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08-27 投稿


aether 发音

英:[ˈiθər]  美:[ˈiːθə(r)]

英:  美:

aether 中文意思翻译



aether 短语词组

1、aether purificatus ─── [医] 精制醚

2、tartary empire aether ─── 鞑靼帝国以太

3、rivals of aether skin ─── 以太皮肤的竞争对手

4、aether bromatus ─── [医] 溴乙烷

5、aether anestheticus ─── [医] 麻醉醚

6、aether aceticus ─── [医] 乙酸乙酯, 醋醚

7、aether pro narcosi ─── [医] 麻醉醚

8、rivals of aether ─── 对手或以太,

9、aether chloratus ─── [医] 氯乙烷

10、aether dehydratum ─── [医] 无水醚

11、luminiferous aether ─── 发光乙醚

12、aether apparel ─── 以太服装

13、aether vinylicus ─── [医] 乙烯醚

14、aether camphoratus ─── [医] 樟脑醚

15、obscuring aether ─── 遮蔽乙醚

16、rivals of aether robloxian ─── 乙醚罗宾逊的竞争对手

17、aether petrolei ─── [医] 石油醚, 石油精

18、Aether (mythology) ─── 以太(神话)

aether 相似词语短语

1、Panther ─── n.豹;黑豹;美洲豹;n.(Panther)人名;(英)潘瑟

2、aetheric ─── 以太

3、nether ─── adj.较低的,下面的,下方的;地下的,下界的;n.(Nether)(美、德、巴)内特尔(人名)

4、aweather ─── adv.[水运]迎风,[水运]向风

5、wether ─── n.阉羊

6、Heather ─── n.石南属植物,帚石楠(低矮野生植物),欧石楠;adj.杂色的;似石南的;n.(Heather)希瑟(人名)

7、aethers ─── n.以太;乙醚;太空

8、tether ─── n.系链;拴绳;v.(用绳或链)拴住;n.(Tether)(美、英、加、新、澳、法)特瑟(人名)

9、anther ─── n.[植]花药;花粉囊

aether 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Based on the present development status of alcohol and aether as car fuel in China, the problems in popularization and related countermeasure are suggested. ─── 在我国醇醚汽车燃料发展已有的基础上,讨论了推广应用中注意的问题及解决途径。

2、Sunshine of traditional agriculture aether is direct energy resources, use greenery to produce feed of human food, animal through photosynthesis. ─── 传统农业以太阳光为直接能源,利用绿色植物通过光合作用生产人类食物、动物饲料。

3、acrylate elastomer with aether group ─── 含醚基团丙烯酸酯弹性体

4、Bio-oil is a complicated mixture of organic compounds with water containing almost all kinds of organic compounds such as aether,ester,aldehyde,ketone,hydroxybenzene,alcoholic,organic acid and etc. ─── 生物油成分分析表明,生物油是一种复杂含氧有机化合物与水组成的混合物,包括了几乎所有化学类别的有机物,如醚、酯、醛、酮、酚、醇和有机酸等。

5、The product is effluvial flaxen powder, freely soluble in water and ethanol, practically insoluble in aether. ─── 本品为淡黄色粉末,有特臭,易溶于水和乙醇,在乙醚中几乎不溶。

6、Methods Benzoyl peroxide in flour was extracted by aether and deoxidized into benzoic acid by reducing agent,and the extracts were determined by GC with FID. ─── 方法面粉中过氧化苯甲酰被还原剂还原成苯甲酸,经乙醚提取,用FID检测,外标法定量。面粉中苯甲酸被乙醚提取后,用FID检测,外标法定量。

7、It is possible theoretically to remove the organic sulfuride from the sample of the spent desulfurizers used by three methods (1)aether extraction (2)hot-air desiccation(3)stream extraction. ─── 从原理上说明了使用(1)乙醚萃取法,(2)空气干燥法,(3)水蒸气蒸馏法脱除废脱硫剂样品中有机硫的可行性,并再此基础上进行了分离回收废脱硫剂中有机硫的实验。

8、Methods: The sample was extracted by aether in superwave. The buffer was 20 mmol/L phosphate (pH=7.0)and detective wavelength was 238 nm. ─── 方法:样品用乙醚超声提取,缓冲液为20mmol/L磷酸盐缓冲液,pH=7.0,紫外检测波长238nm。

9、aether chloratus ─── [医] 氯乙烷

10、aether purificatus ─── [医] 精制醚

11、abstract with aether ─── 乙醚提法

12、The isolates were insensitive to chloroform,aether,acid and temperature. ─── 分离毒株对氯仿、乙醚不敏感,耐酸耐热,可以凝集猪红细胞,其凝集作用可被犬细小病毒阳性血清抑制;

13、Among the solvents, the insecticidal effects of alcohol extracts are the best, and then followed by aether extracts and petroleum ether extracts in order. ─── 就6种溶剂比较而言,用乙醇提取叶、枝和树皮的毒杀效果最好,其次是乙醚,石油醚提取物的效果最差。

14、7. In no-choice test, the sequences of antifeedant effect were aether>alcohol>petroleum ester >chloroform extracts. ─── 在非选择性条件时,乙醚提取物的拒食作用最强,其次分别为乙醇和石油醚提取物,氯仿提取物的拒食作用最低。收藏指正

15、Inertial frames... what is stationary? The ether (aether)? ─── 惯性系…什么是静止?以太吗?

16、Unseen she kissed the forehead of her bride, and fanned the prince, and then mounted with the other children of the air to a rosy cloud that floated through the aether. ─── 它们没有翅膀,只是凭它们轻飘的形体在空中浮动。小人鱼觉得自己也获得了它们这样的形体,渐渐地从泡沫中升起来。

17、Our business is including such organic chemical raw materials as aether, Morpholine, Hexane, Tetrahydrofuran, mixed-aromatics, etc.Welcome to e-mail to us. ─── 主营有机化工原料,如乙醚,吗啉,正己烷,四氢呋喃,混合芳烃,乙二醇,乙醇,煤油,甲苯,甲醇,二氯甲烷及溶剂类.欢迎来电垂询!

18、aether solvens ─── 乙醚

19、Bottom Line: Give your feet a dose of running Aether. ─── 底线:让你的脚打了一针运行乙醚。

20、Properties:It is white or yellow crystalline.It can be dissolved in acetone,benzene, toluene, aether and ethyl acetate as well as warm carbon tetra chloride, ethyl alcohol and heptane. ─── 白色或淡黄色结晶,可溶于丙酮、苯、甲苯、乙醚和乙酸乙酯,及温热的四氯化碳、乙醇和庚烷中。


22、The aether gives us boundless, free energy. Probably from it Zetas scoop energy? ─── 以太可以为我们提供无限的免费能量,也许齐塔人也在这样获取能量?

23、With egg yelk as raw material, extracted by aquiferous ethanol and aether, removing water and oil by acetone, we gain phospholipids mixture, and search the extracting conditions. ─── 本文以鸡蛋的卵黄为原料,采用含水乙醇与乙醚提取,通过丙酮脱水去油,得到粗品卵磷脂;

24、Character:colorless,transparent,liquid,with light ecthanol smell.Easy to ignite,amalgamate with water,ethanol and aether. ─── 性状:无色透明液体,微有乙醇气味。易燃,能与水、乙醇、乙醚相混溶

25、It is white flammable nontoxic powder with good smell and with specific gravity of 1.095.It can dissolve in hot common solvent and acid ,but not in water,ethanol or aether . ─── 白色易吸湿粉末,有愉快气味,可燃、无毒,比重1.095,不溶于水、乙醇、乙醚,溶于热的普通溶剂和酸。

26、Methods Living Allactaga sibirica were collected with nest and placed in fuming-mouse tank full of aether, chloroform or petrol, rats and fleas were fumed to death without exception. ─── 方法 收集活体五趾跳鼠 ,置熏鼠桶内用乙醚、氯仿或汽油将鼠蚤一并熏死 ,捡蚤 ,直接在显微镜下或制成玻片标本进行分类鉴定。

27、The last element, aether, can best be described as pure energy or light.It is the stuff of the eternities. ─── 最后一个元素醚,可最贴切地形容为纯能量或光,这是永恒的东西。

28、Pigment matter in mature fibers of brown or green cotton was extracted by organic solvent (ethanol, aether and dimethylbenzene), acid and alkaline solution, and HNO 3/ethanol. ─── 以白色棉、棕色棉和绿色棉的成熟纤维为材料,用有机溶剂(乙醇、乙醚、二甲苯),酸性、碱性溶液,以及HNO3/乙醇溶液,分别对不同颜色纤维中的色素进行提取.

29、Just as sound was carried by pressure waves in air, so light was transmitted by waves in the aether. ─── 正如声音荷载于空气中的压力波上一样,光也是在以太中以波的形式来传播。

30、The aether, as then postulated, was considered by many scientists to be the medium through which waves of light travelled. ─── 那时,以太被许多科学家看作光传播的介质。

31、Petroleum aether,acelic aster,acet and ethanol extract of Melia azedarach with different dose was used for repellency and contact tests against Sitophilus zeamais,and repellent rate and correction mortality were calculated. ─── 将苦楝籽的石油醚、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、乙醇4种溶剂的提取物设计成不同剂量,对主要储粮害虫玉米象进行驱避、触杀试验,计算驱避率和校正死亡率。

32、After handled with petroleum aether and chloroform, the article purity has raised 9.68%. ─── 粗提物经石油醚、氯仿处理后,纯度提高了9.68%。

33、Hydroxyl third base amylum aether has strong thicken and stability,mainly be applied in ice cream,jam,jelly,nooning meat,soup material,drink and milk product. ─── 应用范围: 羟丙基淀粉醚具有超强的增稠、稳定能力,主要用于冰淇淋、果酱、果冻、午餐肉、汤料及奶制品中。

34、aether bromatus ─── [医] 溴乙烷

35、Methods Coleus forskohlii(Willd.)was extracted by aether, and the volatile constituents were analyzed by GC-MS. ─── 方法用乙醚对药材粗粉进行索氏提取,浓缩得浸膏后用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)对其成分进行分析。

36、This paper mainly discusses the difficult points of the sticking technology of high temperature resistance fluoro-aether rubber. ─── 阐述了耐高温氟醚橡胶粘接的难点,分析了传统工艺的缺点。

37、The content of product can increased to 40% by direct extraction for 3 times with ethyl acetate and successive extraction for 4 times with aether from sample solution of Echinacea purpurea extract(pH3). ─── pH3的原料液直接用乙酸乙酯萃取3次和乙醚萃取4次可以得到纯度40%左右的产品,两步萃取收率都在90%以上。

38、He decrease the salary of the worker to offset the increase of the cost. 2.To quantify the value of searching aether is difficult. ─── 他减少了给工人的工资以补偿成本的增加。2.把太空探索的价值进行量化是很困难的。

39、The extracts were easy to dissove in water, diluent acidic solutions and diluent alkaline solutions except ethanol, aether, ethyl acetate and acetone. ─── 然后,对林蛙头提取物进行了理化性质分析。 结果表明,林蛙头提取物易溶解于水中和稀酸溶液中,尤其易溶于稀碱溶液中,不溶于乙醇,乙醚,乙酸乙酯,丙酮等有机溶剂。

40、In no-choice test, the sequences of antifeedant effect were aether>alcohol>petroleum ester >chloroform extracts. ─── 在非选择性条件时 ,乙醚提取物的拒食作用最强 ,其次分别为乙醇和石油醚提取物 ,氯仿提取物的拒食作用最低。

41、The anesthetic effect of ketamine(50mg/kg) with aether group is better than the other method in our study. ─── 氯胺酮(50mg/kg)+乙醚组麻醉效果优于其它各组(p

42、aether dehydratum ─── [医] 无水醚

43、The other is special chemicals of ethyne, such as 1,4-butanediol series made by alkyne -aldehyde method, including ethynyl aether,polyacetylene,etc. ─── 在石油价格居高不下的情况下,乙炔化工在某些领域将具有明显的竞争优势。

44、"42% of the super computer list of before the group that is used at thousand aether net occupies the whole world to rank 500, surmounted all other to interrelate science and technology. ─── “用于千兆位以太网的集群占寰球排名前500的超级计较机名单的42%,超过了所有其它互连科技。”

45、The aether theory has been based still Democrit in the Ancient Greece. ─── 以太理论仍然基于古希腊德谟克里特学说。

46、Aniline, which not only dissolves in water at low ratio but ethanol, aether and benzene at any ratio as well, can take part in halogenating and diazoing reaction. ─── 有碱性,能与盐酸(或硫酸)反应生成盐酸(或硫酸)盐;

47、Specility: lt is white or near ly white unshaped power .lt has no odour, little sweet .lt can be dissolved in boiled waterand indissolved in ethano or aether. ─── 特征:白色或类白色的无定型粉末;无臭、味微天甜,在沸水中易溶解,在乙醇或乙醚中不容。

48、:white needle crystal ,scentless,bitter.lightly soluble in the ethanol ,chloroform ,toluene,benzene,easy soluble in the acetone,soluble in the water ,slightly soluble in the hot water ,oli aether. ─── 本品为白色针状结晶或结晶性粉末;无臭,味苦;久置露空气中,有引湿性,并变为淡黄色.本品在乙醇、氯仿、甲苯、苯中极易溶解,在丙酮中易溶,在水中溶解,在热水、石油醚中略溶.

49、Inertial frames... what is stationary? The ether (aether)? ─── 惯性系。。。什么是静止?以太吗?

50、In this thesis , method of extracted by aether after decomposition by Alliinase was adopted to obtain rough product ( garlic oil ) . ─── 本课题采用酶法乙醚萃取法提取大蒜素粗品(大蒜油)。

51、Plato, the Greek philosopher, taught that there are 5 elements: Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Aether (Ether). ─── 希腊哲学家柏拉图教授那里有5个元素:火,土,水,空气和醚类(醚)。

52、aether petrolei ─── [医] 石油醚, 石油精

53、The extraction effect of fat-soluble component extracted by aether was better than that extracted by n-butanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane. ─── 用乙醚萃取脂溶性物质的萃取效果分别优于正丁醇、乙酸乙酯和正乙烷。

54、Camphorwood besides containing camphor, still contain alkyl hydrocarbon kind, phenolic kind, Xi kind wait for organic composition with camphor tree aether. ─── 樟木除了含有樟脑外,还含有烷烃类、酚类、烯类和樟醚等有机成分。

55、The MP required to cast Energy of Fire, Energy of Wind, Energy of Water, Energy of Earth, Dispel Magic*, and Ignite Aether have been decreased. ─── 使用恐惧技能后,处于恐惧状态中的目标若从高处坠落,不会受到高空坠落的伤害。(这条争议非常大,最后感觉是针对恐惧+烧翅膀的,所以最后决定这样翻译)

56、A new method for determining second virial coefficients of ketone, aldehyde, aether and nitrogenous compounds was developed based on the corresponding-states principle. ─── 本文提出了一套新的用来确定酮、醛、醚和含氮化合物第二维里系数的新方法。

57、The extracts treated with oil aether and CCl_4 show obvious antimicrobial activity on both Staphylococcus aureus and E. co-li.And the extracts tr... ─── 不同溶剂的萃取物中石油醚与四氯化碳萃取物对大肠杆菌及金黄色葡萄球菌都有明显的杀菌作用,而相应的乙醚萃取物只对大肠杆菌有明显的杀菌作用。

58、HPMC can not dissolve in grain alcohol, aether and acetone without water in themand can dissolve into clear or slight feculent colloidal solution. ─── HPMC在无水乙醇、乙醚、丙酮中几乎不溶,在冷水中溶解成澄清或微浑浊的胶体溶液。

59、Sacrifice AEther Spellbomb: Draw card. ─── {一},牺牲乙太咒击弹:抽一张牌。

60、Aether Pro Narcisi ─── Anaesthetie Ether

61、Method Analysis on Satellite Data Station to Contact With Aether Network ─── 卫星数据站接入以太网的方法分析

62、The extractions of pericarp of Yongchun citrus by alcohol, aether and ethyl acetate was studied. ─── 分别用乙醇、乙醚、乙酸乙酯三种不同的有机溶剂对永春芦柑的果皮进行提取。

63、The aether of glycol kind also be a kind of virulent dissolvent, by strict taboo. ─── 乙二醇的醚类也是一类剧毒的溶剂,被严格禁止使用。

64、aether vinylicus ─── [医] 乙烯醚

65、aether aceticus ─── [医] 乙酸乙酯, 醋醚

66、extraction by aether ─── 乙醚萃取

67、The product is a white powder, slightly sour in taste, slightly soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethanol and aether. ─── 本品为白色或类白色粉末,味微酸,微溶于水,在乙醇和乙醚中几乎不溶。

68、Objective Components in aether of the leaf of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.were analyzed by GC-MS. ─── 目的用气相色谱-质谱法对松叶脂溶性化学成分进行研究。

69、Hidden Science Values Of Aether Theory ─── 以太说的潜科学价值

70、For his system, logically, the most important part is the prove of three concept, they are the aether, the charity and the mantel efforts. ─── 对于他的哲学体系来说,就思辩逻辑讲,主要体现在对于“以太”、“仁”和“心力”三个范畴的证明,本文致力于说明他的这种思想脉络,以廓清其思想面貌。

71、aether anestheticus ─── [医] 麻醉醚

72、Soluble in water and methyl alcohol,slightly soluble in ethanol,insoluble in acetone and aether. ─── 在水、甲醇中溶解;在乙醇中微溶,在丙酮和乙醚中几乎不溶。

73、In aether net technology, fast aether net is a milepost, establish aether net technology is in the regnant position of the desktop. ─── 在以太网技术中,快速以太网是一个里程碑,确立了以太网技术在桌面的统治地位。

74、His body might be in the spike, but his spirit soared far away, in the pure aether of the middle classes. ─── 他的肉身虽然坐在收容站里,他的灵魂却一直高高在上,翱翔在中产阶级的云霄之间。


76、Long time ago, people called this "Matter" as "Aether" , while please allow me to call it as "Active cell" here. ─── 很久以前有人称这种“物质”叫“以太”,请允许我在这里称其为“动子”。

77、Keywords molecular topological index;creaturely activity;alcohol;aether;ketone;ester;correlativity; ─── 分子拓扑指数;生物活性;醇;醚;酮;酯;相关性;

78、It dissolves in alcohol, acetone, especially in benzene, chloroform, aether, carbon tetrachloride, carbon bisulfide, amyl acetate, toluene and etc., and only a little in water. ─── 微溶于冷水,溶于酒精、丙酮,易溶于苯、氯仿、乙醚、四氯化碳、二硫化碳、醋酸戊酯和甲苯等。

79、In aether net technology, fast aether net is a milepost, establish aether net technology is in the regnant position of the desktop. ─── 在以太网技术中,快速以太网是一个里程碑,确立了以太网技术在桌面的统治地位。

80、In this paper, the solubility of phosphorus pentafluoride in aether has also been studied. ─── 本文还研究了五氟化磷在乙醚中的溶解度。

81、non-aqueous aether ─── 无水乙醚

82、Fragrance, pungent and cooling; volatility, burning brings smother and blaze; dissolving in organic solvent easily such as ethanol, aether, gasoline etc; don't dissolve water almost. ─── 凉;具挥发性,点燃发生浓烟,并有带光的火焰;易溶于乙醇﹑乙醚﹑汽油等有机溶剂中,在水中几乎不溶;

83、In putting the flower the organic solution such as person oil aether first, make the balmy material in leaf enters solvent, next repass distill, reclaim organic dissolvent, can get jasmine extract. ─── 先将鲜花放人石油醚等有机溶液中,使花瓣中的芳香物质进入溶剂,然后再通过蒸馏,回收掉有机溶剂,就可以得到茉莉浸膏。

84、Keywords fluoroelastomer;acrylate elastomer with aether group;blending;interpenetrating polymer networks;low temperature-resistant; ─── 氟橡胶;含醚基团丙烯酸酯弹性体;共混;互穿聚合物网络;耐低温性能;

85、Porperties:Bottle green crystal or crystalline powder,with gunmetal shine,without smell,solve in water、ethanol and chloroform,insolve in aether,water liquor is blue。 ─── 性状:深绿色结晶或结晶性粉末,带青铜光泽,无气味,溶于水、乙醇、氯仿;不溶于乙醚,水溶液为蓝色。

86、Defender Aether Membrane can block as though it had flying. ─── 守军乙太护膜能视同具有飞行异能地进行阻挡。

87、Keywords leaf of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.;Components in aether;GC-MS; ─── 松叶;脂溶性化学成分;气相色谱-质谱;

88、This paper introduces average performance of lubric-poly nether HLX.It carries on an in-house evaluation of sea water drilling fluid including poly aether. ─── 摘要介绍环保型润滑剂聚合醚HLX的一般性质,对聚合醚海水钻井液进行了室内评价。

89、aether camphoratus ─── [医] 樟脑醚

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