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08-10 投稿


adjournment 发音

英:[ə'dʒɜːnm(ə)nt]  美:[ə'dʒɝnmənt]

英:  美:

adjournment 中文意思翻译



adjournment 短语词组

1、adjournment day ─── [法] 休庭日

2、adjournment of hearing ─── [法] 审判延期

3、adjournment day in error ─── [法] 再审休庭日

4、adjournment sine die ─── [法] 无限期休庭

5、applicaton for adjournment ─── [法] 申请延期

6、adjournment of trial ─── [法] 审判延期

7、adjournment of inquiry ─── [法] 讯问押后

8、period of adjournment ─── [法] 休会期, 休庭期

9、adjournment in eyre ─── [法] 巡回法庭休庭

adjournment 反义词

convene | begin

adjournment 词性/词形变化,adjournment变形

动词过去分词: adjourned |名词: adjourn-ment |动词第三人称单数: adjourns |动词过去式: adjourned |动词现在分词: adjourning |

adjournment 同义词

off | prorogue | call a halt | recess | put off | postpone | put | dissolve | time | delay | retire | finish | until | defer | interrupt | break up | shelve | call it a day | stop | hold back | a | withdraw |suspend | discontinue | later | end | break off

adjournment 相似词语短语

1、sojournments ─── 日光浴

2、adjourned ─── 休会

3、adornment ─── n.装饰;装饰品

4、adjustment ─── n.调整,调节;调节器

5、adjourning ─── v.休会,休庭;(一群人)换地方;延迟(adjourn的现在分词)

6、sojournment ─── 每天

7、adornments ─── n.装饰品(adornment的复数)

8、adjudgment ─── 宣告

9、adjournments ─── n.休会,延期;休会期间

adjournment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The meeting will adjourn until tomorrow morning. ─── 会议将延至明早才举行。

2、The meeting adjourn at midday. ─── 在正午休会。

3、Thanks to those indecisive committee members. this [ad hoc meeting" has been continued for three hours. with no thought of adjournment. ─── 完全是那些犹豫不决的委员.把这个[临时会议"开了足足三个小时了还不想散会.

4、We'll adjourn the meeting here and discuss remaining issues after lunch. ─── 我们现在暂时休会,午饭后再讨论剩余的问题

5、The hearing is adjourn without saying when it will meet again. ─── 审讯被中止,没有说什么时候再进行。

6、The subject matter and scope of an adjournment debate must be specified at the time of application. ─── 在申请进行休会辩论时,必须具体说明辩论的主题及范围。

7、After a longer period of time after the adjournment of the second meeting in 1975 in Paris, France at the third session in 1980 was held in Lausanne, Switzerland. ─── 不纬过较不幼工夫的闭会后,第二次聚会于1975年在法国巴黎召开,第三次聚会于1980年在瑞士洛桑召开。

8、The court ordered a four month adjournment. ─── 该法庭宣布了4个月的休庭。

9、If we don't adjourn the meeting and give everyone some independence but let it go on and on, wouldn't it be the death of us all? ─── 如果我们不给每个人散会后的独立性,一直把会无休止地开下去,不是所有的人都要死光吗?

10、To prevent(a bill) from becoming law by failing to sign until the adjournment of the legislature. ─── 否决(议案)通过直到立法机关休会前还未签署,来阻止(一项议案)成为法律

11、Provided that notice of any such adjournment shall be given to the defendant and to any complainant. ─── 但有关该押后研讯的通知书须送予被告人及任何申诉人。

12、The subject matter and scope of an adjournment debate must be specified at the time of application. ─── 在申请进行休会辩论时,必须具体说明辩论的主题及范围。

13、Clause 4:Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. ─── 4.在国会开会期间,任一议院未得别院同意,不得休会三日以上,亦不得迁往非两院开会的其他地点。

14、Adjourn means to stop a meeting for a period. ─── 休会(使会议停止一段时间).

15、At each adjournment he stood, touched his clasped hands to his forehead, and bowed to the crowded court. ─── 每逢休庭,他便会起身站立,双手紧握,扣于前额,面向挤满人群的法庭屈身鞠躬。

16、Why don' t we adjourn to the local hostelry ? ─── 我们怎么不搬到本地旅馆去住呢?

17、The list of speakers who have spoken already, I suggest that the adjournment. The next meeting date will be announced in due course. ─── 名单上的发言者都已发过言了,我提议散会。下一次会议日期将在适当的时候宣布。

18、They're shooting for adjournment in two weeks so all the members can hurry home and start campaigning for the election. ─── 他们的目标是在两星期后休会,以使所有的议员都能赶回家乡去开展竞选活动。

19、As we have about thirty minutes for free discussion before we adjourn, professor Robert will be kind enough to answer any questions you may ask. ─── 因为在散会之前我们有三十分钟自由讨论时间。罗伯特教授将会非常乐意回答大家的问题。

20、Shall we adjourn to the lounge for coffee if we've all finished? ─── 如果都说完了,到休息室去喝咖啡好吗?

21、The administration wants Congress to approve the rescue legislation before its scheduled adjournment on Friday, but there is no clear indication that that timetable will hold. ─── 布什政府希望国会在星期五国会休会之前批准这项救助立法。但是目前还没有明确迹象显示国会将按照这个时间表如期完成有关的立法程序。

22、In this connection, he moved a motion at the meeting to adjourn the discussion on the item. ─── 就此,他在会议上动议押后讨论此项目。押后讨论此项目的议案被否决。

23、But a smaller number may adjourn from day to day,and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members,in such manner,and under such penalties as each house may provide. ─── 不足法定人数时,可以一天推一天地延期开会,并有权依照各该议院所规定的程序和罚则,强迫缺席的议员出席。

24、The judge granted us a short adjournment. ─── 法官允许我们暂时休庭。

25、One member made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and another seconded it. ─── 一成员提出休会,另一位则表示支持。

26、The opposing side demanded an adjournment. ─── 对方要求休会。

27、At the end of the proceedings today, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until Tuesday, May 21, with provision for earlier meeting if need be. ─── 今天会议的最后议程是建议休会至星期二,5月21日,并规定如有需要可提前开会。

28、To prevent (a bill) from becoming law by failing to sign until the adjournment of the legislature. ─── 否决(议案):通过直到立法机关休会前还未签署,来阻止(一项议案)成为法律

29、We moved for an adjournment of half an hour. ─── 我们提议休会半小时。

30、The House ought, in conformity with ancient usage, to adjourn over the Easter holidays. ─── 依照传统习惯,议院在复活节期间应该休会。

31、While many Americans think Roosevelt had the entire New Deal in mind for the special session, he in fact initially assumed that Congress would deal only with the banking crisis and then adjourn. ─── 但事情并非总是这样。在1933年通过宪法第20修正案之前,新总统都是在3月4日就任,而国会通常在当年的12月才会再度开会,一般在这时总统会首次向国会提出国情咨文。

32、The committee decide to cancel its law suit, approving the contract, and that it would adjourn the meeting. ─── 委员会决定取消诉讼,承认和同并决定暂时休会。

33、The members of the club voted to adjourn their meeting until 5 p.m. ─── 俱乐部会员投票通过,会议推迟到下午2点。

34、Well he has one thing in his favor. He's the one who always makes or seconds the motion to adjourn. ─── 乔说得对,弗朗。每星期五他从来不会在办公室呆到五点以后。他有意思的事要做。

35、Let's adjourn to the kitchen. ─── 我们到厨房去吧!

36、Last night (Sept. 26) 10:00, Lin Wood billion in direct sales in the case lasted 5 days after the adjournment of the hearing, the court announced the verdict date. ─── 前晚(9月26日)10时,亿霖木业传销案在历时5天的审理后休庭,法庭宣布将择日宣判。

37、Your opponent requests an adjournment. ─── 你的对手请求封盘).

38、Postponement or adjournment to a future date ─── 延期或休会至将来某一日期

39、Adjournment debate or debate on the adjournment ─── 对要求下院会议推迟至次日动议的辩论

40、Congress adjournment, the influence limits inline processing that the board that forms by 49 members country gifts in congress and decision concern an issue. ─── 大会休会期间,由49个成员国组成的理事会在大会赋予的权力范围内处理和决定有关问题。

41、Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. ─── 在国会开会期间,一院未经另一院同意不得休会3日以上,也不得从两院开会地点移往它处。

42、A committee may meet and adjourn as it thinks proper. ─── 八十七、委员会可自行决定开会和休会。

43、However, in an unprecedented move, Taiwan forced adjournment of the meeting by refusing to approve the appointments agenda item. ─── 但台湾采取了前所未有的举动,拒绝通过提名议程,从而迫使会议延期。

44、He said his party would move an adjournment to defer the bill's second and third readings if the government i isted on going ahead with the vote next week. ─── 他说若政府一意孤行要在下周如期表决,自由党会在二读和三读时提出动议,要求押后立法。

45、The counsel for the plaintiff opposed the defendant 's application for an adjournment . ─── 原告律师反对被告的休庭申请。

46、The directors may meet together for the dispatch of business,adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit. ─── 七十八,董事会可因迅速处理事务与会,休会和按其认为合适的方式安排会议.董事可随时提出召开董事会;

47、Neither House,during the Session of Congress,shall,without the Consent of the other,adjourn for more than three days,nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. ─── 在国会开会期间,任一议院未得别院同意,不得休会三日以上,亦不得迁往非两院开会的其他地点。

48、He proposed the adjournment of the meeting. ─── 他提议休会。

49、Provided (or Providing ) no one has any questions, the meeting will adjourn. ─── 如果大家没什麽问题,会议到此结束。

50、He applied for judicial review or for compensation or for an adjournment. ─── 他申请复审或赔偿或休庭。

51、Adjourn the meeting at the appointed time, even if all items on the agenda have not been completed.You can always reconvene at some other time. ─── 会议超时会导致他们迟赴别的约会,增加他们心不在焉的可能性,也会降低你作为一位善于主持会议的人的信誉。

52、He moved to adjourn, but was voted down by the opposition group. ─── 他建议休会,但被反对集团投票否决了。

53、At the end of today's proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 2l with provision for earlier meeting if need be. ─── 今天的议程结束时,建议休会到5月21日,并准备在必要时提前开会。

54、Judges of the commercial court have the novel power to adjourn proceedings for 28 days in order to allow the dispute to be referred to a process of arbitration. ─── 商业法院的法官有权休庭28天以便使纠纷进入仲裁程序。

55、We hope congress can make a decision before adjourn, relax the limitation of green to H-1B and professional immigrant card. ─── 咱们但愿国会能够在休会前作出抉择,放宽对H-1B和职业移民绿卡的限度。”

56、They proposed to adjourn the meeting. ─── 他们建议休会。

57、After the adjournment, value meal by the Nanning Municipal Association for Food Industry Association invited to participate in the Nanning meal organized by the Association for peer Food Association. ─── 休会之后,衡餐协受到南宁市餐饮行业协会邀请,参加了南宁餐协举办的餐饮同行联谊会。

58、During the adjournment of congress, Committee Director shall take extensive rights on the FCI operation and execution of decisions of congress. ─── 具有正式代表资格并且在FCI享有良好剩余的所属会员协会和代表协会享有每国一票的权利。

59、A majority of the directors present at a meeting may adjourn any meeting to another time and place,whether or not a quorum is present at the meeting. ─── 出席会议的多数董事可决定让会议延期到另外时间和另外地点召开,不论出席此会议的人数是否达到法定人数。

60、During the adjournment, the parties will try to settle the matter, Haight said. ─── 休会期间,各方将努力解决这一问题,海特说。

61、Could I make a suggestion? Would this be a good time to adjourn for lunch? ─── 会议进行了很长时间,你认为该到吃午饭的时间了.

62、Debate in the house of commons on a motion to adjourn the sit, used by backbench mps to raise point of particular interest to themselves. ─── 后座议员用它来提出对自己感兴趣的论点。

63、After the adjournment, the Judge specially said: "Lawyers of two parties had a high level of court debate. ─── 休庭后审判长特别表示:“双方律师进行了一场高水平的庭辩。”

64、Before that, the Security Council will adjourn for 4 days starting Thursday. ─── 在此之前,安理会将自周四开始休会四天。

65、It was the voice he used to bring committee meetings to an early adjournment. ─── 他的这种调门闹得理事会不欢而散。

66、The members of the club voted to adjourn the meeting until 2 p.m. . ─── 会员投票决定休会,午后两时复会。

67、The hearing is adjourn sine die. ─── 审讯被无限期地推迟。

68、On the last day of the session, the bill was still in Nick's committee and I was counting the hours until adjournment. ─── 在议会会议的最后一天,斯坦西尔的议案仍被积压在尼克的委员会手中。

69、If no announcement is made, the polls shall be deemed to have closed upon the final adjournment of the meeting. ─── 如果没有宣布票数,则投票应被认为在最后的延期会议上结束。

70、The solicitor moved for an adjournment of the case . ─── 律师提请暂停审讯这个案件。

71、The sit of the house of commons is adjourn and will resume on the following day. ─── 下院会议休会到次日进行。

72、The motion to adjourn was carried. ─── 休会的提议通过了。

73、At the end of the proceedings today, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until Tuesday, May 21, with, of course, provision for earlier meeting if need be. ─── 今天戚议结束时,将会提议下议院休会到五月二十一日星期二,当然,附带的决议是,如有必要,可提早复会。

74、When we sojourn we spend the “day”and when we adjourn we have finished those things,”belonging to the day. ─── 当我们逗留我们花的”天“ ,当我们宣布我们已经完成这些事情, ”属于一天。

75、To avoid the Members tailing off for luncheon, I asked for an hour's adjournment, which was accorded. ─── 为了避免议员们零零落落地走出去吃午餐,我要求休会一小时,议会同意了。

76、At the end of the day, after the excitement wears off, after the large-scale meetings adjourn, deep influence through the Word and Spirit may be what counts. ─── 事情过后,大型聚会结束了,尘埃定下来时,究竟什么最重要?上帝话语的功效,与圣灵深层的动工最重要。

77、Let' s adjourn until tomorrow. ─── 咱们休会, 明天继续进行.

78、They are voting on a motion to adjourn the meeting. ─── 他们将对一项休会以的动议进行表决。

79、"Nine had reached what we call a successful resolution, ... and they agreed to adjourn and continue negotiating after the mediation session," Bateman said. ─── “其中有九个会面取得了我们认为的成功解决办法。他们现在同意暂时休会,在调停之后继续谈判。”

80、Somebody needs to move for an adjournment. ─── 需要有人提议休会。

81、The adjournment or postponement of a court case to another day. ─── 即暂时中止一案件的审理,并择日再审。

82、If the meeting we are holding today should not adjourn but go on and on indefinitely, everybody would be against this, including me. ─── 今天我们这个会,如果不散会,尽这么开下去,所有的人都反对,包括我自己在内。

83、The members of the club voted to adjourn the meeting until 2 P.M.. ─── 会员投票决定休会,午后2时复会。

84、Counsel prevail upon the judge to grant an adjournment. ─── 律师劝说法官休庭。

85、The committee members, he said, were weary from listening to facts and figures all day and were anxious to adjourn. ─── 他解释说,由于委员们整天都在听事实、数据,他们已感到十分厌倦,所以急于早些休会。

86、motion for the adjournment of the house ─── 下院会议中止动议

87、The house stand adjourn. ─── 下院休会。

88、Let's adjourn until tomorrow. ─── 咱们休会,明天继续进行.

89、After the meeting, we will all adjourn to the Rose Room of this hotel for a buffet dinner. ─── 开完会后,我们将休会,到本饭店玫瑰厅的自助餐厅用晚餐。

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