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08-15 投稿


arthrosis 发音


英:  美:

arthrosis 中文意思翻译



arthrosis 词性/词形变化,arthrosis变形

名词复数: arthroses |

arthrosis 短语词组

1、arthrosis deformans ─── [医] 变形性关节病

2、Charcot's arthrosis ─── [医] 夏科氏关节病, 脊髓痨性关节病

3、arthrosis of the hip ─── 髋关节病

4、oleo-arthrosis ─── [医] 关节注油疗法

5、facet arthrosis ─── 关节突 ─── 关节病

6、neo-arthrosis ─── [医] 人造关节; 假关节

7、arthrosis like crane knee ─── 鹤膝关节病

8、arthrosis Stem Cell research ─── 关节病干细胞研究

arthrosis 相似词语短语

1、arthrodia ─── n.[解剖]摩动关节;滑动关节

2、arthritis ─── n.[外科]关节炎

3、diarthrosis ─── n.[解剖]动关节

4、nearthrosis ─── n.[基医]假关节,人造关节

5、orthosis ─── n.整直法,矫正法

6、synarthrosis ─── n.[解剖]不动关节

7、arthrodic ─── adj.滑动关节的;摩动关节的

8、arthrodesis ─── n.[外科]关节固定术

9、enarthrosis ─── n.杵臼关节

arthrosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、White-collar workers often sit all day long and they really should activize their arthrosis sometimes. ─── 白领阶级经常坐一整天,他们真该偶尔活动关节一下。

2、The painness of all patients was released ,the interlocked symptom of arthrosis was disappeared, postoperatively. ─── 疗效采用董天祥等标准评定,其中优37例,良6例,可3例,优良率93.5%。

3、The rates of arthrosis involvment and nails involvment were higher than those in psoriasis vulgaris. ─── 关节及甲受累率高,沟纹舌、地图舌样损害亦较寻常型银屑病常见。

4、Conclusion Tibial torsional deformity was an etiological factor which resulted in patellofemoral degenerative arthrosis directly, and worth of further attention. ─── 结论胫骨扭转畸形可以诱发髌股关节退变性关节病,在髌股关节退变性关节病防治过程中应予以重视。

5、inner - arthrosis( cavity)-rejection ─── 关节腔内注射

6、In order to describe relative positions and postures between human skeleton, it defines 3 kinds of coordinate system, it also discusses detailly the way to gain each arthrosis moving parameters. ─── 为了描述人体骨骼模型中各关节之间的相对位置和姿态的变化,本文定义了3类坐标系,并详细论述了求解各关节点运动参数方法;

7、To observe the curative effect on bone arthrosis ache from Chronic Brucellosis treated by phosphatic chloroquine and Jiaweisinisan. ─── 观察磷酸氯喹与加味四逆散联合用药治疗慢性布鲁氏菌病骨关节疼痛的疗效。

8、The need for glucosamine can exceed our capacity to produce it as occurs in arthrosis and inflammatory bowel disease. ─── 对葡萄糖的需要可能会超过我们的能力,以生产中,如关节和炎性肠道疾病发生。

9、Determination of Phenylbutazone and Chlorphenamine Maleate in Arthrosis Analgestics Tablets by HPLC ─── HPLC法测定关节镇痛片中保泰松和马来酸氯苯那敏的含量

10、Medium grip can make you see your two finger arthrosis, then your hands from V, which is just opposite the middle line between your jaw and right shoulder, then can help the clubface towards target when you stroke the ball. ─── 不强不弱的中性握杆能看左手的两个指关节,双手的V字形都正对着下巴和右肩膀之间中线,帮助你在触球时让杆面正对目标。

11、Low Frequency Modulated Intermediate Frequency Electrical Stimulation Treating Patella-Femur Arthrosis ─── 低频调制中频电刺激治疗髌股关节病

12、Conclusions: The mental and physical disability associated with end-stage ankle arthrosis is at least as severe as that associated with end-stage hip arthrosis. ─── 结论:晚期踝关节和晚期髋关节疾病所导致的心理和生理方面疾患的严重程度至少是无差异的。

13、Additionally, for abnormal facets, MRI was not reliable in adequately determining the degree of arthrosis. ─── 此外,磁共振对小关节突性关节炎的分级不可靠。

14、Keywords biomedical engineering;three-dimensional gait;footwear;arthrosis; ─── 生物医学工程;三维步态;足地界面;关节损伤;

15、instrument for arthrosis, orthopedic ─── 关节矫形器

16、TARA is 8m high and it has the human like arthrosis and the eyebal can move. ─── 这只木偶高达8米,它不仅具有和真人一样的关节,而且眼珠也能转动。

17、Clinical Summarization on the Treatment of the Wound of Arthrosis Linked With Rumpbone and Ilium with Manipulation of Bonesetting and Arthrosis Sport: A Report of 13 Cases ─── 正骨手法配合关节运动疗法治疗骶髂关节损伤13例临床小结

18、The weight distribution, arthrosis movement and hone function accord with the features of flesh body and have high mechanical equivalency. ─── 重量分布、关节活动、骨骼功能符合人体特征,具有较高的力学等效性;

19、Objective:Explore the effective treatment to the knee degenerative osteo arthrosis. ─── 目的:探讨膝退行性骨关节病的有效治疗方法。

20、orthopedic instrument for arthrosis ─── 关节病矫形器, 关节矫形器

21、The Experimental and Clinical Study of Arthrosis Treatid Simultaneously with External Applcation of Chinese Medicine and TDP Irradiation ─── 中药外敷与TDP照射联用于关节病的实验及临床研究

22、Bledsoe Brace System, "Muscle Powered-Functional Knee Brace for Medial Compartment Arthrosis", Bledsoe Aligner M.A. Application Instructions, 1993. ─── 蔡文钧,连杆式车辆转向系统之创新设计,国立台北科技大学制造科技研究所硕士论文,台北,2002。

23、Edge detection and tracking algorithm for image are used to process and analyze the acquired digital image of arthrosis. ─── 采用图像边缘检测和图像跟踪算法对获得的关节数字图像进行了图像处理和分析。

24、But according to clinic research and referrence to literature,ultrasonic therapy has the best curative effect on treating bone arthrosis and muscle ache. ─── 但根据临床调查和查阅文献,对治疗骨、关节疾病和肌肉疼痛超声波最具疗效,对其它病症,多是试验性的研究,并未得到广泛应用。

25、Arthrosis of the phalangeal joints ─── 指骨关节病

26、The arthrosis relieves pain capsule ─── 关节止痛胶囊

27、Malunions and nonunions are especially challenging conditions to treat successfully and, if untreated, they usually produce abnormal carpal kinematics that can lead to wrist arthrosis. ─── 我们之所以对舟骨骨折的畸形愈合和不愈合感兴趣,是因为如果不及时治疗,它们常会引起异常的腕关节活动,最终导致腕关节炎的发生。

28、The mental and physical disability associated with end-stage ankle arthrosis is at least as severe as that associated with end-stage hip arthrosis. ─── 晚期踝关节和晚期髋关节疾病所导致的心理和生理方面疾患的严重程度至少是无差异的。

29、acute talus arthrosis contusion ─── 急性踝关节扭伤

30、The so-called chronic arthrosis(CA)usually means a series of joint arthr opathies,which include osteoarthr osis,rheumotoid arthrosis,traumatic arthrosis et a l. ─── 慢性关节炎多指骨关节炎、类风湿性关节炎、创伤性关节炎和股骨头坏死引起的关节病变。

31、chondromalacic arthrosis ─── 软骨软化性关节病

32、Trapeziometacarpal (TM) arthrosis or rhizarthrosis (rhiza meaning “root”) is a frequent pathology,especially in women over 50 years of age. ─── 大多角骨掌骨关节病(TM)或腕关节病是一种常见病,尤其易发生在50岁以上的女性。

33、Arthrosis Healing Oral Liquor(AHOL) ─── 关节康口服液

34、Limitative Arthrosis Clearance under Arthroscope to Gonarthritis ─── 关节镜下有限化关节清理术治疗膝骨性关节炎

35、for the control group, 20 (40.0%), 15 (30.0%), 15 (30.0%), 15(30.0%), 70.0% respectively. [Conclusion] Chinese drug Gubitong is a better therapy for bone arthrosis. ─── 对照组治愈20例(40.0%),好转15例(30.0%),无效15例(30.0%),总有效率70.0%。[结论]中药骨痹痛对骨关节病有效好治疗作用。

36、At the same time, practice combining with the video, it can release the conglutination, smooth the arthrosis, so as to recover the shoulder function, bring out the best in each other. ─── 同时,结合本片中的功能锻炼可以松解粘连、滑利关节,从而促进肩关节功能的恢复,两者相得益彰。

37、Intra-articular malunions may result in a block to motion,capsular contracture, synoitis, or arthrosis. ─── 关节内的畸形愈合可能导致活动障碍、关节囊挛缩、滑膜炎或关节病。

38、Keywords Phosphatic chloroquine;Jiaweisinisan;Chronic Brucellosis;Ache from bone arthrosis; ─── 磷酸氯喹;加味四逆散;慢性布鲁氏菌病;骨关节疼痛;

39、They were classified and treated according to their grade of reduction and degree of arthrosis. ─── 手术治疗是依患者骨折复位的情形及伤后性踝关节炎之程度加以分类而接受不同的手术。

40、The presence of arthrosis did not appear to correlate with pain or predict disability or function. ─── 未发生与疼痛及预期的功能障碍相关的关节病。

41、The diagnosis for dog's coxa arthrosis heteroplasia ─── 犬髋关节发育异常的诊断

42、The so-called chronic arthrosis( CA) usually means a series of joint arthr opathies, which include osteoarthr osis, rheumotoid arthrosis , traumatic arthrosis et a l. ─── 慢性关节炎多指骨关节炎、风湿性关节炎、伤性关节炎和股骨头坏死引起的关节病变。

43、The key of quadruped robot walking control is stability, choice of gait and location and gesture of arthrosis. ─── 四足机器人爬行控制的关键是机器人稳定性的判断、步态的选择和关节位置姿态的确定。

44、With growth of ages, our arthrosis become ankylosis, and difficult to supple which is really a problem to the old. ─── 随着年龄的增长,关节变得僵硬,不易弯曲。

45、Keywords plasma spraying;coat;synthetic arthrosis;artificial bone powder; ─── 等离子喷涂;涂层;人工关节;人造骨粉;

46、Young can be lightly cervical vertebra disease , osteoproliferation , ring pivot arthrosis subluxation , why have handled! ! ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>医疗健康>年纪轻轻得了颈椎病,骨质增生,环枢关节半脱位,咋办啊!!

47、It not only affects development of pelvis and the toes had deformed and arthrosis of the big toe stick our, or form mucocele. ─── 人体的重心过度前移,不仅会影响骨盆的发育,而且脚趾被紧紧的挤进鞋尖的狭窄部分,日子久了,脚趾就会变形,大脚趾的关节突出,或形成粘液囊炎肿。

48、Keywords Retrograde Bony Arthrosis of Knee Joint;Shen T ong Zu Yu Tang;Dang Gui Si Ni Tang;Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang;Qi Ju Di Huang Wan; ─── 退行性膝关节骨性关节病;身痛逐瘀汤;当归四逆汤;独活寄生汤;杞菊地黄丸;

49、Keywords Radiation;Synovectomy;Rheumatoid arthrosis;Rhenium; ─── 放射性;滑膜切除;类风湿关节;铼;

50、52 Cases of knee arthrosis treated with total hip resurface arthroplasty ─── 人工全膝关节表面置换治疗骨关节疾病52例

51、Function: to accelerate blood circulation and metabolic rate. In turn, this helps cure problems with tendons ,bones, arthrosis, as well as relax the body, mind and improve health conditions. ─── 功能:加速血液循环及新陈代谢率,对于筋骨关节类毛病有改善作用,亦有助于舒缓疲劳及增强体质。

52、Betoken camp: Ha.Tile.Luoyang.Axle bearing.Nrod end arthrosis axle bearing.Linear motion axle bearing.Outside spherical surface axle bearing.Entrance axle bearing. ─── 主营:哈.瓦.洛.轴承.杆端关节轴承.直线运动轴承.外球面轴承.进口轴承.不锈钢轴承.含油轴承.高温轴承.轴座.衬套.钢球.黄油。

53、The original fracture lines often can still be appreciated for up to three months after the fracture,and arthrosis is less likely to be present prior to six months after the injury. ─── 原始的骨折线直到3个月时仍能被认出,而且在伤后6个月以前,关节病很少有出现的可能。

54、Study of Trace Element Table of Arthrosis Rigidity Rachitis by Computer Pattern Recognition ─── 计算机模式识别法对关节变形强直性脊柱炎微量元素谱的研究

55、Function:contain various valuable ethereal oil, alleviate muscular fatigue, soothe ache, alleviate the pressure of the arthrosis. ─── 作用:蕴涵多种名贵精油,缓解宠物肌肉疲劳、减轻疼痛、缓解关节压力、舒缓活肤。

56、Intra-articular malunions may result in a block to motion, capsular contracture, synovitis, or arthrosis. ─── 关节内的畸形愈合可能导致活动障碍、关节囊挛缩、滑膜炎或关节病。

57、Keywords traditional medicine;lavage;knee arthrosis infection; ─── 中药;灌洗;膝关节感染;

58、synthetic arthrosis ─── 人工关节

59、g/kg had evidence inhibited the degree of auricle swell, response of contortion and swell arthrosis of the rat. Conclusion: BTKP has good antiinflammation function and abirritation and has evidence curative effect on rheumatoid arthritis. ─── 结论 :痹痛康丸具有良好的抗炎镇痛作用 ,对佐剂性关节炎具有明显的治疗作用

60、Under the arthroscope observe arthrosis cavity ,synovial fold and cartilage facet.Take synovial fold organization to make pathologic check,accuracy of diagnosis reach 100%. ─── 镜下观察关节囊、滑膜及软骨面,并取滑膜组织作病理活检,诊断准确率为100%。

61、Objective. To determine the ability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) to predict the presence of cervical facet arthrosis. ─── 目的:为了探讨磁共振和CT诊断颈椎小关节性关节病的能力。

62、We sought to determine if the MRI alone is adequate to assess for the presence of facet arthrosis. ─── 如果单纯MRI足以评估小关节突性关节炎,我们可以确诊。

63、thumb base arthrosis ─── 拇指掌指关节病

64、Arthrosis traction at the knees. ─── 设计了膝关节牵引功能。

65、The results showed that the injuries locations were distributed over the arthrosis of ankles, knee and coax and thigh, calf and lumber muscle fiber. ─── 结果显示:损伤部位分布在踝、膝、髋等关节,大腿、小腿及腰部肌群等部位。损伤类型以肌肉拉伤和关节损伤的比重较大。

66、UKA is a proven surgical option in the treatment of isolated arthrosis of one compartment of the tibiofemoral joint. ─── UKA作为治疗单间室胫骨关节病的一种手术方法已经得到证实。

67、Experimental study of canine patellofemoral degenerative arthrosis caused by tibial torsional deformity ─── 胫骨扭转畸形诱发髌股关节退变性关节病的实验研究

68、Clinical and imaging analysis of neurotrophic arthrosis ─── 神经营养性骨关节病的临床与影像分析

69、The slope old people is about very easy because of knee-joint load is overweight , the aggravation arthrosis wears away but old age bone nature arthritis appears. ─── 上下坡老年人很容易因为膝关节负荷过重,加重关节磨损而出现老年骨性关节炎。

70、Objective To study the effect and safety of Arthrosis Healing Oral Liquor (AHOL) in curing aching arthritis. ─── 目的评价关节康口服液对疼痛性关节炎的疗效和安全性。

71、Abstract: Objective To explore the value of curvature plane reconstruction( CPR ) with multislice spiral CT(MSSCT) in the diagnosis of lumbar vertehral arthrosis(LVA). ─── 文章摘要: 目的探讨多层螺旋CT曲面重建成像在诊断腰椎小关节病中的应用价值。

72、All six had development of arthrosis and a fair or poor result according to the system of Broberg and Morrey. ─── 根据Broberg和Morrey系统,6名患者均发生关节疾病和一般或差的结局。

73、Background: End-stage ankle arthrosis is one of the leading causes of chronic disability in North America. ─── 背景:晚期踝关节疾病在北美是导致慢性致残的主要原因之一。

74、A Case of Ulcerative Colitis with Severe Damage in Arthrosis ─── 关节损害表现显著的溃疡性结肠炎

75、Methods:Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are evaluated by torsion body method, daubing xylene on ears of mice and letting arthrosis swelling with egg proteins. ─── 方法:用扭体法、二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀、蛋清致小鼠关节炎评价扣子七乙醇提取物的抗炎与镇痛活性。

76、The purpose of the present study was to compare the extent of pain, loss of function, and health-related quality of life in two cohorts of patients waiting for the surgical treatment of end-stage ankle or hip arthrosis. ─── 该文研究的是等待手术治疗的晚期踝、髋关节关节疾病的两组患者,目的是比较其疼痛程度、肢体功能丢失度及生存健康质量情况的差异。

77、temporomandibular arthrosis ─── 颞下颌关节病

78、arthrosis deformans ─── 变形性关节病

79、CT inter-rater reliability showed substantial agreement for diagnoses of both normal and ankylosis and fair agreement for lesser degrees of facet arthrosis. ─── 可靠的CT相互评价者显示无论是正常还是关节强硬的诊断实际上一致的,分级较低的小关节突性关节炎中等一致。

80、Study of PM Material Co-Cr-Mo for Artificial Arthrosis ─── 粉末冶金Co-Cr-Mo人工关节材料研制

81、Charcot's arthrosis ─── [医] 夏科氏关节病, 脊髓痨性关节病

82、Functional ratings and perceied disability were predicated more on pain than on functional impairment and did not correlate with radiographic signs of arthrosis. ─── 功能指标及知觉障碍主要依靠疼痛而不是功能损害进行判定,与肘关节的影像学征象无关。

83、the state of back pain in young people is commonly due to phenomena such as arthrosis , osteophytes or traumatism of the vertebral column. ─── 年轻人有背痛的现象,可能是由于脊椎骨退化有骨剌或脊骨震伤所致。

84、pyogenous chronic arthrosis ─── 流痰, 流痰结瓜

85、Protect with foot musculature, sterilize, deodorization, magnetism therapy, shock absorption, lower back pain,achillodynia , arthrosis &spinal alteration dueto weak andtired feet. ─── 特有的护边设计,在令足底舒适的同时更可有效防止足部肌肉软组织受损。具有杀菌、防臭、磁疗、减震的功效.(适合任何人士)

86、neurogenic arthrosis ─── 神经病性关节炎

87、The gout signs, concentration of K+ and pathological changes in arthrosis and tissues around were observed. ─── 结果中药组体征好转,关节及其周围组织的K+浓度降低,病理显示关节炎症得到明显改善。

88、Keywords Leg function Training instrument Singlechip Arthrosis Conglutination Crispation Periosteum Program; ─── 腿部功能;训练器;单片机;关节;粘连;挛缩;骨膜;编程;

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