Auriga 发音
英:[ɔːˈraɪgə] 美:[ɔːˈraɪɡə]
英: 美:
Auriga 中文意思翻译
Auriga 网络释义
n. [天] 御夫座
Auriga 短语词组
1、Auriga (constellation) ─── 奥里加(星座)
Auriga 相似词语短语
1、auric ─── adj.金的;n.(Auric)人名;(法)奥里克
2、Auriga ─── n.[天]御夫座
3、auris ─── n.[解剖]耳
4、amiga ─── n.女性朋友;一种多媒体计算机的商标
5、aurora ─── n.[地物]极光;曙光
6、aurist ─── n.[耳鼻喉]耳科专家;耳科医生
7、auri- ─── abbr.急性上呼吸道感染(acuteupperrespiratoryinfection);n.(Auri)人名;(芬)奥里
8、aurify ─── vt.(使)变成金色
9、Aurigae ─── 御夫座
Auriga 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、With binoculars, you might be able to spot Auriga's star clusters: M37, M36 and M38. ─── 通过望远镜,你或许可以指出御夫座的星团:M37,M36和M38。
2、Sliding your mouse over the picture will detail the constellations and stars in view, including Orion, Gemini, Auriga, Perseus, and the Hyades and Pleiades star clusters. ─── 当鼠标滑过上面这幅影像时,影像中的恒星和星座都会被标示出来,其中有猎户座、双子座、御夫座、英仙座、以及毕宿与昴宿星团。
3、Our chart shows Auriga for around midnight, when the pentagon-shape figurine hits zenith. ─── 我们的图表显示的的是午夜时分的御夫座,此时的五边形到达夜幕顶空。
4、IC 410 lies some 12, 000 light-years away, toward the constellation Auriga. ─── IC 410大约在12000光年之外,在御夫星座方向上。
5、A double star in Auriga, the brightest star in the constellation, approximately 46 light-years from Earth. ─── 五车二:御夫座中的一颗双星,是该星座中最亮的一颗星,距地球约46光年。
6、On these long December nights, the constellation Auriga the Charioteer rides through the sky all night long. ─── 在这个漫长的十二月夜晚,整晚都会看到夜空中的御夫座。
7、Auriga [Aur] ─── 御夫座 [Latin]
8、In the north, the constellations it goes through include Auriga , Cassiopeia, and Cygnus. ─── 在北半球,银河贯穿天鹰座、仙后座及天鹅座。
9、A double star in Auriga, the brightest star in the constellation, approximately 4' light-years from Earth. ─── 五车二:御夫座中的一颗双星,是该星座中最亮的一颗星,距地球约4'光年
10、Also, notice the star Elnath at the southern tip of Auriga. ─── 你还可以留意到御夫座正南方的五车五。
11、Here's a close-up look at the constellation Auriga the Charioteer.Its brightest star is called Capella. ─── 上图为御夫座的近景图,其中最亮的一个星星被称作五车二。
12、Menkalinan, the second - brightest star in Auriga, marks the right shoulder. ─── 御夫座的二等星,代表着御夫的右肩。
13、Capella is in the constellation Auriga the Charioteer, but since antiquity it has carried the name “Goat Star. ─── 五车二是御夫星座中的其中一颗星,但是从很早以前它便开始被称为山羊座。
14、Of course, the shower's radiant point is in the eponymous constellation Auriga, the Charioteer. ─── 当然,流星雨的辐射点就位于著名的御夫座内。
15、In a dark sky, using binoculars, you can spot some easy-to-see star clusters within Auriga: M36, M37 and M38. ─── 夜晚,利用天文望远镜你还可以看到御夫座中的一些星星群,如M36,M37和M38。
16、The stars that come to us to lead us down the aisle of the 8:8 LIONS GATE are ALHENA (constellation of Gemini), ROSETTA NEBULA (constellation Lyra) and Quasar OH471 in the star system Auriga. ─── 引领我们通过”8:8狮之门”的星是双子座的ALHENA,天琴座的ROSETTA星云 ,和御夫座的类星体OH471。
17、Brightclusters and nebulae abound in the northern constellation of Auriga. ─── 御夫座北部有大量明亮的星团和星云。
18、A double star in Auriga, the brightest star in the constellation, approximately46 light-years from Earth. ─── 五车二御夫座中的一颗双星,是该星座中最亮的一颗星,距地球约46光年
19、In the north, the constellations it goes through include Auriga, Cassiopeia, and Cygnus. ─── 在北半球,银河贯穿天鹰座、仙后座及天鹅座。
20、Chaetodon auriga ─── n. 纹鳍蝴蝶鱼(蝴蝶鱼科)
21、A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Andromeda and Auriga. ─── 英仙座北半球的一个星座,临近仙后座和金牛座
22、Bright clusters and nebulae abound in the northern constellation of Auriga. ─── 明亮的星团和星云密集的御夫座北边。
23、Bright star Elnath lies near the bottom right, linking Auriga to another constellation, Taurus, the Bull. ─── 右边靠底端是亮星五车五,把御夫座与另一个星座俗称公牛的金牛座连接在一起。
24、In the northeastern sky in the early evening is a bright star called Capella, the Little She Goat, in the constellation Auriga. ─── 在傍晚的东北方天空中有一颗明亮的星星,叫做五车二,它位于御夫座的小山羊位置。
25、Depending on the time of night, other visible constellations would include Bootes, Leo, Gemini, and Auriga. ─── 依赖夜晚时光,还可以看到一些星座,包括牧夫座,狮子座,双子座以及御夫座。
26、The star Elnath, by the way, is officially part of Taurus, but it typically is considered part of Auriga as well. ─── 顺便说一下,虽然五车五正式是属于金牛座的,但是通常它也属于御夫座。
27、This star used to belong both to Auriga, where it was known as the heel of the Charioteer ...and to the constellation Taurus, where it represented the tip of the Bull’s northern horn. ─── 这个恒星过去既属于御夫座,那里是御夫的脚踝所在, 又属于金牛座,它代表这金牛背面一只角的顶端。
28、Capella is located at one corner of the constellation Auriga.Capella marks the Charioteer's left shoulder.Menkalinan, the second-brightest star in Auriga, marks the right shoulder. ─── 五车二位于御夫座的一角,被称作是御者的左肩,而御夫座第二亮的星星五车三被称作是御者的右肩。
29、Daniel Berenbaum, an analyst at Auriga Securities in New York, said investors were looking for more upside. ─── 纽约券商AurigaSecurities分析师丹尼尔-布伦鲍姆(DanielBerenbaum)指出,投资者在寻找更多上行趋势。
30、"auriga:a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lynx and Perseus that contains the bright star Capella, which is 42 light-years from Earth." ─── 御夫星座:北天球一星座,位于天猫星座和英仙星座附近,五车二是其中最明亮的一颗星,距离地球四十二光年。
31、A rare meteor shower is predicted to hit Earth September 1, 2007. The meteors will appear to come from the Constellation Auriga, the Charioteer, and so are called Aurigids. ─── 据预测2007年9月1日将会有一场罕见的流星雨降临地球。这场流星雨看上去将会是来自御夫星座,所以它被称为御夫座流星雨。
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