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08-26 投稿


ritualistic 发音

[ ,rɪtʃuə'lɪstɪk]

英:  美:

ritualistic 中文意思翻译

adj.仪式的,固守仪式的; 惯例的


ritualistic 网络释义

adj. 仪式的;固守仪式的;惯例的

ritualistic 词性/词形变化,ritualistic变形

副词: ritualistically |

ritualistic 短语词组

1、ritualistic preparations horde wow ─── 仪式准备部落哇

2、ritualistic behavior ─── 仪式行为

3、ritualistic exchange ─── 仪式性交换

4、ritualistic role ─── 仪式角色

5、ritualistic behaviour ─── 仪式行为

6、ritualistic aggression ─── 仪式上的侵略

7、ritualistic reading ─── 仪式性阅读

8、ritualistic ocd ─── 仪式性强迫症

9、ritualistic preparations ─── 仪式准备

10、ritualistic preparations wow ─── 仪式准备哇

ritualistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From the start, the Forbidden City was enmeshed in ritualistic and religious concepts. ─── 起先,这个城就和中国古代哲学和天文学有关。

2、By Egyptian legend, the inhabitants of Keftiu would engage in ritualistic bull fighting, with unarmed Minoan bullfighters wrestling and jumping over uninjured bulls. ─── 埃及的传说,克弗悌乌的居民会参加斗牛仪式,还有克里特文明的角斗士徒手摔跤以及跳牛比赛。

3、Those who are suffering from OCPD do not generally feel the need to repeatedly perform ritualistic actions. ─── 那些遭受强迫性人格障碍折磨的人通常不认为需要重复执行礼节性行为。

4、People try to produce the contextual practice founded on their own benefits, forming a ritualistic “social drama”. ─── 人们试图在饮酒社交消费中进行各种符合自己利益的情境化的表演实践,形成仪式的“社会剧”。

5、So the witchdoctor takes this little stick and performs a ritualistic ceremony around it and “then he tells you to take the stick and point it at your enemy. ─── 巫师拿起一个木棍并举行一个宗教仪式,然后告诉你把这个木棍指着你的敌人。

6、ritualistic aggression ─── 仪式性攻击行为

7、Superb scientific extravagance detained by an equally destructive ritualistic black metal in all formal aspects. ─── 方方面面都能看到典型的毁灭性的黑金属风格,里面是一流而恣意的技术发挥。

8、Ritualistic worshippers of Perkunas, these men enter the fray with a war scythe in hand. ─── 佩尔孔纳卫队皆为狂热信徒,用雪亮战镰在敌阵中收割生命。

9、Many of the accounts of ritualistic initiation bare striking parallels to modern day UFO contactee and abduction lore. ─── 许多关于宗教仪式的记载都和现今的不明飞行物以及绑架传说有着惊人的相似。

10、The Amarr Emperor is the head of a ritualistic authoritarian imperial state and below him are the Five Heirs the heads of the five royal families from which a new Emperor is chosen. ─── 艾玛帝国是一个以宗教为主的君主制帝国,并且帝国有五个世袭家族掌管政权,新的帝国领导人将从这五个神圣的家族继承人中产生。

11、Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic. ─── 无需语言,它的冲动是本能和仪式的。

12、ritualistic ceremony ─── 仪式, 典礼

13、Their power and strength comes through physical combat, and most of their warrior caste bear scars obtained from skirmishes with Utraean or Hassat forces or from ritualistic combat training. ─── 他们强壮的力量让他们在近战搏斗中佔有优势,大部分的蜥人族战士身上都带有伤疤,这都是与优崔恩人或哈萨族军队战斗时,或是进行仪式性的战斗训练时留下的。

14、Do you vow to vanquish evil wherever it be found, and protect the weak and innocent with your very life?” the Archbishop asked Taelan in a ritualistic tone. ─── 你发誓,不论在何时何地,只要发现邪恶的存在,你就会毫不忧郁将之粉碎,用你的每一滴血去保护弱小和无辜吗?"主教用一种宗教仪式的口吻问着泰兰.

15、a ritualistic act of worship ─── 崇拜仪式

16、Blockages in this zone are often triggered by traumatic experiences such as accidents, difficulty in birth, tragedies, and drug or ritualistic abuse, and may stem from transgenerational patterns. ─── 该区域的堵塞常常是由过往痛苦的经历所引发的,如意外事故,难产,悲剧,药物滥用或过多的仪式主义,也可能源自跨代模式。

17、any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe,used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation ─── 任一种印度教和佛教所用到的帮助禅定的象征宇宙的几何图形

18、Naturally this includes his ritualistic worship, such as prayer, as well. ─── 自然,这也包括他的宗教仪式,如礼拜等。

19、exaggerated emphasis on the importance of rites or ritualistic forms in worship ─── 在膜拜中对仪式或典礼重要性的夸大

20、Granny made it imperative, however, that I attend certain all-night ritualistic prayer meetings. ─── 无论如何,姥姥都命令我必须参加某种通宵的仪式性的祈祷会。

21、Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation. ─── 曼荼罗任一种印度教和佛教所用到的帮助禅定的象征宇宙的几何图形

22、She thinks that the removal of the victim's feet was ritualistic. ─── 并且她认为,砍掉对受害人的脚是一种仪式.

23、ritualistic role ─── 仪式角色

24、In Islam, the term ‘ibadah (service, worship) does not merely signify the ritualistic activities such as Salah (ritual Prayer), fasting, Zakah (obligatory alms) or Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah). ─── 在伊斯兰中,术语‘依巴代’(宗教仪式,功修)并不仅仅意味着像礼拜,封斋,天课(义务施舍)或朝觐(麦加等等之类的仪式活动。

25、With his bestial fighting style reliant on his natural attributes and ritualistic purges of natural accretions, he has become an unconventional ally in the fight. ─── 由于他天生的特性以及经过大自然仪式上的净化所养成兽性的战斗风格使他在战场上成为了一名不依惯例战斗的盟友。

26、The Temazcal allows people to undergo a ritualistic cleansing of body and mind. This increases population health, religion and happiness. ─── 蒸疗浴场令人们通过治疗仪式净化身体和灵魂,能够提高提高城邑人口增长、信仰虔诚和居民满意程度。

27、It might stretch its wings up or out, maybe even returning them to their place against the back in a ritualistic, dance-like motion. ─── 牠会把翅膀向上或向外伸,又或者像举行一个仪式的,像舞蹈般的把翼收回背部。

28、Each evening she bursts into her apartment with a ritualistic shout of "Honey I'm home!" ─── 每天晚上她都是一边嚷着“亲爱的,我回来啦!”一边冲进公寓。

29、They dragged up a young boy's body who was the victim of a ritualistic killing. ─── 他们拖出了一具男孩的尸体,他是仪式杀戮的受害者.

30、Turn in unwanted ancient parts to the Ritualist. ─── 将不需要的古代装甲部件交给上述的祭司。

31、Granny made it imperative, however, that I attend certain all - night ritualistic prayer meetings. ─── 无论如何, 姥姥都命令我必须参加某种通宵的仪式性的祈祷会.

32、a ritualistic act of worship ─── 崇拜仪式

33、Call it tacky, rude, maybe even thoughtless, but "regifting" is about as ritualistic as giving away that lump of jellied fruit every year. ─── 到了年底,各类节日接踵而至,办喜事的人也络绎不绝。

34、Pre-eminent among these traditions is wrestling. On Mongolia's national day I witnessed this sweaty, ritualistic, trial of strength between men wearing boots and tight-fitting briefs. ─── 在蒙古文化传统中最突出的就是摔跤。在国庆节那一天,我目睹了男子之间力量的较量。两位选手身穿紧身短袖背心,脚上穿着马靴,较量起来大汗淋漓,但是很讲究规矩。

35、The Bangkok conference, like most primary sessions of this type, seemed to be the more symbolic and ritualistic in its significance ─── 同大多数这类会议的首届会议一样,曼谷会议显得更具有象征意义和礼节性

36、Mixed with ritualistic and filmic fragments, the music is very dark and imaginative in which the deepest corners of the sick human mind is layed open. ─── 音乐混合着仪式和电影片段,非常黑暗并且富于想象,病态头脑的最深角落向人们打开。

37、A world-creating moment is the life-changing personal decision which you made during the last four years, since the preceding ritualistic period. You must draw a diagram of your world-creating moment. ─── 世界创造的时机是您在最近四年期间由于之前的仪式做出的改变生活的个人决定时的期间。您必须得画出您创造世界的时机图。

38、meeting, the convener and I stress, not our call today is commercial or not, a few days to call others also said commercial Yes, the discussion has become ritualistic and meaningless. ─── 开会前,我和召集人讲,不要今天把我们请来说商住不好,过几天再请其它人说商住也不错,把讨论变成抄作,没有意义。

39、an advocate of strict observance of ritualistic forms. ─── 主张严格遵守仪式的人。

40、A world-creating moment is the life-changing personal decision which you made during the last four years, since the preceding ritualistic period. ─── 世界创造的时机是您在最近四年期间由于之前的仪式做出的改变生活的个人决定时的期间。

41、7.“Do you vow to vanquish evil wherever it be found, and protect the weak and innocent with your very life?” the Archbishop asked Taelan in a ritualistic tone. ─── "你发誓,不论在何时何地,只要发现邪恶的存在,你就会毫不忧郁将之粉碎,用你的每一滴血去保护弱小和无辜吗?"主教用一种宗教仪式的口吻问着泰兰.

42、A - M - F's works are beyond just music and probably considered art of ritualistic noise. ─── A-M-F的作品不能仅仅以音乐来形容,也许说它是仪式噪音更贴切.

43、The ritualistic exhibition introduces the ritual of Ma deity temple in Zherong, Fujian Province to express cultural meaning of Ma deity . ─── 仪式的展演介绍以福建柘荣马仙庙为个案的仪式对马仙信仰的表达及其文化内涵。

44、Fixed the functionality of the Ritualist preorder staff Spiritbinder. ─── 修复了祭祀者的预售包法杖。

45、In place of symmetrical, ritualistic campaigns against another organized state, this latter threat pitted the steppe against the city. ─── 组织结构不同的政权之间的对阵取代了原先相似政权之间的交战,这也就是日后留下深刻印记的草原对城市的威胁。

46、In the same way, morality is not a ritualistic obedience to some exterior, imposed code of behavior. ─── 同样,道德不是仪式化的遵守某些来自外部的行为准则。

47、They dragged up a young boy's body who was the victim of a ritualistic killing. ─── 他们拖出了一具男孩的尸体,他是仪式杀戮的受害者。

48、Today,lamaism remains the religion followed by the majority of Tibetans, its many ritualistic activities continuing to embody the Tibetans' philosophy of life. ─── 今天佛教依然为多数藏族群众所信奉,充满形式感的各种宗教活动,包容了高原人对生活的哲思、热切和期盼。

49、Ritualistic devotion consists in repeating the name of God and performing worship in a prescribed manner. ─── 对仪式的热爱包括重复神的名字和以规定的方式去履行崇拜。

50、exaggerated emphasis on the importance of rites or ritualistic forms in worship. ─── 在膜拜中对仪式或典礼重要性的夸大。

51、Normally, the closing session of the forum displays ritualistic expectation that the trade round will be completed in the coming year, but there was little such optimism in 2009. ─── 通常,这个论坛的闭幕式会仪式性地表达对于本轮贸易谈判能在本年度完成的企盼,但是这种乐观情绪在2009年烟消云散。

52、Taoism is a ritualistic religion, and the temple is often used for ceremonies ranging from parades to exorcisms. ─── 教道非常注重礼仪,道观经常会举行各种各样的仪式,或为传道,或为驱魔。

53、You'd think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set, but in fact, Eberle notes, such ritualistic behavior helps us "step outside time's flow" into "soul time". ─── 你可能认为这样做会加强效率的思维定式,但实际上,埃伯利指出,养成这种习惯能帮助我们“跳出时间流逝”的思维,进入“灵魂时间”。

54、We don't need any other ritualistic Christian priesthoods and sacrifices as a result of finished work of Jesus. ─── 除了耶稣以外,基督徒不需要别的祭司,因耶稣已经永远完成了大祭司须做的工作.

55、"Ya-Mian:" A Ritualistic Nuo Drama of the Buyeis ─── 布依族仪式性傩戏"哑面"

56、The selection and determination of the persons whom sacrifice to reflect the Ritualist's different understandings to the connotation of Confucian orthodoxy. ─── 而不同祭祀对象的选择和确定所反映的是祭祀者对儒家道统内涵的不同理解。

57、You are being paid to gather whatever information you can about these ritualistic sacrifices, and bring the true perpetrators into the open. ─── 你被雇来收集所有与这些仪式性的屠杀相关的信息,并负责把真正的罪犯公布于众。

58、A-M-F's works are beyond just music and probably considered art of ritualistic noise. ─── A-M-F的作品不能仅仅以音乐来形容,也许说它是仪式噪音更贴切。

59、While there are gender differences in conversational style and ritual use of language, the important point is that taking ritualistic language literally can lead to problematic perceptions of others. ─── 性别差异的确存在于交谈方式和语言使用的礼节性方式中,但重要的是如果从字面上去理解礼节性语言会导致对他人的错误判断。

60、Each evening she bursts into her apartment with a ritualistic shout of "Honey I'm home!" ─── 每天晚上她都会像往常一样一边嚷着“亲爱的,我回来啦!”一边冲进公寓。

61、Misunderstandings often occur because men fail to recognize them as ritualistic, and women do not realize that men will take them literally. ─── 于是种种误解时常出现,因为男性没有听出那些表达是礼节性的,而女性也没有意识到男性是照字面意思去理解的。

62、But this is not to belittle the importance of ritualistic worship. ─── 但这并不是轻视了仪式功修的重要性。

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