antithesis 发音
英:[ænˈtɪθəsɪs] 美:[ænˈtɪθəsɪs]
英: 美:
antithesis 中文意思翻译
antithesis 词性/词形变化,antithesis变形
antithesis 短语词组
1、antithesis method ─── 对偶法
antithesis 相似词语短语
1、anticathexis ─── n.反精神宣泄;情绪的大转变
2、antitheism ─── n.无神论
3、antitheistic ─── 反犹太教的
4、antitheses ─── n.对比法;对照
5、antitheists ─── n.无神论者
6、anthesis ─── n.[植]开花;开花期
7、antithetic ─── adj.对立的;对偶的
8、antithets ─── 反义词
9、antitheist ─── n.无神论者
antithesis 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、From antithesis andBixing technique to artistic spirit , they all show some influence on the fouroutstanding poets. ─── 从对偶、比兴手法到艺术精神,他们对四杰都有所影响。
2、The style of his speech is in complete antithesis to mine. ─── 他和我的讲话方式完全相反。
3、Password encryption algorithm is the antithesis of cryptanalysis, that is, deciphering the technical studies. ─── 密码加密算法的对立面就是密码分析,也就是破译技术研究。加密与破译是一对矛盾,了解破译对研究加密非常必要。
4、As to the expression, Chinese school mottos stress the use of such devices as antithesis and rhyming, whereas Western mottos, with no restrictions on the form, read freer in style. ─── 在校训的表达形式方面,中国大学校训讲求对仗与钾韵,而西方大学校训则更为自由洒脱、没有严格的限制。
5、My Comments On the Emergence Of the Time - and - Space Antithesis In Tang and Song Poetry and Lyrics ─── 乾坤万里眼,时序百年心--唐宋诗词时空对举句法成因探微
6、Comparison between Eastern and Western cultures and study of methodology "For whom does history exist"--From dualistic antithesis thinking to multipolar complementary thinking ─── "历史为谁而存在?"--从二元对立思维到多极互补思维
7、A word that expresses antithesis or opposition. ─── 对照词,相反词表示对照或相反的词
8、Good is the antithesis of evil. ─── 善是恶的相反。
9、In deconstructing their dualistic antithesis, it also constructs in both translation practice and research an equal relationship between the two. ─── 在解除该二元对立的同时,也应建构二者在翻译实践和理论研究中的平等地位。
10、In the era of globalization, the double synchronic antithesis in space and time between city and village is finally shown in the double synchronic antithesis in space and time between the Oriental and the Occidental. ─── 在全球化时代,城市与乡村在空间形态和时间性质上的双重同步对立,最终表现为西方与东方在空间形态和时间性质上的双重同步对立。
11、PC: My first thought when I arrived from the USA was that I would find the antithesis of American culture in this country. ─── 当我一开始从美国来中国时,我想我能在这个国家找到与美国文化不同的一面。
12、Of, relating to, or marked by antithesis. ─── 对偶的对偶的,有关对偶的,有对照标志的
13、his theory is the antithesis of mine. ─── 他的理论与我的理论完全对立。
14、Dual and Cyclic Code of Equal Hamming Distance and Its Antithesis Code ─── 二元等汉明距离循环码及其对偶码
15、create one's own antithesis ─── 为自己树立对立面
16、Parties view exists, it is no wonder some experts said the industry has no current real estate such as the emergence of the so-antithesis. ─── 各方观点相持不下,难怪有专家称,从来没有哪个行业像现在的房地产业这样出现如此鲜明的对立面。
17、Classical Chinese poetries, which strive to have harmonious tonal patterns, cadences/ intonations and neat antithesis, has endrhyme, double-tone, vowel-rhyme etc. ─── 中国的诗词力求平仄协调、扬顿挫、仗工整,有尾韵、声、韵等。
18、Antithesis is a traditional and characteristic rhetoric figure of Chinese language. ─── 对偶是汉语传统的特有的修辞手法。
19、identification by antithesis ─── 对立认同
20、He was the antithesis of the athlete who flexed his muscles and watched his expanding chest before a mirror ─── 他是运动员的反例。 运动员会伸展自己的肌肉,在镜子前欣赏自己宽阔的胸膛。
21、Love is the antithesis of selfishness. ─── 爱是自私的对立面。
22、antithesis of two elements ─── 二元对立
23、supply the antithesis to a given phrase, etc. ─── 对对子
24、Chinese antithesis ─── 对偶修辞
25、There is such a strong exclusiveness as its negative function that splitting and antithesis appear among each clansmen or district, even fight with weapons happens. ─── 其负面作用是具有很强的排他性,各宗族、地区产生分裂和对立,甚至发生械斗。
26、His work is the antithesis of social landscape documentation, glossy celebrity photography and editorial-driven magazine work. ─── 他的作品的反叛对象,就是社会风景的纪实,华丽的名人摄影,以及编辑需要的杂志风格。
27、an elegant style of prose of the Elizabethan period; characterized by balance and antithesis and alliteration and extended similes with and allusions to nature and mythology. ─── 伊丽莎白时代一种优雅的散文文体;特点是布局协调使用对偶、头韵、大自然和神话里的比喻和典故。
28、Another is customary for the Chinese to consider, for example, in the words of Chinese proverb, concise, Yuyishenke, rich content, in terms of advertising often Antithesis neat to see the idiom. ─── 另一是出于中文习惯上的考虑,比如汉语里的四字成语,言简意赅,寓意深刻,内涵丰富,所以在广告用语中常常会看到对仗工整的成语。
29、I was in Oviedo some weeks ago with a woman who was the antithesis of you... ─── |前几周我在Oviedo遇到了|个和你完全不同的女人...
30、But in recent years on the basis of the Autonomy-dependency Analysis Framework in Model-based Stereotypical Reasoning, antithesis is studied in a new perspective of cognitive linguistics. ─── 从认知研究新视角出发,以近年来发展起来的一种认知语言学观点“基于心理模型的常规关系推理”为理论框架,探讨了支配对偶运用的深层认知机理。
31、Antithesis is an outstanding prosody method here applied. ─── |新浪首页|博客首页 发博文 发照片...
32、The antithesis of stand-alone packages, integrated software delivers a collection of applications based upon a common user interface and sharable data. ─── 同独立软件包相比,集成软件提供一组基于公共用户界面和共享数据的应用程序。
33、The rhetoric ways mainly have the analogy and the metonymy, the comparison and the exaggeration, the irony and double meaning, parallelism and relapse, antithesis and comparison and so on. ─── 修辞方式主要有比喻与借代,比拟与夸张,反语与双关,排比与反复,对偶与对照等等。
34、The, antithesis between them is the hinge on which modern philosophy turns. ─── 这种思想与事物的对立是近代哲学兴趣的转折点。
35、The Form of Antithesis in the Classical Poetries ─── 古典诗歌中常见的对仗形式
36、Slavery is the antithesis of freedom. ─── 奴役与自由是对立的。
37、Meanwhile the creation of his antithesis not only stabilizes and beautifies the structure of his poems but also enriches the rhythm. ─── 同时,他对诗中对仗的妙用,不仅造成了结构上的稳定性和外观美,而且极富内在节奏感,从而凸现其辞采美与中和美。
38、22.But if we come into contact with the living Dhamma from within, we soon discover that it has another side which seems the antithesis of all our rationalistic presuppositions. ─── 但是我们若走进活生生的佛法内部,不久便发现它还有另一副面貌,似乎背离了我们对它的一切理性假设。
39、antithesis of the Middle Eastern buyer is the Japanese. ─── 中东买主截然相反的是日本买主。
40、In this problem, Neo-confucianists fall into straits, because Neo-confucianists preinstall the dual antithesis between the subjective and objective. ─── 在这个问题上,新儒家由于主客二元分立的立场陷入困境。
41、loss of antithesis ─── 失对
42、This is the antithesis of provincialness;it means reassertion of one's own travelled path. ─── 地域文化是与狭隘的地域观念相对立的,它意味着人对自身曾走过的道路的认可。
43、On the other hand, the skill and parallelism and antithesis of Fu affected the expressional method of poem. ─── 同时,赋所具有的铺陈手法及俳偶特点也给了诗以影响,从而丰富了诗歌的表现手段。
44、As another great German philosopher, Hegel, might have said, the German thesis demanded a Spanish antithesis. ─── 正如另一位伟大的德国哲学家黑格尔(Hegel)可能说过的,德国的“正”需要一个西班牙的“反”与之对应。
45、There is no room at any stage of judicial proceedings for such intervention; mob law is the very antithesis of due process. ─── 司法程序之任何阶段不应受暴民干涉。暴民干涉法律正为适法程序之反。
46、Rafa was in actually setting out to be the antithesis of Mourinho - long term achievement rather than quick success. ─── 实际上,拉法和穆里尼奥的方法是完全相反的,他是在做长期的规划而不是只重眼前。
47、'Give me liberty, or give me death' is an example of antithesis. ─── ‘不自由, 毋宁死’是对语的一个例子。
48、advantage-demerit antithesis ─── 优劣对比法
49、antithesis model ─── 对偶模型
50、There is no antithesis between endogamy and exogamy; ─── 内婚制和外婚制根本不构成对立;
51、loaned antithesis ─── 借对
52、Case studies are the antithesis to this, he says. “In case studies there are no right answers but there are many wrong ones.” ─── 他表示,案例研究与此恰恰相反。“在案例研究中,不存在正确的答案,但有许多错误的答案。”
53、An Antithesis of Multi-Items Constrained EOQ Model ─── 关于有约束存贮模型的一个问题
54、antithesis duets ─── 双歌
55、antithesis operator ─── 对偶算子
56、Cognition on Concept of Beijing Olympic Games from Technology and Humanism Antithesis ─── 从技术与人文对立的角度认识北京奥运理念
57、The vampire fascinates us because his very nature is the antithesis of that truth. ─── 因为他的最自然是那一个事实的对照,所以吸血鬼令人入神我们。
58、Inevitability of Sports Injury Worsened in Language Context of Antithesis Between Technology and Humanism ─── 在技术与人文对立的语境中分析运动损伤加剧的必然性
59、Re-Categorization of Antithesis Based on HNC Theory ─── 对偶性概念的HNC阐释
60、Synchronic Antithesis:On the Use of Allusion in The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock ─── 共时性之对照:《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中的用典
61、He is thus the very antithesis of the neo-conservatives who have dominated American foreign policy for most of Mr Bush's presidency. ─── 他也是反对新保守主义的代言人,这股势力现在左右着布什总统执政时期美国外交政策的制定。
62、The style of his speech is in complete antithesis to mine ─── 他和我的讲话方式完全相反
63、In the waning days of his extraordinary year and on the cusp of his presidency, what now seems most salient about Obama is the opposite of flashy, the antithesis of rhetoric: he gets things done. ─── 对他来说非同寻常的一年将要结束,总统任期将会开始,现在看起来对奥巴马来说最重要的则是华丽的反面,雄辩的对立面:他搞定了。
64、On the Influence of Antithesis, Parallel Prose and Regulated Verse upon Antithetical Couplet ─── 对偶句、骈文、律诗与对联之关系
65、As a parole, after postmodernism dissolves the dual antithesis between modernism and the populace culture, it becomes a culture wherein the populace culture is the principal part. ─── 作为一种话语,后现代主义在消解了现代主义中精英文化和大众文化的二元对立结构后,成为一种以大众文化为主体的文化。
66、Its antithesis is holism, which recognizes that the whole is often more than the sum of its parts. ─── 与之相对的是整体论,该理论认为整体的作用往往大于各部分的简单相加。
67、is thus the exact antithesis of the coming of the Son of Man. ─── 和耶稣基督降临人世形成鲜明的对照。
68、strata antithesis ─── 地层对比法
69、Grado headphones are the antithesis of mass production, as each Grado headphone is hand-assembled and closely scrutinized to meet full performance specifications in the U.S.A. ─── 与歌德耳机,你会听到录音更清晰和更深入的低音比别人!
70、antithesis concept ─── 对偶概念
71、His straightness and squareness made him the antithesis of the wriggling, tormented man he replaced. ─── 他的正直和小心谨慎使他与他那位优柔寡断、犹豫不决的前任形成了鲜明的对比。
72、When you write a couplet, pay attention to antithetic parallelism and antithesis. ─── 写对联时要注意排偶对仗。
73、That was it: whatever this was, it was the antithesis of something, but it wasn't exactly nothing, because the concept of nothingness existed in relation to a somethingness before it. ─── 它是:无论它是什么,它都是某些事物的对立面,但也不能说是空无一物,因为空无一物的概念得与确有一些事物相联系才能存在。
74、antithesis between manual and mental labor ─── 体力劳动和脑力劳动的对立
75、I cannot vote for a condidate who stands for the antithesis of what I believe. ─── 我不能选一个与我的信仰相反的候选人。
76、reduplicative antithesis ─── 叠音对仗
77、There is an antithesis between the needs of the state and the needs of the people. ─── 政府的需要和人民的需要这二者存在着对立。
78、In fact, the antithesis in modern poetry has not been between Asia and Europe, but between innovation and conservation --- a related but by no means identical polarity. ─── 事实上,现代诗中的对立,并不是亚洲与欧洲之间的对立。这种对立,是创新与保守的对立。这两种对立有关系,可是绝不相同。
79、China's traditional narrative puts aside the antithesis of words and their meanings, with subject evading object of knowledge, and forms an enlightening mode of moral theory. ─── 中国传统叙事抛开言意对立,以主体境界回避知识客体,形成基于认知主体的道德论启蒙模式。
80、The artistic feature of the Love of the City is in the style of parallel antithesis, its structure of open reverberation of climax from anti-climax. ─── 在创作艺术上,《倾城之恋》采取了参差对照的手法,结构则显示了非封闭性回环特征,在高潮中沉入反高潮的渊底。
81、Grandness Enables Perfection, Regular Scheme Enables Change--Study on Particular Antithesis of Initial and Final Couplets in Eight-Line Poems with Seven Characters by Du Fu ─── 大而能化工而能变--论杜甫七律首尾联的特殊对仗
82、Antonyms are often used to form antithesis to achieve emphasis by putting contrasting ideas together. ─── 在谚语和格言中,反义词经常形成对照,达到强调效果。
83、Variant is the antithesis of constant. ─── 变量与常量相对。
84、The antithesis of death is life. ─── 与死相对的是生。
85、The combination of thesis and antithesis in the Hegelian dialectical process whereby a new and higher level of truth is produced. ─── 合题黑格尔的辩证过程中论点与反论点的结合,从而得到新的更高级的真理
86、His creation was an antithesis to academic dogmatism of the time. ─── 他的创作与当时学院派的教条相对立。
87、Students finishing their education at 16 is the very antithesis of what society needs. ─── 16 岁停止学业的学生并非社会所需要。
88、`Give me liberty, or give me death' is an example of antithesis. ─── ‘不自由,毋宁死’是对语的一个例子。
89、antithesis between town and country ─── 城乡对立
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