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08-21 投稿


ambitiously 发音

英:[æmˈbɪʃəsli]  美:[æmˈbɪʃəsli]

英:  美:

ambitiously 中文意思翻译



ambitiously 反义词


ambitiously 词性/词形变化,ambitiously变形

名词: ambitiousness |副词: ambitiously |

ambitiously 同义词

energetically |determinedly | idealistically | ruthlessly | unrealistically | optimistically

ambitiously 相似词语短语

1、ambiguously ─── adv.含糊不清地

2、ambitions ─── n.野心;雄心;抱负(ambition的复数形式);理想

3、seditiously ─── adv.妨害治安地;煽动地

4、unambitiously ─── 毫不留情地

5、biliously ─── 胆汁

6、amphibiously ─── 两栖的

7、ambitious ─── adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的

8、factitiously ─── adv.人为地;虚构地;捏造地

9、ambagiously ─── 恭敬地

ambitiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ambitiously, he wants to achieve this by 2012. ─── 施正荣雄心勃勃的计划在2012年实现这个目标。

2、Because such hard numbers cannot be guaranteed, countries don't commit ambitiously to this sort of agreement: result, gridlock. ─── 因为这些硬性数字无法被保障,国家并不热衷于达成此类协议,难免结果会陷入僵局。

3、This year, a lot of new face enter notebook computer market, want ambitiously to occupy position. ─── 今年,有许多新面孔进入笔记本电脑市场,雄心勃勃地要占有一席之地。

4、Other economies followed suit, if slightly less ambitiously. ─── 其他经济体尽管没有那么雄心勃勃,但也在照猫画虎跟着做。

5、Creepers are always ambitiously trying to crawl over every inch of the wall. ─── 爬墙虎总是野心勃勃地想要占据每一寸墙。

6、Although you think what sweep in former years ambitiously lacklustre, but the movement that forces oneself to begin high strength instantly is not a good method. ─── 这一个月佳节不断,让人非常兴奋。你要预备给家人买礼物,给客户送礼物,制订新年出游计划,时间安排得满满的。

7、He never ate much but he knew young pretty girls ambitiously starved themselves for pretty clothes and were usually big eaters on a date so there was plenty of food on the table. ─── 他饭量不大,但是他知道年轻漂亮的姑娘对漂亮衣服是贪得无厌的,在同男人约会时通常也是很能吃的,所以餐桌上摆的饭菜十分丰富。

8、Ambitiously Emmanuelle decides to push the operation to the extreme which not only changes the present , but the past and the future . ─── 艾曼妞雄心万丈,意欲艾荣行动再创高峰,于创造现在特定影外,进行改变过去及计划未来。

9、More ambitiously, and also more speculatively, it may be that cross-border environmental cooperation can also help to build a more broadly shared conception of place and community. ─── 我们可以更大胆地认为,跨越边境的环境合作也许也能够帮助更广泛地树立起一种地方和社区的意识。

10、Any operator, want to devise clever strategies ambitiously, have to " choose its be apt to person and from " . ─── 任何一个经营者,要雄心勃勃地运筹帷幄,就得"择其善者而从之"。。

11、Be in just about in those days after buying IBM, associate ambitiously invited Ameiliao to hold the position of associate the pilot of international airliner. ─── 当年正是在收购IBM之后,雄心勃勃的联想请来了阿梅里奥担任联想国际航班的机长。

12、she pursued her goals ambitiously. ─── 她雄心勃勃地向着自己的目标去奋斗。

13、More ambitiously, private and public institutions could try to reintroduce an old social norm: try to pay off the mortgage sooner rather than later, and at the latest by the time you retire. ─── 更为雄心勃勃的方案是,私营和公共机构可以尝试重新引入一种古老的社会规范:设法提前而不是延迟偿清抵押贷款,而且最迟是在退休之前。

14、The excitement begins for children on Christmas Eve, when they hang up their stockings( an old sock, or more ambitiously, pillowcases) around the fireplace or at the foot of the bed for Father Christmas to fill with presents. ─── 对儿童来说,欢乐始于圣诞前夕,届时他们把袜子(只旧袜子,或者更热切的,一个枕头套)在壁炉周围或床脚给圣诞老人装礼物。

15、Holidays approaching, Jane ambitiously ready to warm hubbub of New York to realize their dreams. ─── 假期来临之际,踌躇满志的简准备到喧哗热烈的纽约去实现自己的梦想。

16、They rented cheap houses from the villagers and settled in.They then ambitiously bought paint and canvas, setting out on their artistic explorations. ─── 这些人在村里农民的出租房安顿下来,然后雄心勃勃买颜料绷画布,进行艺术的探索与创作。

17、Boldly and ambitiously, I take every challenge with my brave heart ─── 敢爱敢做勇敢闯一闯

18、High-speed rail operators in Europe are ambitiously adding routes and cutting travel times, looking to snatch customers from the short-haul airline market. ─── 欧洲高速铁路运营商眼下正雄心勃勃地计划再增加多条线路、缩短开行时间,以图从短途航空市场争夺乘客。

19、Listen to an old person to say, present popular feeling gas is blundering, follow too ambitiously from the ground to matter. I am deep think like that. ─── 听老人说,现在的人心气浮躁,跟住得离地太远大有关系。我深以为然。

20、in February, 2005, requested to Chinese Soccer association assignment Xie Yalong to receive Yan Shiduo's Chinese Soccer association ambitiously on own initiative “the chief leader” the authority. ─── 2005年2月,主动要求到中国足协任职的谢亚龙雄心勃勃接过了阎世铎的中国足协“一把手”职权。

21、Nature’s irreducible bottom line is that development efforts will be shattered if we fail to act collectively and ambitiously now. ─── 要知道,大自然的底线是无可退缩的,这个底线就是:如果我们现在不能采取彻底的集体行动,所有的发展努力都会化为泡影。

22、Let's think big, ie plan ambitiously. ─── 我们要立大志展宏图.

23、In October 2000, the band ambitiously brought a demo to EMI Blue Note Records, whose roster boasts a host of blues, jazz, folk, and country musicians. ─── 2000年10月,这支乐队雄心勃勃地送了一盘录音样带给旗下拥有众多布鲁斯乐、爵士乐、民间音乐及乡村音乐乐手的EMI蓝音符唱片公司。

24、This was the last thing the Wiz wanted.Many years ago, he had vowed, quite ambitiously, to identify the cause of insomnia once and for all. ─── 隔天高人与弟子碰面时,弟子面露难色,果然催眠区又活跃起来了。

25、And cultivated his talent most ambitiously ─── 野心勃勃的培养他的天赋

26、Ambitiously, in a country that has one of the world's smoggiest capitals, Mr Liu says he wants a "green revolution" too. ─── 刘先生雄心勃勃的说他希望在这个拥有世界上最烟雾弥漫首都的国家还来一次“绿色革命”。

27、Poland, ambitiously, says it wants to meet the criteria and set a fixed rate for the zloty against the euro in 2011. ─── 波兰表示力争在2011年前达到加入欧元区标准,制定兹罗提(波兰货币)兑欧元固定汇率。

28、Boston ivies always ambitiously attempt to seize the first inch of wall. ─── 爬山虎总是野心勃勃地企图占领第一寸墙。

29、After ambitiously securing the services of Fabio Quagliarella and with Luca Cigarini set to complete his move in the coming days, it now seems Napoli have turned their attentions to Paolo De Ceglie. ─── 译文:就在夸利亚雷拉和卢卡.奇加里尼的转会即将完成的时候,那不勒斯将自己的转会重心移到了尤文球员保罗.德切利身上。

30、Investigators are already ambitiously working on EAP-based alternatives to many of today's technologies. ─── 研究人员已经野心勃勃地研发以EAP为基础的替代物,来取代许多现有的技术。

31、This, they hoped, would one day “eclipse Google itself in overall world impact by ambitiously applying innovation and significant resources to the largest of the world's problems. ─── 他们希望,“通过雄心勃勃地采纳创意和并投入大量资源去解决世界上最大的问题,这个慈善实体在全球范围的影响力终有一天将会超过谷歌本身。”

32、In 1975, the District published a comprehensive bicycle plan that ambitiously called for the striping of 75 miles of bike lanes. ─── 1975年,华盛顿制定了一项全面的自行车计划,这项计划雄心勃勃地要求划建出75英里长的自行车道。

33、The plan ambitiously boosts its manufacturing base to the the largest in the world by 2012. ─── 由于中国经济的高速发展,电力供应成为当局关注的主要问题之一。

34、Originally, I ambitiously thought I'd make it a site to collect all of these tips together. ─── 最开始,我雄心壮志地想把它做成一个收集所有这些小窍门的网站。

35、But with 2010 having begun with stocks priced ambitiously the world over, now seems a risky time to load up on stocks in general, and BRIC shares in particular. ─── 但在2010年年初,全世界的股票都被高估,整体上现在买进股票似乎都充满了风险,买进金砖四国股票风险更大。

36、Ambitiously, in a country that has one of the world's smoggiest capitals, Mr Liu says he wants a “green revolution” too. ─── 同时,中国增长迅速的对石油以及其他商品的需求使得一些像伊朗那些被西方所不齿的国家对中国感到亲切友好。

37、More ambitiously, the credit rating of the entire area might be used to issue Eurobonds, which would be less vulnerable to speculation. ─── 整个地区的信贷评级必须用于发行欧元债券,使其在投机活动中更不易受到影响——这个想法更有野心。

38、On the other hand, Actions continues to play a dominant role in the Asian market and is ambitiously expanding its markets in Europe and North America. ─── 另一方面,珠海炬力继续在亚洲市场独领潮流,并且雄心勃勃地扩展其欧洲和北美市场。

39、He may not have a house and a car, but as long as he works hard ambitiously, he is the potentially profit-yielding share, which the earlier you take in, the more profit you will make. ─── 遇上对的人,莫等待莫蹉跎,也许没有房子没有车子,只要他认真上进,他就是张有潜力的积优股,早点进场获利更高。

40、That pattern was to be repeated far more ambitiously in the water industry. ─── 这种模式被更经常更大胆的用于给水工业。

41、Now, falls into one unprecedentedly along with Wall Street “the financial Tsunami”, Japan financial magnate once more ambitiously to the US market expansion. ─── 如今,随着华尔街陷入一场前所未有的“金融海啸”,日本金融巨头再次雄心勃勃地向美国市场扩张。

42、More ambitiously, he wants to rethink the school's hallowed teaching methods. ─── 更具雄心的是,他试图反思已被神圣化的教学方法。

43、This book ambitiously incorporates all the latest and essential subjects on molecular regulation in embryonic, tissue, and cancer stem cells. ─── 这本书雄心勃勃地融合了所有关于胚胎,组织最新的分子调控和重要课题,癌症干细胞。

44、Ambitiously draw attention to( oneself) ─── 故意使别人注意自己

45、Enterprise of our country part undertakes contend in home market while, take door going abroad ambitiously, be engaged in crossing a country to manage. ─── 我国部分企业在国内市场进行角逐的同时,雄心勃勃地走出国门,从事跨国经营。

46、Creepers are always ambitiously trying to crawl over every inch of the wall. ─── 爬墙虎总是野心勃勃地想要占据每一寸墙。

47、Ian Wright's Unfit Kids is a peak-time series that sees the Arsenal legend ambitiously attempt to improve the health of eight out-of-shape North London teenagers. ─── 前阿仙奴得分王伊恩胡礼这次不谈足球,反而主力为伦敦八名超重儿童锻鍊体能。


英语是一门结构语言,提分来讲相对比较容易,这也就是为什么中高考英语分数一般都会很高! 对于毕业班的学生,建议多做几套题,但是要对题目中涉及到的每一个知识点吃透! 阅读部分是要练习的,刚一开始可以找规律,有了一定的经验后,后期计算时间做题,每天最少五到六篇! 听力的话也是每天一套题,让耳朵对英文有敏感性! 最后写作这一块,基本上初高中涉及到的都是议论文居多,建议先想好思路,想想每一段的中心句以及亮点,然后结合答案,看看双方思路有什么不同,将两种观点融合起来














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