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09-16 投稿


audaciously 发音


英:  美:

audaciously 中文意思翻译



audaciously 同义词

disrespectful | adventurous | courageous | manly | risky | cheeky |daring | brassy | cavalier | haughty | or | insolent | bodacious | brave | venturesome | enterprising | venturous | foolhardy | barefaced | forward | brazen | dauntless | arrogant | bald-faced | hardy | overconfident | forwards | flagrant | intrepid | unfearing | fearless | bold | impudent | brazen-faced

audaciously 反义词


audaciously 词性/词形变化,audaciously变形

名词: audaciousness |副词: audaciously |

audaciously 短语词组

1、to bloom audaciously ─── 大胆地开花

audaciously 相似词语短语

1、bodaciously ─── 大胆地

2、curvaciously ─── 曲线的

3、edaciously ─── 温顺地

4、judiciously ─── adv.明智而审慎地;明断地

5、auspiciously ─── adv.吉祥地;吉兆地;繁荣昌盛地

6、fallaciously ─── adv.令人失望地;谬误地;骗人地

7、fugaciously ─── 神游地

8、audacious ─── adj.无畏的;鲁莽的

9、autoeciously ─── adv.寄生地

audaciously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The insurgents, on their side, placed videttes at the corners of all open spaces, and audaciously sent their patrols outside the barricades. ─── 起义的人也在一些岔路口的路角上布置了哨兵,并大胆地派遣了巡逻队到街垒外面去巡逻。

2、Different from the traditional realistic writing techniques, Williams makes use of symbols audaciously in his realistic play. ─── 第三章细致分析了运用于此剧中的象征主义创作手法。

3、Moiidea audaciously uses color glaze, carving, drawing and other decorative techniques as well as various formative art to make the sanitary ware colorful and artistic. ─── 设计上,大胆应用颜色釉,釉上彩,釉下彩,雕刻等综合装饰手段,结合不同造型,使卫浴产品在色彩和图案上丰富多彩,赋予卫浴空间装饰更多变化和选择;

4、to make themselves more prosperous , the two parties have been absorbing and studying the civilization of the other party more audaciously. ─── 以繁荣自己为目的,双方更加大胆地吸收和借鉴对方文明成果。

5、Soon Stravinsky's audaciously innovative works confirmed his status as the leading composer of the day, a position he hardly relinquished until his death nearly 60 years later. ─── 很快地,史特拉汶斯基大胆创新的风格让他站稳了优秀作曲家的地位,直到他去世后60年的时间,几乎没有人能撼动他的地位。

6、The Palm Jumeirah, a man-made island whose fronds offer beachfront lots for 4,000 villas and apartments, juts audaciously into the Persian Gulf. ─── 朱迈拉棕榈岛,是一个人工岛。其棕榈状叶子容纳4000座别墅和公寓,直接伸进波斯湾。

7、With unique craftwork, distinct design, Debao Ceramics gives expressions between the light and shade, roughness and fineness, audaciously, smoothly. It will make you enjoyable and comfortable. ─── 独特的工艺,不同的设计,明暗之间,粗糙与细腻之间的冲击被大胆而流畅地表达出来。德宝卫浴--让你享受舒爽畅快的愉悦。

8、audaciously positive ─── 大胆地确信

9、They pay great attention to individual's training, audaciously promote all types of talents, set up and graft 8 enterprises. ─── 他们说,从崧泽村可以看到农村改革开放的巨大变化和成就。

10、The insurgents, on their side, placed videttes at the corners of all open spaces, and audaciously sent their patrols outside the barricades. ─── 起义的人也在一些岔路口的路角上布置了哨兵,并大胆地派遣了巡逻队到街垒外面去巡逻。

11、77. Thus, to achieve the goal of building the Over-all society, we must audaciously strengthen group construction, increase group coagulation force& actively to heighten highten group Values. ─── 因此,要实现全面建设小康社会的目标,就必须大力加强群体规范建设,努力增强群体凝聚力,积极优化群体价值观。

12、In short, all those whom the gentry had despised, those whom they had trodden into the dirt, people with no place in society, people with no right to speak, have now audaciously lifted up their heads. ─── 总而言之,一切从前为绅士们看不起的人,一切被绅士们打在泥沟里,在社会上没有了立足地位,没有了发言权的人,现在居然伸起头来了。

13、This book depicts a middle-class married woman Edna, who audaciously bids defiance to the conventional morals and codes in order to pursue female selfhood and independence. ─── 小说大胆描写了一位反抗传统道德观念,追求女性独立与自我的中产阶级妇女艾德娜的觉醒和抗争。

14、Bow-tied Chief Executive Donald Tsang at the time was at the helm as financial secretary who audaciously spent HK$120 billion buying equities to stave off hedge funds attacking the currency. ─── 香港特区行政长官曾荫权(DonaldTsang)时任财政司长,他大胆斥资1,200亿港元收购港股,以阻击对冲基金对港元的攻击。

15、The writer predicate audaciously that the heat transfer print of electronic ink will be the main print of textile in later decades and maybe replace the traditional rotary screen and roller printing. ─── 作者大胆预测,电子油墨热转印将在今后数十年内成为主要的印花方式并有可能取代传统的圆网及铜辊印花。

16、And of course it was Torres who audaciously clipped the ball into the net to confirm his side would be European Championship winners, claiming their first trophy since they won the same title in 1964. ─── 当然托雷斯强行超车挑球越过莱曼头顶帮助西班牙问鼎欧洲杯冠军,这是他们1964年以来在获此殊荣。

17、"An audaciously original feat of allegorical story-telling, one of those visionary achievements that stirs moviegoers into a fury and goes on to define a decade." ─── 一个寓言般的大胆创新的表演,足够驱使电影爱好者走向狂热并且创造一个世纪的电影成就之一。

18、an idea so daring and yet so audaciously tempting that a shiver of excitement quivered through him. ─── 一个大胆而又有创新的想法使他一阵激动。

19、If you conside the question which is summarized, you can do it audaciously. ─── 如果你认真考虑过以上的问题,你就可以大胆实施你的跳槽计划了。

20、Audaciously rude or disrespectful; impertinent. ─── 无礼的鲁莽的或不尊重的;不礼貌的

21、It was his American Museum ( audaciously purchased with no cash down and a swampy island as collateral) and his almost mythical promotion of General Tom Thumb (Charles S. ─── 维托因而无法苟同大部分人对于巴纳姆的认识仅止于他经营了一个出名且仍保有他名字的马戏团。

22、Meanwhile,in order to adapt to the requirement of different enterprises at the most extent,HUTPDM system attempts to provide customization programs audaciously. ─── 其中工作流程管理完全山企业自行定制,系统本身只提供企业工作流程定义的接口,从而最大限度的满足企业的使用要求。

23、audaciously predicts the development trends of market, technology, operation and business in the digital communication field; ─── 大胆预测数字通信市场、技术、运营、业务发展趋势;

24、To make themselves more prosperous, the two parties have been absorbing and studying the civilization of the other party more audaciously. ─── 以繁荣自己为目的,双方更加大胆地吸收和借鉴对方文明成果。

25、This thesis makes an attempt on the application of PCNN for medical image segmentation audaciously and tries to open a new way for image segmentation. ─── 本文对脉冲耦合神经网络方法在各类医学图像分割中的应用进行了大胆尝试,为医学图像分割提供了新的思路。

26、audaciously predicts the development trends of market, technology, operation and business in the digital communication field; ─── 大胆预测数字通信市场、技术、运营、业务发展趋势;

27、action when a notorious drug lord Alex Montel, audaciously offers a $100 million bounty to anyone who can free him from police custody. ─── 当一行六人押送犯罪集团首脑到拘留所途中,犯人肆无忌惮地在电视直播中公开悬赏一亿美元给能协助他逃脱的人。

28、We promote the spirit of trying without fear and adventuring audaciously, regarding students as believable ones appreciate them, let them understand themselves and become fully dynamic persons. ─── 提倡大胆尝试、敢于冒险的精神,赏识学生,把学生当作值得信赖的人,使他们能找到自我,认识自我,成为“全面能动”的人。

29、An idea so daring and yet so audaciously tempting that a shiver of excitement quivered through him. ─── 一个如此大胆而又如此创新和诱人的想法令他兴奋不已。

30、Discard your pudency, fondle me audaciously. ─── 丢弃你的羞怯,大胆地爱抚我。

31、In the 1980"s, the Chinese vanguard-novels rebelled the traditional rules of aesthetics audaciously by content, form and concept. ─── 20世纪80年代,中国的先锋小说在内容上、形式上、观念上对传统审美原则进行了大胆的反叛。

32、Their prayer audaciously offers discussion. ─── 他们的祷告发出了大胆的争论。

33、Should that happens it will serves as a God-send opportunity for Obama to audaciously announce a black-black ticket. ─── 如果发生了这样的事,那就等于上帝送给了奥巴马一个礼物,让他能够更理直气壮地宣布黑黑组合。

34、prayer audaciously offers discussion. ─── 他们的颂赞带着疑难。

35、Discard your pudency, fondle me audaciously. ─── 丢弃你的羞怯,大胆地爱抚我。

36、unique craftwork, distinct design, Debao Ceramics gives expressions between the light and shade, roughness and fineness, audaciously, smoothly. ─── 独特的工艺,不同的设计,明暗之间,粗糙与细腻之间的冲击被大胆而流畅地表达出来。

37、With unique craftwork, distinct design, debao ceramics gives expressions between the light and shade, roughness and fineness, audaciously, smoothly. it will make you enjoyable and comfortable. ─── 独特的工艺,不同的设计,明暗之间,粗糙与细腻之间的冲击被大胆而流畅地表达出来。德宝卫浴- -让你享受舒爽畅快的愉悦。

38、He audaciously added some embroidery to the design of dresses for the company in the new season. ─── 在公司新一季晚礼服的设计稿上,他大胆地加入潮绣元素。

39、Should that happens it will serves as a God-send opportunity for Obama to audaciously announce a black-black ticket. ─── 如果发生了这样的事,那就等于上帝送给了奥巴马一个礼物,让他能够更理直气壮地宣布黑黑组合。

40、Zi Lu advances bravely but sometimes audaciously, so I hold him back. ─── 仲由好勇胆大,所以我有意压压他。”

41、Postmodern fiction, a burgeoning literary form in the postmodern context, reforms the tradition audaciously by replacing order, lucidity and rationality with disorder, obscurity and absurdity. ─── 作为后现代主义的主要文学形式之一,后现代小说对传统的小说形式作了大胆的反拨,以混乱无序、模糊含混、荒诞奇异取代完整清晰、有序理性。

42、An audaciously original feat of allegorical story-telling, one of those visionary achievements that stirs moviegoers into a fury and goes on to define a decade. ─── 一个寓言般的大胆创新的表演,足够驱使电影爱好者走向狂热并且创造一个世纪的电影成就之一。


generously慷慨双语对照词典结果:generously[英]['dʒenərəslɪ][美][ˈdʒɛnərəslɪ]adv.慷慨地; 不吝啬地; 丰富地; 丰盛地; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Those people, in turn, will connect better to others and treat them more generously. 这些人与其他人的关系也会更好,并且对人会更加慷慨。












Why would someone who has earned a master's degree or ph.d. participate in suchethically an dubious activity?


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