magnitude 发音
英:['mægnɪtjuːd] 美:['mæɡnɪtud]
英: 美:
magnitude 中文意思翻译
magnitude 词性/词形变化,magnitude变形
magnitude 短语词组
1、change magnitude ─── [网络] 变化幅度
2、magnitude-controlled rectifier ─── [电] 量控整流器
3、absolute magnitude ─── [计] 绝对量, 绝对值 ─── [经] 绝对量
4、magnitude portion ─── [计] 尾数部分
5、sign-and-magnitude code ─── [电] 符号幅度码
6、direction-magnitude set ─── [计] 方向-量值集
7、maximum magnitude ─── [计] 最大范围, 最大允许量
8、log-magnitude and phase diagram ─── [电] 对数幅度及相位图
9、log-magnitude curve ─── [电] 对数幅度曲线
10、sign magnitude representation ─── [计] 符号数值表示法
11、sign magnitude ─── [计] 符号数值
12、moment magnitude scale ─── [网络] 矩震级;地震矩规模;力率震级
13、average magnitude ─── [化] 平均量
14、log-magnitude-angle diagram ─── [电] 对数幅度角度图
15、magnitude relation ─── [计] 数值关系
16、change of magnitude ─── [网络] 变化幅度
17、order of magnitude ─── [计] 数量级, 量级
18、apparent magnitude ─── 视星等
19、relative magnitude ─── [计] 相对值
magnitude 相似词语短语
1、magnate ─── n.巨头;大资本家;要人;富豪;……大王
2、aptitude ─── n.天资;自然倾向;适宜
3、magnitudes ─── n.大小;量级;[地震]震级;重要;光度
4、attitude ─── n.态度;看法;意见;姿势
5、habitude ─── n.习俗;习惯
6、finitude ─── n.有限;界限;限制
7、altitude ─── n.高地;高度;[数]顶垂线;(等级和地位等的)高级;海拔
8、lassitude ─── n.疲乏;懒散;厌倦
9、latitude ─── n.纬度;界限;活动范围
magnitude 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan, killing thousands of people. ─── 四川遭受7.8级地震,成千上万的人死亡。
2、The magnitude of the effect is still a matter of some controversy. ─── 对后果的大小仍有争议。
3、For conservation of momentum, the atom must recoil with a momentum of this magnitude in the opposite direction. ─── 因为动量守恒,原子必然以这样大小的动量向相反方向反冲。
4、He had proved the existence features of considerable magnitude. ─── 他还证实了相当多水下特征的存在。
5、It is more useful than regular encyclopedias by an order of magnitude. ─── 它比一些正常的百科全书要有价值的多。
6、A downtick of a given magnitude automatically produces a huge sell order. ─── 只要下跌到一定程度便会涌出一大堆卖单
7、To be the cause of an accident of this magnitude is so irresponsible that it defies the imagination. ─── 造成这类灾害的人竟然如此不负责任,自然后果不堪设想。
8、For example,an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 releases 32 times as much energy as an earthquake measuring 6.0. ─── 如7.0震级的地震释放的能量相当于6.0震级地震的32倍。
9、A magnitude 5.2 earthquake rattled much of the Midwest early this morning. ─── 今晨早些时候,中西部大部分地区发生一场5.2级地震。
10、On the Magnitude and Variability of Subgrid-Scale Eddy-Diffusion Coefficients in the Atmospheric Surface Layer. ─── 大气地表边界层次网格涡旋扩散系数的量级和变率。
11、A pair of forces of equal magnitude acting in parallel but opposite directions, capable of causing rotation but not translation. ─── 力偶具有相等磁性的两个力,平衡作用但反向,能导致旋转但不能造成平移
12、The magnitude of the palace was unbelievable. ─── 宫殿的巨大是难以置信的。
13、The magnitude of the war effort involved in these desert struggles must not be underrated. ─── 包含在这类沙漠战斗中的战争努力之巨大,决不可以低估。
14、Sorting the derived dataset can easily accelerate the overall operation by an order of magnitude or more. ─── 对派生的数据集进行排序可以轻松地使整个操作加速一个或几个数量级。
15、The magnitude and extent of poverty in any country depend on two factors. ─── 任何国家贫穷的范围和程度都取决于两个因素。
16、devastating 7.9 magnitude Sichuan earthquake which killed about 90,000 people in western China. ─── 四川破坏力极强的7.9级地震导致中国西部约9万人死亡。
17、An explanation of the magnitude of such a dipole moment must seal explicity with two contributing factors. ─── 对这和偶极矩大小的解释必须明确研究两个有关的因素。
18、A quantity, such as velocity, completely specified by a magnitude and a direction. ─── 向量完全由大小和方向确定的量,如速度等
19、In jurisprudence, science, and the arts, man has revealed the boundless magnitude of his mind. ─── 在法学、科学和人文学科方面,人类显示出来的智慧也是博大无边的。
20、A variable that has magnitude and direction. ─── 一种具有大小和方向的量。
21、Even after considering these factors, a decision obviously will have to be made about their magnitude. ─── 即使在考虑过上述因素后,还必须做出一项决议,阐述上述诸因素的重要性。
22、It is in fact quite serviceable for seiches of an appreciable magnitude and short period. ─── 但事实上它对量值大而周期短的假潮还颇适用。
23、The magnitude of each type of noise listed above can be computed from elementary statistical principles. ─── 上列各种类型的噪声的大小可用基本统计学原理来计算。
24、Understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something. ─── 对事物的本性,意义,熟练工人或大小明了的程度。
25、We did not realize the magnitude of the problem. ─── 我们没有意识到这个问题的重要性。
26、I began by noticing the sunsets, and I had the time to stop and really wonder, at the beauty and the magnitude of it all. ─── 一切从我留意到日落那时开始,我能有时间停下来,真正对那日落美景,对那份壮丽感到惊叹。
27、Be prepared to deal with groups and organizations of greater magnitude. ─── 做好准备处理更大集体的工作。
28、The magnitude of the problem finally soaked into their minds. ─── 他们终于认识到这个问题的重要性。
29、The magnitude of this effect is quite dramatic. ─── 其结果亮度非常引人注目。
30、A force has direction as well as magnitude. ─── 力不仅有方向而且有大小。
31、Many studies are made on the pattern of earthquake occurence in space, time and magnitude. ─── 对地震发生的空间,时间和震级的图象作了许多研究。
32、"We were surprised by the magnitude of the doctors' reaction," Fernandez said. ─── "我们感到惊讶的程度,医生的反应, "费尔南德斯说。
33、Its conservation law encompasses both its magnitude and its direction. ─── 它的守恒定律包括大小和方向两方面。
34、America and Russia do not face a problem of the same order of magnitude as Japan. ─── 美俄两国没有面临与日本同样的重要级别的问题。
35、They do not recognize the magnitude of the problem. ─── 他们没有认识到这个问题的重要。
36、Every increase of one number in magnitude means the energy release of the quake is 32 times greater. ─── 在量级上每增加一个数字意味着地震所释放的能量增加32倍。
37、The outbreak in 1985 was bigger in magnitude, both in terms of cases and the geographical area affected. ─── 1985年的暴发在病例和受影响的地区方面更为严重。
38、Now I was nervous. I bet it would be the same feeling of somebody to meet Hillary Clinton or to that magnitude. ─── 我非常紧张,我打赌那是一种同即将见到希拉里·克林顿一样的感觉。
39、An earthquake with a magnitude of less than 2.0 is so slight that usually only a seismometer can detect it. ─── 小于2.0震级的地震非常轻微,通常只有地震检波器才能探测到。
40、If a static load acts in different directions on a bearing, the magnitude of these components will change. ─── 如果一个静负荷从不同方向对轴承加载,那么其径向和轴向成分的负荷量会改变。
41、Alternating stress not only varies in magnitude but also in direction. ─── 交变应力不仅大小变化,而且方向也变化。
42、In the last 10 years researchers have advanced by roughly an order of magnitude. ─── 在过去10年中,研究人员大约前进了一个数量级。
43、The magnitude of the spike and of the reversal varies in different heart tissues. ─── 峰电位和极性倒转的幅度,随不同类型的心肌组织而异。
44、A bank failure of the magnitude of HBOS would have been catastrophic. ─── 如果像HBOS这样规模的银行也倒闭了,其影响将会是灾难性的。
45、The pressure force on small particles fluctuates from moment to moment in magnitude and direction. ─── 在小的粒子上的压力,从一个时刻到另一个时刻,在大小和方向上都有起伏。
46、In February, a 6.4 magnitude quake in Iran killed more than 600 people. ─── 今年2月,伊朗发生的6点4级地震造成600多人丧生。
47、An earthquake of magnitude 6 or over took place in the Azores Islands. ─── 亚速尔群岛发生一次6级以上地震。
48、In the illustration above, the limiting magnitude has been set to 9. ─── 在上面的图例中极限星等是9等。
49、But I think Yongfeng Feng underestimates the magnitude of the challenges. ─── 但是, 我觉得冯永锋低估了这项挑战的规模大小。
50、In the light of the magnitude of these losses, it would be prudent to act as if [global warming] is correct. ─── 根据这些损失的数量,如果全球变暖的预测是正确的,则需谨慎对待。
51、It is difficult to imagine the magnitude of the universe. ─── 宇宙的广大很难想像。
52、The magnitude of the external virtual force is irrelevant. ─── 外虚力的大小是无关的。
53、You don' t appreciate the magnitude of her achievement. ─── 你没有认识到她这一成就的重大意义.
54、Preliminary findings show that this cluster is not similar to Amoy Gardens in terms of magnitude and case pattern. ─── 初步调查结果显示,这个群组的范围和个案模式与淘大花园的并不相似。
55、The scalar product of a vector with itself is the square of the magnitude of the vector. ─── 一个矢量自身相乘的标积等于该矢量大小的平方。
56、In system development, an undertaking with prescribed objectives, magnitude, and duration. ─── 在系统开发过程中,一种具有规定目标、规模和期限的任务。
57、In a series connection the magnitude of charge on all plates is the same. ─── 在串联接法中,所有各板上的电荷量相同。
58、Many studies are made on the patterns of earthquake occurence in space, time and magnitude. ─── 对地震发生的空间、时间和震级的图象作了许多研究。
59、The masses of Earth and the sun differ by five orders of magnitude. ─── 地球与太阳的质量相差五个数量级。
60、The faintest object the SDSS telescope can see has a magnitude of about 23. ─── SDSS望远镜能看到的最暗天体星等为23.
61、Two years ago, the southeastern city of Bam was leveled by a 6.7 magnitude quake that left more than 31-thousand dead. ─── 两年前,东南城市巴姆被一场6点7级的地震夷为平地,3万1千多人丧生。
62、In geochemical analysis we encounter ranges of analyte concentration that can span several orders of magnitude. ─── 在地球化学分析中,我们常常会遇到拟分析元素含量范围可以跨越好几个数量级的情况。
63、A strong earth- quake swarm of magnitude 6 or over occurred in Ethiopia. ─── 埃塞俄比亚发生6级以上强震群。
64、The actual measurement is two orders of magnitude(= a hundred times)greater than we expected. ─── 实际测量结果比我们预料的大两个量级(即一百倍)。
65、But i hope his death properly illustrates the magnitude of the situation that we're in right now. ─── 但我希望他的死完全说明了我们的麻烦,已经很严重了。
66、The hierarchy of the Catholic Church realize the magnitude of the paradigm change. ─── 天主教堂僧侣统治集团认识到范例改变的份量。
67、It is hard to overstate the magnitude of the turnaround. ─── 其转机的幅度之大,不论怎样形容也不算过分。
68、Why there is a need for new international magnitude standards? ─── 为什么需要国际震级标准?
69、How far apart the sites should be depends on the magnitude of disaster you are concerned with surmounting. ─── 地点相隔距离的远近取决于考虑要克服的灾难的量级。
70、In binary floating-point concepts, a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floating-point number. ─── 在二进制浮点数中,一种带有符号的特定值,其量值大于一台计算机所能表达的任何二进制浮点数。
71、To lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of, especially by providing partial excuses. ─── 减轻缩小或努力缩小重要或严重的程度,尤指为了提供偏心的借口
72、The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences. ─── 制衡两种相对立的力量或影响在大小上的差距
73、The 7.9 magnitude quake made thousands oof people homeless. ─── 9级的地震使许多人无家可归。
74、Many studies are made on the pattern of earthquake occurrence in space, time and magnitude. ─── 对地震发生的空间,时间和震级的图像作了许多研究。
75、A quake of lesser magnitude, usually one of a series, following a large earthquake in the same area. ─── 余震大地震之后在同一地区发生的一系列小震级的地震
76、The magnitude of the thermal process is a function of product pH or acidity. ─── 产品的pH值或酸度是热处理强度的函数。
77、A star of the second magnitude, at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper and almost at the north celestial pole. ─── 北极星第二星的光度中的一颗星,位于小熊星座把柄的末端,几乎位于北天极
78、Haley was accustomed to strike the balance of probabilities between lies of greater or lesser magnitude. ─── 在大小谎言之间权衡轻重对海利来说是家常便饭。
79、Less than half the final digit shown (include magnitude zero). ─── 少於最後位數之一半(包括零)。
80、At first sight it might be thought that these two effects would be of the same order of magnitude. ─── 初看起来,可能会认为两个效应的大小属于同一个数量级。
81、You don't appreciate the magnitude of her achievement. ─── 你没有认识到她这一成就的重大意义。
82、It sucessfully estimates the magnitude of groundwater pollutions in the region. ─── 将该算法应用于实际问题的求解,计算结果与实际部门的估算值基本吻合。
83、The magnitude of the star at such a moment. ─── 变星极亮时的光度
84、But let me also profile the magnitude of the challenge with just a few statistics. ─── 不过,我想仅用少量统计数据概述一下这项挑战的规模。
85、A vector is defined by a direction as well as a magnitude. ─── 一个矢量要用大小和方向来表示。
86、Dependable production is just as important as the magnitude of output. ─── 可靠的生产和巨大生产量一样重要。
87、In many cases, the price is lower by more than an order of magnitude. ─── 在很多情况中,价格会低一个数量级以上。
88、The Dow Jones Industrial Average's 46% surge was one of just six of that magnitude in the last 100 years. ─── 道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数46%的涨幅在过去100年里仅出现过六次。
89、Sets the magnitude of the Repeater Shift. ─── 功能:设置差频数值。
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