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08-26 投稿


pamphlet 发音

英:[ ˈpæmflɪt]  美:[ˈpæmflət]

英:  美:

pamphlet 中文意思翻译



pamphlet 短语词组

1、publicity pamphlet ─── 宣传小册子

2、Civilian Personnel Pamphlet ─── 文职人员小册子

3、Flyer (pamphlet) ─── 传单(小册子)

4、pamphlet holder ─── 小册子夹

5、pamphlet word ─── 小册子词

6、anarchist pamphlet ─── 无政府主义小册子

7、SAC Pamphlet SAC ─── 小册子

8、pamphlet editor ─── 小册子编辑

9、pamphlet crossword ─── 小册子纵横字谜

10、pamphlet definition ─── 小册子定义

11、pamphlet maker ─── 小册子制作者

pamphlet 反义词


pamphlet 词性/词形变化,pamphlet变形

形容词: pamphletary |

pamphlet 同义词

cocker | content | featherbed | coddle | favor | cater | humor | baby |indulge | treat | mollycoddle | to | cater to | oblige | spoil | cosset

pamphlet 相似词语短语

1、pamphlets ─── 小册子

2、pamphleteer ─── n.小册子作者;v.写小册子

3、Hamlet ─── n.哈姆雷特(莎士比亚著名悲剧剧名及该剧的主人公)

4、Caplet ─── n.囊片(一种椭圆胶囊形糖衣药片);n.(Caplet)人名;(法)卡普莱

5、amulet ─── n.护身符,避邪物

6、Ramphele ─── 兰菲尔。

7、pamphleteers ─── n.小册子作者;v.写小册子

8、pamphrey ─── n.洋白菜

9、pamphreys ─── n.洋白菜

pamphlet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this pamphlet it says that the minimum amount for deductibles is $2000. ─── 册子上说最低自付额是2000美元。

2、For whatever reason, Oughtred failed to publish news of his invention, but one of his students, Richard Delamain, claimed in a 1630 pamphlet to have come up with the circular slide rule. ─── 因为某些原因,奥特雷德没有公开发表他的发明,但他的学生德莱门(RichardDelamain)于1630年在一份小报上宣称他发明了圆形计算尺。

3、His excellent pamphlet can be downloaded for free, here. ─── 他那本出色的小册子,可以在这里免费下载。

4、United Nations Day Pamphlet for Schools; ─── 学校用联合国日小册子;

5、In order to help the students finish their homework completely, please fill out the Parent and HEI Communication Pamphlet. ─── 为了帮助孩子出色完成学业任务,请家长每次课后填写家校联系册。

6、To her surprise, she unexpectedly received a pamphlet about the video-lecture and she felt moved in her heart; so she came with a friend. ─── 出乎意料地,她得到了这份录影带讲经的小册子,她感受到内心的召唤,因此便偕友同来。

7、Working fields: package design, poster, pamphlet; biding, and various tables and forms. ─── 工作项目:设计包装、报、传册;制作标书、种表格。

8、A small book or pamphlet containing poems, ballads, stories, or religious tracts. ─── 小册子包含诗歌、歌谣、故事或宗教圣经诗歌的小书或小册子


10、Media lawyers in Harare say that there is nothing illegal about the pamphlet in terms of existing legislation. ─── 哈拉雷的媒体律师表示,就现有的法律来看,这份宣传册没有违法之处。

11、A summary of the pamphlet is in the Annex. ─── 小册子的撮要载于附件。

12、The pamphlet suggests getting off the bus or train one stop early. ─── 小册子建议,我们应该提前一站下汽车或者地铁。

13、A leaflet or pamphlet containing a declaration or an appeal, especially one put out by a religious or political group. ─── 传单,小册子含有宣言或呼吁的传单或宣传小册,尤指由宗教或政治团体散发的

14、Download Application Pamphlet and Form ─── 下载招生章程及申请表

15、All the atguments against the project were set out in a pamphlet. ─── 反对这项计划的全部论据都在一个小册子里列举了出来。

16、In the course of discussion some comrades raised a question about the laws governing the establishment of base areas. Comrade Peng Dehuai has answered this question in his pamphlet. ─── 在讨论中有同志提到根据地建设的规律性问题,这个问题在彭德怀同志的小册子中已经回答了。

17、A small bound book or pamphlet, usually having a paper cover. ─── 小册子小本的书或小册子,通常有纸质封面

18、She expressed her views in a pamphlet. ─── 她在小册子上表达她的观点。

19、The descriptions, illustrations and specifications given in the pamphlet are alteration without notice. ─── 产品样本内文字说明,图片技术规格随发展而变改,不另行通知。

20、The next time the baby issue comes up, Carlos shows her the pamphlet on annulment. ─── 不一样的自然是性别了;甘南,07年的遗憾;不知道什么时候能去呢?!

21、Booklet: A book having not many pages, commonly bound in paper covers. Also called Brochure, Pamphlet. ─── 小册子:通常是平装,用纸用书皮和页数不多的书。

22、It was actually an American, Joshua Cooper Ramo, who helped the phrase gain currency in 2004 with the publication of an enthusiastic pamphlet for the Foreign Policy Centre, a British think-tank. ─── 实际上,正是美国人乔舒亚?库珀?雷默在英国思想库外交政策中心一份热情洋溢的小册子里发表的一篇文章使得“北京共识”一词在2004年不胫而走。

23、The pamphlet is awsm cos it has full Engrish translation.. the content itself is hilariously funny. ─── 小册子真是太正点了,全部故意整成了日式英文的风格,而且内容超级爆笑。

24、Franklin wrote a pamphlet on the "New-Invented Pennsylvanian Fire Place". ─── 富兰克林写了一本小册子,论述“新发明的宾夕法尼亚火炉”。

25、Pamphlet binding: It is that branch of binding which produces leaflets, folders and booklets. However, the term is generally used to refer to the binding of booklets by means of saddle stitch or side stitch. ─── 小册子装订:装订方法的一个类别。它制作传单,折叠传单和小册子。可是。这个名词一般指用骑马订或平订方法作小册子的装订。

26、The pamphlet says,"The instructor will determine the number of atten-dees admitted to the class. ─── 小册子上说:“指导教师决定班级学员的人数。

27、Referring to our conversation of this morning, we enclose a pamphlet describing our new articles. ─── 依照上午的谈话,随函呈上本公司新产品的小册子一本。

28、Much of last century's newspaper was a pamphlet of opinions rather than a journal of news. ─── 上个世纪的大多数报纸更像是一份收集意见的小册子而不是登载新闻消息的报刊。

29、We'll have to get this pamphlet out before next week. ─── 我们必须在下星期前把这本小册子发出去。

30、He says that I have misrepresented his views in my pamphlet. ─── 他说我在小册子中歪曲了他的观点。

31、It is only a pamphlet, but for all that, it is the best book on biochemistry. ─── 这虽是一本小册子,但它在生物化学方面倒是一本最好的书。

32、At this meeting copies of A Guide to Propaganda, a pamphlet containing four articles, have been distributed, and I advise our comrades to read and re-read it. ─── 今天会场上散发了一个题名《宣传指南》的小册子,里面包含四篇文章,我劝同志们多看几遍。

33、The pamphlet aims to further enhance the transparency in tax administration and bring certainty in areas that affect taxpayers. ─── 以提高税务管理的透明度,为纳税人明确地澄清他们关注的问题。

34、The scholarly monographs were published as pamphlet. ─── 学术专著是以小册子形式出版的。

35、Messages to the German people were printed on food wrappers, on cigarette containers, even in official guide books, and, in pamphlet form, between the pages of official Nazi newspapers. ─── 在食品包装纸、香烟盒上,甚至在官方的导游书里,都印有给德国人民的信息,有的还以小册子形式夹在纳粹官司方报纸里。

36、to extract passages from a pamphlet ─── 从一本小册子里摘引章句

37、Referring to our conversation of the morning, we enclose a pamphlet describing our new articles. ─── 依照今天上午的谈话,随函呈上本自己搞新产业商品的小册子一本。

38、From many a pamphlet of travel agencies, campus of famous universities has been listed among tourist attraction. ─── 如:在诸多旅行社的宣传单页上可见某些大学校园。

39、By mid-November at the Friendship Hotel, we had received a pamphlet advertising the Christmas meals to be offered in hotel restaurants. ─── 到了11月中旬的时候,我们这些住在友谊宾馆的外国专家还收到了一本小册子,上面介绍宾馆餐厅所提供的圣诞餐。

40、Or you can receive a pamphlet if you tell your adders. ─── 如果您留下地址的话,我们将寄一份本店的小册子给您。

41、It is even more astonishing to find the most famous sinologist in France so resoundingly condemned by a more senior fellow-sinologist, and in an eponymously titled pamphlet. ─── 听先生的课,启发很大,收获甚多。先生一言一行都能感受到他谦卑与严谨的学者人格。这些是我们后生在学术道路上需要一辈子仰望的。

42、Along with one letter, Washington sent Livingston a pamphlet on growing potatoes. ─── 在其中一封信中,华盛顿寄给他一本关于马铃薯栽种的小册子。

43、And now he had got another pair of cases, and a pamphlet to reprint, on which he set me to work. ─── 这时,他已经弄到了另外两只活字盘,有一个小册子要重印,他就叫我做这工作。

44、He was a jurist, a statesman and a political leader of the Revolutionary period;George Washington sent him a pamphlet on the cultivation of potatoes;and he had a lot to do with steam.Who is he? ─── 在革命时期,他是个法律专家、政治家和政治领导者,乔治华盛顿还曾经送给他一本栽种马铃薯的小册子,他对蒸汽的发明有诸多贡献。

45、They also put out a pamphlet in English of this statement. ─── 他们还出了这个声明的英文单行本。

46、He gave me a pamphlet for my call numbers. ─── 他给了我一个小册子记录电话号码。

47、Preliminary Information Pamphlet ─── 初级信息小册子

48、Pamphlet: A generic term commonly used in the U.S. to mean leaflet, flyer or folder; booklet or brochure. However, the term is generally used to refer to the binding of booklets by means of saddle stitch or side stitch. ─── 小册子:美国惯用的广义名词。泛指传单或折叠传单和小册子。可是,这个名词一般只当作小册子的产意思使用。

49、Eh.I will promote my new music pamphlet at next month. ─── 在准备下个月推出我的新专集。

50、He distributed a seditious pamphlet called The Rights of Man. ─── 他散发了名叫《人的权利》的带有煽动性的小册子。

51、A printed sheet or pamphlet; a handbill. ─── 传单,广告单一种印刷单或小册子;传单

52、In this case, you want to restrict the definition of a Pamphlet, which is similar to a Book in every way except that it has no author. ─── 在本例中,希望限制Pamphlet(小册子)的定义,除了没有作者以外,它与Book完全相似。

53、In December 2000, the TID and the TDC had jointly issued a pamphlet and supplement to publicise the implications of China's accession to the WTO. ─── 工业贸易署和贸易发展局在二零零零年十二月更出版了两份刊物,宣传内地加入世贸组织的影响。

54、In his pamphlet, Comrade Peng Dehuai has set out some general principles for work at the village level. ─── 关于村级工作的一般原则,彭德怀同志的小册子中都提出了。

55、A recent safety pamphlet issued in Malibu, California, states the obvious. ─── 一本最近在加利福尼亚马利布发行的安全手册如此明示道。

56、Madame Blavatsky wrote a pamphlet against phallicism. ─── 夫人写了一本关于反对男性生殖器崇拜的册子。

57、When a book or pamphlet binding on the machine, glue also need some time to continue the long curing, up to several hours. ─── 当书籍或小册子在机器上胶订完毕后,胶还需要一定的时间继续固化,有时长达几小时。

58、The annual state budget is a flimsy pamphlet that gives only a broad outline of spending priorities and commitments and says nothing about budgets for individual ministries. ─── 国家的年度预算就是一本薄薄的小册子,仅仅记载着大概的支出顺序和金额,具体部门的预算是根本看不到的。

59、She threw away the clerical pamphlet passed out to her by someone on the street. ─── 她扔掉了有人在街上递给她的有关支持教权主义的小册子。

60、Clinton accused Obama of misrepresenting her position on those issues in printed pamphlet that his campaign mailed to voters in Ohio. ─── 克林顿指称奥巴马在竞选中散发给俄亥俄州选民的宣传小册子的内容误传克林顿在那些问题上的立场。

61、A small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product information. ─── 小册子一种小书或册子,常包括推销材料或产品信息

62、Could you give me a pamphlet describing your company? ─── 可不可以把你们公司的宣传册给我一份?

63、The New Zealand First leader has, however, plumbed new depths in the anti-immigration pamphlet being deposited in letterboxes. ─── 但痞得屎做得更离谱了一点,他竟然往大家邮箱里投反移民的信函。

64、The description and its drawings, and the claims of an application for a patent for invention or utility model shall be separately published in full in pamphlet form by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council . ─── 发明或者实用新型的说明书及其附图、权利要求书由国务院专利行政部门另行全文出版。

65、Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Pamphlet P-1 provides guidance and is cited in OSHA regulations. ─── 压缩气体协会(CGA)手册的第一页提供了指南,并被OSHA的规定所引用。

66、Referring to our conversation of this morning , we enclose a pamphlet describing our new article . ─── 依照今天上午的谈话,随函呈上本公司新产品的小册子一本。

67、Referring to we conversation of the morning, we ennear a pamphlet describing we new articles. ─── 依照当今早上的谈话,随函呈上本自己搞新产业商品的小册子一本。

68、They are indispensable to printing industry for trimming various kinds of book and pamphlet. ─── 三面切纸机刀片是印刷业开切各类书籍,簿册必不可少的刀具。

69、Promotional pamphlet, Brochure, Poster, Menu, Tablemat, Memo, Coaster, Paper fan, Other paper premiums. ─── 宣传册子、海报、餐牌、餐台纸、杯垫、纸扇、其他纸类赠品。

70、Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense must have seemed seditious to colonial Tories. ─── 对于殖民主义的托利党人来说托马斯·潘恩的小册子《常识》一定显得有煽动性。

71、He was a clever man and had designed the Sligo quays, but was now going mad and inventing a vessel of war that could not be sunk, his pamphlet explained, because of a hull of solid wood. ─── 他很聪明,曾经是斯莱戈码头的设计师,如今却变得疯疯癫癫,在设计一艘“永不沉没”的战舰。他在设计手册上解释道,由坚固木料组成的船体是船不会下沉的原因。

72、We enclose herewith a pamphlet introducing our business standing and outline, the complete catalogue of our goods, and some samples. ─── 兹随函附寄一本介绍本公司业务声望及概况的小册子,完整的产品目录及一些样品。

73、Toole had come across Islam on a street corner ten years ago when a man handed him a pamphlet telling him he'll find enlightenment in it. ─── 十年前,图里在一个街道的拐弯处首次接触了伊斯兰,那时一个男子递给他一个小册子,深情的对他说,他会从它中得到启发。

74、Luther was first of all disposed to mediate in the dispute but, fired by later excesses, in a fierce pamphlet he urged the Princes to crush the revolt unmercifully. ─── 于1525年的农民抗争中,路德最初是自愿的担当调停人的。但后来因为事情的激烈化,他在一篇言辞激烈的小册子里,呼吁诸侯们无情的打压抗争。

75、Gartner, Borlach and Wagner intensify their campaign to discredit Bessler, publishing a pamphlet that depicts the wheel driven through hollowed-out support posts. ─── gartner的borlach与瓦格纳加紧运动抹黑老婆,出版了一本小册子,叙述轮驱动透过挖空的全力支持职位。

76、They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment. ─── 他们出了一本有关环境恶化的小册子。

77、The descriptions, illustrations and specifications given in he pamphlet are subject to alteration without notice. ─── 产品样本内文字说明,图片技术规格随发展而改变,不另行通知。

78、Jonathan Swift wrote the famous story Gulliver’s Travels and the famous pamphlet “A Modest Proposal” on Ireland in the style of satire. ─── 乔纳森斯威夫特写了有名的故事格列佛游记和著名的爱尔兰风格的讽刺小说“一个小小的建议”。

79、He spoke a pleasant word or two about a pamphlet I had written in 1960 arguing for a large allocation of our resources to the public sector. ─── 他却对我在1960年写的一本主张把更多的资源用于公共事业的小册子说了一两句好话。

80、A printed sheet or pamphlet distributed by hand. ─── 传单一种手发的印制的纸张或小册子

81、Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Pamphlet P-1 provides guidance and is cited in OSHA regulations. The National Fire Protection Association(NFPA) also provides guidance for the storage and use of these products. ─── 压缩气体协会(CGA)手册的第一页提供了指南,并被OSHA的规定所引用。国家消防保护协会(NFPA)还提供了对这些产品的储存和使用的指导。

82、We enclose herewith a pamphlet introducing our business standing and outline, the complete catalogue of our goods and some samples. ─── 兹随函附机寄一本介绍本公司业务声望及概况的小册子,完整的产品目录及一些样品.

83、Referring to our conversation of this morning, we enclose a pamphlet describing our new articles. ─── 依照今天上午的谈话,随函呈上本公司新产品的小册子一本。

84、He spoke a pleasant word or two about a pamphlet I had written in 1960 arguing for a large allocation of our resources to the public sector. ─── 他却对我在1960年写的一本主张把更多的资源用于公共事业的小册子说了一两句好话。

85、Read the Local Voters' Pamphlet online to-learn more about candidates and-ballot measures. ─── _ 如要知道更多有关候选人及选票上议案的资料,请参阅网上的本地区性选民手册。

86、Could I have a look at your pamphlet. ─── 可否让我看一下你们的手册。

87、Dorothy T. Kao with a pamphlet introducing the Elementary School Teachers' In-Service Education Center in her hand. ─── 一头漂亮的银发,整齐的服装,是八十岁的教育家高梓的标帜。

88、Toronto Police Service TRANSLATED PAMPHLET LIST ─── 多伦多警察局提供的汉语服务包括

89、booklet and pamphlet sewing machine ─── 书本装订缝纫机

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