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09-09 投稿


deification 发音

英:[ˌdeɪɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; ˌdiːɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]  美:[ˌdeɪɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; ˌdiːɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]

英:  美:

deification 中文意思翻译




deification 网络释义

n. 神化;奉若神明;祀为神

deification 词性/词形变化,deification变形

副词: deictically |

deification 短语词组

1、deification catholicism ─── 神化天主教

2、deification verb ─── 神化动词

3、deification def ─── 神化定义

4、deification catholic ─── 神化天主教

5、deification rome ─── 神化罗马

6、deification poop ─── 神化粪

7、deification greek ─── 希腊神化

8、deification process ─── 神化过程

deification 相似词语短语

1、reification ─── n.具体化;物化

2、edification ─── n.启迪;教诲;精神修养

3、unification ─── n.统一;一致;联合

4、densification ─── n.密实化;封严;[化学]稠化

5、deifications ─── n.神化;奉若神明;祀为神

6、verification ─── n.查证;核实

7、-ification ─── 正在退出。。。

8、dedication ─── n.奉献;献身;赠言

9、aerification ─── n.气化;充满气体;与空气化合

deification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Egyptian deification of time went further, to the point where almost every moment had its own presiding ruler based upon the stars and constellations. ─── 古埃及被神化了的时间历法更进一步的运用是,能通过恒星与星群的运动指明任意时刻的掌控恒星。

2、A theory attributing the origin of the gods to the deification of historical heroes. ─── 历史英雄即诸神说一种认为神话中诸位神祗是源自历史上神化的英雄人物的理论。

3、the deification of medieval kings ─── 对中世纪国王的神化

4、They superimposed astrology, the use of the zodiac, and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism. ─── 他们有占星学阶层,利用十二宫图,把四季神格化成波斯人的密特拉教祭礼。

5、Legend of Deification ─── n. 封神演义

6、In fact, there are other ways to understand the Christian teaching of deification. ─── 事实上,我们有其他了解基督的神化教导的方式。

7、And the Yangtze River Securities analyst Liu Jun told reporters, investors can not deification of the stock market stabilization fund results. ─── 而长江证券分析师刘俊告诉记者,投资者也不能完全神化平准基金的入市效果。

8、Demonization, Deification and Humanization--A Discussion on Hong Xiuquan's True Historical Features with Prof. Pan Xulan ─── 鬼化·神化·人化--就洪秀全的历史真面目与潘旭澜教授商榷

9、It was a sort of admiration at a distance, a mute contemplation, the deification of a stranger. ─── 那是一种远距离的崇拜,一种无言的仰慕,一个陌生人的神化。

10、He died very young, and what we're witnessing now is the 26)deification of a pop star. ─── 他英年早逝,而我们现在看到的是一个流行明星如何被“神化”。

11、The results are the same, so the researcher ascertains the interviewees perceptions in the deification of Yi-min gods. ─── 结果呈现一致,由此可知,民众对义民爷的神格认知的确呈现这几类。

12、The concept of "the proprieties" and "law" is formulated under the effect of deification, originally filled with divinity. ─── “礼”、“法”的初始含义充满了神性,是神化思维作用下的产物。

13、Building Custom, Space Mentality and Deification Phenomenon of Tujia Nationality ─── 土家族民居建筑艺术、建房习俗、空间观念及神化现象

14、For the same reason, our Party abhors the deification of an individual. ─── 因为这样,我们党也厌弃对于个人的神化。

15、a few lifeless stone, will be searched and that the deification of vivid legend attached to their gods. ─── 几块毫无生命的石头,定要搜遍那神化传说给其附着上活灵活现的神灵。

16、The distinctive characteristic of traditional energetic culture made inheritance process to perform characteristics of blood relationship and deification. ─── 传统精神文化的独特性使传承过程形成了血缘性和神化性的特点。

17、Deification as a commercial genius who actually do is just to "westernize" things. ─── 具有神化般商业天才的人,其实做的只是“西化”的东西而已。

18、Li Jing, a famous high-raking officer in Tang Dynasty, was under the official deification of all later dynasties because of his great achievements. ─── 摘要唐代开国名将李靖因其丰功伟绩而为后继历朝列于国家祀典。

19、We are not the unnecessary deification freedom, then because free is not controlled the consequence gives up the freedom. ─── 我们没有必要神化自由,然后又因为自由不受控制的后果而放弃自由。

20、Exaltation to divine rank or stature; deification. ─── 奉为神明; 神化的过程.

21、“Deification was an important idea in the early church, though it took a long time for one term to emerge as the standard label for the process. ─── 不要企图强迫它们彷佛你今天就可以如时间(就是说,恩典和境遇,加于你的善意上)能为你打造的明天一样。

22、It was a sort of admiration at a distance, a mute contemplation, the deification of a stranger. ─── 那是一种远距离的崇拜,一种无言的仰慕,一个陌生人的神化。

23、Course of Li Bing's Deification ─── 李冰化神过程

24、In a world of apathy, cynicism, and technological deification, men like the camerlegno, realists who could speak to our souls like this man just had, were the church’s only hope. ─── 在一个情感冷漠,悲观怀疑及奉技术为神明的世界,像教皇内侍这样的人,能像他刚才一样说话直指人心的现实主义者是教会仅存的希望。

25、Deification of China Coal Energy up more than 4%. ─── 中国神化中煤能源涨幅超过4%。

26、The concept of "the proprieties" and "law" is formulated under the effect of deification, originally filled with divinity. ─── 摘要“礼”、“法”的初始含义充满了神性,是神化思维作用下的产物。

27、The resulting凤纹, then more is a man-made art, a deification of the biological imagination. ─── 由此而来的凤纹,便更加是一种人造艺术,一种神化了的想象生物。

28、deification of animal ─── 动物神化

29、The Deification of Confucianism and the Establishment of the Monarchy Ideology in Western Han Dynasty ─── 儒学神化与西汉君主专制主义指导思想的确立

30、Of course, the Lakers won Thursday, suggesting the Celtics, who were in the midst of the deification process, might still have an issue or two themselves. ─── 当然,湖人在周四赢了。这提醒了正被神化的凯尔特人,他们,或者双方的方案都还有问题。

31、MJ Deification has always grated on me. ─── 乔丹神话论经常激怒我。

32、During the seven decades the Soviet Union ran Mongolia, Moscow feared the deification of Genghis Khan would incite Mongolian nationalism, so even mentioning his name was forbidden. ─── 在苏联管理蒙古的70年间,莫斯科当局担心一般人神化成吉思汗的行为会刺激蒙古的民族主义,因此在当时连提起他的名字都是不被允许的。

33、Li Jing,a famous high-ranking officer in Tang Dynasty, was under the official deification of all later dynasties because of his great achievements. ─── 唐代开国名将李靖因其丰功伟绩而为后继历朝列于国家祀典。

34、I think Wenzhou folk were deification. ─── 我认为温州人被神化了。

35、Added Wand of Deific Vengeance ─── 神圣复仇杖

36、You created a deification and a miracle. ─── 你创造了一个神化,创造了一个奇迹。

37、Deification of China Coal Energy up more than 4%. Continuation of the momentum of China's petrochemical prices, currently close to 1% increase. ─── 中国神化中煤能源涨幅超过4%。中国石化延续上涨势头,目前涨幅接近1%。

38、However, Shakespeare advocated more natural deification, Cervantes put the talent of writers on a remarkable position ,reinforcing human abilities and values and regarded human beings as the creature of limitless creativity. ─── 莎士比亚的主张更带有自然神论色彩,塞万提斯则将作家的才情摆在显著的位置,强调人的能力与价值,把人看成是具有无限创造力的生物。

39、The Legend of Deification ─── 封神榜

40、Secular, it opposed deification of any kind, including of a leader like Mao Zedong. ─── 长期以来,人文主义反对任何形式的神化,包括毛主席在内。

41、The traditions of deification of emperors have long existed in China and Japan. ─── 摘要中、日自古皆有神圣化帝王的传统。

42、Mechanical Copy and Deification of TV Media--A Discussion of Modern TV Media's Negative Characteristics ─── 机械复制与电视传媒的神化--试论当代电视传媒的负面特征

43、Exaltation to divine rank or stature; deification. ─── 神化,尊为神宗教地位的升高或发展;神化,尊奉为圣

44、Things occur between friends, like jealousy, aloofness, deification, is not fresh. ─── 朋友间发生的事,像妒忌、疏远、绝交,并不新鲜。

45、That is to say, it interprets “deification” precisely in the same way as Athanasius in the Contra Arianos. ─── 也就是说,改革宗神学就是用亚他拿修在“反亚流(Against Arius)”完全同样的方式来解释“神化”。

46、You created a deification and a miracle. ─── 的神化可能会让他成为印度的笑柄。

47、Bamboo is regarded as a symbol of high reproduction because of its vigorous vitality and unique shape. The generative adoration of bamboo includes genitalia adoration and deification. ─── 竹因其生命力之强盛和繁殖的特殊形态,被原始部族神圣化,视作为生殖和生命的象征而加以崇拜。

48、Deification, Rationalistic Interpretation and Reconstruction of the Logos ─── 逻各斯"的神化与理性主义的解构及重建

49、You created a deification anda miracle. ─── 你创造了一个神化,创造了一个奇迹。

50、The methods Chi Zi-jian applied in her novels on the motif of animals' gratitude include direct, superposition, expansion and deification. ─── 迟子建小说对动物感恩母题的运用方法是直接运用、叠加运用、拓展运用和神化运用。

51、‘Deification’ refers to the transformation of believers into the likeness of God. ─── 厌烦在路途之中迈向未明迈向全新。

52、In the Koran the limited and ceremonial nature of the pilgrimage to Mecca is stated beyond the possibility of dispute, and every precaution was taken by Muhammad to prevent the deification of himself after his death. ─── 《古兰经》对于去麦加朝圣的限制性和礼节性作了明确说明,穆罕默德采取一切措施,防止他自己死后被神化。

53、Of course, all this is not enough to understand, the reasons for their lack of experience, but I do not know all the deification of the outside world than we heard a big seen too much. ─── 当然这是对一切了解得不够,自身阅历不足的原因,神化了一切却不知外面的世界比我们所闻所见大出了太多。

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