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08-26 投稿


materially 发音

英:[mə'tɪərɪəlɪ]  美:[məˈtɪriəli]

英:  美:

materially 中文意思翻译



materially 网络释义

adv. 实质地;物质上;极大地

materially 反义词


materially 词性/词形变化,materially变形

动词过去式: materialized |动词过去分词: materialized |动词现在分词: materializing |名词: materialization |动词第三人称单数: materializes |

materially 同义词

significantly | centrally | pertinently | considerably | immensely | substantially | importantly | greatly | substantively | essentially

materially 短语词组

1、materially alter ─── 实质性变更

2、materially define ─── 实质上定义

3、materially syn ─── 材料syn

4、materially defined ─── 实质性定义

5、materially equivalent ─── 实质上等同

6、materially less ─── 实质上更少

7、materially agree ─── 实质上同意

8、materially breach ─── 重大违约

9、materially speaking ─── 实质上说

10、materially and adversely ─── 重大不利影响

11、materially leave ─── 实质上离开

12、materially definition ─── 实质性定义

13、materially and spiritually ─── 物质上和精神上

materially 相似词语短语

1、laterally ─── adv.旁边地

2、arterially ─── 动脉的;动脉状的

3、amatorially ─── 恋爱的

4、bacterially ─── 细菌地

5、maternally ─── adv.母亲般地

6、material ─── n.材料;用具;(有指明特征的)人才;素材;曲目;布料;adj.物质的;身体需要的;和推理内容有关的;重要的;(证据或事实)决定性的;客观存在的;物欲的;n.(Material)(意、美)妈特力娅丽(人名)

7、immaterially ─── 非物质地;无形地;不重要地;非实质地

8、materiality ─── n.物质性,重要性;物质

9、aerially ─── adv.空想地;在空中;象空气一样

materially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Defect other than those which result from the licensed material materially failing to meet vtel's specification. ─── 不是由核准部件导致的过失,本质上不满足VTEL规格。

2、Members observed that such transactions would be unlikely to be large enough to materially influence market yields. ─── 委员会成员留意到这些掉期交易涉及的数额不可能会大至足以对市场收益率构成实质影响。

3、Use daily and weekly charts to materially improve your stock selection and earning. ─── 使用每日和每周图表来显著提高你的选股和收益。

4、15. He realized that there is very little that he can offer Frieda materially. ─── 他认识到他在物质上能给予弗里达的帮助实在是微不足道的。

5、This brief history mentions only a very few of those who contributed materially to early developments leading up to the diesel engine. ─── 这些简短的历史仅仅提及到极少数几位致力于柴油机早期发展而有重大贡献的人物。

6、l a more rigorous assessment of the risks of where and how the financial statements could be materially misstated; ─── 在哪里和怎样使财务报告能发生重大错误的风险将被更严格谨慎的评估;

7、Unless the following materially breaching events occur, the two parties agree neither party shall terminate this Contract at will. ─── 双方同意任一方不得随意终止该合同,除非任一方有下列实质性的违约事件发生。

8、Tarski thought that a satisfactory definition of truth should satisfy two conditions: (1)It is formally correct; (2)It is materially adequate. ─── 塔斯基认为,令人满意的真句子定义应该满足两个条件:(1)形式上正确:(2)实质上适当。

9、Internet users and providers cannot be held liable for posting libelous materi: al written by someone else, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously tod: ay. ─── 加利福尼亚高级法院今天无异议裁决:互联网使用者和提供者对于发表他人所写的诽谤材:料不必承担责任。

10、It is true, I never assisted the sun materially in his rising, but, doubt not, it was of the last importance only to be present at it. ─── 真的,我虽没有具体地助日出以一臂之力,可是不要怀疑,在日出之前出现是最重要的事了。

11、A person who knowingly or recklessly makes any false or incorrect statement or gives information which is materially false or misleading commits an offence under the law. ─── 任何人士如明知或罔顾后果地作出任何虚假或不正确的陈述,或提供属虚假达关键程度或具误导性达关键程度的资料,即属违法。

12、Never mind that the bank could better use those resources materially to transform the many African countries starved of foreign capital and lagging so dramatically behind the rest of the world. ─── 也不管世行本可以把这些资源借给广大非洲国家,使其实现实质性转变,这些非洲国家无法获得外国资本,远远落后于世界其它地区。

13、The Li-ion high power batteries with the capacity of 10Ah and 7.5Ah were introduced about their designs,performance,choice of the main raw materi als,manufacture process and their quality control. ─── 介绍了大容量动力型10Ah锂离子电池和高功率型7.5Ah锂离子电池的产品设计、技术指标确认、主要原材料的选择、制造工艺过程和性能检测情况。

14、If Party B materially breaches this Contract, Party A is entitled to request Party B, by issuing a written notice, to redress the breach with in fifteen (15) days upon receiving such notice. ─── 如果乙方实质性违反本合同,甲方经发出书面通知,有权要求乙方在收到书面通知后十五(15)天内改正违约行为。

15、When Mr Harris arrived, he declared his patient materially better. ─── 哈里斯先生到来后,宣布他的病人大有好转。

16、Is it more important for you to be rich materially or rich in God's sight? ─── 对你来说,在物质上丰富或是在神的面前富足哪一样较重要?

17、For instance, "contributory infringement" requires that the software distributor "materially contribute" to users’ infringement of copyright, and have knowledge of it. ─── 例如,“贡献侵权”要求软件发布者“实质地贡献”于使用者的侵权,并且知道它。

18、Typically, magnesium levels in soils under no tillage do not change materially from those under conventional tillage. ─── 免耕和传统耕作制相比,土壤中镁的含量没有实质的变化。

19、Materially they are no better off. ─── 他们的物质生活并没有改善。

20、The taxes that insurance companies pay-which increased materially, though on a delayed basis, upon enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 - took a further turn for the worse at the end of 1987. ─── 去年在年报中详述刚通过的税负改革法案,使得保险公司支付的税负以递延渐进的形式大幅增加,这种情况在1987年更加恶化,

21、The benefits of one's becoming a chuangyiian (("No. 1" in the Imperial examinations),or even a third-class chinshih,are both sentimentally and materially shared by members of his immediate family,his relatives,his clan,and even his town. ─── 一个人中了状元或进士之后,他的家人、亲戚、族人、甚至于同镇的人,在情感上和物质上,都可以靠他获得一些利益。

22、A market condition in which purchasers are so few that the actions of any one of them can materially affect price and the costs that competitors must pay. ─── 寡头买主垄断一种由少量买方控制的市场状况,由于买主极少,以至于任一买主的行为都有可能极大地影响价格及竞买者所必须偿付的费用

23、modify materially ─── 作实质性的修改

24、Speaking after United's win over Celtic, Sir Alex told MUTV: "I read about it [Madrid's new bid] on teletext and I spoke to David Gill and nothing has really materially changed. ─── 在战胜凯尔特人后的采访中,阿莱克斯爵士告诉MUTV:“我看到了关于皇马新报价的报道,我同大卫.吉尔谈过,他告诉我说目前并无任何的实质性的进展”。

25、In name is lets purchasing homes result in materially beneficially, this is only for actually the purchasing homes psychology comfort, and gives preferential benefit not really. ─── 名义上是让买房者得实惠,实际这只是给买房者心理安慰,并无真实优惠。

26、"Provided that where a bill has been materially altered, but the alteration is not apparent," ─── 但如汇票已作重要更改,然在外观上并不明显

27、"I read it on teletext and I spoke to [chief executive] David Gill and nothing has really materially changed," Ferguson told MUTV. ─── “我在电视上看到了那些消息,但我于大卫吉尔谈过了,实际上一切都没有改变。”

28、These income are not by “the compensation for removal” the form existence, is actually Wall Street Gao Guanmen materially “the gold chute”. ─── 对于危机大爆发前的巨额资产流失,华尔街金融高层们似乎也难逃干系。

29、He was well-off materially. ─── 他物质上很富裕。

30、Members observed that such transactions would be unlikely to be large enough to materially influence market yields. ─── 委员会成员留意到这些掉期交易涉及的数额不可能会大至足以对市场收益率构成实质影响。

31、Below the participation of high-tech, the mankind extends his vivosphere ceaselessly, and entered the phase with relatively abundant materially, but. ─── 在高科技的参与下,人类不断的拓展自己的生存空间,并且进入了物质上相对富足的阶段,但是。

32、Third, must revolve the people materially beneficially, to further solve the livelihood of the people problem. ─── 三是要围绕人民群众得实惠,进一步解决好民生问题。

33、Their relatively insignificant share of the global economy makes us believe that their exclusion from our analysis would not materially affect our results and our conclusions. ─── 它们对于全球经济的无关紧要性使我们认为,它们的缺失并不会有形地影响到我们分析的结果及作出的结论。

34、it aided him materially in winning the argument. ─── 它在他赢得辩论的胜利方面起到了很大的作用。

35、They were supported by us both materially and spiritually. ─── 他们既得到了我们的物质上的支持也得到我们精神上的声援。

36、They express love materially. ─── 他们通过实物来表达爱意。

37、Also, pricing and invoicing oil should not materially alter what oil exporters do with the receipts, at least in the short run. ─── 再则,石油的定价和报价货币的变化并不会令产油国出口收入的使用方式发生很大变化。

38、Without experiencing any wartime hardship and social upheavals,they were born and bred in a stable society that is materially and culturally affluent,hence their strong desire and aspiration for material gains. ─── 他们没有经受过战乱,也没有经历过重大的社会动荡,一直在稳定的、物质文明极之丰富的条件下成长和生活。因此,对现代物质有强烈的向往和追求。

39、"We are materially so much better off than we were 50 years ago, but we're not one iota happier," says Chris Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan. ─── “我们在物质上比50年前要好上许多倍,但是我们丝毫没有感到更快乐,”密歇根大学的心理学教授克里斯"彼得斯这样评价。

40、But to transform such a body into a governing mechanism requires making its decisions materially affect the domestic debate in each of its signatory countries. ─── 但要想把这样一个组织转变成一种管理机制,就需要使该组织的决定对成员国国内的辩论产生实质性的影响。

41、Economic development of the world is materially unbalanced,and the North-South gap is further widening. The developing countries have gained less from the economic globalization process,and some of them are in danger of being marginalized. ─── 世界经济发展很不平衡,南北差距进一步扩大,发展中国家在经济全球化进程中获益较少,有的面临被边缘化的危险。

42、A market condition in which sellers are so few that the actions of any one of them will materially affect price and have a measurable impact on competitors. ─── 寡头卖主垄断一种由少数卖方控制的市场状况。因为卖主极少,以至卖主的任何行为都可能对价格产生实质影响,从而对其竞争对手产生相当大的冲击影响力

43、In this course, you will learn to successfully face the challenge of negotiating materially rewarding deals while also building your social capital. ─── 学习本课程,你将能成功地面对各种协商挑战,这些挑战不但有实质报酬;而且,也有助建立社会资本。

44、They were supported by us both materially and spiritually. ─── 他们既得到了我们的物质上的支持也得到我们精神上的声援。

45、Their comments have not materially affected our plans(= in a noticeable or important way). ─── 他们的评价并没有对我们的计划产生多么重要的影响。

46、Factitious what and living? ? Feeling? ? Have a meal? ? Belief? ? Return be materially to enjoy? ? ─── 人为什么而活着??感情??吃饭??信念??还是物质上的享受??

47、The Indemnified Party's failure to provide such notice shall not preclude it from seeking indemnification hereunder unless such failure has materially prejudiced the Indemnifying Party's ability to defend such claim. ─── 受补偿方未给予该通知并不排除其按本合同规定寻求补偿,除非未给予该通知使补偿方抗辩该索赔请求的能力受到实质影响。

48、For a wise government or a wise people, it takes more to be wise than just looking after people materially, but that is one of the starting points. ─── 不过贤明的政府或智者不只是要照顾人民的物质生活而已,那只是一个起点。

49、"We think that Microsoft is in a position to take the lead, materially, in the fifth-generation game console fight," said Merrill Lynch analysts in a report last week. ─── 分析师在上周的一份报告中表示,“我们认为,在第五代游戏机产品的竞争中,微软将占据实质性领先地位。

50、Keep track of where you are financially, materially, and emotionally before you find yourself too worn down to continue. ─── 在你觉得情况太坏而不能继续以前,要在财务上、物质上和情感上保持跟踪。

51、BOKE stainless steel hollow bathroom hangs, is during the guarantee outward appearance and quality, a section of economical practical product which promotes, the price is materially beneficial. ─── BOKE不锈钢空心浴室挂件,是在保证外观与品质的同时,推出的一款经济实用的产品,价格实惠。

52、If Party B materially breaches this Contract, Parry A is entitled to request Party B, by issuing a written notice, to redress the breach within fifteen (15) days upon receiving such notice. ─── 如乙方实质性违反合同,甲方则有权以书面通知的形式要求乙方自收到该通知15天内就违约所导致的损失补偿甲方。

53、His day had been spent in a way which varied very materially from his intentions regarding it. ─── 那一天过得和他原来所打算的相距十万八千里。

54、'We're going to need some serious healing before you can actually sustain a rally that goes materially beyond current levels,' Mr. Temple says. ─── 坦普尔说,在能够保持涨势之前,我们需要一些切实的复苏,比目前的水平还要实实在在。

55、But, not only use function and quality demands are important, but also aesthetic, emotional, and other experiential factors, some of which are hard or impossible to express measurably and materially. ─── 但除了使用功能和产品质量很重要外,审美、情感和其他经验上的因素也十分重要,而且这其中有些因素是很难或者说不可能定量的、具体的表现出来。

56、Keywords Emulsion Flavor;Stability;Cloudiness;Raw Materi als;Application; ─── 乳化香精;稳定性;浊度;原料;应用;

57、Materially, he is robbing the common people even of their food and clothing, making them cry out in hunger and cold; ─── 在物质上,掠夺普通人民的衣食,使广大人民啼饥号寒;

58、For many years, I society have collected the market information positively, knows the market quotation, provides for the customer is richer, a more materially beneficial product. ─── 多年来,我社积极搜集市场信息,掌握市场行情,为客户提供更丰富、更实惠的产品。

59、Pressure comes either way,materially and emotionally. ─── 压力来自两方面,既有物质上的,也有感情上的。

60、Their views on the issue are materially different. ─── 他们对这个问题的看法明显不同。

61、In the context of globalization, peoples lives become more formulized, modal and digital.The more capacious people enjoy materially bound, the narrower people's spiritual space is. ─── 在全球化语境下,人们的生活越来越程序化、模式化和数字化,物质上享受的范畴越宽,精神上的空间却越来越窄。

62、Not only is the city materially developed, but its people are also spiritually evolved. The local historical monuments offer a glimpse into the advanced ancient Peruvian civilization. ─── 他们不仅在物质方面发展,灵性方面也高度发展,从当地的古迹便得以一窥古代文明的进步程度。

63、3) materially falsifies header information in multiple commercial electronic mail messages and intentionally initiates the transmission of such messages, ─── 在各种商业电子邮件讯息中实质上伪造标题信息,有意发送此类讯息;

64、When Mr. Harris arrived, he declared his patient materially better. ─── 哈里斯先生到来后,宣布他的病人大有好转。

65、Human being is a spiritual creature,therefore materially avail never make satisfaction on the truly side. ─── 人是灵性的生物,因此物质收益永远不可能使其真正感到满足.

66、From materially to spiritually: studies of cultural development on fishing ─── 从物质到精神:钓鱼活动的文化变迁解读

67、Then, too, we are a materially improved society, and by our own improvements we seem to have weakened the case for further change. ─── 此外,我们是个物质生活已得到改善的社会,通过自己状况的改善我们似乎已削弱了进一步变革的理由。

68、The downside risk was that a sharp slowdown in the economy, associated with weak real income growth and the tightening in the supply of credit, pulled inflation materially below the target. ─── 下跌的风险是,急剧放缓的经济,与薄弱的实际收入增长和紧缩的信贷供给,退出重大低于通货膨胀率的目标。

69、And people will enjoy much more both materially and spiritually. ─── 人类的物质生活和精神生活将会得到极大地丰富。

70、The development of medern TV is materially based on semiconductor memories of which fixed ROM,EAROM and dynamic MOSRAM are the most-widely used. ─── 固定ROM、EAROM和动态MOSRAM在现代电视中得到广泛的应用。 从而使得电视遥控、PIP电视、数字电视飞速发展。

71、If Party B materially breaches this Contract, Party A is entitled to request Party B, by issuing a written notice, to redress the breach within fifteen (15) days upon receiving such notice. ─── 如果乙方实质性违反本合同,甲方经发出书面通知,有权要求乙方在收到书面通知后十五(15)天内改正违约行为。

72、It is materially ahead of other countries. ─── 在物质上,它比其他国家优越。

73、Acquiring and cultivating a revolutionary spirit does not necessarily require a high level of development materially or a very high level of education. ─── 学习和培养这些革命精神,并不需要多么好的物质条件,也不需要多么高的教育程度。

74、Therefore, we must be prepared, mentally and materially, to avoid being caught unawares by such a sudden turn. ─── 因此,我们在精神上和物质上都要有所准备,当着突然事变发生的时候,才不至于措手不及。

75、He loved him, and He hungered to give him that peace and grace and joy which would materially change his character. ─── 基督爱他,渴望把那足以根本改变他品性的平安、恩典和喜乐都赐给他。

76、He has tried to help this child materially and spiritually. ─── 他已经尽力在物质和精神上帮助这个孩子了。

77、But be abandoned in marriage,go up grown child, no matter how materially is rich, also cannot oversew the crack on the heart. ─── 可是在婚姻废都上长大的孩子,无论物质上多么富裕,也无法缝合心灵上的裂痕。

78、However, they warn that if it does arrive, 'it will not do so soon enough to improve materially the GDP outlook for the next two quarters. ─── 但他们也警告说,如果政府真的出台财政刺激措施,那也不会很快见效,不足以明显改善未来两个季度的GDP走势。

79、Accelerating development of the eastern region will strengthen the country financially, materially, scientifically and technologically, thereby providing more support for the development of the central and western regions. ─── 东部地区加快发展,有利于增强国家财力、物力和科技实力,更好地支持中西部地区发展。

80、The later cargo will fly straight brings bigger materially beneficial and win-win for their company and Taiwan consumer. ─── 以后货物直航将为他们公司和台湾消费者带来更大的实惠和双赢。

81、If party A materially breaches this Contract, Party B or its successor in interest is entitled to terminate this Contract or claim damages for the breach of contract. ─── 如果甲方在实质上违反本合同,乙方或获益于乙方的继任者有权终止本合同,或是要求得到违约赔偿。

82、In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises. ─── 在投保单上你被问及是否有任何易燃物被存储在房屋里。

83、It is materially a problem on how to understand and treat Marxism correctly. ─── 它实质上是个如何正确认识和对待马克思主义的问题。

84、In buys this time what chooses is only then good, the performance needs certainly to elect to be only then good well, wants certainly as for the price materially beneficially; ─── 在买本的时候挑选什么样的才好呢,性能当然要选不错的才行,至于价格当然要实惠的;

85、Materially they are no better off. ─── 他们的物质生活并没有改善。

86、Application of TJ281-BEP new waterproof coiled materi als in the tunnel project ─── TJ281-BEP新型防水卷材在隧道工程中的应用

87、The spacious inner space, the materially beneficial price, the big dipper is also quite satisfying in kinetic and the manoeuvring aspect's performance. ─── 宽敞的内部空间,实惠的价格,北斗星在动力性与操控性方面的表现也比较让人满意。

88、A purported acceptance dispatched by the offeree which materially alters the terms of the offer constitutes a new offer. ─── 受要约人对要约的内容作出实质性变更的,为新要约。

89、The many loopholes that have enabled profiteers to make money from the Clean Development Mechanism, without materially affecting emissions, are examples. ─── 例如,为奸商们留下空子可钻,使他们通过“清洁发展机制”捞到好处,而没有从本质上影响到排放量。

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