Anglicanism 发音
英:[ˈæŋglɪkənɪz(ə)m] 美:[ˈæŋgləkənɪz(ə)m]
英: 美:
Anglicanism 中文意思翻译
Anglicanism 短语词组
1、High Anglicanism ─── [网络] 高圣公会主义
Anglicanism 相似词语短语
1、anglicise ─── v.(使)……英国化;(使)……英语化
2、Anglicism ─── n.英式英语;英国风格;英国式特征;典型的英国说法;对英国方式的崇尚
3、Gallicanism ─── n.高卢主义(限制教皇权力主义)
4、aniconism ─── n.无偶像论
5、Africanism ─── n.非洲文化研究;非洲民族主义
6、Pan-Africanism ─── 泛非主义
7、Anglicans ─── 圣公会的信徒(Anglican的名词复数)
8、Zwinglianism ─── n.茨温利教义
9、Anglicanism ─── n.英国国教
Anglicanism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、His conservative reading of the Bible helps protect his Anglican flank against the fast-growing Pentecostalists. ─── 他对圣经的保守解读能保护他的圣公会信徒,与快速发展的五旬节教徒并驾齐驱。
2、Brant was converted to the Anglican Church while attending a school for Indians in Connecticut. ─── 布兰特在康乃狄克州上一所印第安人学校时皈依英国国教。
3、His mind was never settled again in Anglicanism. ─── 他心中从来没有解决,再次在圣公宗。
4、A beneficed Anglican clergyman who refused to take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy to William and Mary and their successors after the Glorious Revolution of1688. ─── 一个在1688年革命后拒绝对威廉和玛丽以及他们的继承人宣誓效忠和承认他们至高无上的领圣俸的英国圣公教牧师。
5、For years, the pope's officials have been mulling over what to do about Anglican splinter groups which sought to join the Catholic church as a body. ─── 多年以来,教皇的官员们都在仔细考虑怎样处置圣公会分离出来那些的一心想加入天主教的组织。
6、An Anglican cleric holding the honorary title of prebend without a stipend. ─── 名誉牧师持有受俸牧师的名誉头衔但无俸禄的英国圣公会牧师
7、A member of the Anglican Church whose religious convictions emphasize sacramental worship. ─── 圣公会高教信徒圣公会信徒,其教义强调崇尚圣礼
8、A dissenting minister, ie in a church that refuses to accept Anglican doctrine ─── 不赞成英国国教教义的牧师
9、The spiritual leaders of the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches have agreed to press for closer relations, following talks in Rome. ─── 圣公会和罗马天主教会的精神领袖已经为争取进一步紧密联系达成了共识,双方在罗马举行了会谈。
10、Other Protestant groups criticized the Anglican Church on various grounds. ─── 其他基督教团体在不同方面批评英国国教。
11、a member of the Anglican Church whose religious convictions emphasize sacramental worship ─── 圣公会信徒,其教义强调崇尚圣礼
12、The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea ─── 巴布亚新几内亚圣公会
13、a group in the Anglican Church that emphasizes the Catholic tradition (especially in sacraments and rituals and obedience to church authority) ─── 强调天主教传统的一个英国国教流派(特别是在圣礼、典礼和服从教会权威方面)
14、St Andrew's Cathedral would come under the flag of the Anglican Church. ─── 圣安德烈大教堂原本在圣公会旗下。
15、The Anglican Church of Canada ─── 加拿大圣公会
16、A cleric acting in the place of a rector or bishop in the Anglican Communion generally. ─── 代理主教英国圣公会代替神父或主教的神职人员
17、Expelled from Oxford University in England in 1662 for refusing to conform to the Anglican Church, Penn joined the Quakers. ─── 1662年,宾因为拒绝接受英国国教会的规范,被英国牛津大学除名。宾加入了贵格会。
18、The Anglican Church of Korea ─── 大韩圣公会
19、The faith,doctrine,system,and practice of the Anglican Church. ─── 基督教圣公会信仰,基督教圣公会教义,基督教圣公会体系,基督教圣公会实践。
20、If they gave in to George III, they might have to live under the authority of Anglican bishops or even - in western portions of America - the Pope. ─── 如果他们对英王乔治三世投降,他们可能必须要生活在英国国教的主教或甚至是罗马天主教教皇(指在美国西部各州)的控制之下。
21、The Anglican Church of Burundi ─── 布隆迪圣公会
22、St.Andrew's Church has a hundred years' of history in Hong Kong, and we are part of the Hong Kong West Kowloon Anglican Diocese. ─── 在本会这一百年中,有各地的人士来到圣安德烈英语的崇拜、接著耶稣基督认识上帝。
23、A church official, as in the Anglican Church, who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese, with powers delegated from the bishop. ─── 会吏总教堂官员,如在英国国教中掌管一个教区中的世俗及其它事务,具有主教授予的权力的人
24、Isaac Watts was born of dissenter stock in Southampton on the 17th July 1674 his family having split from the state Anglican church. ─── 华兹生于一六七四年七月十七日,父家在南安普敦早脱离圣工会加入不从国教派。
25、His religious views belonged the pro-independence side of Puritanism .He took form of religious tolerance policy, but in essence it is repression toward Anglican and Catholic . ─── 他的宗教观点属于清教中的独立派,形式上推行宗教宽容政策,但实质上确是对国教派与天主教派的压制。
26、His support for emancipation alienated many of the more traditional Anglican Tories, while his espousal of free trade split the party and ended his own political career. ─── 他支持天主教徒解放,这让许多较为守旧的信奉英国国教的保守党人对他产生了疏远感;而他对自由贸易的拥护也使得党内出现分裂,并且最终为他的政治生涯画上了句号。
27、Do you think they are the East Anglican species? ─── 你认为它们是英国东部种类吗?
28、Desmond Tutu was installed as the first black to lead the Anglican Church in southern Africa. ─── 年,德斯蒙德·突徒作为南非英国圣公会的首位黑人领袖就职。
29、Greoge Bell (1883--1958), anglican bishop of Chichester, outstanding ecumenicist, and leading British Churchman during World War II ─── 乔治·贝尔(1883-1958),英国圣公会奇切斯特教会会督,杰出的普世教会主义者,二战期间是英国最具影响力的教士。
30、Ecumenical Christian statement of faith accepted by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and major Protestant churches. ─── 天主教、东正教、英国圣公会以及基督教新教的主要派别共同接收的普遍基督教宣言。
31、Greoge Bell (1883--1958), Anglican bishop of Chichester, outstanding ecumenicist, and leading British Churchman during World War II. ─── 乔治 - 贝尔(1883-1958),英国圣公会奇切斯特教会会督,杰出的普世教会主义者,二战期间是英国最具影响力的教士。
32、Respondents were asked to mark one of the seven specified religions (Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Church, Presbyterian, Greek Orthodox, Baptist, or Lutheran) or to specify a particular religion. ─── 受访者被要求以纪念之一七个指定宗教(天主教,英国国教,团结教会,长老会,希腊东正教会,浸信会,路德会或)或指定一个特定的宗教。
33、The Anglican Church, however, was similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church. ─── 不过英国圣公会类似于天主教会。
34、Catholic, Anglican, etc missionaries ─── 天主教、 圣公会等传教士
35、The following words were written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in the Crypts of Westminster Abbey:When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. ─── 在威斯敏斯特教堂地下室英国圣公会主教的墓碑上写着这样的一段话:当我年轻自由的时候,我的想象力没有任何局限,我梦想改变这个世界.
36、Zhou Lin,Lin Mingjun and Liu Muzi are studying in Anglican High School in Singapore. ─── 周琳(后排右六)、刘明君(后排右三)、刘木子(前排右一)在新加坡圣公会中学学习
37、Inauguration of new school building and Anglican Heritage Centre (converted from the old general office). ─── 圣中新校舍与"圣中文物馆"(由旧办公室改建)落成。
38、In 1986, Desmond Tutu was installed as the first black to lead the Anglican Church in southern Africa. ─── 1986年,德斯蒙德·突徒作为南非英国圣公会的首位黑人领袖就职。
39、April 1, the Republican presidential candidate, Arizona Senator John McCain in his alma mater, located in Alexandria, Virginia, the Anglican High School made a campaign speech. ─── 4月1日,共和党总统竞选人、亚利桑那州参议员麦凯恩在他的母校、位于弗吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚的圣公会高中发表竞选演说。
40、Those who dissent from anglican teachings could be heavily fined. ─── 反对英国国教教义的人在过去可判巨额罚款。
41、A member of the Anglican clergy who is the holder of a cathedral or church benefice; a prebend. ─── 受俸牧师持有教堂俸禄的英国圣公会牧师;受俸牧师
42、In the northern Colonies, for example, the promotional efforts of the Anglican Church met with strenuous resistance. ─── 例如,英国圣公会在北部殖民区的传教工作,就遇到坚强的阻力。
43、The Anglican church could be a step closer to a permanent split. ─── 圣公会朝着永久分裂又近了一步。
44、A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called. ─── 主教会议英国教会中的一种教会人员会议,与教会会议相似。但只在被召集时才集合
45、A church official,as in the Anglican Church,who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese,with powers delegated from the bishop. ─── 会吏总教堂官员,如在英国国教中掌管一个教区中的世俗及其它事务,具有主教授予的权力的人。
46、Used as a form of address for an archdeacon in the Anglican Church or the Episcopal Church. ─── 副主教,用作对英国国教或苏格兰圣公会的副主教的一种尊称。
47、Conservatives who believe the Bible forbids homosexual acts are threatening to sever ties with the Anglican Communion, and form a breakaway body over the American bishop's ordination five years ago. ─── 保守派认为圣经上禁止同性恋运动是一个分裂圣公会的威胁。
48、Modernizers felt Anglican priests would be more effective if they appeared in less formal attire. ─── 主张现代化的人士觉得英国国教的神父若是以不太正式的装束出现在人们面前,其工作会更有效果。
49、The Church of England [English Church,anglican Church] ─── 圣公会
50、The Archbishop of Canterbury is the head of the Anglican Church but, unlike the Pope, is only a symbolic leader with no authority outside of England. ─── 坎特伯雷大主教虽然是英国圣公会的领袖,但与教皇不同,仅仅是一名象征性领袖,在英格兰之外没有任何职权。
51、The shocks of secularism, immigration and rival faiths have already shaken up the complacency of Anglicanism in peculiar ways. ─── 政教分离,移民问题及各种宗教信仰的冲击已经奇特地打乱了圣公会的一惯安逸。
52、A hymn or psalm sung when the ministers enter at the opening of a service, especially in the Anglican Church. ─── 圣餐礼开始时唱的赞美诗牧师开始宗教仪式时,特别是在英国圣公会教堂中唱的圣歌或赞美诗
53、and because they were consistently persecuted and disdained by the dominant Anglican Church in the South and the Congregationalist orders of the North. ─── 因为他们一直遭到迫害,被占主导的南方的圣公会和北方的公理会蔑视。
54、A plan called “Shrinking the Footprint” is intended to slash the carbon emissions of Anglican buildings, from cathedrals to vicarages to church halls. ─── 一项被称为“缩小足迹”的计划旨在大幅削减英国国教建筑的碳排放,从大教堂到教区,再到教堂大厅。
55、The 650-odd bishops who attended the once-a-decade Lambeth conference went home with open schism between the liberal and conservative wings of the worldwide Anglican Communion averted. ─── 650名主教在出席10年一度的Lambeth会议后,反常的带着自由派和保守派两个阵营间公开的宗派分立回到了各自的教区,而这样的分裂是圣公会在全球范围内都在尽力避免的。
56、The ACO is the Secretariat for the Anglican Consultative Council, an official entity of the worldwide Anglican Communion. ─── 地点为明华神学院演讲厅,由周景勋神父(罗马传信大学神学学士、台湾辅仁大学哲学硕士及博士)担任讲者。
57、Religion: no offcial religion, Anglican 26.1%, Roman Catholic 26%, other Christian 24.3%, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist 23.6%. ─── 宗教:无国教,圣公会教教徒占26.1%,罗马天主教教徒占26%,其它基督教教派占24.3%,犹太教、伊斯兰教和佛教徒占23.6%。
58、English prelate who served as archbishop of Canterbury from 559 until his death and was instrumental in establishing ecclesiastical forms for the Anglican Church. ─── 帕克,马修:(504-575)英国高级教士,559年至去世曾担任坎特伯利大主教,为圣公会教堂一些教会体制的建立起了作用
59、Are they church or chapel? ie Do they belong to the Anglican Church or to a Nonconformist denomination? ─── 他们是英国国教徒还是非国教徒?
60、Anglicanism is the established religion in England. ─── 圣公会是英国国教。
61、Religions: Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism. ─── 宗教:天主教,圣公宗。
62、Worshippers were able to log on to a website to watch and listen to the full Anglican church service from their homes. ─── 人们登陆该网站,就可以在家观看和聆听到英国国教教堂的整个活动。
63、Other groups sought to promote High Church ritual within Anglicanism. ─── 其他群体的要求,以促进高教会仪式与圣公宗。
64、Like the Pilgrims, the Puritans did not agree with the Anglican Church. ─── 像朝圣者一样,清教徒对英国圣公会也表示异议,
65、Sri Lankan bishop has urged conservative members of the Anglican Church to stop trying to exclude people because of their perceived faults. ─── 一名斯里兰卡主教要求英国国教的保守派停止驱逐那些知错的信众。
66、from Anglican teachings could be heavily fined. ─── 反对英国国教教义的人在过去可判巨额罚款.
67、Around 1622 William Oughtred, an Anglican minister in England, placed two sliding wooden logarithmic scales next to each other and created the first slide rule. ─── 1622年左右,英格兰圣公会牧师奥特雷德(WilliamOughtred)将两把可滑动的木制对数尺并排放置,制作出史上首支计算尺,数年后他又制作了圆形计算尺。
68、He belongs to the Anglican Communion ─── 他是圣公会的信徒。
69、A member of the Anglican clergy who is the holder of a cathedral or church benefice;a prebend. ─── 受俸牧师持有教堂俸禄的英国圣公会牧师;受俸牧师
70、The Anglican Church of Tanzania ─── 坦桑尼亚圣公会
71、Anglicanism is the established religion in England. ─── 英国圣公会是英国国教。
72、Those who dissent from anglican teachings can be heavily fined ─── 反对英国国教教义的人在过去可判巨额罚款
73、Customers as diverse as London university students and the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglican Church, can be observed going in through the antique, glass-paned doors. ─── 人们可以看见出入于那扇老式玻璃门的顾客各式各样,诸如伦敦的大学生们,还有英国圣公会的首脑坎特伯雷大主教。
74、Anglican religious community ─── 安立甘宗修会
75、Although his formal break with Anglicanism came in 1782, by 1776 the shift to Unitarianism had already taken place. ─── 虽然他与英国国教直到一七八二年才决裂,在一七七六年之前他就已经开始转移到唯一神教派。
76、When Michael Nazir-Ali, a Pakistani-born Anglican bishop, said some urban areas in Britain were becoming out of bounds for non-Muslims, he was denounced for alarmism. ─── MichaelNazir-Ali,一位巴基斯坦出生的英国圣公会主教警告:英国一些城市的一些地区正在成为非穆斯林的禁区,但他却以危言耸听的理由遭受谴责。
77、the faith and doctrine and practice of the Anglican Church. ─── 圣公会教会的信仰与实践。
78、Holy Trinity, Brompton is an Anglican Church. ─── 布普顿圣三一堂是圣公会教会。
79、The people who called themselves ‘Pilgrims' were not getting along with the Anglican Church in England in the early 17th century. ─── 在17世纪早期,那些自称他们自己为“朝圣者”的人不能和英国的圣公会相处融洽(不能接受英格兰的圣公会)。
80、The shocks of secularism, immigration and rival faiths have already shaken up the complacency of Anglicanism in peculiar ways.One day Britain might have its own version of Senator Brownback. ─── 不过随着世俗主义,外来移民,信仰挑战这些入侵,英国国教桃源世外般的心态在某种程度上正逐渐动摇着。
81、a group in the Anglican Church that emphasizes the Catholic tradition (especially in sacraments and rituals and obedience to church authority). ─── 强调天主教传统的一个英国国教流派(特别是在圣礼、典礼和服从教会权威方面)。
82、The certificate of approval requirement does not currently apply to marriages in the Anglican church in England and Wales. ─── 在英格兰或威尔士的英国国教教堂的婚姻不需要此证书。
83、The rules on certificate of approval do not currently apply if you plan to get married at an Anglican Church in England or Wales, after marriage banns or with a religious licence. ─── 如果你在获得婚姻的约束或宗教性证书后,计划在处于英格兰或威尔士的英国国教教堂结婚,关于批准证书的条款对你不成立。
84、A senior Anglican cleric slipped off his collar and cut it pieces live on British television. ─── 一名英国国教的高级牧师在英国的电视节目里摘下了他的领袖并把它剪成碎片。
85、In 1973 E.Childers,an Anglican,was elected president of the Republic. ─── 1973年,一个名叫E查得斯的圣公会教徒被选为了爱尔兰总统。
86、He was a longtime chancellor of the Anglican Diocese of Kano and is chairman of the Kano branch of the Red Cross Society. ─── 他过去曾期担任卡诺州英国国教主教辖区的教士,目前是红十字会卡诺分会会长。
英国国教指的是安立甘宗(英国国教,英语:Anglicanism),常用名“安立甘教会”(盎格鲁教会,Anglican Church)或“主教制教会”(主教会,EpiscopalChurch),是基督新教三个原始宗派之一
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