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08-09 投稿


associative 发音

英:[ə'səʊʃɪətɪv; -sɪ-]  美:[ə'soʃɪətɪv]

英:  美:

associative 中文意思翻译



associative 同义词

associatory |relative

associative 反义词


associative 短语词组

1、associative function ─── [计] 相关功能

2、associative descriptor scheme ─── [计] 相关描述符方案, 相关描述符模式

3、associative cell ─── [计] 相联单元, 关联单元

4、associative automatic control ─── [医] 联合性自动控制(自纹状体发出的调节肌肉运动的刺激)

5、associative language ─── [计] 相联语言

6、associative ligand exchange mechanism ─── [化] 配体交换的缔合机理

7、associative encode method ─── [计] 联想式编码法, 词组编码法

8、associative learning ─── [计] 联想学习

9、associative array register ─── [计] 相联阵列寄存器

10、associative directory ─── [计] 相关目录

11、associative and parallel computation ─── [计] 相联并行计算

12、associative file ─── [计] 联想组织文件

13、associative law ─── [计] 结合律

14、associative data processing ─── [计] 相联数据处理

15、associative behavior ─── [计] 相联处理动作

16、associative indexing ─── [计] 关联编目

17、associative key ─── [计] 相联关键字

18、associative array processor ─── [计] 相联阵列处理机

19、associative aphasia ─── [医] 联络性失语

associative 词性/词形变化,associative变形

副词: associatively |

associative 相似词语短语

1、nonassociative ─── 非结合的

2、associatively ─── 结合的;组成的;联合的

3、association ─── n.协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想

4、associating ─── n.姘居;v.结合;使联合;把……联系在一起;联想;参与;交往,混在一起;表示支持(或同意)(associate的现在分词)

5、assortative ─── adj.协调的;相称的;相配的

6、bisociative ─── 双联的

7、associate ─── v.联想,联系;(使)关联;与(不被认同的人)交往;将……和……联系起来;表示同意;n.(生意或工作上的)伙伴;准会员;联想;准零售工;adj.(与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

8、sociative ─── 社会的

9、dissociative ─── adj.游离的;分离的

associative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, the different explanations have been given by neurobiology and semantic associative science in the linguistic representation. ─── 对此,语言表征的神经生物学及语义联想学分别给出了不同的解释。

2、Associative arrays are the same as regular arrays. ─── 关联数组与常规数组相同。

3、International political economics (IPE) is a new discipline, in which the international economic relations are broadly studied from an associative perspective combing politics and economics. ─── 国际政治经济学(IPE)是一门新兴经济学科,它从政治与经济相互结合的视角研究国际经济关系。

4、The associative guilt was ingrained in his soul. ─── 这种联想式内疚在他心中根深蒂固。

5、There are no different indexed and associative array types in PHP; there is only one array type, which can both contain integer and string indices. ─── PHP中没有不同的数字下标和关联下标数组,数组的类型只有一种,它可以同时包含整型和字符串型的下标。

6、In addition to storing the data in the numeric indices (field index) to the result array, it also stores the data in associative indices (field name) by default. ─── 在返回的数组中不仅以数字索引方式存放数据(字段编号),默认情况下还用字段名做索引存放数据(字段名)。

7、It is not only advantaged on capacity and error correction as same as fundamental Hamming associative memory, but also avoids its slow reclaimer and impossible hardware implementation. ─── 它既具有基本汉明联想存储器容量大,容错性好的优点,同时又克服了基本汉明联想存储器回收慢,硬件难以实现的缺点。

8、Ironically, in a system where easily implementing dynamic, associative retrieval mechanisms is at last possible, we often don’t implement any retrieval system other than the storage system. ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,在终于有可能实现动态关联检索机制的系统中,我们经常不实现任何检索系统。

9、The effect of cellulose-decomposing fungus(CDF) mixed with associative nitrogen-fixing bacterium(ANFB) to cellulose-decomposing has been studied. ─── 从纤维素分解菌与联合固氮菌的接种配比,研究了混合培养对滤纸分解的影响。

10、Associative containers cannot be defined from a size, because there would be no way to know what values to give the keys. ─── 关联容器不能通过容器大小来定义,因为这样的话就无法知道键所对应的值是什么。

11、Estimates of N fixed by associative organisms range from trace amounts to substantial fixation, with highest estimates for Azospirillum associated with sugarcane (Table 2). ─── 它们固氮的能力有很大差别,从痕量到相当多,其中以与甘蔗联生的固氮螺菌最多(表2)。

12、associative property of hologram ─── 全息图的组合性质

13、HARL Hypothesis Associative Representation Language ─── 假设联想性表示法语言

14、The associative containers share many operations with the sequential containers. ─── 关联容器共享了顺序容器的许多操作。

15、Under the hood, JavaScript objects for the most part are composed of associative arrays, numerically indexed arrays, strings, numbers, or nested combinations of these types. ─── 实际上,JavaScript对象的大部分都由联合数组、数字索引数组、字符串、数字或者这些类型的嵌套组合而成。

16、Other operations are common to only the sequential or only the associative containers. ─── 另外一些操作则只适用于顺序或关联容器类型。

17、The advanced lookup and insertion functions for associative containers, taking an arbitrary key type and predicates, were designed to avoid unnecessary object constructions. ─── 关联容器的高级查找和高级插入函数,接受任意的键值类型和谓词,这一设计是为了避免不必要的对象构造。

18、The bzip2. Decompress filter only accepts one parameter, which can be passed as either an ordinary boolean value, or as the small element of an associative array. ─── bzip2.decompress过滤器仅接受一个参数,可以用普通的布尔值传递,或者用一个关联数组中的small单元传递。

19、So far many fruitful results have been obtained for stability of equilibrium points of Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) neural networks with axonal signal transmission delays (DBAM). ─── 对于时滞双向联想记忆(DBAM)神经网络的平衡点的稳定性问题,目前人们已经得到了很多富有意义的成果.

20、Assigns content to a template placeholder or a list. Can be used on associative arrays and scalars. ─── 分配内容模板占位或一份名单。可用于关联数组和标。

21、The result of the method is an associative array of tag names and popularity. ─── 函数结果是用标签名和人气组成的联合数组。

22、Associative learning is often the result of conditioning, which also has two main types. ─── 联想学习往往是由于空调,也有两种主要类型。

23、A New Type of Associative Memory Neural Network ─── 一种新型联想记忆神经网络

24、Multiplication and addition are associative operations. ─── 乘法和加法是混合性运算。

25、Using the forward and backward associative method proposed by Liu Inmao, we examined the nature of primacy and recency effect of the serial position effects in different median ratio(0.6, 0.8 and 1.0) with Chinese characters. ─── 以中国汉字为材料,考察不同中数比率(0.6,0.8和1.0)时,系列位置曲线不同部分性质的分化。

26、The treatment included two stages of associative polymer solutions and 20 wt% HCl with additives. ─── 处理过程包括两个阶段:复配的聚合物溶液和含添加剂的20%(质量百分比)盐酸。

27、The result indicates that this algorithm is a more efficient means to skeculate trend in future, which achieve forecasting through evolutionary process and associative memory. ─── 实践表明,该方法能通过对股票价格演变历程产生联想,来实现预测,是一种更有意义的预测手段。

28、A kind of associative thickener for waterborne coating is prepared by emulsion polymerization of acrylic,lauryl acrylate,methyl methacylate and butyl acrylate as monomers and reactive emulsifier. ─── 介绍了以丙烯酸、丙烯酸十二酯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯和丙烯酸丁酯为单体,采用反应型乳化剂,经过乳液聚合,制得了一种水性涂料用缔合型增稠剂。

29、each string is the name of an item , and the corresponding number in the associative array is the quantity of that item in the cart. ─── 每个字符串都是一个商品的名称,关联数组中的对应数字就是购物车中该商品的数量。

30、Novelty Fuzzy Morphological Associative Memories ─── 一种新颖的模糊形态联想记忆网络

31、Mind mapping is a technique for associative thinking that was defined in the early 1970's by Tony Buzan, a British academic and writer. ─── “构思图”是由英国的一位学者、作家Tony Buzan在二十世纪七十年代早期提出的一种联想思考方法。

32、Therefore,the different explanations have been given by neurobiology and semantic associative science in the l... ─── 对此,语言表征的神经生物学及语义联想学分别给出了不同的解释。

33、You can also reference associative array variables that are assigned from PHP by specifying the key after the '.' (period) symbol. ─── 你也可以经由指定句号(.)后的关键字参照PHP程式分配的关联阵列。

34、A collection of name/value pairs. In various languages, this is realized as an object, record, struct, dictionary, hash table, keyed list, or associative array. ─── “名称/值”集合。不同的语言中,它被理解为对象、纪录、结构、字典、哈希表、键表或者关联数组。

35、The special latitude of being able to transfer between two different containers is only available for Sequences and not for Associative Containers. ─── 可以在两个不同容器间进行转移的特殊功能仅对序列容器有效,不适用于关联容器。

36、Based on this approach a multimodule one-to-many associative memory model will have a relatively simple structure and can easily be realized by hardware. ─── 以该方法构造出的多模块一对多联想记忆模型结构简单,易于硬件实现,使得多模块一对多联想记忆模型具有了实际应用的可能。

37、An ODBMS extends the programming language with transparently persistent data, concurrency control, data recovery, associative queries, and other capabilities. ─── ODBMS使得编程语言能够透明地进行数据持久化、并行控制、数据恢复以及关联查询等操作。

38、A Novel Fuzzy Associative Memory Model ─── 一类新的模糊关联存储器模型

39、Compared to the well-known associative classification algorithm of CBA, the proposed approach has the advantage of fast speed and high accuracy. ─── 与同类关联分类方法(如CBA)比较,本文提出的方法具有学习速度快、分类准确度高的优点。

40、The upper set of perforations was producing most of the fluid, which further confirmed that the associative polymer significantly reduced water production from the lower zone. ─── 上部孔眼生产出的大多数流体,更加进一步证实结合聚合物的使用极大减少了部分产层出水情况。

41、The Greeks discovered that human memory is largely an associative process that it works by linking things together. ─── 希腊人发现,人类的记忆在很大程度上是一种联想过程,通过把事物联系在一起来运作。

42、In the example below we create a container class that stores an associative array of Flag objects. ─── 在以下的范例中我们建立一个容器类来储存Flag对象的一个相关数组。

43、Multiplication and additionare associative operations. ─── 乘法和加法是结合性运算。

44、This paper has a discussion of it from the perspective of the pictograph categories and the relations between self-explanatory, associative compound, and pictophonetic characters. ─── 在象形字的探究中,关键注意的是象形字的分类以及与指事、会意、形声字之间的关系。

45、For many people, a knife is associative with a menacing weapon that should not find itself landing on a friendly, warm dinner table. ─── 在许多人看来,刀会使人联想到虎视眈眈、咄咄逼人的武器,因而不可在友好温暖的餐桌上占有一席之地。

46、The integrated NX environment ensures that CAM programming, like other downstream functions, is associative to the product, strip and die models. ─── 利用集成化的NX环境,可以确保CAM编程和其它下游功能一样保持与产品和铸模模型之间的关联性。

47、Barry Gardner defined the radical classes and semi-simple classes in the variety of idempotent algebras. And most traditional results in the variety of associative rings hold in the varieties with permutable congruences. ─── Barry Gardner在幂等代数族中定义了根类和半单类,并且证明了许多在结合环族中成立的结果在同余可换族中也成立。

48、A pioneer in the fields of animal learning and educational psychology, he developed a form of behaviorism known as connectionism, which holds that learning takes place through associative bonds. ─── 他是动物学习和教育心理学领域的先驱,发展了一种叫做联结主义的行为主义学说,认为学习是通过相关连接发生的。

49、The branch target buffer is provided with a tag RAM that is organized in a set associative fashion. ─── 分支目标缓冲器提供一个架构成集合相关式的标签记忆体。

50、Relationship among the keys used in an associative container. ─── 关联容器所使用的键之间的比较关系。

51、Experiments are also conducted and their results show that the associative memory performance of this newmodel is better th... ─── 实验结果表明,其联想记忆能力优于目前现有的联想记忆网络。

52、It's sometimes known as an associative array because data is associated with a key value, or as a hash table. ─── 它有时候称为关联数组(因为数据与一个键值相关联),或者作为散列表。

53、Cognitive context based on culture is the inner force of the processing of associative meaning. ─── 基于文化的认知语境是联想意义产生的驱动力。

54、Extensive laboratory testing showed that associative polymers had no significant effect on the relative permeability to oil. ─── 大量的实验室测试结果显示,复配的聚合物对油的相对渗透率无显著影响。

55、They surmise that associative connections between ideas and imagination that already exist in the mind become weaker and are transformed by new information. ─── 他们猜测,既存于心的概念与想像之间的联想结合会变弱,并会被新资讯转换。

56、Analyze temperature field and velocity field of guest room by making use of CFD technique and experiment associative mode. ─── 利用CFD技术与实验相结合的方式对客房空调气流的温度场和速度场进行了分析。

57、An associative image is when you experience the imagination from first body, as if you are doing it right now. ─── 一个结合的图像就是当你从自己的身体经历这个想像,好像你现在就在做它一样。

58、The associative containers support efficient lookup and retrieval of elements by key. ─── 关联容器支持通过键高效地查找和读取元素。

59、By ignoring associative methods, we deny ourselves any attribute-based searching and we must depend on human memory to recall the position and identity of our documents. ─── 关联检索是一种存储系统没有的方法,如果我们的检索系统仅以存储方法作为唯一的基础,那么我们会否认任何基于属性的检索,我们就只能依靠记忆。

60、Thus arrays support what is sometimes referred to as content-addressable memory or associative memory. ─── 因此,数组支持所谓的按内容寻址的存储器或关联存储器。

61、Their paintings often become segmented capsules of associative experiences. ─── 他们的画往往成为分割的胶囊的联想经验。

62、The former yawing's waist line is no longer monotonous, the angle of tilt fender wheel arch line which increases melts, the associative perception is stronger. ─── 以往一根横贯的腰线不再单调,增大的倾斜角度翼子板的轮拱线条相融,整体感更强。

63、When dealing with the algorithms, it is best to think of the iterators on associative containers as if they were input iterators that also support decrement, not as full bidirectional iterators. ─── 在处理算法时,最好将关联容器上的迭代器视为支持自减运算的输入迭代器,而不是完整的双向迭代器。

64、The processing speed of associative query in OODB is slow, which influences the performance of OODB seriously and impedes the development and the application of OODB. ─── OODB中关联查询的处理速度较慢,这严重影响了OODB的性能,阻碍了OODB的发展和推广应用。

65、Brief Discussion of Associative Rule ─── 关联规则概述

66、Primary phonological iconicity is sub-divided into auditory iconicity, articulary iconicity and associative iconicity. ─── 在词形方面,象似性主要体现在书写和构词象似两个方面。

67、fully parallel associative memory ─── 全并行相联存储器

68、Since XOR operations are commutative and associative, correct recovery is possible regardless of the creation sequence of log records. ─── 由于XOR运算具有交换性和结合性,无论日志记录生成的次序如何都可获得正确的恢复。

69、The MMU normally translates virtual page numbers to physical page numbers via an associative cache called a Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB). ─── MMU通过一种叫做TLB的相联高速缓存将虚拟页码转换为物理页码。

70、Associative array are subject to the same limitations as regular variable names in PHP, i. E. They cannot start with a number and must start with a letter or underscore. ─── 关联数组中的键名具有和PHP中普通变量名相同的规则,即不能以数字开头,必须以字母或下划线开头。

71、Associative meaning of euphemism is illustrated for the sake of in-depth understanding of the total composite effect of linguistic communication with the use of euphemism. ─── 为了深入理解采用委婉语的语言交际的总体效果,必须阐述委婉语的联想语义。

72、sector associative buffer storage ─── 区相联缓冲存储器

73、A associative scheme is most flexible but too costly for implementation. ─── 一个结合的方案是对落实是有柔性的但是太昂贵的大部分。

74、It only returns an associative array. ─── 它只返回一个关联数组。

75、The mysql_fetch_assoc() function returns a row from a recordset as an associative array. ─── 函数的作用是:从结果集中取得一行作为关联型数组。

76、AMF considers Arrays in two parts, the dense portion and the associative portion. ─── AMF把数组分为两个部分,密集部分和关联部分。

77、This is crucial - imagine the experience as if you're doing it all over again , first body - associative . ─── 一个结合的图像就是当你从自己的身体经历这个想像,好像你现在就在做它一样。

78、Composition is associative. ─── 复合是可以结合的。

79、Based on the theory of wavelet correlation and the associative characteristic of volume holographic storage in a photorefractive crystal, a novel multichannel wavelet correlator is constructed. ─── 基于子波匹配相关理论和光折变晶体的体全息关联存储特性,采用球面波作参考光,构建了一个新型的多通道体全息子波相关器。

80、fully parallel associative processor ─── 全并行相联处理机

81、Compared with item memory, more neural mechanisms are needed to fulfill associative memory, such as, prefrontal cortex and hippocampal. ─── 与项目记忆相比,关联记忆需要参与的大脑区域相对较多,包括前额区与海马等;

82、We can use the Associative Property to solve multiplication problems in an easier way. ─── 利用乘法结合律,可以进行简便运算。请做下列题目。

83、The binary representation of the associative portion consists of name/value pairs (potentially none) terminated by an empty string. ─── 对于关联部分的二进制表示由以空字符串结束的名/值对(可能没有)组成。

84、The deflate filter takes up to three parameters passed as an associative array. ─── deflate过滤器可以接受以一个关联数组传递的最多三个参数。

85、The associative current gathered strength during the first half-century of national independence. ─── 在国家独立后最早的五十年中,结社的潮流日见有力。

86、A related scheme based on atomic rules is proposed to tackle the problem of associative classification in the context of large-scale datasets. ─── 为解决大规则关联分类问题,本文提出了基于原子规则的多步分类方案,并对作者提出的多步原子关联规则分类新技术进行了深入的理论研究。

87、In Figure 11 you see that this is still true even with the associative table in place to maintain the association. ─── 在图11中您可以看到,即使在有关联表维护关联的情况下仍然是这种情况。

88、But the study on this type Characters especially about Li-Kai associative compounds characters can't arouse our adequate appreciate. ─── 但对此种类型汉字的研究,特别是隶楷阶段新造的会意字,还没有引起足够的重视。

89、Internet coming into campus exerts an enormous influence on the social psychology, cognitive psychology, associative psychology and the personality psychology of the college students. ─── 互联网络走进大学校园,对大学生的社会心理、认知心理、交往心理、人格心理等都产生了巨大影响。










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