quells 发音
英:[kwelz] 美:[kwelz]
英: 美:
quells 中文意思翻译
quells 词性/词形变化,quells变形
动词现在分词: quelling |动词第三人称单数: quells |动词过去式: quelled |动词过去分词: quelled |
quells 相似词语短语
1、quelled ─── vt.平息;镇压;减轻;消除;n.(Quell)人名;(捷)奎尔;(西)克利
2、quell ─── vt.平息;镇压;减轻;消除;n.(Quell)人名;(捷)奎尔;(西)克利
3、dwells ─── vi.居住;存在于;细想某事
4、queleas ─── 红嘴奎利亚
5、-bells ─── n.铃(bell的复数形式);排钟;喇叭裤;v.系铃于…;鸣钟(bell的第三人称单数形式)
6、queller ─── n.镇压者;平息者
7、kvells ─── 扬扬得意
8、knells ─── n.丧钟声;凶兆;哀伤的声音;vi.鸣丧钟;预报凶兆;发出哀伤之声;vt.敲丧钟召集
9、queans ─── n.妓女;轻佻女人
quells 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But these counter-attacks may not be enough to quell voters’ dissatisfaction with the long rule of the LDP and the leadership of gaffe-prone Mr Aso as economic conditions remain difficult. ─── 但这些反击却无法弥补民众对于自民党长期执政和麻生太郎在日本经济问题上处理不佳的不满。
2、The government's reassurances have done nothing to quell the doubts of the public. ─── 政府的再次保证并没有消除公众的疑虑。
3、And the police will arrest anyone just to quell the uproar. ─── 为了平息众怒,警察将可能逮捕任何人。
4、Come on Chelsea quell the rumours once and for all, don't let pride get in the way of something so important. ─── 前进吧切尔西,彻底地平息所有的传闻吧,别让骄傲妨碍一些如此重要的事情。
5、He couldn't quell his fears. ─── 他无法消除他的恐惧。
6、Cold quells molecular motion. ─── 寒冷抑制了分子的运动。
7、To quell the unrest, the government acquiesced to worker demands to raise the legal minimum wage by 40%, representing the first such rise since 1999. ─── 为了平息层出不穷的骚动,政府默许劳工提出增加40%基本薪资的诉求。
8、The European Union cannot fix its sovereign debt problem without a holistic solution that quells investors' concerns about banks. ─── 拿不出一套整体解决方案,打消投资者对银行的忧虑,欧盟(EU)是无法解决其主权债务问题的。
9、Apologetics has traditionally argued positively to quell believers' doubts and negatively against opposing beliefs to remove obstacles to conversion. ─── 传统上,辨惑学巩固信徒信仰以防疑惑动摇,并为不信者信教扫除理性上的障碍。
10、Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research.Urate seems to quell the highly reactive free radicals before they get a chance to injure the crucial brain cells, he says. ─── 但是过高水平的尿酸可能会导致肾结石和一种称为痛风的关节炎。
11、Urate seems to quell the highly reactive free radicals before they get a chance to injure the crucial brain cells, he says. ─── 尿酸可能降低活性自由基的水平使之没有机会伤害重要的脑细胞。
12、To quell consumer's fears over food safety, Minister of the Department of Health issued directives to conduct a sweeping examination of cooking oil used by eateries across the island. ─── 为了平息消费者的恐慌,卫生署长发布指令对全省餐饮小吃业者进行食用油的全面稽查。
13、When the Empire took over Ando, they turned it into a police state designed to quell the various Aqualish uprisings. ─── 到帝国接管安多时,它被变成一个警卫站,专门镇压阿夸利什人的起义。
14、United on Friday moved to quell further talk that their prize asset was about to link up with the Bernabeu club, saying the rumours were utter nonsense and totally laughable. ─── 曼联在周五否认了更多的谈判将会进行,否认了他们的价值球员将会与伯纳乌俱乐部联系起来,声称那些流言是“完全没有意义和可笑的。
15、However, ahead of Chelsea's Carling Cup final with Arsenal, the former Porto coach has moved to once again quell speculation about his future. ─── 但是在联赛杯与阿森纳的决战前夕,这位前波尔图教练有一次打消了人们对他前途的猜疑。
16、The jeweled pestle quells demons and protects practitioners ─── 宝杵降魔护行者
17、Difficulties and setbacks never quell their curiosity. ─── 困难和挫折从来就压不住他们的好奇心。
18、E Labano corse fuori da quell’uomo alla sorgente. ─── 她下到水泉那里,打满了水瓶,又上来。
19、Doctors facing the same phenomenon in SARS patients tried to quell the storm by administering interferon and cytokine-suppressing corticosteroids. ─── 前几年发生的SARS也有相同的现象,医师会给予SARS病患干扰素和可抑制细胞素的皮质类固醇,以平息细胞素风暴。
20、A major pact was signed by the two leaders(of China and Russia)and the Presidents of Kazakhstan,Kyrgyastan and Tajikistan to quell long simmering disputes along Russia's southern border. ─── 中俄领导和哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦与塔吉克斯坦三共和国总统签署了一项重要协定,以解决俄罗斯南疆长久以来一直不甚平静的边界争端.
21、The government has tried to quell inflation, through, for example, price controls on some essential commodities. ─── 中国政府试图采取措施抑制通货膨胀,例如对一些生活必需品的价格实行控制。
22、E da quell’ora cercava il momento opportuno di tradirlo. ─── 从那时起,他就找机会把耶稣交给他们。
23、control or suppress sth,esp by force;quell sth ─── 控制或压制某事物(尤指用武力);镇压;
24、Top watermelons relieve heat and quell thirst. ─── 优质西瓜,消暑解渴。
25、for the planet above quells their rays ─── 因为眼睛上端的行星淹没了它们的光。
26、"The governor called out the militia to quell the violence. Sporadic acts of resistance against rent and tax collection spread across the state, and in 1845 the governor declared martial law. " ─── 州长召集民兵进行了镇压。之后,小规模的各种抗租抗税活动在整个州蔓延开来,到1845年,州长被迫宣布实施戒严法。
27、The promise of forfeitures did little to quell the groundswell of public anger Wednesday. ─── 放弃奖金的承诺周三未能平息公众潮水般的愤怒。
28、With the interim government struggling to quell a deadly insurgency and to rebuild the economy, there is little time and money to be spared for culture. ─── 伊拉克临时政府的当务之急是力争平息严重的叛乱,恢复经济,政府无暇顾及也没有多余的资金投入文化领域。
29、If it fails to quell inflation, social unrest will quickly unfold. ─── 如果它不能以平息通货膨胀,社会动荡将很快展开。
30、“The million-dollar question is whether the slowdown is enough to quell the inflationary pressure or whether you need more rate rises. ─── “关键问题是,经济放缓是否足以压制通胀压力,或是否需要进一步升息。”
31、Icahn told Yahoo's board it could quickly quell the shareholder revolt by renewing negotiations with Microsoft, but the software maker warned Sunday that it's possible no deal will be struck. ─── 尽管伊坎向雅虎董事会表明,通过恢复与微软的谈判可以迅速平息股东的不满,但微软也曾预先警告有可能周日无法达成任何交易.
32、In 1989 he moved to the University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center and began looking for compounds that might quell inflammation and have an anticancer effect. ─── 1989年,他转到德州大学安德森癌症中心任职,并开始寻求可以抗发炎及抗癌的化合物。
33、Later in the day, Mr. Annan's successor, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, announced he would fly to Nairobi on Friday to help Mr. Annan quell the crisis. ─── 当天晚些时候,联合国秘书长潘基文宣布,他将于星期五飞往内罗毕,协助安南平息这场危机。
34、Mere words would not quell the burning need to understand that universe within the guitar as perceived by this self-effacing master. ─── 单单文字的说明并不能解除我对了解吉他里整个宇宙的渴望,这个宇宙如同眼前这位非常谦逊的大师所体悟的境界一样。
35、What passion cannot music raise and quell? ─── “有哪种情感是音乐所鼓舞不起与镇静不了的呢?”
36、Scusi, signorina, puo farmi vedere quell cappotto ? ─── 对不起,小姐,你能让我看下那件大衣吗?
37、Site of the "Quell the British" Corps at Sanyuanli ─── 三元里平英团遗址
38、It is a happy thing that time quells the longings of vengeance and hushes the prompting of rage and aversion ─── 时间平息了复仇的渴望,压下了愤怒和厌恶的冲动,这是件快乐的事。
39、accostiamoci di vero cuore, con piena certezza di fede, avendo i cuori aspersi di quell’aspersione che li purifica dalla mala coscienza, e il corpo lavato d’acqua pura. ─── 我们既然有一位伟大的祭司治理 神的家,
40、It does nothing to quell buyer's remorse, but that's a subject for a different column. ─── 当然这并不能彻底消除儿子买过就后悔的可能,不过这是另外一个话题了。
41、E lo Spirito mi disse che andassi con loro, senza farmene scrupolo. Or anche questi sei fratelli vennero meco, ed entrammo in casa di quell’uomo. ─── 圣灵吩咐我跟他们一起去,一点也不要疑惑。这六位弟兄也跟我一起去,我们就进了那人的家。
42、Mr Bush hopes to quell tensions over Taiwan. ─── 布什希望缓解对台湾的压力。
43、The script described the battle over Quell as happening in space, but it was moved to the upper atmosphere for dramatic effect as the show entered preproduction. ─── 剧本中把奎尔上空的战斗放在太空里,但是在前期制作时被挪到了大气层中以产生更戏剧性的效果。
44、Inflation rises, and so the Fed quells it by increasing interest rates. ─── 通胀率上涨,因此联邦储通过涨利率来平息这个膨胀率。
45、Abdullah’s announcement would not stop the political infighting within UMNO.Neither would it quell the calls for the premier’s resignation. ─── 但是阿都拉誓言在离任前改革政府机关、司法制度和反贪制度,只不过是空头承诺。
46、If you can quell the howling child within - "What about me!" ─── 如果你能够克服内心的童子吼:“别忘了还有我呢
47、What passion cannot Music raise or quell? ─── 什么样的激情音乐不能唤起或平息?
48、Her near-supernatural levels of empathy helped her quell even the most contentious of politicial disputes. ─── 她那近乎超自然的共感能力帮助她有效解决哪怕是最具争议的政治纠纷。
49、As night approached, it proving impossible to quell her insubordination by rebuke or threats of punishment, Master Brackett, the jailer, thought fit to introduce a physician. ─── 夜幕将临,人们发现无论是大声呵斥抑或是以惩罚作威胁,对于她的不顺从都无济于事,看守布莱基特先生便主张请来一个医生给她看看。
50、Sopraggiunta in quell’istessa ora, lodava anch’ella Iddio e parlava del bambino a tutti quelli che aspettavano la redenzione di Gerusalemme. ─── 又有一个女先知,就是亚拿,是亚设支派法内利的女儿。她已经上了年纪,从童女出嫁,和丈夫住了七年,
51、Sent to quell an insurrection at Piraeus, he instead led the mutineers in deposing the Council. ─── 后被四百人议会派遣镇压比雷埃夫斯港起义,但他不但没有平息叛乱,反而成了叛乱的首领并废除了会议制度。
52、The governor calls in a wild and fierce young hero, to quell what is evidently a ghost. ─── 州长找到一个勇猛的年轻英雄来清除鬼魂。
53、Napoli striker Ezequiel Lavezzi has moved to quell talk of a move to Liverpool amid speculation linking him with a summer switch to Anfield. ─── 在夏季转会与利物浦传出转会传闻后,那不勒斯前锋拉维奇已经表态平息这场转会利物浦风波。
54、The media here attract eyeball caught the news, teacher is busy for the students to quell generally strengthen directed. ─── 媒体在这里抓到了吸引眼球的新闻,老师们忙着对学生进行强化执导,力图平息世态。
55、That quells the world’s disease. ─── 它是扑灭世间疾病的灵丹妙药;
56、Control or suppress sth.esp by force;quell sth ─── 控制或压制某事物(尤指用武力);镇压
57、A major pact was signed by the two leaders (of China and Russia) and the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyastan and Tajikistan to quell long simmering disputes along Russia's southern border. ─── 中俄领导和哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦与塔吉克斯坦三共和国总统签署了一项重要协定,以解决俄罗斯南疆长久以来一直不甚平静的边界争端.
58、Talk of a new architecture for the international system does not quell the anger of the dispossessed and unemployed. ─── 对构建新国际体系的讨论无法平息失去房屋和工作的人的愤怒。
59、He also built the fantastic Park Quell. ─── 他还建造了神奇的奎尔公园。
60、Hitler had failed to quell or conquer Britain ─── 希特勒未能打败或征服不列颠。
61、Mr.Bush also sought to quell a revolt among some conservatives who are shocked by the program's price tag and its interventionist underpinnings. ─── 布什还试图平息一些保守派人士中的不满情绪,这些人为这项计划的成本和干预的性质感到震惊。
62、This was a “wake-up call”, one person familiar with the company said, as management realised the reputational damage that can hit companies without the degree of public disclosure that quells rumours. ─── 一名熟悉该公司的知情人士表示,这是一记“警钟”,管理层意识到,没有足够的公众披露,企业就难以驱散谣言,就会遭受名誉损害。
63、Beer quells heart disease and chocolate staves off cancer? ─── 啤酒能治疗心脏病而吃巧克力可以防癌?
64、China moved on Friday to silence parents of victims of its tainted milk scandal, underscoring Beijing's determination to quell unauthorised action in response to social and economic problems. ─── 中国政府周五采取行动以使毒奶粉丑闻受害者家长保持沉默,此举突显出北京决心在经济和社会问题上压制未经批准的行动。
65、He said: "Deco's arrival looks like hastening the departure of Frank Lampard, who has done little to quell long-term speculation that he is bound for a reunion with Jose Mourinho at Inter Milan. ─── 他说:“德科的到来,看上去加速了兰兰的离开。尽管流言传来传去,身为故事主角的兰兰始终没有表态是否追随恩师而走。
66、He can not quell his fear . ─── 他无法压抑他的恐惧。
67、And it quells the constant buzz in the mind and the breaking of the silence in the soul. ─── 它寄予不断流行在他心中,并打破了沉默,在灵魂。
68、But as the security forces continue to try to quell the insurgency, Kaline Holly finds many Iraqis lose hope for the future. ─── 但是,当安全部队努力打击叛乱人员时,发现许多伊拉克人民对未来失去了希望。
69、this does not keep her from pursuing other awakening. it quells the sexual desire that had consumed her days and her dream. ─── 这些交往只是平息了她日思夜想的欲望,但绝对没有影响她追求其他方面的觉醒。
70、His actio have done little to quell the eculation. ─── 他的行动无助平息传言。
71、The Nigerian government has been unable to quell the insurgency in the Niger delta, making it difficult for oil firms to operate there. ─── 尼日利亚政府无力镇压尼日尔河三角洲的叛乱,致使石油企业在那里举步维艰。
72、At the start of June, Los Merengues made clear their desire to bring Robben to the Bernabeu, but Kenyon has now moved to quell talk that the former PSV Eindhoven star could be leaving London. ─── 在六月初期,皇马就想要将罗本带到伯纳乌球场,不过肯扬并不想让前埃因霍温球员离开伦敦。
73、Enjoying simple but inexpensive pleasures like nature walks and museums can quell the urge to splurge. ─── 享受简单的廉价的快乐如简单的散步和参观博物馆就是治愈你坏毛病的良方。
74、On Thursday, Myanmar authorities raided monasteries in an effort to quell the protests, which were spearheaded by monks. ─── 星期四,缅甸政府为了镇压示威人群逮捕最先示威的僧侣。
75、Realizing that their much-vaunted mandate to rule had been nullified by the massacre, the party focused on economic growth to quell demands for political change. ─── 意识到他们过分吹嘘的统治已经被这次屠杀给抵消,党开始集中精力于经济发展来平息对政治改革的需求。
76、quell ones fears ─── 减少恐惧
77、Morning Sickness is an unavoidable part of pregnancy for most women, but many are reluctant to take medications to quell nausea and vomiting. ─── 早孕反应对绝大多数孕妇来说是不可避免的,然而许多人会勉强用药以减轻恶心和呕吐症状。
78、Ed ecco che in quell’istante tre uomini, mandatimi da Cesarea, si presentarono alla casa dov’eravamo. ─── 就在那个时候,有三个从该撒利亚派到我这里来的人,站在我住的房子门前。
79、They found that metoclopramide worked faster to quell symptoms of nausea and vomiting than droperidol. ─── 他们发现胃复安比达哌啶醇能更快速地镇定呕吐和恶心的症状。
80、In 744, the Uighur founded a khanate in Mobei, and later dispatched troops twice to help the Tang central authorities to quell the An Lushan-Shi Siming Rebellion. ─── 公元744年,发展壮大了的回鹘于漠北建立政权,并两次出兵帮助唐朝中央政权平息“安史之乱”。
81、1.to calm down; to pacify; 2.to suppress; to put down; to quell; to squash ─── 平定
82、India Urged to Quell Tiger Skin Trade. ─── 印度敦促制止虎皮交易。
83、Or whether we shall be victorious, or utterly quell'd and defeated. ─── 抑或我们该高呼胜利,抑或干脆遭压制败北。
84、Essendo eglino dunque venuti qua, io, senza indugio, il giorno seguente, sedetti in tribunale, e comandai che quell’uomo mi fosse menato dinanzi. ─── 后来他们到了这里,我没有耽延时间,第二天就开庭,吩咐把那人提出来。
85、Although you may spend your life killing, you will not exhaust all your foes. But if you quell your own anger, your real enemy will be slain. ─── 一生杀戮,也杀不光你所有的敌人。但如果你扑灭了你的仇恨,你真正的敌人就会消失。
86、But it is unlikely to do much to quell the region's growing pirate threat, which has transformed one of the world's busiest shipping lanes into one of its most dangerous. ─── 但还不足以对结束这一区域日益猖獗的海盗威胁有大的作用,这里的海盗活动已经将世界上最繁忙的海洋航路变成了最危险的航路。
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