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08-30 投稿


repeals 发音

英:[rɪˈpiːlz]  美:[rɪˈpiːlz]

英:  美:

repeals 中文意思翻译



repeals 词性/词形变化,repeals变形

动词过去分词: repealed |动词第三人称单数: repeals |名词: repealer |动词过去式: repealed |动词现在分词: repealing |形容词: repealable |

repeals 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Elytrigia repeals L. ─── 偃麦草

2、I rise in opposition to a bill that repeals the scientific finding that pollution is harming our people and our planet. ─── 我站起起来反对这项法案,它废除了科学的认定,否认污染正在伤害我们和我们的地球。

3、On the Repeal ot the Award of International Arbitration ─── 对我国撤销涉外仲裁裁决的法律思考

4、calling for a repeal Article 31 of the National Security Forces Act, which allows detainees to be unduly held for up to nine months without access to judicial review. ─── 呼吁废除国家安全武力法案31条款,其允许囚禁收押人最长可达九个月,却不用上呈检察官与法官。

5、Obama has said he wants to reduce taxes for middle-income earners.But he has pledged to repeal many of the tax cuts enacted by President Bush. ─── 奥巴马表示,他希望为中等收入的家庭减税,但是他誓言要取消布什总统实施的许多减税措施。

6、In case any existing law, administrative regulation or rule is replaced by any newly formulated law, administrative regulation or rule, the repeal shall be indicated. ─── 如果现行法律、行政法规和规章被新制定的法律、行政法规和规章所取代,应当写明予以废止。

7、Hair fall can also be caused by habit that repeals hair unconsciously. ─── 头发也可以减少所造成的习惯是不自觉地废除头发。

8、Despite continued efforts to repeal this act, federal courts have upheld its major provisions. ─── 尽管有人不断努力以图撤消这项法律,联邦法院始终坚持执行这项法律中的主要条款。

9、Even so the suspension, and the dramatic reshaping of Wall Street, represents the final repeal of Glass-Steagall. ─── 尽管仍悬而未决,华尔街的彻底重建将会是格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案的最终终结。

10、17) To repeal Article 26 stating that a violator of this law shall be subject to compulsory execution for not paying fines. ─── 17. 第26条删除依本法所处罚锾逾期仍未缴纳者,移送法院强制执行之规定。

11、Do you know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the union twenty years before O'Connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue? ─── 你晓得吗,橙带党分支鼓动废除联合议会要比奥康内尔这样做,以及你们教派的主教、教长们把他斥为煽动者,还早二十年呢!

12、Thirdly, in the long run, the goal is to repeal the securities transactions tax, and only levy security capital gain tax. ─── 因此,是否应藉修法改善课税的方式以导正前述偏差,实有研究之必要。

13、The Decision of the State Food and Drug Administration Regarding the Revision, Repeal and Reservation of the Administrative Regulations Involving Administrative Examinations and Approvals ─── 国家食品药品监督管理局关于涉及行政审批的行政规章修改、废止、保留的决定

14、18) Article 40 repeals the provision stating that plate license shall be suspended for one month for speeding, if the speeding is blamed on the car owner. ─── 18. 删除违规超速如应归责于汽车所有人者,吊扣其汽车牌照一个月之处罚规定。

15、to repeal a law ─── 废止某一法律

16、(2) To keep stability combines with to repeal, reform and establish the law timely. ─── (2)稳定性与适时废、改、立相结合。

17、The result repeals that there exist significant relation between the street configuration and the urban land uses, by using Space Syntax as an indices-measuring tool. ─── 另一方面,经迴归分析之比较证实,路网经分层后之空间型构法则量测变数对商业型态之解释能力较未分层的佳。

18、Abortion repeal is not a question of political expediency. it is part of something greater ─── 废除禁止人工流产法不是一个政治权宜之计的问题。它是一个更大问题的一部分。

19、The raw materials used for sugar cane or sugar beet molasses after the repeal, starch hydrolysate cheap sugar and other raw materials. ─── 常用的原料为甘蔗或甜菜制糖后的废糖蜜、淀粉水解液等廉价糖质原料。

20、The repeal and cessation of all WTO inconsistent laws, regulations and other measures on national treatment ─── 废止和停止关于国民待遇的所有与WTO不一致的法律、法规及其他措施

21、When a man repeals a promise over and over, you can be pretty sure that he must have a problem keeping it. ─── 如果一个人一再重覆承诺,你可以肯定,他不太会守信!

22、It is necessary to distinguish the legal effect which repeals the insurance to the insured subjective intention. ─── 对重复保险的法律效力针对投保人的主观意图进行区分。

23、d. The amendment or repeal of bylaws or the adoption of new bylaws. ─── 修正或废除公司章程或采用新的章程。

24、President Bush has included the repeal of the tax in his $ 1.6 trillion tax cut proposal. ─── 布什总统1.6万亿美元的减税计划中包括废除遗产税。

25、Counsel, I would love nothing more than to repeal alimony ─── 律师,我非常乐意撤销关于赡养费的规定

26、But since the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999, commercial banks and investment banks have jumped onto each other's turf. ─── 但是随着格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案1999年被废止,商业银行和投资银行相互染指对方的领地。

27、persons who make or amend or repeal laws. ─── 制定修改或废止法律的人。

28、He has planed to repeal a number of the current radical policies. ─── 他已经计划撤销许多当前激进的政策。

29、Says he would repeal the ban that prevents the U.S. from negotiating with drug companies. ─── 他说他将废止一项禁令,该禁令不允许美国与制药公司谈判。

30、Some initiatives propose the repeal of existing state laws. ─── 一些倡议建议废除现有的州法律。

31、Article 7 repeals the provisions regarding charging port construction fees based on the price of imported or exported goods. ─── 删除有关商港建设费依进口出口货物价格收费规定。

32、We'll have to repeal if we don't get that order soon. ─── 假如不可很快拿到货,我们只有取消啦。

33、10) Article 1068 repeals the restrictions on an illegitimate child who may claim acknowledgement from his or her natural father. ─── 10. 第1068条删除有关非婚生子女行使认领请求权之限制规定。

34、The drumbeat for a repeal started last fall. ─── 去年秋季,废除按市价核算的会计准则的呼声开始响起。

35、Berkowitz would vote for repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. ─── Ethan Berkowitz 美国军队不应保持“不问,不说”的政策。

36、Some opposition politicians and educationalists want to gather signatures for a referendum to repeal the law, as is allowed under the constitution. ─── 一些持反对意见的政客和学者,想在宪法允许下征集签名举行废除这项法律的公投。

37、If the government repeals a law, it ceases to work. ─── 如果政府废除了一项法律,那这项法律就停止运做。

38、(e) Each agency shall give an interested person the right to petition for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a rule. ─── 五、各机关应给予利害关系人要求发布、修改或废除某项规章的权利。

39、They present a petition with a million signature to parliament, asking for the law to is repeal. ─── 他们向议会递交了一份有一百万人签字的请愿书,要求废除这项法律。

40、Ancient Roman Empire after the invasion of Greece, as the Roman Emperor Theodosius Christian, pagan cut ban on all activities, the repeal of the Games, and the burning buildings. ─── 古罗马帝国入侵希腊后,由于罗马皇帝狄奥多西信奉基督教,禁止一切切异教活动,因此废止了运动会,并烧毁了建筑物。

41、we thought so as the repeal of the stamp act, yet a year or two undeceived us; ─── 我们对于印花税法曾抱有这样的想法,然而一两年的工夫就打破了我们的迷梦;

42、There is something here that repeals me. ─── 也有一些是在这里,撤销了我。

43、1) Article 7 repeals the provisions regarding charging port construction fees based on the price of imported or exported goods. ─── 1.删除有关商港建设费依进口出口货物价格收费规定。

44、"I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution" (Ulysses S. Grant). ─── “我没有办法能象他们那样有效地撤销坏的或令人讨厌的法律的指控” (尤利西斯·S·格兰特)。

45、Corporation formed in 1980 to repeal the Government Township changed yet. ─── 1980年撤销公社建制改为尚庄乡政府。

46、- Article 8: repeals Decree of the Prime Minister No 338 of 11 July 2001 and subsequent amendments. ─── - 第8条:撤销2001年7月11日的第338号总理法令及其修正案。

47、implied repeal ─── [法] 暗示废止

48、Despite the best efforts of my supporters, the repeal passed the House. ─── 尽管我的支持者尽了全力,废除考试的提案还是在州众议院获得通过。

49、, the alteration, cancellation and repeal of compulsory measure, which is highly focused from the angle of legislation and some judicial interpretation, and the applicable articles in law are ... ─── 从立法和有关的司法解释看,对强制措施的变更、解除和撤销极为重视,所用条款很多;准确理解这些规定,对于强制措施的正确适用具有重要意义。

50、When a man repeals a promise over and over, you can be pretty sure that he must have a problem keeping it. ─── 如果一个人一再重覆承诺,你可以肯定,他不太会守信!

51、There is something here that repeals me. ─── 也有一些是在这里,撤销了我。

52、they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls. ─── 他们要废除所有经济控制法规。

53、They present a petition with a million signature to parliament,asking for the law to is repeal. ─── 他们向议会递交了一份有一百万人签字的请愿书,要求废除这项法律。

54、It is necessary to distinguish the legal effect which repeals the insurance to the insured subjective intention. ─── 对重复保险的法律效力针对投保人的主观意图进行区分。

55、because three of the committee's conclusions recommended repeal of existing legislation concerning specific benefits granted to poor persons such as the plaintiffs. ─── 因为咨询委员会的三个街论建议废止已有的关于给例如包括原告在内的穷人以特别利益的立法。

56、Let's not forget that Summers was a top adviser in the Clinton White House, which pushed for the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act of 1933, separating commercial and investment banks. ─── 别忘了,萨默斯是克林顿当政时期的高级顾问,而克林顿政府推动撤销了1933年的格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案(Glass-SteagallAct),将商业银行和投资银行分开来。

57、Those who fail to repeal or continue to collect these government funds in the project, once discovered, will be sternly dealt with the relevant provisions. ─── 对不按规定取消或变相继续征收这些政府性基金项目的,一经发现,将按有关规定严肃处理。

58、Moreover, ill-advised but nondiscriminatory statutes are subject to a built-in political check, because the adversely affected local industry will lobby for repeal. ─── 再说,糟糕的非歧视性法令受内在的政治牵制,因为受到严重影响的地方企业可以通过院外活动要求撤销该法令。

59、Prevents corrosion and reduces noise with superior effect.Stops sticking, binding and squeaking, repeals moisture and condition rubber seals. ─── (产品照片) Botny de-rust lubricating spray penetrates and removes rust, lubricates, cleans for the automotive, machines and tools.

60、When put on the spot and asked whether he would repeal NAFTA, he says that would cause more job losses than gains. ─── 当在现场被问及是否会废除北美自由贸易协议时,奥巴马回答,那样做的话,赢得的岗位不会比失去的多。

61、repeal of agricultural tax ─── 取消农业税

62、repeal plants with disease ─── 废除病株

63、The committee's plan repeals the current provision that allows taxpayers to exclude from taxation 60% of the long-term profits they make when they sell stocks, real estate and other assets. ─── 委员会的计划取消一项现有条款,即准许纳税人售股票、房产和其它不动产所得的百分之六十免于课税。

64、But he has pledged to repeal(废除,撤销,作废) many of the tax cuts enacted by President Bush.Obama says those cuts favor the wealthy. ─── 但是他发誓要废除布什所颁布的许多税收减免政策,他说这些使富人收益。

65、rescind You can outlaw technique,you cannot repeal biology. ─── 可以立法禁止(某项)技术,但不能废除生物学。

66、The Congress ultimately went on to demand the repeal of all the major laws imposed on the colonies after 1763. ─── 国会最后要求撤消所有在1763年之后实施的主要法令。

67、Harry has made out a strong case for the repeal of the Corn Laws. ─── 哈里提出强有力的理由,赞成废除《玉米法案》。

68、The repeal of the Corn Laws by Great Britainin 1846 ended Britain's long - standing policy protectionism. ─── 1846年英国废除《谷物法》,结束了英国长期存在的贸易保护主义政策。

69、He has made out a strong case for the repeal of the law. ─── 他提出强有力的理由,赞成废除该法令。

70、It was refreshing to see Buffett and George Soros and a number of other extremely wealthy luminaries stand up in opposition to President Bush's proposed repeal of the estate tax. ─── 巴菲特、乔治·索罗斯及其他一些有名的大富豪一起出面反对总统提出的废除遗产税计划,这确实有点新鲜别致。

71、Abortion repeal is not a question of political expediency. it is part of something greater. ─── 废除禁止人工流产法不是一个政治权宜之计的问题。 它是一个更大问题的一部分。

72、Other ideas covered are: decriminalization of drugs, tighter control of Fed money supply, and the repeal of laws favoring unions. ─── 其他的概念涉及了:合法化麻醉药、紧缩控制联邦货币供给,以及废止有利于企业联盟的法律。

73、and now it's been announced that the government has ratified an executive order that repeals the legislation. ─── 现在,政府宣布已经批准执行废除该法案的命令。

74、1766 - American Revolution: The British Parliament repeals the Stamp Act, which was very unpopular in the British colonies. ─── 1766年的今天,英国议会废除了在英属殖民地内非常不受欢迎的印花税法案。

75、To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and legal procedures; ─── (一)根据《基本法》规定并依照法定程序制定、修改和废除法律;

76、Mps are pressing for the repeal of the immigration act ─── 下院议员正在施加压力使移民法得以废止。

77、"it may, notwithstanding the repeal of the Objectionable Publications Ordinance by section 47, be continued as if that Ordinance had not been repealed " ─── 则纵使不良刊物条例经由第47条予以废除,亦可继续进行,一如该条例未予废除一样。

78、Most remaining Northern Whigs, like Lincoln, joined the new Republican Party and strongly attacked the Act, appealing to widespread northern outrage over the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. ─── 剩下的辉格党人,大部份如林肯一般加入了新成立的共和党,并强力抨击该法案,诉诸北方因该法案实质撤销密苏里协议而导致的群情激愤。

79、paper repeals the practice programming of APQC knowledge management framework. ─── 研究了APQC知识管理框架的应用以及实践程序。

80、e. The amendment or repeal of any resolution of the board which by its express terms is not so amendable or repeal able. ─── 修正或废除董事会的决议,而该决议的条款明文规定不能由委员会修正或废除。

81、1766 - American Revolution: The British Parliament repeals the Stamp Act, which was very unpopular in the British colonies. ─── 1766年的今天,英国议会废除了在英属殖民地内非常不受欢迎的印花税法案。

82、" As a result, the current exemption system should be reviewed and even putting a halt to the repeal. ─── 因此,现行免检制度必须被检讨,甚至是全面终止、废除。

83、The revision or repeal of a previous law ─── 以前法律的修改或撤消

84、Repeal supporters said the issue was about an unconstitutional law, not abortion or parental rights. ─── 废除令的支持者说,此事针对的是违反宪法的法律,而非堕胎权或父母知情权。

85、A Contrastive Study of the Concurrence of Contract Repeal Right and Invalidity Affirming Motion Right ─── 合同撤销权与无效确认请求权竞合问题的比较研究

86、Congress should repeal the tax-deductibility of the interest on leveraged buy outs, so that buyers need to invest their own money. ─── 国会应该废除免税的利息杠杆收购奏让买家需要投资自己的钱。

87、Repeal taxes on special agricultural products ─── 取消农业特产税

88、The representative of China declared that, by accession, China would repeal and cease to apply all such existing laws, regulations and other measures whose effect was inconsistent with WTO rules on national treatment. ─── 中国代表声明,不迟于加入时,中国将废止和停止实施效果与WTO国民待遇规则不一致的所有现行法律、法规及其他措施。

89、American Revolution: The British Parliament repeals the Stamp Act, which was very unpopular in the British colonies. ─── 1766年的今天,英国议会废除了在英属殖民地内非常不受欢迎的印花税法案。

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