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Mesozoic 发音

英:[ˌmezoˈzoɪk]  美:[ˌmesəʊˈzəʊɪk]

英:  美:

Mesozoic 中文意思翻译




Mesozoic 网络释义

adj. 中生代的n. 中生代

Mesozoic 短语词组

1、mesozoic era age ─── 中生代

2、Mesozoic crude ─── [化] 中生代原油

3、mesozoic cenozoic ─── 中新生代

4、Mesozoic era un. ─── 中生代 [网络] ─── 中生代时期; ─── 中生代 ─── 中生代;三 ─── 中生代

5、mesozoic epochs of compression ─── 中生代挤压

6、mesozoic dipole low ─── 中生代偶极低压

Mesozoic 常用词组

mesozoic era ─── 中生代

Mesozoic 相似词语短语

1、mesotronic ─── 介子的

2、mesodontic ─── adj.中型牙的

3、Mesozoic ─── adj.中生代的;n.中生代

4、Cenozoic ─── n.[地质]新生代;新生代之岩层;adj.新生界的(等于Cainozoic)

5、Neozoic ─── adj.新生代的

6、mesozoan ─── n.中生动物;adj.中生动物门的

7、metazoic ─── 新生代

8、mesonic ─── 介子

9、Caenozoic ─── adj.新生代的;新生界的(等于Caenozoic)

Mesozoic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is supposed that the NE structural belt along southeast margin of Hannan Massif belongs to the nappe formed after Mesozoic Era in terms of Hujiaying Nappe. ─── 从胡家营的推覆构造可推知汉南地块东南缘北东向构造带,应属于中生代以来所形成的推覆体构造。

2、The times of every pluton intrusion have been preliminarily defined on the basis of the isotopic age data of the Mesozoic granitoids. ─── 2、根据中生代花岗岩的同位素年龄资料,初步厘定了各岩体的侵入时代。

3、The metasomatic enrichments of Mesozoic mantles in the coastal Southeast China were inferred mainly by geochemical deduction, but reliable geologic evidence is lacking. ─── 以往主要依据地球化学证据推断东南沿海中生代存在地幔富集作用,但缺乏可靠的地质学证据。

4、Chou, J.-T.(1970) A petrographic study of the Mesozoic rocks underneath the Chiayi plain in western Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 7, 209-228. ─── 周瑞炖(1970)台湾西部嘉义平原中生代岩石之研究。台湾石油地质,第7号,第209-228页。

5、Antarctica can be divided into 2 big structural units, ie East antarctica shield and West Antarctica Mesozoic Cenozoic fold belt. ─── 南极洲主要可分为东南极地盾及西南极中新生代褶皱带两大构造单元。

6、Neverthe less, geochronology of Mesozoic reservoirs in this area was rarely studied in the past years. ─── 但有 关该区中生界油藏的成藏年代学研究以往则开展很少。

7、Taking the example of the Mesozoic reservoir in fault block Guan 142 of Huanghua depression,this article discusses the methodology of flow units in thick sandstone reservoir. ─── 以黄骅坳陷官142断块中生界油藏为例,探讨巨厚砂岩储层流动单元的研究方法。

8、Yingen-Ejina Basins in the west of Nei Mongol is shown by superposition of Mesozoic and Cainozoic on basement of pre-Palaeozoic constitutes. ─── 内蒙西部银根-额济纳盆地群是在前古生代基底上发育起来的中、新生代“叠置型”盆地群。

9、He does not like the younger generation in this Penghao Xiang surprise, nor is it Benny Chan so the stability of the Mesozoic. ─── 他不如同于彭浩翔这种年轻一代的惊喜,也不是陈木胜这样子中生代的稳定。

10、The gold 、 silver 、 polymetallic deposits is mostly formed in two historic era, namely former Cambrian and Mesozoic Yanshan epoch . ─── 华北板块北缘的金银、多金属矿床主要形成于两大地质历史时期,即前寒武纪和中生代燕山期。

11、The structure action in the Mesozoic period reformed remarkbly only the structural framework of this area.It caused neither orogenics nor the tectonic window. ─── 中生代的构造作用对兰田地区构造轮廓产生了不可忽视的改造,但未造成翻天覆地的造山作用,不存在“兰田构造窗”。

12、The Meso-Tethys was a sea lying between Laurasia and Gondwana during the Middle and Late Mesozoic. ─── 中特提斯是中生代中晚期存在于南、北大陆之间的海洋。

13、The Himalaya were born when the Indian plate, drifting northward from the Mesozoic supercontinent of Gondwana, slammed into the Eurasian plate about 45 million years ago. ─── 喜马拉雅山诞生在4500万年前,当时印度板块由中生代的刚瓦那超大陆,向北隐没入欧亚板块。

14、Mesozoic intermediate-acid intrusive rocks are closely related with large scale mineralization in the Tongling metallogenic cluster area. ─── 中南大学地学与环境工程学院;

15、Genera diversity of ammonites during the Mesozoic the . ─── 中生代菊石的属数变化。

16、LIN Qiang, GE Wen-chun, SUN De-you, et al. 1998.Tectonic significance of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in north-eastern China[J].Scientia Geologica Sinica, 33(2):129-139 (in Chinese). ─── [9]林强,葛文春,孙德有,等.1998.中国东北地区中生代火山岩的大地构造意义[J].地质科学,33(2):129-139.

17、The prints are believed to have been made during the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic Era, Kim said in a statement. ─── 这些足迹被认为是在中生代白垩纪时期由当时鸟类留下的。

18、The strength of the geomagnetic field during the Mesozoic and its constraining on the geodynamics. ─── 中生代地球磁场变化特征的动力学含义.

19、Throughout the Mesozoic, most mammals were small, fed on insects and lead a nocturnal life, whereas dinosaurs were the dominant forms of life on land. ─── 在中生过程中,多数哺乳动物是小,哺养在昆虫和带领夜的生活,但是恐是生活的统治形式在土地。

20、Coal-bearing strata belong to Middle-Lower Jurassic Series Jiangcang Formation,coal-forming environment was Mesozoic faulted basin fluviolacustrine,bog facies. ─── 含煤地层为中下侏罗统江仓组,成煤环境属中生代断陷盆地内河湖、沼泽相沉积。

21、The transitional Mesozoic syntectic granite drove metallogenesis and supplied materials. ─── 中生代过渡同熔型花岗岩类是成矿的驱动力和成矿物质的母源。

22、Mesozoic Era customers broader choices for real estate, finance and investment awareness stronger. ─── 中生代客户对于房产选择范围较广,投资理财意识较强。

23、The formations of Mesozoic group in Dongpu Depression are a group of clastic reservoirs of fluvial facies in the middle and lower Trias. ─── 东濮凹陷中生界地层为一套中下三叠统内陆河湖相碎屑岩沉积,砂岩比较发育,但砂岩本身储集能力很差,要形成油气藏只能靠裂缝改造,从而形成裂缝性油气藏;

24、Further, the exquisite preservation of unique integumentary structures offers a rare glimpse of the external morphology of an extinct Mesozoic reptile. ─── 保存精美的、独一无二的表皮构造使我们对该类中生代爬行动物的外表特征有了新的认识。

25、Era A unit of the geological time scale that is made up of several periods, e.g. the Mesozoic Era comprises the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. ─── 代:量度地质时期的分类单位,代由若干时期组成,如中生代包括三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪。

26、WU Hai-quan.The Mesozoic volcanism in the Daijiahe (of Huoshan) -Maotangchang (of Liu 'an) area,Anhui[J].Anhui Geology,2000,10 (4):252-260. ─── [6]吴海权.安徽霍山戴家河-六安毛坦厂地区中生代的火山作用[J].安徽地质,2000,10(4):252-260.

27、The primary coastline of the port was bedrock embayment and composed of Mesozoic granite. ─── 三亚港原始岸线为基岩港湾海岸,由中生代花岗岩构成。

28、Because of this belt of the Mesozoic granites of the groundwater of the jointed rock cracks, water-spring. ─── 因这一带系中生代花岗岩,地下水附存于岩体的节理裂缝之中,积水成泉。

29、The structural and evolutional model of the Mesozoic are-basin-trench system in California has been attracting the attention. ─── 加利福尼亚中生代弧-盆-沟系的构造和演化模式一向为世人所重视。

30、The foreland basins of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic in mid-western area of China are located in the eastern end of Northern Basin groups of Tethys tectonics. ─── 前陆盆地是指呈线性收缩于造山带和克拉通之间、由造山带逆冲负荷引起挠曲并沉降成狭长的沉积单元。

31、There was an orogenic belt called the Cathaysian continental marginal orogenic belt in late Mesozoic along the present northern margin of the South China Sea. ─── 南海北部陆缘在中生代晚期曾形成宏伟的华夏陆缘造山带。

32、The current Paleozoic is dominated by relic gas reservoirs survived reconstruction, while the Mesozoic is dominated by oil and gas r... ─── 下一步油气勘探应围绕古生界烃源岩在综合分析油气成藏条件的基础上,采用现代勘探技术落实有效圈闭,进行立体勘探。

33、Title: Integrated geophysical study of the Mesozoic formation in Yanfu area. ─── 关键词:综合物探解释;构造区划;中生界;断裂

34、Large-scale nose-like swells were developed during the Palaeozoic era, while the Mesozoic was dominated by the faulted-anticline traps with thrust bell. ─── 古生界发育大型鼻凸,中生界以断背斜圈闭为主,依附于逆冲断裂。

35、The major orogeny occurred here in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic,during which the rocks were strongly compressed to form linear folds and nappes. ─── 中、新生代构造运动是燕山地区主要造山作用期,基本特征是强烈挤压形成线状褶皱及推覆构造系统。

36、Plants and animals from the Mesozoic era were unable to survive in the Cenozoic era. ─── 中生代的动植物在新生代无法生存。

37、The shallow polyhalite potash deposit in Sichuan are distributed in the north plunge top of Huayingshan anticline where is anhydrock of earlier Mesozoic Triassic period. ─── 四川浅层杂卤石钾矿分布于华蓥山背斜北倾没端下中三叠统之硬石膏岩层中。

38、Remains of more modern corals, diverse pelecypods, sea urchins and ammonoids characterize the marine strata of the Mesozoic Era. ─── 中生代生物的特征是出现较现代的珊瑚,各种各样的瓣鳃,海胆和菊石。

39、In the lowest part of the crust, mafic granulites which were resulted from fractional crystallization and cumulation of mantle-derived magma in Late Mesozoic are distributed. ─── 在下地壳底部,分布著由晚中生代幔源岩浆分离结晶和堆晶的基性麻粒岩。

40、For years, we have assumed it was the abundant plant life of the Mesozoic that allowed these giants to thrive. ─── 多年来,我们一直认为是中生代丰富的植物种类使这些巨型生物得以繁衍生息。

41、However, the Mesozoic is best known as the age of reptiles, when dinosaurs and their kin dominated the continents. ─── 但中生代还是以爬行动物时代而著名,在这个时期,恐龙以及它们的家族统治了整个大陆。

42、For the exploration of Mesozoic remnant basin on East China Sea shelf, therefore, a principle of "Mesozoic-Cenozoic combination" should be complied. ─── 东海陆架中生代残馀盆地勘探应“中新(生界)结合、上下兼探”。

43、Hence, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic zones over continental nucleus and its circumferences were of both individual feature and sizable superposition. ─── 其中波斯清盆地最为典型,古生界、中生界和新生界次第重合。

44、The copper deposits are mainly located in the eastern part of the quartz diorite rock body in the Ermi Mesozoic volcanic basin. ─── 二密铜矿床主要位于燕山期石英闪长岩体东段,矿体分布在石英闪长岩体内外接触带上,以脉状、细脉状、细脉浸染状、浸染状矿体为主,成群成带分布。

45、Zhuojiazhuang Gold Deposit is a small sized one which is related to secondary volcanic rock complex mass (monzodioritic porphyrite,monzonitic porphyry) of mesozoic era. ─── 卓家庄金矿床是一个与中生代次火山杂岩体(二长闪长玢岩、二长斑岩)有关的小型金矿床,柱状矿体严格地受隐爆角砾岩筒的控制。

46、Geologic investigations of Mesozoic sea facies and volcanic processes had been carried on early in 1959. ─── 关于海相中生代地层和火山作用的地质调查早在1959年就曾在该地进行过。

47、In Mesozoic, Guangdong flora had a big change, the gymnosperm was prosperous, but it was evolved from the late Paleozoic Cathaysian flora as a whole. ─── 中生代,广东植物区系成分发生了很大的变化,裸子植物大量繁盛,但总体上是在本区晚古生代华夏植物区系的基础上演化而来的。

48、Finally, the prototype basin was reconstructed by multi-episode press events during Mesozoic and Cenozoic. ─── 中、新生代以来的多期挤压事件对前期原型盆地有着重要的改造作用。

49、The 670 deposit is a typical volcanogenic uranium deposit in Mesozoic volcanic rock belt in Zhejiang. ─── 670矿床是中国东南部中生代火山岩带内典型的火山岩型铀钼矿床;

50、Superimposition of Mesozoic Yanshanian magmatic-hydrothermal activities favorable for further gold concentration and mineralization. ─── 中生代燕山期岩浆热液活动的叠加有利于进一步富集成矿。

51、As a Mesozoic and Cenozoic superposed basin on a cratonic basement,East China Sea shelf basin has three periods of tectonic evolution:Late Triassic(? ─── 东海陆架盆地为发育于克拉通基底之上的中、新生代叠合盆地,该盆地经历了晚三叠世(?

52、However, the Mesozoic is best known as the age of reptiles, when dinosaurs and their kin dominated the continents. ─── 但中生代还是以爬行动物时代而著名,在这个时期,恐龙以及它们的家族统治了整个大陆。

53、The geology of the surrounding areas of east China sea basin indicates that marine environment:existed during middle-late Mesozoic era and late Palaecz- oic era. ─── 东海盆地周边地质表明存在有中生代、古生代地层,并有过海相沉积环境。

54、Danba area has undergone multiperiod deformation, metamorphism and magmatism since Mesozoic time. ─── 丹巴地区自中生代以来经历了多期的变形、变质和岩浆作用。

55、The sedimentary features and strata touching relation in the Early-middle Mesozoic of Helanshan area were contrast to that of Ordos Basin. ─── 贺兰山地区中生代早中期的沉积特征及地层接触关系与鄂尔多斯盆地内部相一致;

56、Geological stratums from all eras, including the Pre-Cambrian period to the Paleozoic era, the Mesozoic era, and the Cenozoic era, are evenly distributed. ─── 从年代角度看,从前寒武纪到古生代、中生代、新生代的所有地层均匀分布,岩石由各种火成岩、沉积岩及变质岩构成。

57、Mesozoic transgressive events have important significance on oil and gas resources of Tabie uplift area and Kuqa depression in Tarim basin. ─── 中生代海侵事件对塔北隆起区及库车拗陷油气资源具有重要的意义。

58、From late Cretaceous to Paleocene, it is the time of basin extruding, uplifting and denudation, therefore a larger angular unconformity formed between Mesozoic and Cenozoic. ─── 到晚白垩世至古新世则为盆地挤压隆升剥蚀期,形成了中-新生界之间较大的角度不整合。

59、South Boyang Sag is a typical superimposed basin,its Mesozoic and Paleozoic marine facies formation has relatively favorable conditions for generating oil &gas reservoirs. ─── 南鄱阳坳陷是一个典型的叠合型盆地,中、古生界海相具有较好的油气成藏条件;

60、Title: Are the peridotitic xenoliths entrained in Late Mesozoic intermediate-mafic intrusive complexes on the North China Craton the direct samples of lithospheric mantle? ─── 关键词:华北;晚中生代;中基性侵入岩;橄榄岩捕虏体;堆晶成因

61、The fault-depression type, known as the later Late Mesozoic basin, was formed between later Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous . ─── 断拗型盆地形成于早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世,又称晚中生代晚期盆地。

62、The former, in other words, perfected rapid growth and went on to dominate the Mesozoic, while the latter gave it up. ─── 换言之,前者完善了快速生长机制并进而成为中生代的霸主,而后者则放弃了这种模式。

63、The Eogene reservoir is mainly composed of arkose, the Mesozoic reservoir is mainly composed of lithic arkose. ─── 中生界储集层主要为岩屑质长石砂岩。

64、Are the peridotitic xenoliths entrained in Late Mesozoic intermediate-mafic intrusive complexes on the North China Craton the direct samples of lithospheric mantle? ─── 华北晚中生代中基性侵入岩中橄榄岩捕虏体是岩石圈地幔直接样品?

65、Title: Mesozoic sedimentation of the southern Hefei basin and exhumation of the Dabieshan metamorphic terrane. ─── 关键词:合肥盆地;大别山;中生代;沉积作用;构造剥露

66、Another large-scale transgression occurred during the end of the Mesozoic, and lasted to the end of Eocene. ─── 在中生代末期还遭受了相当规模的海侵,直至始新世末.

67、The Mesozoic provenance was mainly the cent ral uplift belt in the north , and secondly the highland in the east and uplift region in the west . ─── 中生代沉积物源主要来自北部的中央隆起带,次为东部高地及西部隆起区;

68、Many collisions of considerable size and periods of supervolcanism occurred early in the Mesozoic era. ─── 在中生代以前发生了许多次大规模的碰撞与大型的火山喷发。

69、Compared with depths of penetration wells, the inversion accuracies for Mesozoic and lower Plaeozoic deep structure are up to 91.14% and 88.17% respectively. ─── 与钻遇井深度比较,中生界和下古生界深层构造的反演精度分别达到91.14%和88.17%。

70、Anning Basin is a terringenous fault basin developed in Mesozoic Era. ─── 云南安宁盆地为中生代陆相断陷盆地。

71、Forest plants of Yunnan were mainly originated from neozoic era, and some relic species were originated from the palaeogoic era to mesozoic era. ─── 云南森林植物(系指木本植物)主要起源于新生代,少数古老种起源于古生代至中生代。

72、The likely explanation for this paucity is that during their early evolution in the Mesozoic (245 million to 65 million years ago), mammals were small, secretive and nocturnal. ─── 哺乳动物锥色素减少的原因,可能是哺乳动物刚在2亿4500~6500万年前的中生代演化出来时,体型小、潜匿且夜行。

73、Copper in quartz vein is controlled by radiation from volcanic structure in the LuZong Mesozoic volcanic basin. ─── 产于庐枞中生代火山岩盆地中的石英大脉状铜矿受放射状火山构造控制。

74、Meanwhile, Dabie orogenic belt might have not provided material for the Mesozoic deposition of the south of Huabei Landmass. ─── 同时,在中生代,大别山造山带的物源没有影响到华北陆块南部沉积。

75、The Mesozoic in the East China Sea Shelf and Taixinan Basin has become a new area of petroleum exploration. ─── 东海陆架和台西南盆地中生界业已成为油气勘探的新领域。

76、The fossil record suggests that there was an abrupt extinction of many plants and animals at the end of the Mesozoic era. ─── 化石记录表明,在中生代末期,许多动植物突然灭绝。

77、The oil and gas exploration in Mesozoic erathem should be focused in Mesozoic basins of fine development, for example, the basins of Changzhou, Jurong, Wuwei and Wangjiang, etc. ─── 中生界海相油气勘探应集中在几个发育较好的中生代盆地,如常州、句容、无为、望江等盆地。

78、They are, from the oldest to the youngest, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras. ─── 他们是,从最老对最年轻,古生代,中生,和Cenozoic时代。

79、Quality of reserviors in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic was controlled by their sedimentary environments. ─── 中新生界储层则为中等- 较好的储层,储集性能的好与差受沉积环境的影响。

80、The Paleogene tectonic framework in Bohai Bay was controlled by both Mesozoic sinistral strike slip and Paleogene extension resulted from diapiric intrusion of mantle. ─── 中生代左行走滑和早第三纪伸展作用共同控制了渤海海域早第三纪的构造格局。

81、Analysis on mesozoic basins in Badainjaran Region II. ─── 中国巴丹吉林地区中生代盆地分析2。

82、Buried hills of Archaeozoic,Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras developed well in the west part of Dongying Depression. ─── 东营凹陷西部发育太古界、古生界及中生界潜山。

83、Mammals arose from a fairly primitive reptile in the Mesozoic era. ─── 哺乳类起源于中生代宛若原始的爬虫类。

84、From late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic, there was a complex trench-arc-basin system between Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. ─── 从晚古生代-早中生代,扬子陆块和华夏陆块之间可能存在一个复杂的沟弧盆体系。

85、The second great era after the Precambrian is called Mesozoic Era which extends from 230 million to 65 million years ago. It is the age of dinosaurs. ─── 前寒武之后第二个大的代是中生代,它从距今2.3亿年一直延续到距今6500万年,这个时期是恐龙的时代。

86、In Mesozoic, the most important interaction occurred between the crust and the mantle, whereas in the older and Cenozoic it did between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. ─── 中生代壳幔相互作用明显,克拉通稳定时期及新生代时期层圈之间相互作用的活跃带位于岩石圈与软流圈之间。

87、Sample: coeval with the dinosaur, the pterodactyl flourished during the Mesozoic era. ─── 全等的:尺寸=同时代的:时代(单位及其相同关系)

88、But by mistake, they end up traveling through time to the actual Mesozoic era and come face to face with real meat-eaters! ─── 可是阴差阳错,他们竟然穿越时空来到了远古的中生代,遇上了真正的食肉龙!

89、Shao Ji'an, Liu Futian, Chen Hui, et al.Relationship between Mesozoic magmatism and subduction in Daxing' an-Yanshan area [J].Acta Geologica Sinica,2001, 75(1) :56 - 63. ─── [5]邵济安,刘福田,陈辉,等.大兴安岭-燕山晚中生代岩浆活动与俯冲作用关系[J].地质学报,2001,75(1):56-63.

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