ruminating 发音
英:[ˈruːmɪneɪtɪŋ] 美:[ˈruːmɪneɪtɪŋ]
英: 美:
ruminating 中文意思翻译
ruminating 短语词组
1、ruminating on ─── 认真思考
ruminating 词性/词形变化,ruminating变形
动词过去式: ruminated |形容词: ruminative |副词: rumina-tively |动词现在分词: ruminating |动词第三人称单数: ruminates |名词: ruminator |动词过去分词: ruminated |
ruminating 相似词语短语
1、ruminatingly ─── 沉思
2、dominating ─── adj.主要的;独裁的;专横的;有影响力的;v.支配;统治;在……中具有最重要(或明显)的特色;俯视;(在比赛中)占有优势;高耸于(dominate的现在分词)
3、fulminating ─── adj.暴发性的;呵斥的;猛烈爆炸的;v.大声斥责;爆炸;疾病暴发(fulminate的ing形式)
4、brominating ─── v.用溴处理,溴化
5、culminating ─── v.达到顶点;告终(culminate的现在分词)
6、criminating ─── vt.定罪;使负罪;责备
7、ruinating ─── 破坏
8、acuminating ─── adj.锐利的;尖形的;v.使……尖锐
9、ruminations ─── n.沉思;反刍
ruminating 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Lee's only major Zongci Jianyu Qing Daoguang 16, to commemorate its founder Li Rumin Germany and the construction of the fire. ─── 李氏大宗祠始建于清道光16年,是为纪念其入闽始祖李火德而建筑的。
2、Stop ruminating. ─── 停下反复思索。
3、Throughout Smoke and Mirrors, Aiyar alternates between describing Chinese people, places, and events, and ruminating on their Indian counterparts. ─── 如果这听起来好象是因为艾亚尔在北京的五年使得她不愿意对这个问题给出一个明确的回答,确实是这样。
4、Economists have been ruminating on what this agreement might contain and how much it might help the world's poor. ─── 经济学家们已经在反思协议应该包含什么内容,以及它对贫困人口有多大的帮助。
5、Ruminating regularly often leads to depression. So if you're prone to obsessing (and you know who you are), try these tactics to head off the next full-tilt mental spin cycle ... ─── 经常出现这样的反复思考会导致抑郁。因此,如果你有“被迷住”的倾向(你知道自己是谁),试一试下面的办法,使自己别再卷入另一个思考循环当中...
6、He is ruminating on what had happened the day before. ─── 他在沉思前一天发生的事情。
7、Finding a hard bug requires reading, running, ruminating, and sometimes retreating. If you get stuck on one of these activities, try the others. ─── 找到一个困难问题的解决方法,需要阅读、测试、分析,有时候还要后撤。如果你在某一步骤中卡住了,试试其他方法。
8、By looking at paintings made by Lu Yuan, would you refrain yourself from ruminating the thought-provoking morals hidden in them? ─── 通过路远的画作,你是否会在一笑之后,想想其中耐人寻味的寓意呢?
9、He sat by the window ruminating on recent underground accidents. ─── 他坐在窗旁反复思考最近发生的井下事故。
10、The old prince was dressing deliberately in his room, scowling and ruminating on what he was to do. ─── 老公爵在书斋里不慌不忙地穿上衣服,蹙起额角,周密地考虑他要怎样对付。
11、Otherwise, they may just spend the weekend ruminating over the bad news. ─── 否则他们只能用一个周末的时间来回味裁员的苦果。
12、The mount and quality of the foraged plants can significantly influence the time spent ruminating. ─── 摄入牧草的数量和质量对家畜的反刍时间有重要影响。
13、Author Wang Rumin;Zheng Shuirong;Zhang Junjun;Wang Zhehui(Northwestern Polytechnical University); ─── 作者王汝敏;郑水蓉;张军君;王者辉;
14、I spent 4 hours a day ruminating on English and it soon became my real love. ─── 每天至少花4个小时,我认真研读英文,很快它成为我的至爱。怀着对生命的崇敬,我更加热爱这个世界。
15、I'm exhausted the next day, of course, but it feels better than spending hours in bed awake and ruminating. ─── 第二天我肯定会筋疲力尽,但是总比躺在床上翻来覆去左思右想睡不着的好。
16、Previous research shows that when people are in a ruminating mode, they are more likely to be depressed, he said. ─── 他说,先前的研究表明,当人们开始沉思时,他们更可能消沉。
17、Every day I spent at least 4 hours ruminating on my English and soon it became a real passion of mine. ─── 每天至少花4个小时,我认真研读英文,很快它成为我的至爱。
18、His sister went away ruminating on this oracular speech of his ─── 他的妹妹只得在这一席庄严的至理名言中,默默退出屋子。
19、Author Zheng Shuirong Hu Hui Sun Manling Wang Rumin (Northwestern Polytechnical University); ─── 作者郑水蓉;胡晖;孙曼灵;王汝敏;
20、The half-life of a poem on the refrigerator is fairly short.Magnets have a tendency to drift away if you spend too much time ruminating; ─── 他说,人类基因组研究太复杂了,要想通过私有空间秘密地搞研究是不可能的,因为这项工作需要每个人完成自己的一部分工作,然后进行共享才能够完成。
21、Ruminating, eating chips in front of the TV, binge drinking? ─── 反刍,吃芯片的电视机前,狂饮?
22、It has double significances of ruminating the history and enlightening the reality to ascend the appearance of Modernity and the hare path of Modernization. ─── 摘要追溯中国“近代性”的发生与“近代化”之艰难历程,具有反当历史和启迪现实的双重意义。
23、His rhythms are hot and nasty, but his solos are muzzled, as if he's ruminating on the elaborate electro-percussion orchestrations. ─── 从他的旋律而言是狂热甚至是下流的,但谈到独奏又比较内敛,仿佛是对电子鼓盛宴的一次沉思。
24、Grazing behaviour including behaviour of foraging, walking, ruminating, drinking, resting, excreting is mainly composed of foraging and ruminating behaviour. ─── 家畜牧食行为包括采食、反刍,游走,饮水,卧息和排泄粪尿,其中采食和反刍是两大主要行为。
25、Previous research shows that when people are in a ruminating mode, they are more likely to be depressed, he said. ─── 他说,先前的研究表明,当人们开始沉思时,他们更可能消沉。
26、All of this ruminating on markets lurching forward and back is a distraction to a decade of lost innocence. ─── 这种对股市起落的思考是过去10年失去纯真过程中的小插曲。
27、Songmo in Yongjia Chen Xiu Wang Xing Fu Optional Rumin, honour killings here. ─── 宋末永嘉陈自中扶秀王兴择入闽,殉节于此。
28、He is ruminating on recent events. ─── 他正在思考最近发生的事。
29、At the beginning of this new period, poetry ruminating on history built on the tradition of realism. ─── 在新诗诞生过程中,刘半农、刘大白、康白情、俞平伯是创作主力。
30、I was terrified to realize that a huge, black and white cow with big horns was barring our way and ruminating peacefully, it was staring into the car through the open window. ─── 这时我惊恐万分地看到有一头长着大角、黑白相间、身形庞大的奶牛挡住了我们的去路,它十分安详地反刍着。
31、Author Wany Rumin Ma Ruiran Wang Yan (Dept of Chem Eng;Northwestern Polytechnical University); ─── 作者王汝敏;马蕊然;王燕;
32、Short lines of poetry, ruminating about the history of the world, penned by young scholars standing in the doorway to the rest of their intellectual lives? ─── 简短的诗歌,或是对世界历史的反思,亦或年轻学者在步入余生的学术生涯门口的创作?
33、Author Shu Wubing Ning RongChang Wang Rumin Tang Shuyu(Northwestern Polytechnical University;710072); ─── 作者舒武炳;宁荣昌;王汝敏;唐树郁;
34、Have you found any good ways to count to ten, to leave things unsaid, to keep yourself from ruminating? ─── 要数到十,让事情不说出来及防止自己沉思方面,你有什么找到的好方法?
35、The old prince was dressing deliberately in his room, scowling and ruminating on what he was to do. ─── 老公爵在书斋里不慌不忙地穿上衣服,蹙起额角,周密地考虑他要怎样对付。
36、Author LI Fengqin TIAN Rumin WANG Yonglin; ─── 作者李凤琴;田汝珉;王永林;
37、Author Chen Lixin Wang Rumin Lan Liwen Qi Shuhua Liu Yuyang(Northwestern Polytechnical University); ─── 作者陈立新;王汝敏;蓝立文;齐暑华;刘郁扬;
38、He sat there ruminating and picking at the tablecloth. ─── 他坐在那儿沉思, 轻轻地抚弄着桌布。
39、Their annual mean of daily activities of feeding, drinking, moving, and others was 52.07% with only 5.28% during day-time mainly for resting and ruminating, and 46.79% during night-time and dawn. ─── 昼夜年平均每天约有 5 2 0 7%的时间在活动 ,其中白昼活动仅占5 2 8% ,而晨昏和夜晚的活动占 46 79%。
40、I ordered my solitary meal, and began ruminating, as we all do, over the thousandth-time told tale of human destiny by generation after generation. ─── 我点了份单人餐,慢慢沉思着世世代代讲了千百遍的人类命运的故事,人们都不免会这样。
41、Chuck: I've been ruminating - and by ruminating, I mean pondering, not chewing cud - how about we solve my murder and collect the reward? ─── 我一直在琢磨--我说琢磨的意思咧,是说我细想了下,也没有太深思熟虑来着--不如我们来找出杀了我的凶手然后拿奖金好不好?
42、Ju Ming Wanli 46 nian (1618) Geng Rumin ke ben ying yin. ─── 据明万历46年(1618)耿汝忞刻本影印.
43、Regarding Employees as the Principal, Improving Cognition, Profoundly Ruminating and Being Realistic and Practical, Working Hard and Trying to Change over Current Passive Status of Safety in our Company Production ─── 以人为本提高认识深刻反思求真务实为扭转我司当前安全生产的被动局面而扎实工作
44、Economists have been ruminating on what this agreement might contain and how much it might help the world's poor. ─── 经济学家们已经在反思协议应该包含什么内容,以及它对贫困人口有多大的帮助。
45、We may miss opportunities for positive experiences because we're busy ruminating about what's happened already in the day. ─── 当好事情发生的时候,我们可能因为太过沉浸于今天发生的事情而错过了体验快乐的经验。
46、Anxiety Spirit and Grief Life--Ruminating on the Aesthetic Charms of the Novels Written by Zhao De-fa ─── 忧患精神与生命悲情--细品赵德发小说的美学风味
47、Magnets have a tendency to drift away if you spend too much time ruminating; ─── 科学界和教育界糟糕的事情很多,可是这并不是我们丧失信心去做正确的事情的理由。
48、The old warrior king was . . . ruminating on his gloomy fortunes ─── 年迈的武士之王正在.反复咀嚼他暗淡的命运和前途
49、He was ruminating on what had happened the day before . ─── 他在反复思考前一天发生的事情。
50、If you leave items in your working memory, they'll make it harder to fall asleep, and you'll end up ruminating about them if you should wake up during the night. ─── 如果你把这些问题留在你的工作记忆里,那么你很难入睡,如果你半夜还醒着你就会一直琢磨它们。
51、by ruminating cattle and bubbling swamp gas). ─── 如果不是从反刍的动物口中和噗噗往外冒的沼气中)。
52、Many valuable ideas have come through ruminating over various possibilities. ─── 很多有价值想法是经过对各种可能性的反复思考得出的。
53、If everything fell apart I’d probably end up hiding out in my apartment ruminating on where it all went wrong. ─── 一旦生活被毁,我可能最终会躲在我的公寓里反省,在我的下一个十年重振旗鼓。
54、The results showed that increasing the chopped length of alfalfa hay increased eating bout,time spent for eating the hay and ration,ruminating and total chewing activity of ration(P < 0. ─── 结果表明:随着苜蓿干草长度的增加,苜蓿干草采食时间、日粮采食时间、反刍时间、咀嚼时间明显增加(P
55、His sister went away ruminating on this oracular speech of his. ─── 他的妹妹只得在这一席庄严的至理名言中,默默退出屋子。
56、These innumerable multitudes of ruminating beasts often form an insurmountable obstacle to the passage of the trains; ─── 工人们高速度的施工一点也没有影响铁路的质量。
57、The Senate is still ruminating on its own bill. It may take until the middle of next year for a final law to be passed. ─── 参议院仍在琢磨一套自己的法案,所以法案的最终版本至少还得等到明年中旬才能通过。
58、Author Wang Rumin;Zheng Shuirong;Lu Ying;Chen Peiting(Northwesten Polytechnical University); ─── 作者王汝敏;郑水蓉;卢颖;陈佩婷;
59、His rhythms are hot and nasty, but his solos are muzzled, as if he's ruminating on the elaborate electro-percussion orchestrations. ─── 从他的旋律而言是狂热甚至是下流的,但谈到独奏又比较内敛,仿佛是对电子鼓盛宴的一次沉思。
60、The rate of ruminating time to foraging is for steer and sheep 0.95 and 0.46, resrectively. ─── 放牧于同一块放牧地的犍牛与绵羊的反刍/采食时间比率分别为0.95和0.46。
61、Again I sat ruminating what I should do. ─── 我坐着,又反复思考我该怎么办。
62、The members of the committee are ruminating over a plan. ─── 委员会委员们在反复酝酿一项计划。
self score是什么意思?
selfscore的中文翻译 selfscore 自我得分 双语例句
1 Silentlyruminating,hegenerouslyawardedhisyoungselfaperfectscore. 他默默地想着,大方地给年轻时代的自己打了个五分。
2 Attheendofthe21dayleadnurturingperiod,afinalemailissentgivingoptionsforrecipienttoselfscorethemselvesintermsofinterestinMarketo. 在21天培养销售线索期即将结束时,发一封邮件让收信人对Marketo的兴趣进行自我评分。
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