expenditure 发音
英:[ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] 美:[ɪk'spɛndɪtʃɚ]
英: 美:
expenditure 中文意思翻译
expenditure 同义词
spending | fee | depletion | overheads | price | use | consumption | disbursement | exhaustion | drain | expense | outgoings | overhead | outflow | charge | expending | cost | outgo | payment |outlay
expenditure 反义词
expenditure 词性/词形变化,expenditure变形
动词现在分词: expending |动词过去式: expended |动词过去分词: expended |动词第三人称单数: expends |
expenditure 短语词组
1、capital expenditure ─── [化] 基建费用 ─── [经] 资本支出, 基本建设费用
2、basic expenditure ─── [经] 基本支出
3、capital expenditure and receipt ─── [经] 资本的收支, 基本建设费用和收入
4、capital expenditure control ─── [经] 资本支出控制
5、capital expenditure planning ─── [经] (编制)资本支出计划
6、above-the-line expenditure ─── [经] 经常预算支出, 线上项目支出
7、capital expenditure decision ─── [经] 资本支出决策
8、capital expenditure account ─── [经] 资本支出帐(户)
9、anticipated expenditure ─── [经] 预列开支
10、capital expenditure analysis ─── [经] 资本支出分析
11、abortive exploration expenditure ─── [经] 无成果勘探支出
12、aggregate consumption expenditure ─── [经] 总消费支出
13、accrued expenditure ─── [经] 应付开支
14、audit of expenditure ─── [经] 支出审计, 岁出审查
15、annual expenditure ─── [经] 岁出, 年度支出
16、accumulated expenditure ─── [经] 累计支出
17、budget for capital expenditure ─── [经] 资本支出预算
18、abortive expenditure ─── [经] 无成果支出
19、below-the-line expenditure ─── [经] 投资预算支出, 线下项目支出
expenditure 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Third, increasing fiscal budget and expenditure. ─── 三是增加财政预算支出。
2、His expenditure outran his income. ─── 他的支出超过收入。
3、How will any increase in expenditure be met? ─── 如何解决任何增长的支出?
4、Their income fell short of their expenditure by five hundred pounds. ─── 他们入不敷出达500镑之多。
5、The data came as a surprise, he said, highlighting the complexity of energy expenditure. ─── 他说,然而事实的数据令人诧异,并且强调了能量消耗的复杂性。
6、Industrial investments form an important part of state expenditure. ─── 工业投资是国家开支的一个重要组成部分。
7、Military expenditure has been a great drain on their country. ─── 军费开支已是他们国家的巨大负担。
8、They have to set the axe to public expenditure. ─── 他们不得不削减公共费用。
9、Expenditure on armaments is increasing. ─── 军备的支出正在增加中。
10、All expenditure must be entered (up) in the account book. ─── 一切开支必须入帐。
11、Maybe we can cut some expenditure, shall we? ─── 也许我们可以减少一些开支,是吗?
12、You will have to render an account of your expenditure. ─── 你的开支必须报帐。
13、IMHO there is no way USA can get out of its present predicament except to raise new taxes or cutting expenditure including DEFENSE. ─── 恕我直言,如果美国不开征新税或者削减防务支出,那美国将无法走出当前的困境。
14、Expenditure is approximately 10% down on the previous quarter. ─── 与前个季度相比,经费大约削减10%。
15、The expenditure is ruled off at the end of the year. ─── 年终时已没有经费。
16、One of your duties will be to summarize the company's income and expenditure records on a monthly basis. ─── 你的一项职责是以月为单位汇总公司的收支情况。
17、A fall in aggregate expenditure. ─── 合计的开支下降。
18、They must retrench their expenditure for the purpose of making up the deficit. ─── 为了弥补赤字,他们必须压缩开支。
19、Righting the economy will demand major cuts in expenditure. ─── 恢复经济需要大量削减开支。
20、And her expenditure never was in excess of income. ─── 她对衣服从来没有过多的兴趣。
21、They reckoned up the expenditure of the week . ─── 他们算了算这个星期的开支。
22、In our expenditure the item that costs most is time. ─── 在我们的消费中,时间是最昂贵的一项。
23、His expenditure is not in proportion to his income. ─── 他的支出与收入不平衡。
24、The expenditure sums up to two thousand U. S. dollars. ─── 开支总计2,000美元。
25、This expenditure, very important, is to put into perspective with the cost of a military campaign of the time, much more expensive. ─── 这项开支,很重要的,是投入的角度出发,一个军事行动的时间成本昂贵得多。
26、Their percentage of the total expenditure begins to rise. ─── 他们占总花销的比例开始上升。
27、Do you have authorization for this expenditure? ─── 你有这笔开支的授权吗?
28、Prepare and update Capital Expenditure Plan (CEP) for the division. ─── 及时编制并更新子公司的资本性支出计划表。
29、We have to reduce our expenditure by one-third. ─── 我们不得不削减1/3的消费。
30、They took a ruinous expenditure on the house. ─── 他们为了那所房子倾家荡产。
31、Total expenditure on criminal cases was $94 million. ─── 办理刑事法律援助的总开支为9,400万元。
32、must ask permission for all major expenditure. ─── 一切重大开支均须报请批准。
33、She got a commission of 10 per cent above the expenditure. ─── 她得到开销之外的10%的佣金。
34、We have to borrow money to cover the shortfall between expenditure and revenue. ─── 我们不得不借钱以弥补收支间的差额。
35、Do you proportion your expenditure to your income ? ─── 你量入为出吗?
36、You must ask permission for all major expenditure. ─── 一切重大开支均须报请批准。
37、Capital expenditure was treble the 2002 level. ─── 资本支出是2002年的三倍。
38、It deals with the everyday income and expenditure of the company. ─── 它处理公司的日常收入和支出。
39、They made public last month rs total expenditure. ─── 他们公布了上个月的全部开支。
40、The secretary of state issue guidelines for expenditure. ─── 国务大臣发布了开支的指导原则。
41、Be sure to balance the expenditure with the income. ─── 务必使收支平衡。
42、The expenditure of time, money and effort on a piece of work. ─── 在某份工作上消耗的时间,金钱和精力。
43、I've never been able to suit my expenditure to my income. ─── 我从来就做不到量入为出。
44、A rise in price will make people postpone expenditure. ─── 价格的上升会使人们推迟支出。
45、He is hunting up details of Elizabethan household expenditure in a document of the time. ─── 他正在当年的旧文件中搜寻伊丽莎白时代一般家庭开支的细节。
46、They were blamed for their failure to hold down expenditure. ─── 他们由于没有压缩开支而受到了责备。
47、The expenditure sums up to 35, 000 yuan. ─── 开支总共达35,000元。
48、He started the business with an initial expenditure or initial investment of£500. ─── 他用500英镑的开办费或初期投资创办了此企业。
49、His expenditure is out of proportion to his income. ─── 他的花费与收入不相称。
50、Money paid out; expenditure. ─── 付出款;支出额
51、He also said he had yet to see the evidence any reduction in expenditure had been as drastic as predicted by some. ─── 他并表示,未看到如部份人士预期般那麽剧烈的支出减低迹象。
52、You'd better control your expenditure in a reasonable limit. ─── 你最好将你的开支控制在合理的限度之内。
53、For the next financial year, the total resources allocated for social welfare, including non-CSSA related expenditure, will be increased. ─── 在下一个财政年度,政府拨给社会福利工作的资源,包括综援以外的支出,总体上会有增加。
54、The secretary of state can issue guidelines for expenditure. ─── 国务卿可以发布支出的指导原则。
55、Your father is not very rich, put down your expenditure, please. ─── 你的父亲并不非常富裕,请减少你的开销吧。
56、Their family expenditure leveled down last month. ─── 他们的家庭开支下降了。
57、They reckoned up the expenditure of the past week. ─── 他们算出了上星期的开支。
58、Limit your expenditure(s) to what is essential. ─── 你要把开销限制在必要的范围内.
59、China has submitted its 2007 military expenditure report to the UN. ─── 例句中国已向联合国递交2007年军费开支报告。
60、India, too, is trying to reform its potpourri of expenditure taxes. ─── 中国是个储蓄大国,消费小国。
61、He is rigorous in his control of expenditure. ─── 他在控制开支方面一丝不苟。
62、You should adjust your expenditure to your income . ─── 你应该量入为出。
63、All expenditure must be entered in the account book. ─── 一切开支必须入帐.
64、Business travel is a very important part of our overhead expenditure. ─── 商务旅行在我们的经常性开支中占很大比重。
65、The accountant is breaking down expenditure . ─── 会计正在列出开支细目。
66、They stacked the committee to approve their expenditure. ─── 他们暗中做手脚使委员会批准了他们的费用支出。
67、Expenditure raced up to an unprecedented level. ─── 开支剧增,达到空前的水平。
68、Any expenditure in respect to exempt income would be excluded. ─── 任何与免税所得相关的开支都被排除在外。
69、His friends advised him to put down his expenditure. ─── 他的朋友们劝他节约开支。
70、The leitmotiv of her speech is the need to reduce expenditure. ─── 她讲话中一再强调的就是需要削减开支。
71、A margin of freedom or variation, as of activity, time, or expenditure; latitude. ─── 余地,余裕自由或变化的余地,比如行动、时间或花费等; 回旋余地
72、Her expenditure is not in proportion to her income. ─── 她的收入和开支不相称。
73、Expenditure on road repair is cut to an irreducible minimum. ─── 修路费削减到不能再减的最低限度了。
74、They cut down unnecessary expenditure. ─── 他们削减了不必要的开支。
75、To check the expenditure of Greenstone Organization. ─── 2, 查阅绿石开支帐目。
76、Capital expenditure budget . ─── 固定资本投资预算
77、Expenditure on road repair has been cut to an irreducible minimum. ─── 修路费已削减到不能再减的最低限度了。
78、The expenditure of something, such as time or labor, necessary for the attainment of a goal. ─── 成本某物的花费,例如时间或劳动,是为达到某一目的而必需的
79、Public expenditure was running at 44. 6% of GNP. ─── 公共支出占国民生产总值的44.6%。
80、Few of the men she saw seemed worth a ruinous expenditure. ─── 她觉得,她认识的男子中,很少有值得她倾心相爱的。
81、Every branch of expenditure was provincialized. ─── 开支的每一部门都已地方化了。
82、Whether did 6 management layer conceal expenditure? ─── 6治理层是否隐瞒了开支?
83、The informal ratio of output divided by capital expenditure. ─── 产出除以资本支出的比率。
84、To plan a budget so that expenditure and income is equal. ─── 使收支平衡,策划预算使收支相当。
85、The rise in interest rates acted as a brake on expenditure. ─── 利率的提高产生了抑制消费的作用。
86、He tried to keep balance between income and expenditure. ─── 他试图保持收之平衡。
87、The local government is trying not to jack the expenditure. ─── 当地政府正努力避免增加开支。
88、Limit your expenditure to what is essential. ─── 你要把开销限制在必要的范围内。
89、The company will allow for extra expenditure next year. ─── 公司将考虑到明年的额外开支。
very good或very well意为“好,可以,没问题”,常用来客气地表示同意或允诺,通常用在争论、劝说或被迫之后表示同意或答应。另外,very well有时也作反语用,表示说话人自己并不怎么愿意。very much放在宾语之后或置于实义动词之前,一般不可放在句子开头。
He was quite young.
unusual times.
extraordinary session.
a special expenditure.
The problem and the answer are very simple.
I'm not very good at explaining myself.
例句:1、He's bought a specially big TV at vast expense so that everyone can see properly
2、Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure
3、I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it
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