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08-31 投稿


sanctum 发音

英:['sæŋ(k)təm]  美:['sæŋktəm]

英:  美:

sanctum 中文意思翻译



sanctum 词性/词形变化,sanctum变形

名词复数: sanctums |

sanctum 短语词组

1、lignum sanctum ─── [医] 愈创木

2、semen sanctum ─── [医] 山道年花

3、sanctum sanctorum ( ─── 犹太教)至圣所

4、Guaiacum sanctum L. ─── [医] 圣愈创木

5、inner sanctum n. ─── 教堂禁地

6、Guaiacum sanctum ─── [网络] 神圣愈疮木;神圣癒疮木;愈疮木属

sanctum 相似词语短语

1、Sanctus ─── n.以“圣哉,圣哉,圣哉”起首的赞美诗或曲

2、factum ─── n.呈文;自己的行为;事实陈述书;遗嘱的正式订立

3、sancta ─── n.私室;圣所(sanctum的复数)

4、pactum ─── 协议

5、sanctuary ─── n.避难所;至圣所;耶路撒冷的神殿

6、santur ─── n.(Santur)人名;(西)桑图尔

7、punctum ─── n.[医]色斑;凹陷;细穿孔

8、punctums ─── n.[医]色斑;凹陷;细穿孔

9、sanctums ─── n.圣所;密室;私室

sanctum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I am. I spent the entire afternoon with the leader of the Metros in his inner sanctum. ─── 没错。我在他们内部会议上和组织头脑们待了一整个下午。

2、color]12. I will not interrogate my enemies in the inner sanctum -- a small hotelwell outside my borders will work just as well. ─── 我不会在我最机密的指挥室审问我的敌人,外面随便那一家小旅馆都可以.

3、In the inner sanctum she is represented by a mirror (her body). ─── 圣殿内放着一面镜子,那便是她的化身。

4、Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, et sanctum nomen eius. ─── 全能者给我作了奇事,祂的名号何其神圣 ...

5、-Welcome to this sanctum, full of Shilen's force. ─── +欢迎来到充满席琳之气的圣地。

6、The long lead times needed to enter the inner sanctum of Chinese capitalism pose problems for those investment banks that have lost, or have never had, the ear of Beijing's power brokers. ─── 要深入到中国的资本市场体系,需要长期的前期努力,对于已经失去、或从未得到中国政府重视的投资银行来说,这是个难题。

7、In addition to the inner sanctum of the human psyche, atonement or at-one-ment can be seen as happening on the social scene. ─── 除了一窥人类心灵密室,赎罪或者说是人与上帝“合一”,可以看作是在社会层面上发生的现象。

8、But I had no time to enjoy my newfound sanctum for I ran into a crocophile bent on purifying Egypt of every "Grecian" stain! ─── 但我没时间欣赏这新发现的圣地,我被鳄鱼困住了,因为它们要净化埃及,把希腊人当污点除去!

9、After hiking up and down steep, muddy trails littered with rough lava cobbles, the team reached the caldera's northern end, its inner sanctum. ─── 翻山越岭之后,小路上开始布满熔岩,显得杂乱不堪。队员抵达了火山北端,这里是一个避难所。

10、He strode at once to the door, and rattling his cane against it, brought the clerk out of his sanctum in a perspiration from hot tea, and with his mouth full of bread and butter. ─── 他立刻大步走到门口,用手杖嘭嘭的打门,这就把职员从他那不受干扰的私室里唤了出来,他喝热茶喝得浑身冒汗,嘴里塞满了面包和奶油。

11、As chief executive, he received visitors in a small conference room, only rarely allowing executives into his inner sanctum. ─── 担任首席执行长(CEO)期间,奈特通常在一间小会议室里接待客人,管理人员也很少获准进入他的私人房间。

12、Just like the portal is an "addition" to the sanctum, the anvil is added to the armory once it's been captured through a separate daily quest. ─── 徽章商人会在铁砧建成后出现,但直到军械库被夺取后,铁砧方可建造。

13、All the more astounding, then, that sake has also made inroads into the inner sanctum of French gastronomy, mainly within the last year. ─── 令人吃惊之馀,日本清酒已入侵法国烹调内殿;这主要是过去一年内的事。

14、{laura24}{It's not the Inner Sanctum you want to enter. ─── {你想要进去的不是密室。

15、Mike Portnoy(Dream Theater,Rising Power, Transatlantic, Inner Sanctum, Office of Strategic Influence, John Arch, Liquid Tension Experiment, touring drums for Fates Warning, Neal Morse ─── 无比的力量,惊人的技术,天才的创造力,三位一体的终极鼓手。

16、His whole face beaded with perspiration, he rushed into the "inner sanctum." ─── 他满脸急汗,直往“内宅”跑;

17、When people open their inner sanctum they are willing to tell you something. ─── 事实上,如果人们愿意向你敞开心扉,他们就会告诉你很多很多。

18、I will not employ devious schemes that involve the hero's party getting into my inner sanctum before the trap is sprung. ─── 我不会采用在陷阱发动前,将英雄队伍诱入我最高指挥中心的邪恶计划.

19、Bursting into the "inner sanctum," they nearly startled Mrs. Lin out of her wits. ─── 跑进“内宅”的时候,林大娘看见了倒吓一跳。

20、From the grandiose inner sanctum of Emperor Qin's royal palace, to fierce battles with feudal kings, this historical drama re-creates the glory and the terror of the Qin Dynasty. ─── 许多西方人都不知道秦始皇伟大的成就,像是阿房宫是宏伟的地下陵寝,或是跟诸王之间惨烈的战争。

21、lignum sanctum ─── [医] 愈创木

22、She once allowed me into her inner sanctum. ─── 有一次她让我进入她的内室。

23、Looking sour, Mr. Lin walked into the " inner sanctum." ─── 林先生哭丧着脸,走回“内宅”去。

24、I was allowed once into his inner sanctum. ─── 我有一次获准进入他的内室。

25、In an impassioned speech at Paris's military academy, Sarkozy said France's return to Nato's inner sanctum was long overdue. ─── 萨科奇在巴黎军事院校发表的一场激情洋溢的演讲中表示,法国早就应该重返北约的核心集团。

26、His bedroom's his inner sanctum. ─── 卧房是他的内室。

27、The temple's interior consists of a mandapa (pillared hall) and a sanctum containing a silver altar. ─── 神殿由主大厅和放置银制圣坛的后厅构成。

28、Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui ex Patre Filioque procedit. Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorificatur: qui locutus est per prophetas. ─── 我信圣神,祂是主及赋与生命者,由圣父圣子所共发。祂和圣父圣子,同受钦崇,同享光荣。祂曾藉先知们发言。

29、Just admiring the inner Sanctum of the feckless prince. ─── 我只是来瞻仰一下。无能王子的圣殿(办公室)。

30、This was a freestanding inner sanctum fashioned entirely of black marble, with alabaster saints standing on the roof and bas-reliefs etched in gold. ─── 这是座独立的房子,用清一色的黑色大理石筑成,房顶上饰有细纹大理石圣徒像,还有金色的浮雕。

31、My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark ─── 我在他的圣地出现,显然被他看作是羞于提及的莽撞事情。

32、Guaiacum sanctum L. ─── [医] 圣愈创木

33、Ocimum sanctum ─── 零陵香

34、o Creatures within Inner Sanctum have been raised in difficulty a little to reflect the quality of the items they drop. ─── 迷斯魔城深处密室的生物稍微强化以便符合他们掉落物的水准。

35、Only the sliver of the land that is almost impossible to see from the road will remain the sanctum of his high-value crop. ─── 只有这块地的一小片将仍是他高价值的庄稼的圣所,要从公路上看见这块地几乎不可能。

36、In the "inner sanctum" Mrs. Lin, too, rose very early. She lit incense before the porcelain image of the Goddess Kuanyin and kowtowed for a considerable time, knocking her head resoundingly against the floor. ─── “内宅”里,林大娘也起了个五更,瓷观音面前点了香,林大娘爬着磕了半天响头。

37、Sworn to defending the earthly sanctum's of the principal Pagan god Dievas, these mounted warriors show no mercy to those who seek to defile his temples or sanctuaries. ─── 素质:高级类型:宗教部队迪瓦卫队发誓用生命守护迪瓦大神的荣光,任何敢于亵渎神圣殿堂的狂徒都会遭到这些精锐铁骑的无情斩杀。

38、In the sanctum of the Living Computer, the Invid brain seethed with something very much like wrath. ─── 活体计算机所在的密室里,这台因维主脑沸腾着,很像是在发怒。

39、sanctum sanctorum ─── n. 至圣所

40、Once you have all of these you should head to the forge in the Sanctum of the Scaleborn, near the Halls of Rites (-116, +65, -33). It is a level 60 combine. ─── 当所有东西都到手了以后,就可以在靠近'仪式大厅'的'鳞生圣殿'中(-116,+65,-33)打造。等级60才合的起来

41、The protection and utilization of Louguantai in Taoism sanctum ─── 道教圣地楼观台的保护与利用

42、Or do you share a sanctum with others, such as your cabal or your mentor?Where is it and how obvious is it? ─── 或者你和他人分享一个秘所,例如你的社友或者你的导师?

43、How were these known trouble-makers able to so easily penetrate the inner sanctum of English Government? ─── 这些家喻户晓的滋事者何以能够轻易触及英格兰政府的私密处所?

44、First, the inner sanctum is sunken, lying two to four meters below the level of the surrounding floor. ─── 第一,圣地内部比较低,约比周围的地面矮了2~4公尺。

45、The sanctum in an ancient temple. ─── 内殿古代寺庙中的圣所

46、"The Summoner's Sanctum! This way!" ─── “召唤士的圣所!这边走!”

47、As a well-known Buddhist sanctum, the Buddhist tradition started on Mount Putuo can be traced back to the ancient Qin Dynasty. ─── 普陀山是全国著名的观音道场,其宗教活动可追溯于秦。

48、Dances performed inside the sanctum of the temple according to the rituals were called Agama Nartanam. ─── 印度古典式舞蹈其实是很多种类舞蹈方式的总称。

49、As you enter your heart chamber, and move deeper and deeper within into the sacred sanctum of the great temple sanctuary, know Gaia herself forms the great central chamber. ─── 因为你进入你的心会议室,而且移动越来越深的在进入很棒寺庙庇护所的神圣至圣所之内,认识盖娅她自己里面形成很棒的中央会议室。

50、The clubhouse was their sanctum sanctorum. ─── 俱乐部是他们的安静之所

51、{Is there a secret entrance into the Inner Sanctum of the Church? ─── {有没有暗道通向教堂的密室?

52、She once allowed me into her inner sanctum. ─── 有一次她让我进入她的内室。

53、These entries have entire pages dedicated to them in the library sanctum,separated by far demagogues,pirates and traitors. ─── 这些在智库圣所整篇整篇对他的记录中偶尔只被一些极少有关海盗和那些变节者的记录所分割。

54、Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum 。 ─── 并且并且圣灵, Paraclete 。

55、the sanctum in an ancient temple ─── 古代寺庙中的圣所;内殿

56、I will not wait until the troops break into my inner sanctum to attempt this. ─── 我绝不会等到敌人杀进指挥室时才准备逃走。

57、30. Both the Spell Breaker and Dragon Hawk will be built from the Arcane Sanctum. ─── 他们魔法免疫,但克被武器攻击,他和龙鹰都在圣地建造。

58、[After killing two of the Sisters, both Lahkesis and Atropos, Kratos proceeds further into the temple, into the inner sanctum. ─── [在消灭双子姐妹,拉克西斯与阿特洛波斯之后,奎托斯走向更深处,神庙隐秘的圣地。

59、"For people to be in the inner sanctum, where emotions are high and things are happening, is threatening to us," said Jackson, whose Lakers get spotlighted again Thursday night in Cleveland by TNT. ─── 禅师说:对在私室的人来说,情绪高涨,事情发生着,这对我们有威胁。湖人将在周四晚在克里夫兰再次站在TNT的聚光灯下。

60、My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark: he silently applied the tube to his lips, folded his arms, and puffed away. ─── 我在他的圣地出现,显然被他看作是羞于提及的莽撞事情。 他默默地把烟管递到嘴里,胳臂交叉着,喷云吐雾。

61、This data was collected from the Magma in Obsidian Sanctum, which has the advantage of 30 samples per minute. ─── 这个数据来自于黑曜石圣殿中的岩浆,选择这个地方是因为每分钟有30个数据。

62、Describing the courtship process, Mr Tyler says: "We are not outside the tent but I would not go as far as to say that we're in the inner sanctum. ─── “上世纪70年代中期,英国是个让人觉得压抑的地方,”他表示。“它在政治和经济方面都很糟糕,所以我申请了很多可以让我出国的工作。”

63、The ensuing battle carried them down into the very halls of the darkened Monastery, bringing a final desecration to the once holy sanctum of the Horadrim. ─── 随后的战斗把他们逼入了漆黑的修道院大厅中央,在这曾经神圣庄严的赫拉迪克圣地上抹下最后的亵渎。

64、Rebuild the defiled Orrery and unlock the secrets of this Mages Guild Inner Sanctum. ─── 重新建造太阳系隘路与开启魔法公会内部的密室。

65、Only the sliver of land that is almost impossible to see from the road will remain the sanctum of his high-value crop. ─── 只有这块地的一小片将会继续种植他的高价值的庄稼,要从公路上看见这块地几乎不可能。

66、inner sanctum ─── 至圣处

67、semen sanctum ─── [医] 山道年花

68、Dennett told me, "The old model says there is this central place, an inner sanctum, a theater somewhere in the brain where consciousness comes together. ─── 丹尼特告诉我:“旧的模式认为,大脑中存在一处中心位置,一座隐秘圣殿,一个剧场,意识都从那里产生。

69、sanctum: The place where a mage or a cabal performs magical studies and practices the Ars Mysteriorum. ─── 秘所:法师或结社研究魔法或行使秘艺的地方。

70、Thorim my lord, why else would these invaders have come into your sanctum but to slay you. They must be stopped! ─── 我的领主索林姆大人,为什么这些入侵者会进入你的圣地来干掉你。必须阻止他们!

71、Yet membership libraries such as the Boston Athenaeum, where book lovers pay a modest annual fee to curl up in a literary sanctum, have long been overshadowed by their public counterparts. ─── 如类似波士顿雅典娜图书馆的其他成员图书馆,其会员们每年都会谦虚地向这些知识殿堂缴纳年费,而其公共性却被长期的掩盖。

72、My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark: he silently applied the tube to his lips,folded his arms,and puffed away. ─── 我在他的圣地出现,显然被他看作是羞于提及的莽撞事情。他默默地把烟管递到嘴里,胳臂交叉着,喷云吐雾。

73、In the inner sanctum of my own mind, solace focuses and clarifies the stream of my ideas and thoughts. ─── 在我脑海的密室里,这种安宁帮助我能够看清一浪接着一浪袭来的想法。

74、Harness the power of the stars. Rebuild the defiled Orrery and unlock the secrets of this Mages Guild Inner Sanctum. ─── 利用星星的力量产生电力。重新建造太阳系隘路与开启魔法公会内部的密室。

75、On the walls of the god's sanctum are two rare depictions of Vishnu as the Buddha. ─── 对墙上的神的不快的是两个罕见的描绘vishnu为佛祖。

76、Guaiacum sanctum ─── 神圣愈疮木

77、My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark: he silently applied the tube to his lips, folded his arms,puffed away. ─── 很显然,他把我出现在他圣地的事,看作是非常羞于启齿的。他默默的把烟斗放到嘴里,双臂合抱,吐着烟圈。

78、sanctum sanctorum sANk`tR:rEm n. ─── 圣地,圣所,密室,私室,书房

79、Ocimum sanctum fixed oil produced hypotensive effect in anaesthetised dog, which seems to be due to its peripheral vasodilatory action. ─── 兰香固定的石油生产麻醉过狗,这似乎是由于周边血管扩张行动降压作用。

80、Know that Diablo's innermost sanctum is hidden by five seals. ─── 要知道迪亚波罗最深处的圣殿隐藏在五个封印之后。

81、In this cloistered sanctum of the mind, the deliberate choice will ultimately be made as to whether this brain and body will receive immortal existence or suffer an everlasting death. ─── 在心思的这一隐蔽的秘室中,将要最终权衡决定该大脑与身体是要接受永生还是要遭遇永死。

82、Find the code and unlock the mysterious inner sanctum of the temple and you will deserve the honor of those who have gone before you. ─── 找到秘笈并且打开寺院秘室之门,你就会得到那些前辈们得到过的荣誉。

83、Strength of the Pack - Increases the damage of all Sanctum Sentries within 10 yards by 50%, while at least 2 Sentries are alive. ─── 群体的力量-当至少2个保卫者活着的时候,提高10码范围内所有圣所保卫者的伤害50%.

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