、两性霉素B、氟康唑、伊曲康唑总的敏感率分别为93.4%、88.8%、89.6%、75.2%。

83、DHL-Sinortrans has a limit of liability of US$100 per shipment, see reserve of AMB of our standard terms and conditions. ─── 中外运敦豪公司快件的理赔限额为每件100美元。有关详情见运单背面的标准条款。

84、Keywords Active Magnetic Bearing(AMB);Nonlinear PID Controller;Differential Control;Gyroscope Effect; ─── 主动磁浮轴承;非线性PID控制器;差动控制;陀螺效应;

85、AMB PLT ─── (=ambulance platoon) 救护汽车排

86、AMB invests in properties located predominantly in the infill submarkets of its targeted markets. ─── 安博致力于投资目标市场中交通成熟地段的物业。

87、1 The resu lts of amb ient shear stress based on d ifferent formu lae. ─── 标题: 图1不同算法计算出的环境剪应力值 F ig.

88、The paper present the working principle of AMB and some hot topics, and analyses the level and developing tendency of the active magnetic bearing. ─── 摘要介绍了电磁轴承工作原理,探讨了一些热点问题,并分析了电磁轴承的发展现状及前景。

89、Research on Controller of AMB ─── 主动磁悬浮轴承控制器的研究

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