experimenter 发音
英:[[ɪk'sperɪməntə(r)]] 美:[[ɪk'sperɪməntə(r)]]
英: 美:
experimenter 中文意思翻译
experimenter 短语词组
1、experimenter effect ─── 实验者效应
2、experimenter bias ─── 实验者偏向
3、experimenter expectancy effect ─── 实验者期望效应
4、experimenter effects ─── [医]实验者效应
experimenter 词性/词形变化,experimenter变形
名词: experimenter |动词过去式: experimented |动词现在分词: experimenting |动词过去分词: experimented |动词第三人称单数: experiments |
experimenter 相似词语短语
1、experiencer ─── n.经验者;感受者
2、experimental ─── adj.实验的;根据实验的;试验性的
3、experience ─── n.经验;经历;体验;vt.经验;经历;体验
4、experimentist ─── 实验主义者
5、experimenters ─── n.实验者,试验者
6、experimented ─── v.[试验]试验;尝试(experiment的过去式形式)
7、experimenting ─── adj.乐于尝试的;v.[试验]实验;尝试(experiment的ing形式)
8、experiment ─── n.实验,试验;尝试;v.尝试;试验;进行实验
9、experiments ─── n.[试验]实验(experiment的复数)
experimenter 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Then the experimenter returns, thanks you again, and once again tells you that many people enjoy the task and hopes you found it interesting. ─── 他再一次对你表示感谢,而且又一次告诉你很多人都觉得这个任务很有趣,也希望你同样这么认为。
2、"Human beings ought never to be used as experi mental subjects," Shapiro says simply. ─── 沙皮罗坦诚地说:“人类永远也不能被用于实验对象。”
3、No, the experimenter's face was videotaped and rated independently as blank in the 'infant response periods'. ─── 实验者的面部被录了下来并进行单独的评定,在“婴儿反应期”的段时间内,他的面部表情被评定为“空白”。
4、You are to be seated in a cubicle from where you'll only be able to see the control box for your 'truck' and the experimenter. ─── 你突然开始痛恨他们了。在没有被威胁的情况下做出让步在别人看来是乐于助人的。然而,强迫似乎会让自己遭到别人的拒绝。
5、But in one test the heavy users underperformed more noticeably The test involved watching and mimicking the simple rules used by an experimenter to match cards with coloured shapes on them, and then adapting whenever the rule changed. ─── 但是有一项测试,瘾君子表现明显较差。 该项测试包括观察。 模仿试验主持者如何运用简单的规则将卡片与上面的彩色形状相匹配,并随时根据规则的变化而变化。
6、Even so, on experimenter can predict which of the remaining fragments will be cloned ─── 即使如此,任何实验工作者仍不能预料剩下的片段中哪个将无性繁殖。
7、Probably not: when infants had a pacifier in their mouths while the experimenter stuck their tongue out, they still imitated him after it was taken out a short time later. ─── 大概不是:即使实验者吐舌头的时候婴儿含着奶嘴,如果随后取下奶嘴,婴儿也会跟着吐舌头。
8、We have agreement and a willingness to believe the experiment; that is, we have no reason to suspect that the experimenter made an error. ─── 我们达成了一致并且愿意相信实验;也就是说,我们没有理由怀疑实验有错误。
9、Then the experimenter looks a little embarrassed and starts to explain haltingly that there's been a cock-up. ─── 然后那个实验者看上去有一点尴尬,他开始吞吞吐吐地解释说出现了一点小差错。
10、The overwhelming consensus was that virtually all the teather-subjects would refuse to obey the experimenter. ─── 压倒性的共识是所有的扮演老师的测试对象将拒绝服从实验者.
11、During each trial, the experimenter took a card from the first box and showed the child that it had a special star on the back. ─── 主事者每次测试时,从第一个盒子拿出一张卡片,让儿童看到卡片背面印有一颗特别的星星。
12、She was one of those people who are infatuated with patent medicines and all new-fangled methods of producing health or mending it. She was an inveterate experimenter in these things. ─── 他姨妈这个人和有些人一样,对于专卖药,或强身、健体等之类的保健药品,不分青红皂白都要先试为快。
13、The child and experimenter then decamped to another room to wait while the machine did its work. ─── 然后孩子跟著实验人员逃进另一间屋子,等机器施展魔力。
14、Just like all other experimenter in that direction, these two co-works had a very difficult beginning and still face challenge in this figurative art tradition and value system in china. ─── 有时候,灵光一闪,也许以后的路就是另外一个样子,十字绣是这样想到的,想到了就做,艺术也就是一个不断做的过程,做了不好再想、再聊。
15、Did Experimenter Bias Conceal the Efficacy of Spinal Opioids in Previous Studies with the Spinal Nerve Ligation Model of Neuropathic Pain? ─── 是否试验偏差掩盖了脊髓阿片在脊髓神经结扎的神经病理性疼痛模型中的有效性?
17、But halfway through the game, for these kids, the rules changed, and suddenly the experimenter wasn't living up to her part of the bargain. ─── 但是在游戏进行到一半的时候,规则改变了,并且实验者没有没有达到他们的承诺。
18、Within the next several weeks, in fact, the Secretary is likely to designate the United States Atlantic Command (ACOM) as joint concept developer and experimenter. ─── 事实上,在今后几个星期之内,国防部长可能将指定美国大西洋总部作为主管联合概念发展和试验的单位。
19、The real experimental participant, who knew nothing of this, was actually the sixth to call out their answer after five other confederates of the experimenter had given the wrong answer. ─── 真正的被试对此一无所知,他们实际上是在五位故意给出错误答案的实验者的同伙之后第六个回答问题的。
20、To establish rapport with the child, the experimenter talked with the child about recess or lunch wh. ─── 为了与孩子建立良好的关系,在前往实验区的路上,实验者与孩子谈起了休息和午餐的问题。
21、The researchers located mirror neurons in the brains of two monkeys, which fired when the monkeys grabbed a small metal object and when they watched the experimenter do the same. ─── 研究人员在两只猴子大脑内找到镜像神经元。
22、Early in the semester the experimenter presented the teachers with information concerning students' home background, IQ, and achievement test scores. ─── 研究对象为台北市国中数学敎师4名,一年级学生160名,其中男生84名,女生76名。
23、Abstract: Based on the analysis of the field data and 2-D numerical calculation, two sc hemes of the plan line are analyzed using the fixed-bed and movable-bed experi ments in the physical model. ─── 摘 要: 根据实测资料分析和二维数值计算,借助实体模型,通过定床与动床试验,比较分析了两种整治规划线方案。
24、With this method,the dosage of reagent is lessened,the reaction time is reduced and environment pollution is alleviated.and more over it trains the operation skill for experimenter. ─── 减少了药品用量,缩短了反应时间,降低了环境污染,严格训练了实验者的综合操作能力。
25、When the experimenter left the room to investigate the situation, the pretending subjects immediately stopped faking: they opened their eyes, looked around the room and in all respects dropped the pretense. ─── 当实验者离开房间去察看状况时,假装的人立刻停止伪装:他们张开眼睛打量房间,完全不再演戏。
26、” In the coerced condition, the experimenter wrote as the “coercer”: “I can’t believe you said that.That was totally uncalled for. ─── 在被迫条件下,实验者会发出指导语“我真不敢相信你那样说,这真是很不恰当。
27、friction & wear experimenter ─── 摩擦磨损试验机
28、And when the experimenter stuck his tongue out, infants stuck theirs out. ─── 实验者吐舌头的时候,婴儿才吐舌头。
29、Under normal conditions, the subject could accurately tell if and how their hand had been moved by an experimenter or by themselves. ─── 在正常条件下,研究对象能准确说出他们的手是否以及是如何被实验人员或他们自己移动的。
30、You are to be seated in a cubicle from where you'll only be able to see the control box for your 'truck' and the experimenter. ─── 你会坐在一个小隔间里,在那里你只能看到一个表示你的“卡车”的控制箱,以及实验者。
31、Have a human experimenter hold a conversation with "whomever" is in the room only by means of typed messages. ─── 人类实验者可以通过打字的方式与房间中的“无论是谁”进行会话。
32、They did the same tests with a clear barrier between the monkey and the experimenter's grabbing, eliminating the possibility of interaction. ─── 他们也做了同样的试验,用隔离墙屏障了实验者的抓取,目的在消除互动作用。
33、The experimenter then changed the consequences of responding to the color of the flash. ─── 实验者然后改变对闪光的颜色做出反应的结果。
34、Volunteers then could not say where their hand had been moved to when it was re-positioned by an experimenter. ─── 志愿者然后无法说出自己的手被实验人员移到了什么位置。
35、experimenter bias ─── 实验者偏向
36、An experimenter who did not know which group was which conducted a routine hypnotic procedure that was suddenly interrupted by a bogus power failure. ─── 并不知自己面对哪组人的实验者进行例行的催眠程序,但假装的电力中断突然发生,干扰了催眠的进行。
37、Was the experimenter accidentally signalling the infants after the initial tongue protrusion or mouth purse through further small facial movements? ─── 实验者在最初吐舌头或者努嘴之后,有没有一些其他的面部表情给了孩子提示?没有。
38、As you learned from the experimenter after it was finished, you were actually given a shot of adrenaline, not a vitamin preparation. ─── 正如你事后从实验者那了解到的那样,你实际上被注射了肾上腺素而不是维他命。
39、When the participant baulked at giving the electrical shocks, the experimenter - an authority figure dressed in a white lab coat - ordered them to continue. ─── 当被试推诿,不愿实施电击的时候,以身着白色实验服的权威形象出现的实验者会命令他们继续。
40、Put it in a room, he said, connected to the outside world only by a teletype machine.Have a human experimenter hold a conversation with "whomever" is in the room only by means of yped messages. ─── AlanTuring说:把机器人放到一个屋子里,机器人只用电传打字机于外界联系,让一个实验人员只用打印的信息与机器人进行交谈。
41、How to Self-make Experimenter of Object Ups and Downs ─── 如何自制物体沉浮实验器
42、Thus, we first showed a monkey an experimenter reaching for and grasping a piece of food. ─── 于是,我们先让猴子观看某个实验人员伸手去抓一块食物;
43、Both the non-human apes and the human children tended to look where they thought the experimenter was looking. ─── 类人猿和人类的婴儿都会朝着他们所判断出的试验人员目光方向看去。
44、Once the experimenter sets you off, it soon becomes clear you're not going to make much money at all. ─── 一旦你们开始实验,不久后你就发现自己根本赚不了什么钱。
45、Experimenter (10 points): Complete 4 hidden challenges in Multiplayer. ─── 实验者( 10分) :完成4隐藏挑战多人。
46、He was the first North American experimenter to hybridize flowering plants, and he established near Philadelphia a botanical garden that became internationally famous. ─── 他考察了阿利根尼、卡罗来纳和北美的其他地区。
47、The experimenter asks for volunteers to join a group which is investigating visual perception(视觉). ─── 实验者要求志愿者参加视觉调查小组。
48、After a court withdrew approval for an experi -ment to develop milk with a human protein. ─── 在法庭撤回对开发携带人类蛋白的牛奶进行试验的批准后。
49、Replacing it in the first box in the same space, the experimenter asked the child to find where the special card would be in the second box. ─── 把卡片放回第一个盒子的同一个位置后,实验者要儿童找出那张特别的卡片在第二个盒子里什麽地方。
50、To train a rat, the experimenter placed it in an operant conditioning chamber: a small plastic box with a lever at one end. ─── 为了训练小鼠,实验人员把它放在一个操作性条件反射室:一个一端置有操作杆的塑料箱。
51、experimenter expectation ─── 实验者期望
52、10 EXPERI MENTAL STUDY ON CAVITATION AND WATER-WING FOR MIDDLE-PIERS OF DISC HARGE TUNNELS[J]; Journal of Hydrodynamics; 2005年04期; 43-51 ─── 8陈雄波,唐洪武,杨丽丰;考虑动水压力梯度的自由水面计算[J];水动力学研究与进展A辑;2005年06期;130-136
53、Suppose one round of tests takes five years,then the experimenter has two intervals'time because Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong has set the goal of a world-class Singapore soccer team in 2010. ─── 假定以5年一个周期,吴作栋总理给的足球时间2010年,这有二个周期的时间呢!
54、Experi mental tests ─── 模型试验
55、If the experimenter took the train off the table and lifted the screen, all the babies seemed surprised not to see the train. ─── 如果试验人员将火车从桌子上拿走,将屏风拉起来,所有的婴儿看上去都很吃惊,因为没有看到火车。
56、If they don't talk on one of the trials they are gently reminded by the experimenter to do so. ─── 如果他们中的一组不交谈,那么实验者会友好地提醒他们说些话。
57、Based on the analysis of the field data and 2-D numerical calculation, two sc hemes of the plan line are analyzed using the fixed-bed and movable-bed experi ments in the physical model. ─── 根据实测资料分析和二维数值计算,借助实体模型,通过定床与动床试验,比较分析了两种整治规划线方案。
58、Then the experimenter looks a little embarrassed and starts to explain haltingly that there's been a cock-up. ─── 然后,实验者看上去有些尴尬,开始支支吾吾地解释出现了一个差错。
59、Our experi mental results show that the phenomena are coexisted in order and at random in transition area. ─── 实验结果表明在过渡区中有序与随机现象并存。
60、Thirteen years is a long time for an experimenter to wait just to find out if I can remember the details of that book. ─── 十三年,对于只是为了看看我是否能记住那本书的细节的实验者来说,实在太长了。
61、The super low energy consumption building in Tsinghua University was t he first green architecture by synthesis of demonstration, exhibition and experi mentation. ─── 清华大学超低能耗楼是我国首个综合了示范、展示、试验功能的绿色建筑,是以真实建筑为基础的试验平台。
62、By age ten, Edison had built a science laboratory in the basement of his family's home and had become an avid experimenter. ─── 十岁那年,爱迪生在家里的地下室建了一间科学实验室。从此,爱迪生就成了一位孜孜不倦的实验者。
63、She was an inveterate experimenter in these things. ─── 不分青红皂白都要先试为快。
64、The molecular design done in this work is just some trial and is in the hope of guiding and giving aid to the experimenter. ─── 本论文工作中所作的分子设计只是我们的一些实验,希望能对实验研究者们有所指导和帮助。
65、As the experimenter increases the speed of the fluid, the turbulence increases and eventually becomes so great that the fluid no longer flows one way. ─── 实验者提高液体流动速率时,紊流不断增加,最后扩大到使液体不再朝单一方向流动,液体再度恢复均向性。
66、The experimenter observed the participants and paused the tape if the 10-second gap did not provide enough time for everyone to finish marking their forms. ─── 实验者对参测者进行观察,如果10秒钟的间隙不够参测者完成填表,实验 者就会立即暂停播放录象带。
67、First was the discovery in 1932 of the neutron by the British experimenter J. Chadweek ─── 其中第一件事是英国实验工作者查德威克在1932年发现了中子。
68、She was an inveterate experimenter in these things. ─── 在这些东西上,她总是要都拿来试一试。
69、In all cases, when the experimenter makes a mistake, we get a false result. ─── 在所有情况下,如果实验者犯了错误,我们无一例外地得到错误的结果。
70、experimenter expectation effect ─── 实验者预期效果
71、Furthermore, it makesdetai 1ed research on consumer market, data business 1 i fecyc1e, foreigncountri es experi ences, compet it ion s ituat ions and deve 1oping mode. ─── 在此基础上,进一步深入研究了消费者市场、数据业务的生命周期、国外发展的经验、竞争状况以及数据业务的发展模式。
72、Experi mental Study on Circular Deep Dissipation Wells ─── 圆形深筒式消力井的试验研究
73、CHAUCER (first name unknown), an early experimenter in the English language. ─── 乔叟(名字不详)早期英语实验家。
74、Conduct full life cycle Oracle EBS implementation; Work...years implementation experience in Oracle EBS system with hands on experi... ─── 公司性质:民营公司规模:20-99人经验要求:5-10年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历
75、Next, the children were tested to see if they would continue to help the experimenter without a reward. ─── 接下来,实验继续进行,测试在没有奖励的情况下他们是否还愿意帮忙。
76、Xiweier play in the home studious eldest child Carroll, Teleiqian.Geldanamycin I have also experi... ─── 在扮演西维尔家好学的长女卡罗尔时,特蕾茜. 格尔德本人也经历了一番“痛苦”的成长历程。
77、But in one test the heavy users underperformed more noticeably The test involved watching and mimicking the simple rules used by an experimenter to match cards with coloured shapes on them,and then adapting whenever the rule changed. ─── 但是有一项测试,瘾君子表现明显较差。该项测试包括观察。模仿试验主持者如何运用简单的规则将卡片与上面的彩色形状相匹配,并随时根据规则的变化而变化。
78、You are helped to this conclusion by the experimenter who tells you other people also thought the study was pretty interesting. ─── 由于你原本每年就需要作为被试参加一定数量的实验,所以这次只是多了两个小时而已。
79、Job Requirements 1、Major in Electric or automation; 2、Good knowledge about analog and digite electrocircuit; 3、Experi...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳易拓科技有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-7-4
80、Good understanding and hands on experience in AP/AR/GL2.ERP experience is a must.3.Intenational company working experi...... ... ─── 公司名称:亚萨合莱保安系统(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市松江区发布时间:2009-7-17
81、They were all confederates who had been told by the experimenter to give the wrong answer. ─── 他们都是同伙,之前被实验者嘱咐故意给出错误的答案。
82、Jensen N,et al. Prostacyclin is produced from endothelial cell-seeded grafts:an experi mental study in sheep. Eur J Vasc Surg. 1992,6(5):499-504 ─── 潘玉先,等.人大隐静脉内皮细胞种植人工血管的实验研究中国普外基础与临床杂志2000,7(1):13
83、Minutes later, the experimenter dropped six pens on the floor, making it look like an accident. ─── 数分钟之后,实验人员的笔落地六次(研究人员表现得这些完全都是不经意的动作)。
84、experimenter effect ─── 实验者效应
85、Next, a screen was positioned in front of the monkey so that it could not see the experimenter's hand grasping the food but could only guess the action's conclusion. ─── 然后,把一块屏幕放在猴子面前,不让猴子看到实验人员去抓食物的动作,而只能猜想后续的动作。
86、The experimenter is back there with the speed knob and at random intervals, he just speeds up the tape of their heart and then slows it down. ─── 实验者带着速度旋钮回到那里,在随机的时间间隔里,他只是给他们的心跳录音带加速,然后再减速。
87、Metacognition experi ence ─── 元认知体验
88、The second stage of this experiment took place four months later when the participants were contacted by a different experimenter apparently about a different study - of course this was just a ruse. ─── 实验的第二阶段发生在四个月之后,这些被试被不同的实验者联系,为了防止被试受第一个实验的干扰,他们被告知这是不同的实验。
89、The experimenter smiled and set the video clip running again, but this time with no instructions to count the passes. ─── 但是这个令人惊奇的天赋也有它不好的一面,他发现他对于一些无关紧要的事情也不能忽略掉。
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