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08-10 投稿


conversing 发音

英:[kənˈvɜːsɪŋ]  美:[kənˈvɜːrsɪŋ]

英:  美:

conversing 中文意思翻译



conversing 词性/词形变化,conversing变形

动词过去分词: conversed |动词第三人称单数: converses |动词现在分词: conversing |副词: conversely |动词过去式: conversed |

conversing 短语词组

1、conversing with the self ─── 自言 ─── 自语

2、conversing would be lost ─── 谈话就没法了

3、conversing with ─── 谈心

4、conversing with a kind soul ─── 心地善良地交谈

5、conversing on ─── 正在对话

6、conversing at ─── 在交谈

7、conversing right ─── 对话权

conversing 相似词语短语

1、convexing ─── 对流

2、convecting ─── v.通过对流传送(热,物质);(流体)对流

3、convening ─── 召开

4、converting ─── n.转化,改变;皈依;v.使改变;皈依(convert的现在分词);兑换

5、conversant ─── adj.熟悉的;精通的;亲近的

6、converging ─── n.合并,会聚;adj.会聚的,收敛;v.聚合,集中于一点(converge的ing形式)

7、conversions ─── n.[心理][化学]转化(conversion的复数形式);转换策略

8、conveying ─── n.输送,传输;v.传达(信息),表达(思想);运输;转让(财产)(convey的现在分词)

9、conversion ─── n.转换;变换;[金融]兑换;改变信仰

conversing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sri Ramakrishna was in his room at Dakshineswar, conversing with the devotees. It was about nine o'clock in the morning. ─── 大约上午九点,室利罗摩克里希纳与他的奉献者在达克希什瓦的房间内与奉献者们交谈起来。

2、Realization of Rules Conversing Software During Five-Prevention Operation ─── 五防操作中规则转换软件的实现

3、When conversing I just hear the words.That's all. ─── 在和人谈话时,我听的是别人说的话,仅此而已。

4、Thus conversing, they wore away the hours. ─── 他们这样交谈着,消磨时间。

5、On the other hand,communicative translation is actually used with high frequency.Generally speaking,implicit cohesion,combination and conversing ... ─── 另一方面,交际翻译的使用频率相当高,常用的手段包括隐性衔接、合并、句式转换等。

6、I find that conversing with her is quite difficult. ─── 和她交谈实在很困难。

7、Electrical Haulage Shearer with Frequency Conver sion ─── 交流变频电牵引采煤机试验检测方法的研究

8、On the basis of analyzing the control step for ice conversing to hydrate and introducing the sign function, the unreacted core shrinking model for hydrate formation was proposed. ─── 在对冰转化为水合物控制步骤分析的基础上,引入符号函数并提出一个改进的未反应核收缩模型来描述冰转化为水合物的动力学。

9、Imagery conversing technique was dan gerous to some degree because it contacted directly the deep personality of the client. ─── 但意象对话技术可以直接面对来访者人格的深层面,这在一定程度上存在危险性。

10、Conversing Method Based on CAGD for Performance Curve of Centrifugal Pumps Handling Viscous Liquid ─── 基于CAGD的输送粘液离心泵性能曲线换算方法

11、Be prepared to conver cover early plantings during the night if there is still a risk of freeze. ─── 假如仍然存在霜冻的风险,在夜晚就要给初期植物准备覆盖物。

12、On the other hand, communicative translation is actually used with high frequency.Generally speaking, implicit cohesion, combination and conversing are most common in use. ─── 另一方面,交际翻译的使用频率相当高,常用的手段包括隐性衔接、合并、句式转换等。

13、He is lodging near the Qinhuai river, and at night overhears two drowned ghosts conversing. ─── 他羁旅于秦淮河畔,夜晚无意间听到两个淹死鬼的谈话。

14、The application of frequency conversing system in flux controlling ─── 交流变频调速系统在流量调节上的应用

15、s, the pioneers of artificial intelligence predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing our housework. ─── 年代,人工智能的先驱们预测,到本世纪末,计算机将在工作中与我们对话,机器人将完成我们的家务劳动。

16、Both Chinese-educated, they feel more comfortable and confident conversing in Mandarin or Fujian dialeet. ─── 因为受华文教育,用华语或福建话交谈,他们会感觉比较自在和有信心。

17、You are hiding behind the music, conversing with the voices floating in the niches and then, slowly dissolve into the sky. ─── 你躲在音乐背后,和那些飘荡在角落的声音对话,最后化為一股尘土飘散於天空。

18、This time I found myself conversing with people instead of logging off. ─── 于是当我再次面对陌生人时,我用主动交谈代替了注销离线。

19、After spending the morning in conversing with all who came, we visited the Hae Hong, one of the Mandarins who has ever been very friendly. ─── 在用一个上午与来到这里的人交谈后,我们访问了韩红,他是很友好往来的清朝官吏之一。

20、Two friends are conversing with each other。 ─── 两位朋友正在彼此谈话。

21、After conversing for a few minutes, the friendly bum told me to follow him. ─── 在闲聊了几分钟后,这个平易武士的老落难汉要我跟他走。

22、Although my grandparents were quiet by nature, I always enjoyed conversing with my grandpa. Talking to him was like reading a living history book. ─── 他们俩总是很沈静,但我总会找机会跟祖父聊天,跟他讲话就像在阅读一本活的历史书。

23、They were conversing in the parlor. ─── 他们正在客厅谈话。

24、And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Him. ─── 3看哪,有摩西和以利亚向他们显现,同耶稣谈话。

25、"I certainly have not the talent which some people possess," said Darcy, "of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. ─── “我的确不像有些人那样天生就有那种本事,”达西说,“能同素不相识的人轻松自如的交谈。

26、Grandpa would not always join in children's conversing, but there will always be a time when something would catch his attention. ─── 不过祖父并不总是加入到这种孩童们的嬉戏之中,只是有时候,总有那麽点东西能够吸引到他的注意。

27、They form a sharp contrast against the former vogue of unity and conver gence, reflecting the intellectual longing for freedom. ─── 在这后面,显然隐寓着向往自由的时代文人之心态转向。研究明中叶后杂剧发展演变的历史文化背景,不能不注意到这一点。

28、She sat conversing with the President. ─── 她坐着与总统交谈.


30、Conversing Effective Innovation into Business Opportunity ─── 将有效创新转化为企业商机

31、In my career, I've had the great honor of meeting and conversing with many of the most accomplished men and women of my generation. ─── 在我的工作生涯中,我有幸遇见了许多与我同一时代的卓有成就的男人、女人并和他们交谈过。

32、8. The key to mutual reality is that the participants are aware of each other when they are conversing through MUD. ─── 共同现实的关键是当参加者透过多位使用者区域谈话时,他们意识到对方真实的存在。

33、A transformation plan of adding a switching device and a frequency conver for alternate case is offered so as to strengthen safe reliability. ─── 为加强安全可靠性,提出了增加切换装置变频器互为备用的改造方案。

34、This system can startup the little pump at the vale of using water to saving power .System can still operates automati cally with failure of frequency conver... ─── 变频器故障时仍能自动运行,保证不间断供水,同时故障消除后能自启动,实现无人值守全自动运行。

35、But it also faces the problem of conversing choice and the moral hazards. ─── 但它也会面临逆向选择和道德风险的问题。

36、What infinite delight would there be in conversing with them and asking them questions! ─── 与他们交流思想并向他们请教问题,将是多么的快乐。

37、A nervous taxpayer was unhappily conversing with the IRS Tax auditor who had come to review his records. ─── 一个神色紧张的纳税人正闷闷不乐地与前来查帐的税务审计员交谈着。

38、While the two men, who had at last approached each other, were conversing, grandmama walked over to the grove. ─── 两个人终于走到一起,他们在谈话的时候,奶奶向小树林走去。

39、Cardio Cocktail? delivers in each ounce 5grams of pure grade l-arginine that the body convers into nitric oxide. ─── 健康鸡尾酒每盎司都有5克的纯左旋精氨酸,这能转换成一氧化氮。

40、“But if for any reason you dislike conversing with me,” said the old man, “then you say so, sir. ─── “但是,如果我们之间的谈话因为某种缘故会使您感到不愉快的话,”老头子说,“那末,阁下,就请您率直地说。”

41、Their insurance policy convers fire only, not earthquake. ─── 他们的保单只包括火险,并不包括地震险。

42、Mt. 17:3 And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Him. ─── 太十七3看哪,有摩西和伊莱贾向他们显现,同耶稣谈话。

43、On a bench opposite Liu Yu-ying two men, one with a drooping moustache and the other with a toothbrush moustache, were conversing in conspiratorial whispers. She recognized the first as Feng Mei-ching's father, Feng Yun-ching. ─── 前面椅子里有两个小胡子,交头接耳地谈的很入神。 刘玉英望过去,认识那月牙须的男子就是冯眉卿的父亲云卿。

44、Master enjoyed conversing with the Armenian people there and had a chance to examine many unique objects. She bought many souvenirs to serve as a remembrance of Her Armenian visit. ─── 师父愉快的与亚美尼亚人聊天,仔细欣赏很多独特的艺品,购买了许多纪念品做为亚美尼亚之行的留念。

45、After conversing for a few minutes, the friendly bum talked me to follow him. ─── 在闲聊了几分钟后,那个和蔼可亲的老流浪汉要我跟他走。

46、Dinner time is a special opportunity for family to share a meal while conversing about the events of everyone's day. ─── 吃饭时间是家庭共享一餐的特别机会,同时也可谈谈各人当天的所做所为。

47、Wang Fei,Zhang Dai-jun,Yang Ming-li,Xian Xue-fu.Recent study of coal's solvent principle extract and derivatives' properity[J].Coal Convers,2003,26(1):8-11 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [3]王飞,张代钧,杨明莉,鲜学福.煤的溶剂抽提规律及其产物性能的研究进展[J].煤炭转化,2003,26(1):8-11.

48、For three consecutive nights, the maid had dreamt of Master conversing with her and knew that She had come to bless her. ─── 后来女佣连续三晚都梦到师父和她谈话,她开心地得知那是师父在加持她。

49、In a corner several young men conversing animatedly.I went up to them and introduced myself.They gave me a most cordial reception. ─── 几个年轻人坐在一个角落里热烈地谈论着什么,我走过去作了自我介绍,他们极其友好地接待了我。

50、Keywords Hydro-check front conver Taper drawing Drawing quotiety Simulation; ─── 制动缸前盖;锥形拉深;拉深系数;数值模拟;

51、They then perceived two men conversing in the obscurity. ─── 他们发觉有两个人正在阴影星谈话。

52、After conversing for a few minutes, the friendly bum told me to follow him. ─── 在闲聊了几分钟后,这个和蔼可亲的老流浪汉要我跟他走。

53、Brainpower drain: Teenagers use their leisure time to watch TV or play computer games instead of reading or conversing with others. ─── 休闲活动被电脑游戏和电视占据,而过去的青少年只能阅读看书或和朋友交谈说话。

54、In the next room were the count and the countess reverently conversing with the superior, who was paying a visit to his old acquaintances and patrons. ─── 在隔壁房间里,伯爵夫妇正坐着恭敬地和修道院长谈话,院长是来看望这两位老相识和捐助人的。

55、They seated themselves deliberately in the gaudy mirrored parlor and waited, conversing between themselves in whispers. ─── 他们不慌不忙在挂满镜子的俗里俗气的客厅里坐下来等着,同时小声地交谈着.

56、Mk. 9:4 And Elijah with Moses appeared to them, and they were conversing with Jesus. ─── 可九4有伊莱贾同着摩西向他们显现,并且同耶稣谈话。

57、4. She sat conversing with the President. ─── 她坐著与总统交谈.

58、Some schools in China have instituted the policy of no smoking on campus, which convers students, teachers,general staff, parents and even guests. ─── 117。中国有些学校制订校园不得抽烟的政策,覆盖面包括学生、教师、职工、家长、甚至客人。

59、Conversing with a child of this age, you'd never guess she harbored such thought. ─── 与这个年龄阶段的孩子谈话,你永远不会猜到她竟会有这样的想法。

60、CHEN L, WU C, SUN F. Optimal coefficient of performance and heating load relationship of a three-heat-reservoir endoreversible heat pump[J ]. Energy Convers Mgmt, 1997,38 (8):727-733. ─── 严子浚,陈苏煌.三热源泵热循环的最佳泵热率与供热系数间的关系[J].科学通报,1987,32(16):1280.

61、Two students are conversing with each other. ─── 两位学生在谈话.

62、Proof and extension of conver quadrilateral area formula ─── 凸四边形面积公式的证明及推广

63、Conducting business with her is fine but I find that actually conversing with her is quite difficult. ─── 和她做生意很愉快,但我发觉和她交谈实在困难。

64、"With thee conversing I forget all time" (John Milton). ─── “一谈起天来我就忘了时间” (约翰·弥尔顿)。

65、Two Jews were conversing about bathing. “I take a bath once a year,” said one, “whether I need one or not. ─── 两个犹太人正在就洗澡交谈。一个说,“我一年洗一次,不管是不是需要”。

66、Responsibility:1. Design, develop and maintain data process &compiling tool for global market including convers...... ... ─── 公司名称:泰为信息科技(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-4-30

67、A nervous taxpayer was unhappily conversing with the IRS Tax auditor who had come to review his records.At one point the auditor exclaimed, "Mr. ─── 一个神色紧张的纳税人正闷闷不乐地和前来查帐的国税局的税务审计员交谈。

68、3 And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Him. ─── 太十七3看哪,有摩西和以利亚向他们显现,同耶稣谈话。

69、so that we should suspect that we might be conversing with an angel. ─── 害得我们以为我们许是在跟一个天使谈话。

70、BAI Zhi-dong, SU Chun.On the complete conver gence of independent variables [J].Science in China (Ser A), 1985, 28(5) :399-412. ─── [5]白志东,苏淳.关于独立和完全收敛性[J].中国科学(A辑),1985,28(5):399-412.

71、He was too busy conversing with the pretty salesgirl sitting next to him. ─── 他正忙着与坐在身边的那位漂亮的金发女推销员交谈。

72、But instead of locking herself in her dorm room, Guli took initiative and began conversing with her classmates. ─── 但是,古丽并没有因此而自我封闭起来。她没有选择独自待在宿舍,而是积极主动地与同学们聊天交流。

73、What were you conversing with the gentleman about ? ─── 你和那位先生谈了些什么?

74、For three consecutive nights, the maid had dreamt of Master conversing with her and knew that She had come to bless her. ─── 后来女佣连续三晚都梦到师父和她谈话,她开心地得知那是师父在加持她。

75、We spend a large part of our daily life talking with other people and, consequently, we are very accustomed to the art of conversing. ─── 我们在日常生活中花了大量的时间与他人交谈,因此,我们非常熟悉交谈的艺术。

76、As soon as he had gone, there was a lull in the general gaiety, and the guests began conversing sensibly in low tones together. ─── 他刚刚走出去,大家的娱乐就停止了,客人们开始审慎地低声地彼此交谈几句。

77、I've never meditated, I'm not interested in conversing with a piece of furniture, and I don't know any party tricks. ─── 我从来没有想过,我不喜欢谈论一件家具,也不了解任何交际技巧。

78、- C#2VB,you can use it convert from cShap to vb or you can conver vb code to cShap ─── 一个简单企业短信平台.net系统。功能:发信息,写信息,收信息,地址本管理。

79、The brother and sister sat conversing by the fireside, until it was almost day; ─── “在我知道我该做些什么事情或我能做些什么事情之前,这两兄弟又进行了第二次谈话;

80、"Make yourself easy, we are quite alone," said Andrea; "besides, we are conversing in Italian." ─── “你放心吧,只有我们两个人,”安德烈说,“而且,我们是在用意大利语谈话。”

81、Woman: This time I'm conversing with Miss Wilkes. ─── 女人:我这次是跟威尔克斯太太说话。

82、3 T he convers ion from pos itive lens effect tonegative lens effect in non linear refraction.(a)T he change of non linear refractive index onax is w ith z; ─── 图3非线性折射正透镜效应向负透镜效应的转化.(a)样品光轴位置非线性折射率随z的变化;(b)归一化的z扫描曲线 F ig.

83、And theyd come up and we would start conversing and talking. And inevitably the conversation went to my cross. What is that? ─── 他们会上前来,我们就开始交谈,无可避免地话题会转到我的十字架,那是甚么?

84、Indeed we are and happy to be conversing with you once again. We have moved into a HIGHER place of residence for now. ─── 我们当然在,而且很高兴与你再次的交流。现在我们已经走入一个更为高阶的居住地。

85、The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with ,never say a word,and then walk away feeling like it is the best conver sation you"ve ever had. ─── 3最好的朋友就是那种能和你促膝面坐,彼此不说只字片语,分别时却感到这是你曾有过的最好的一次交流!

86、Where, how, and how often people can touch each other while conversing are culturally defined patterns. ─── 人们谈话时在什么地方、怎么样,以及隔多长时间才可以接触对方,不同的文化有不同的形式。

87、There are several methods about extracting,storing,conversing and displaying eigenvalues of image objects.SIMIIRS adopts two methods: database and XML. ─── 图像对象特征值的抽取、存储、转换、显现的实现有多种方法,SIMIIRS系统主要采用了数据库方法和XML方法。

88、During the evening we enjoyed ourselves by having fun while studying and conversing in English. ─── 在尽兴的玩乐的过程中,学习英语,享受英语给学习生活带来的乐趣。

89、Three Practical Situational Conver sations. ─── 个实战经典对话)。

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