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08-10 投稿


acoustically 发音

英:[əˈkuːstɪkli]  美:[əˈkuːstɪkli]

英:  美:

acoustically 中文意思翻译



acoustically 短语词组

1、acoustically rigid ─── 声学刚性

2、acoustically transparent ─── 声学透明

3、deadens acoustically crossword ─── 从声学上消除纵横字谜

4、acoustically reflected clearly ─── 声音反射清晰

5、deadens acoustically ─── 隔音

acoustically 相似词语短语

1、encaustically ─── 蜡染地

2、atomistically ─── 原子论

3、acrostically ─── 顶端

4、agonistically ─── (古希腊)体育竞赛地;竞技地;牵强地,不自然地;论战地,好争议地;【心】动机争胜性地

5、caustically ─── adv.挖苦地;腐蚀地;讥讽地

6、anacrustically ─── 结壳的

7、acoustical ─── adj.[声]声学的;听觉的;音响的

8、agnostically ─── 不可知论

9、acoustooptically ─── 声光

acoustically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Their aim: to acoustically "energize" the room in a consistent and harmonised way. ─── 他们的目的:在听觉上的“活力”的房间内以一种前后一致的和协调的方式。

2、The influence of electrical stimulation to the cerebellum on acoustically evoked responses of inferior collicular (IC) neurons of 34 FM bats, Miniopterus schrebersi, was studied with conventional auditory physiological techniques. ─── 实验在34只长翼蝠(Miniopterus schrebersi)上进行. 使用玻璃微电极在中脑下丘中央核记录听神经元电反应.

3、JIS C60068-2-65-2006 Environmental testing -- Part 2-65: Vibration, acoustically induced 28 ─── 2001环境试验方法-电气、电子-高温高湿,稳定状态(不饱和加压水蒸汽)20页

4、The settling chamber was therefore acoustically lined to attenuate the noise sources located downstream of the valve. ─── 因此沉降室从声学上衬里,以衰减位于阀门下游的噪声源。

5、acoustically dead ─── 不透声的隔声的隔音的

6、We can't think of any reason, structurally or acoustically , why oil is bad for a guitar. ─── 不论从结构上还是声学性能上说,我们都想不出任何道理说明油对吉他不好。

7、Based on the computation of thermodynamic properties of binary inert gas fluids,He~Ar mixtures were used as working fluids to improve the refrigeration performance of a thermo acoustically driven pulse tube refrigerator. ─── 在计算了惰性气体二元混合工质的热力学参数之后,采用氦-氩混合气体作为工质来提高热声驱动脉管制冷的性能。

8、A modal control method and controller design scheme for intelligent mechanically electrically acoustically coupled noise control system is proposed. ─── 提出了机、电、声三相耦合的噪声智能控制系统的模态控制方法 ,给出了模态控制器的设计方案。

9、and the vibrations are amplified acoustically or electronically. ─── 旋转唱片使唱针振动并且使振动在听觉上放大。

10、The driver chassie is a pure aluminum die cast contruction with an acoustically transparent design. ─── 驱动器底座为纯铝铸结构,采用透声设计。

11、Keywords Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome;Diagnosis;Acoustically evoked short latency negative response;Air-bone gap;SLC26A4 gene; ─── 大前庭水管综合征;诊断;声诱发短潜伏期负反应;气骨导差;SLC26A4基因;

12、Moos Acoustically speaking, what happens before and after mating is most interesting. ─── 默丝从象的叫声判断,交配前后发生的事情最有意思。

13、Thus the onset of a phone is different when defined acoustically than perceptually, with the acoustic onset often preceding the perceptual one. ─── 所以,一个语音的开头在声学及听觉上有所不同,而声学所定义的开头总在听学之前。

14、The reconstruction algorithm plays a key role in reconstructing acoustically the flame temperature field in coal-burning boiler hearth. ─── 摘要在声学法燃煤锅炉炉膛火焰温度场重建中,重建算法是实现温度场重建的关键。

15、And this reaction from the amygdala is delivered back to the cortex making us extremely sensitive (acoustically) to such sounds. ─── 而且杏仁体的反应会重新传回听觉皮层,这让人们对类似的声音极其敏感。

16、Non aural carriers in extreme audio frequency ranges are amplified or modulated with the desired material and propagated acoustically for direct inducement into the brain. ─── 非听觉载体用特别的声频段范围被扩大或调整到预期的量,并直接传播声音到大脑。

17、Acoustically evoked short latency negative response ─── 声诱发短潜伏期负反应

18、As each interior design is acoustically modeled, an MP3 file is generated using various environmental test sounds, which are then punched into the game. ─── 每个内部设计都有听觉模型,通过不同的环境测试声音产生一个MP3文件,这些声音随后被放入游戏中。

19、Ostry DJ, Munhall KG.Control of rate and duration of speech movements.J Acoust Soc Am 1985;77:640-648. ─── 林宝贵听障儿童语言障碍与构音能力之研究特殊教育研究会刊1985年第一期第144-160页。

20、The arrangement is also effective acoustically, because the opening gives to the ceiling surface a naturally convex shape that scatters sound toward the periphery and reduces echoes. ─── 同时在声学上也是有效的。因为开口赋予天花表面一个自然的凸圆面形状,这就将声音朝四周分散,有效地降低了反射波。

21、Keywords Vestibular evoked potential;Vetubular evoked myogenic potential;Acoustically evoked short latency negative response;Saccule; ─── 前庭诱发电位;前庭诱发肌源电位;声刺激短潜伏期负电位;球囊;

22、" Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Fg: Vibration, acoustically induced" ─── GB/T2423.47-1997电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验fg:声振

23、Stevens and House, 1963).Thus the onset of a phone is different when defined acoustically than perceptually, with the acoustic onset often preceding the perceptual one. ─── (特定的神经脉冲必须先于其他的神经脉冲,因为半脑的巡迴时间对某些途径来说比其他的更长。)

24、Kaburagi T, Honda M.Determination of sagittal tongue shape from the position of points on the tongue surface.J Acoust Soc Am 1994;96: 1356-1366. ─── 王南梅费佩妮黄恂陈静文三岁到六岁学龄前儿童国语语音发展结构听语会刊1984年第一期第12-18页。

25、(linguistics) any of various acoustically different forms of the same phoneme ─── (语言学)同一音位的听觉上的不同形式

26、The Q-series has been designed as solution to obtain excellent coverage and ultimate intelligibility over longer distances in “acoustically challenging” environments. ─── 在Q系列已被设计为解决取得良好的覆盖范围和最终可解决在更长远的距离“听觉的挑战”的环境。

27、The scientists in Bonn have solved this mystery: differences in ripeness are often invisible, but can be detected acoustically in the form of ethylene ─── 波恩的科学家已经解开了这个谜底:肉眼往往区分不出水果的成熟度,但通过水果释放出的乙烯,从声学角度探测,就能做到这一点。

28、Classification for Acoustically Absorptive Materials Applied by Trowel or Spray ─── 镘刀抹涂或喷涂用的吸音材料的分类

29、Keywords Acoustically evoked short latency negative response;Enlarged vestibular aqueduct;Auditory brainstem response; ─── 声诱发短潜伏期负反应;前庭水管扩大;听性脑干反应;

30、Ultrasonography showed an acoustically hollow lesion with initial high amplitude echoes and low-amplitude internal reflections. ─── 眼底镜检查发现右眼鼻侧视网膜上方有一高起的黑灰色肿块,其范围含盖视神经盘。

31、However, the graphic representation demonstrates that, acoustically, phones overlap. ─── 然而,图3.7却显示语音有声学上的重叠。

32、Q Series cabinets are thermally formed in ‘heavy’ MDF, whose density makes it acoustically inert to reduce unwanted colouration of the sound image. ─── Q 系列机箱被热成型到“厚重”的主装配架上,主装配架的密度使音箱不易减少声像的有害染色。

33、Singing styles are based on what human biology can offer to produce an acoustically efficient instrument. ─── 歌唱的根本在于如何有效利用人体具有的发声乐器。


35、rotating records cause a stylus to vibrate and the vibrations are amplified acoustically or electronically ─── 旋转唱片使唱针振动并且使振动在听觉上放大

36、acoustically adequate message ─── 听觉上足够清楚的信息

37、Keywords Acoustically evoked short latency negative response;Vestibular evoked myogenic potential;Cochlear implant;Profound hearing loss;Saccule; ─── 声诱发短潜伏期负电位;前庭诱发肌源性电位;人工耳蜗;极重度感音性聋;球囊;

38、Ten types of plosive in Chinese dialects mentioned by Chao(1935) are studied acoustically in this paper. ─── 本文对赵元任(1935)提及的汉语方言中的十类爆发音进行声学语音学研究,对这十类音处于单音节起始位置时的VOT、强度等声学参数进行实验分析。

39、Study of acoustically evoked short latency negative response in human ─── 人类声诱发短潜伏期负电位的研究

40、He then belated introduced the concept of the session, explaining, "I didn't explain before, but obviously we're doing it acoustically". ─── 他才介绍了这场歌迷会的目的,他说:“我之前并没有说过,不过很明显的我们正用原声吉他在解释呢。”

41、Acoustically Focused Oceanographic Sampling ─── 听觉海洋标本

42、The Relationship Between Acoustically Evoked Short Latency Negative Response and VEMP ─── 声诱发的短潜伏期负反应与前庭诱发的肌源性电位关系初步研究

43、acoustically coupled ─── 声耦合

44、adv The hall is excellent acoustically. ─── 这个大厅在传音方面极好.

45、Acoustically evoked short latency negative response (ASNR) ─── 声诱发短潜伏期负反应电位

46、acoustically induced birefringence ─── 声诱发双折射

47、In most cases headphones will be used to enjoy music either to acoustically disclose a noisy environment or just to be able to listen to louder levels without disturbing other people. ─── 在多数情况下,耳机可以用来欣赏音乐或者隔除部分环境噪音,也能够聆听较大音量的音乐而不会干扰到其他人。

48、Acoustically and thermally insulated windscreen and windows ─── 隔音隔热前风挡及侧窗玻璃

49、An Experimental Investigation on Acoustically Excited Jet Flow ─── 声激励喷流流动的实验研究

50、Combined with the panel mounted in acoustically free suspension, Variflex elements are able to offer both exceptional strength and outstanding sound insulation. ─── 面板吊挂于内部骨架结构上,便于更换维修,同时减少声音的反射。

51、Study of acoustically evoked short latency negative response in human ─── 人类声诱发短潜伏期负电位的研究

52、Studies have noted that vocalisations that some apes make while being tickled are similar to those made when they are playing, and acoustically they share some characteristics with human laughter. ─── 研究注意到,大猩猩被挠痒时的发声法和它们在玩耍时的发声法是相似的,在听觉上和人类的笑声也有一些相同的特点。

53、an antique record player; the sound of the vibrating needle is amplified acoustically. ─── 一种过时的电唱机;电唱磁针的声音被放大。

54、They still French polish the top because the top of the guitar is more important acoustically than the back and sides. ─── 他们仍然给面板用虫胶涂装因为面板相比背侧板,特别影响音质。

55、acoustically ill-equipped studios. ─── 音响设备差的演播室。

56、The moulded metal basket is a "high flow" type that is acoustically transparent and with high precision since the basket is shaped exactly due to moulding. ─── 盆架采用“高流动性”铝铸透声盆架,模制工艺保证了盆架的高精度。

57、We can't think of any reason, structurally or acoustically, why oil is bad for a guitar. ─── 不论从结构上还是声学性能上说,我们都想不出任何道理说明油对吉他不好。

58、an antique record player; the sound of the vibrating needle is amplified acoustically ─── 一种过时的电唱机;电唱磁针的声音被放大

59、large vestibular aqueduct syndrome; hearing test; acoustically evoked short latency negative response; children. ─── 大前庭导水管综合征;听力检查;声诱发短潜伏期负反应;儿童。

60、What happened was a material scientist figured out a way to process wood to make it acoustically similar to the Cremonese wood. ─── 其实是一位材料学家发现了一种处理木材的方法,使其处理后的声学性质与克雷莫纳木材非常相似。

61、Syllable duration, vowel reduction, linking duration, and consonant cluster duration were acoustically measured and compared. ─── 在语言类型分类上,国语是声调语言,以音节时长为导向;

62、A. systems、and acoustically harsh rooms make it essential to have a mixing engineer with a cappella experience. ─── A.systems)以及声音环境(acousticallyharshrooms),它们决定了在阿卡贝拉比赛中配备一个混音工程师是非常关键的。

63、Withthe high-performance woofers being connected acoustically to the side sills, the hollows space inside these sills is used to provide particularly impressive sound volume. ─── 高性能低音扬声器的声音与车身门槛连通,利用这些门槛内部的空心空间产生气势恢宏的音响。

64、The acoustically transparent basket is moulded in aluminium . ─── 盆架采用铝铸透声盆架。

65、The Problem of “Visually Based ”and “Acoustically Based” ─── 五、关于“视觉为主的文字”和“听觉为主的文字”问题

66、acoustically treated construction ─── 声处理结构

67、Results By ultrasonography, the hemangioma was acoustically solid on B-scan in all cases, and the echogenic character was generally similar to that of the surrounding normal choroid. ─── 结果脉络膜血管瘤B超显示实性占位病变,回声与正常脉络膜组织回声一致;

68、Acoustically Navigated Geological Underwater Survey ─── 声学制导水下地质探测

69、3.Of or relating to sound transmission from two sources, which may vary acoustically, as in tone or pitch, to give a stereophonic effect. ─── 两路立体声的从两个声源传来,可能有听觉上的不同(如在音调和音高上),可产生立体声效果的或与之相关的

70、Keywords Auditory brainstem response Acoustically evoked short latency negative response; ─── 听性脑干反应;声诱发短潜伏期负反应;

71、The Relationship Between Acoustically Evoked Short Latency Negative Response and VEMP ─── 声诱发的短潜伏期负反应与前庭诱发的肌源性电位关系初步研究

72、(linguistics) any of various acoustically different forms of the same phoneme. ─── (语言学)同一音位的听觉上的不同形式。

73、The scientists in Bonn have solved this mystery: differences in ripeness are often invisible, but can be detected acoustically in the form of ethylene. ─── 波恩的科学家已经解开了这个谜底:肉眼往往区分不出水果的成熟度,但通过水果释放出的乙烯,从声学角度探测,就能做到这一点。

74、Lateral Attenuation of Aircraft Sound Levels Over an Acoustically Hard Water surface ─── 在声学上硬水表面上方飞机声音强度的侧向衰减

75、acoustically evoked potential ─── 声诱发电位

76、The entire lower level is set into the ground and acoustically isolated. ─── 整个住宅底层沿着地面地形设置,隔音空间单独设置。

77、Mallat S. Multifrequency channel decompositions of images and wavelet models [J]. IEEE Trans Acoust Speech Signal Processing, 1989, 37(12): 2091-2110. ─── 林碧森金观昌等.正交小波变换在散班图象相关计算中的应用[J].光子学报,:.








Abstract Active control is now being vigorously investigated in various acoustic fields.




acoustic还可以表示“(音乐)效果; 音质”。


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