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08-15 投稿


antiquary 发音


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antiquary 中文意思翻译



antiquary 词性/词形变化,antiquary变形

名词复数: antiquaries |

antiquary 相似词语短语

1、antiquarian ─── adj.古文物研究的;古文物的;n.古文物研究者;[古]古文物收藏家

2、antiquely ─── 古代

3、antiquer ─── n.专门收藏古董的人

4、antiquarks ─── n.[核]反夸克

5、antiquers ─── 古董

6、antiquark ─── n.[核]反夸克

7、antiquity ─── n.高龄;古物;古代的遗物

8、antiquey ─── adj.外表古旧的

9、antiquate ─── v.废弃,使……过时;使……具有古旧形式或风格

antiquary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An antiquary swept away the precious African pre-historical antiques and books, which made everything even worse. ─── 古董商把祖父留下的价值不菲的非洲史前古器物和书籍统统卷走,事情由此变得更加糟糕。

2、antiquary resources ─── 文物资源

3、I am Parson Tringham, the antiquary, of Stagfoot Lane. Don't you really know, Durbeyfield, that you are the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d'Urbervilles, ─── 我是鹿脚路的特林汉姆牧师,是考古学家。杰克·德北菲尔德,你真的不知道你是威伯威尔这个骑士世家的直系子孙吗?

4、Lovel had many attractive qualities, but he won our Antiquary's heart by being on most occasions an excellent listener. ─── 洛弗尔有许多惹人喜爱的品质,但是他之所以博得我们“古董家”的欢心,乃是为因每当我们的古董家讲话的时候他几乎总耐心倾听。

5、I am Parson Tringham, the antiquary, of Stagfoot Lane, and I amcompiling the new local history. ─── 我是鹿脚路的考古学家特林汉姆牧师,我正在编写新的地方志。

6、Several days later, Fan Weiqing , a famous antiquary known in Beijing, was introduced to Wang Yirong. He brought 12 slices of"dragon bone" this time. ─── 不多时日,名扬京华的古董商范维卿被引见到王府,这次他带来了十二片“龙骨”。

7、I am afraid the myth was invented in 1754 by the English antiquary William Stukeley. ─── 我恐怕这个神话是由英国古董商威廉-斯图克利在1754年发明的。

8、On hearing this magnanimous declaration on the part of the old Antiquary, Miss Wardour changed colour more than once, and could hardly trust her own ears ─── 听着这位年迈的古董家这一席慷慨声明,沃德小姐的脸色红一阵白一阵,几乎无法相信自己的耳朵。

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