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09-06 投稿


commentaries 发音

英:[ˈkɒməntəriz]  美:[ˈkɑmənˌteri]

英:  美:

commentaries 中文意思翻译



commentaries 词性/词形变化,commentaries变形

名词复数: commentaries |形容词: commentarial |

commentaries 短语词组

1、commentaries and editions ─── 评注和版本

2、commentaries calvin ─── 卡尔文评论

3、running commentaries n. ─── 现场评述,实况报道,实况转播

4、commentaries on the gallic war ─── 高卢战争述评

commentaries 相似词语短语

1、commentary ─── n.评论;注释;评注;说明

2、documentaries ─── n.纪录片;记录片(documentary的复数)

3、commentated ─── v.评论,议论;解释,解说;(计)注解,把(部分程序)转成注解(commentate的过去式和过去分词)

4、commentates ─── vt.评论;解说;注释;vi.评论时事;实况报道

5、commentariat ─── 时事分析评论员

6、commanderies ─── n.骑士团管理地;会所

7、commentarial ─── 评论

8、commentations ─── n.时事评论

9、commentate ─── vt.评论;解说;注释;vi.评论时事;实况报道

commentaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Electronic Devices and Stuttering Treatment on the Stuttering Home Page. This page is especially useful as it contains additional links to many other commentaries on this topic. ─── 在口吃主页中的电子仪器和口吃治疗文章。这篇文章包含了有关此话题的许多其他注释连接,因此特别有用。

2、Audio Commentaries by Stars Nia Vardalos, John Corbett and Director Joel Zwick; ─── 导演和男女主角评论音轨;

3、I joined the White House early in 1984, after three years writing Dan Rather's radio commentaries. ─── 我于1984年年初进入白宫班子,在那以前我为丹 - 拉瑟写了三年的广播评论。

4、During this time, he has also managed to record numerous, well-received audio commentaries for DVD releases including the superior HK Legends DVDs produced in the UK. ─── 在此期间,他还成功地记录了许多,深受市民欢迎的音频评论的DVD版本,包括香港传奇优于DVD的生产在英国。

5、To Comment on a Novel Structure by Means of the Argumentation Writing Skill--One Essential Feature in Jin Shengtan's Commentaries on Novels ─── 以论说文文法评点小说结构--金圣叹小说评点的一个本质特征

6、The Quality of The Style of Commentaries on Classics and The Differences between The Official Style and The Unofficial Style ─── 传体的史事性质及本事传体与非本事传体的区别

7、Commentaries on Lyrical Work, Wang Guowei, Wen Guo Bookshop, Tainan, 1986. ─── 人間詞話,王國維,文國書局,台南,1986

8、Caesar's Commentaries ─── 恺撒纪事

9、Back at home, radio commentators laughed and newspapers published humorous commentaries about the event. ─── 在他的家乡,广播评论员捧腹大笑,报纸上登出各种关于此事的搞笑评论。

10、The Idea of the Conflict of the Three Commentaries ─── “三世”变易观

11、The church has offered lengthy commentaries and expressions of regret but no apology. ─── 教堂做出冗长的评论并表达了遗憾之情,但没有道歉。

12、Commentaries on Lenin's political civilization thought ─── 列宁政治文明思想述论

13、"Csar's Commentaries," said the bandit, "it is my favorite work." ─── “《凯撒历史回忆录》,”那强盗说道,“这是我最爱读的书。”

14、To respect the respectable and avoid mentioning the respectable are the most important ideas in Gong Yang's commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals. ─── 摘要尊尊与为尊者讳是最重要的春秋公羊大义。尊尊主要表现为尊王、尊君和尊礼三个方面,而为尊者讳本质上是一种隐性的批判。

15、With the Same Origins of the Three Commentaries ─── 三传同源

16、Achievements of Chinese Ancient Exegesis Interpreters'Grammar Research Probed in the Spring and Autumn Commentaries' Notes ─── 从春秋三传注看古代训诂学家的语法研究成就

17、In the weeks subsequent to the Forum, scores of commentaries and essays were also published in Zaobao responding to the issues raised at the Forum. ─── 《联合早报》随后也发表不少读者的文章,针对对话会的课题进行讨论。

18、So far at least, commentaries in the official media have dwelt mainly on lowbrow entertainment on television and the internet. ─── 至少到目前为止,官方媒体的评论主要涉及的是电视以及网上的低俗的娱乐节目。

19、the sixth has commentaries, maps and indexes. ─── 第六卷为评论、地图和索引。

20、Chinese media also weighed in with sharply worded commentaries. ─── 中文媒体也提出了言辞尖锐的评论。

21、Erh Ya [ancient book containing commentaries on classics, names, etc] ─── 尔雅

22、Most of the commentaries are substance that causes brain damage, like the terms that invited by the young people. ─── 我就把这个概念引入到了时评当中,现在大部分时评是脑残体,这与年轻人创造的新词汇与异曲同工之妙。

23、Based on the prefaces and a large quantity of remarks and commentaries of Liu Chenweng's poems, this paper is to discuss about the modern hermeneutics consciousness in his literary thought. ─── 摘要以刘辰翁的诗文序跋和大量评点批语为文献依据,简略论述了刘辰翁的文学思想具有现代之阐释学意识。

24、The schools produced diligent excepting from older manuscripts, summarizing, and commentaries. ─── 各学院从古代手稿里作了辛勤的摘录,总结和评注的工作。

25、Study the Three Commentaries Concurrently ─── 兼治三传

26、In a manner He was the first, in a manner, that put his hand to write Commentaries and therefore no marvel if he overshot himself many times. ─── 从某种意义上说,他是第一个着手写纪事的,因此,他多次言辞过激也不足为奇。

27、It is suggested that foreign language teachers should be deliberate in selecting commentaries in order to make them more effective. ─── 因此外语教师在书面反馈中应有意识地选择评语类型使评语在引导学生修改上更加有效。

28、ideas and thoughts in Gong Yang's commentaries ─── 公羊义

29、The dialogue and commentaries have been archived. You can access them by clicking the "Dialogue History" button. ─── 对话和注释已经被存档。点击“历史对话”按钮,你可以翻看它们

30、It is only necessary to call to mind the best of the old commentaries and interpretations of the book. ─── 这是不仅是必要的呼吁想起最好的旧的评论和解释,这本书。

31、He was the first, in a manner, that put his hand to write Commentaries and therefore no marvel if he overshot himself many times. ─── 从某种意义上说,他是第一个着手写纪事的,因此,他多次言辞过激也不足为奇。

32、He was interested in humorous poems, joking commentaries on the news, and satirical observations of fellow townspeople ─── 他对幽默诗,诙谐的新闻评论以及讽刺当地市民的小品文感兴趣。

33、It is a modern commentaries? ─── 它现代的解说词是什么?

34、Discussion on "Notes and Commentaries Not Annotations" ─── "疏不破注"刍议

35、And as a separate and perhaps antithetical category, Buddhist scriptures and commentaries suggested attention to spiritual rather than worldly matters, also with great impact. ─── 作为一个单独的或许相对立的范畴,佛教经文和注释表明其对精神问题甚于世间事务的关注,也有着极大的影响。

36、Several Bible commentaries reports are very good. ─── 几篇圣经评论报告都很好。

37、history commentaries ─── 史传

38、Praise God for the Church in Mongolia.Pray for the translation and production of Christian literature, commentaries, devotional and teaching books, and the revision of the Bible. ─── 为蒙古的教会赞美神,为基督教相关印刷品、注释、祈祷与教导方面书籍、圣经修订的翻译及制作祷告。

39、In fact, Master has provided many commentaries on this topic disguised as entertaining stories. ─── 事实上,师父经常藉由一些有趣的故事,来阐释这方面的教理。

40、In media commentaries, people questioned how music teachers, themselves untrained in Peking Opera, would educate students in the complex gestures and trilling vocals that characterise the art. ─── 媒体评论说:人们质疑,音乐教师本身没有接受过京剧教育,如何能够教授学生复杂的身段和抑扬顿挫的唱腔呢?而这些都是京剧的特色。

41、Borges dreams of libraries and Nabokov texts and commentaries纪事,回忆录, but Calvino pictures acres of vulnerable print, gathered into volumes but constantly menaced with dispersion or vertiginous error. ─── 博尔赫斯幻想图书馆,纳博科夫倾心文本和纪事,而卡尔维诺描绘了大量敏感脆弱的蓝图并收录成集,但他却不停地以分散或多变的误差实施威胁。”

42、Probing into the Frontier Issues of the Contemporary Literary Trends of Thought: Re-considerations of the Value of Network Literature (Commentaries) ─── 当代文学思潮前沿问题探讨网络文学的价值论思考(笔谈)

43、The Pali commentaries support this point by tracing the word nibbana to its verbal root, which means "unbinding. ─── 巴利论藏追溯其动词的词根为“解脱”(unbinding),也支持这个观点。

44、In addition to professional service offered, Fred Jame also contributes to Taiwan's Internet society with casual writings, articles, commentaries and activism. ─── 傅瑞德历年累积的文字作品超过1000万字;包括翻译两本书、报纸和杂志专栏、企业客户行销文件、以及在网路上发表的上千篇文章等等。

45、Commentaries: Sandra Bullock Co-Screenwriter Marc Lawrence; Director Donald Petrie ─── 两条评论:桑德拉·布洛克和联合电影编剧马克·劳伦斯;导演唐纳德·皮特里

46、In interpreting the hexagrams, he would start his commentaries by "viewing the hexagram comprehensively" and "understanding the lines specifically". ─── 他在解卦中多以“卦合而言之”、“爻别而观之”以启文端。

47、Audio Commentaries by the Band and Directors ─── 两条乐队和导演评论音轨

48、We purposely do not treat of this matter in these Commentaries, as we have discussed this entire right in other Commentaries specially devoted to the subject. ─── 我们故意不在这一编中讨论这件事情,因为我们将在其他编中专门讨论这一主题。”

49、tour guides" commentaries ─── 导游词

50、English commentaries in museums ─── 博物馆英语解说词

51、Horng Chih-sheng;The 1895's crisis;The great judging of sprung and autumn annals;National spirit;Jih-Heh-Jai Commentaries on Poetry ─── 关键词:洪弃生;乙未变局;春秋大义;民族精神;寄鹤斋诗话

52、Liu Hui's commentaries ─── 刘徽注

53、Developers work with code locally via the Eclipse workbench, creating new resources, modifying existing ones, writing commentaries, and saving locally as they go. ─── 开发人员通过Eclipse工作台在本地使用代码,包括的工作有创建新资源、修改现有资源、编写注释,并在他们使用后在本地保存这些内容。

54、Commentaries of Remedical Methods About Lower Jaw Face Hemangioma in Infants ─── 婴幼儿颌面部血管瘤治疗方法述评

55、Essays and commentaries by leading literary figures of the time were also featured in this magazine, which is still issued on a monthly basis by Shiseido today. ─── 刊载当代著名作家的文选,更是杂志的一大特色。至今,HANATSUBAKI仍以月刊形式发行。

56、Widescreen version of the R-rated film Two commentaries with writer-director David Goyer, Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds, producer and crew ─── 导演及编剧大卫·高耶,杰茜卡·拜尔,瑞安·雷诺兹,制片和全体演职员参与的两条评论

57、the Commentaries of Caesar ─── 恺撒的《高卢战记》

58、commentaries on classics ─── 传

59、Its influence has mainly been in political commentaries and poetry,but on Tang literature it is smaller than Ruiying and Fengshan. ─── 对文学创作的影响主要表现在政论、对策和诗歌中,该观念对唐代文学的作用小于瑞应和封禅。

60、I said people had written volumes of commentaries on his plays. Naturally he wanted to see one and I got one for him from the library. ─── 我说人们写了各种各样关于他的评论.自然,他会想要看看一些,于是我就给他看了一篇从图书馆找来的评论。

61、Key Publications in Urology - provides reviews of the latest urological literature, news reviews, commentaries on issues and access to other sites of interest. ─── 提供泌尿学方面的最新文献,论文,新闻,和有关链接。

62、On closer examination, this book turns out to be an old book full of footnotes, commentaries and references to older books. ─── 仔细查看,这本书又恰是一本充满脚注、评语和引文的老书。

63、" In the Romans and both Galatian commentaries he spells out the theological reason for viewing man in his entire being as either flesh or spirit, trusting in self or trusting in God. ─── 在罗马和加拉太书的注释中,他详细地揭示了他因为信靠自己或信靠神而将人看作整个是属肉体或属灵的的完整个体。

64、A random browse of media commentaries turned up statements like: "If he doesn't snatch the Beijing Olympics gold, all his previous successes will come to nothing. ─── 在一次浏览网页时我看到这样的话:“如果刘翔不能夺得北京奥运会金牌,他之前所有的成就将化为乌有。”

65、The commentaries of the register policy of the Chinese imported feeds and feed additives ─── 中国进口饲料和饲料添加剂登记解读

66、Besides there are many collections of novellas, short stories, poems, commentaries and random notes to be finished, amounting to over 2 million words. ─── 另有中、短篇小说,诗歌,评论,随笔等200余万字尚未结集。

67、“I said people had written volumes of commentaries on his plays. Naturally he wanted to see one and I got one for him from the library.” ─── "我说人们写了各种各样关于他的评论.自然,他会想要看看一些,于是我就给他看了一篇从图书馆找来的评论."

68、Work surviving from that period includes prose sagas, historical and legal material, commentaries on biblical texts and lyrical and devotional poetry. ─── 从那个时期流传下来的作品包括散文萨迦,历史与法律资料,圣经文本评注,和抒情诗与祷告诗。

69、Of all commentaries upon the scriptures, good examples are the best and liveliest. ─── 一切圣经批注,就以良好榜样为最佳、最生动的批注。

70、I think all of these commentaries, however valid,miss the larger picture. ─── 我认为所有这些评论,不管怎样振振有词,都受到了视野的局限。

71、From the perspective of the content, the commentaries and notes of the Han Dynasty have begun the description of the phonetic sounds of dialects, and covered part of the grammar. ─── 从内容上看,汉代经籍传注中的方言研究较之以前有两点发展,一是开始注意方音的描写,二是涉及到一些语法的内容。

72、Author of seven popular books and dozens of commentaries for national publications, radio and television, he also lectures widely on science and public policy. ─── 他写了七本科普著作,以及为美国全国性报刊杂志、电台及电视写了数十篇评论,并针对科学及公共政策做公开演讲。

73、older manuscripts, the schools produced diligent excerpts,summaries, and commentaries. ─── 各学院从过去的手稿里作了辛勤的摘录、总结和评注工作。

74、8. The schools produced diligent excerpting from older manuscripts, summarizing, and commentaries. ─── 各学院从古代手稿里作了辛勤的摘录、总结和评注工作。

75、What is the commonality between activities of a dentist and commentaries on the course of a nation? Dr. Jackson K.S. Chi has his own kind of logic. ─── 为人看牙与为国建言之间有什麽关系?牙医师纪光慎(左)心中自有一套逻辑。

76、Commentaries on the Research on the Stock-right Financing Predilection of Listed Companies in China ─── 我国上市公司股权融资偏好问题研究述评

77、commentaries on a biography ─── 传赞

78、A television program with a mixture of news and entertainment features, such as interviews, commentaries, and reviews. ─── 信息娱乐片夹杂着新闻和娱乐的电视节目,比如采访、评论和回顾性节目

79、Media Commentaries ─── 媒体评论

80、commentaries and notes ─── 前人注疏

81、The Pali commentaries support this point by tracing the word nibbana to its verbal root, which means "unbinding. " ─── 巴利论藏追溯其动词的词根为“解脱”(unbinding),也支持这个观点。

82、Expository Commentaries ─── “义疏”

83、There, shop after shop, meant to lure the tourist,provided colorful commentaries on the culture of my ancestors. ─── 在那里,商店一家挨着一家,装潢得光艳夺目,以吸引游客,对我祖先的文化做出了绚丽的阐释。

84、" Blackstone, in his Commentaries, remarks, that this law of Nature being coeval with mankind, and dictated by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other. ─── 它当然比任何其它法则都具有更高的约束性。在全世界,在所有国家,在任何时候,这条法则都具有约束性。任何人类的法则倘若与此法则相矛盾,便丧失其效力;

85、Picture processing of abstract captions in political commentaries ─── 关于政论片中抽象解说词的画面处理

86、A Study of Chinese-English Translation of Tour Guides'Commentaries: A Relevance Theory Approach ─── 从关联理论角度看导游词的汉英翻译

87、Tess, who was reaching up to get the tea-things from the corner-cupboard, did not hear these commentaries. ─── 苔丝站在屋子的角落处,正在从碗橱里往外拿茶具,没有听见这些评论。

88、The press, meanwhile, is filled with commentaries about how the country must live within its means, and how much things must change. ─── 同时报纸充满了对于这个国家必须在自己的财产下如何生活下去的评论,以及必须得发生多大程度的变化。

89、When Japan decided last year to phase out its loan aid to China by2008, the state media published indignant commentaries describing this as an affront, and only in passing revealed details of Japan's largesse. ─── 当日本去年决定到2008年对中国就停止这一帮助性贷款,中国官方媒体则同仇敌忾般渲染日本对中国的侮辱,而对日本的慷慨却轻描淡写。

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