electrified 发音
英:[ɪ'lektrɪfaɪd] 美:[ɪ'lektrɪfaɪd]
英: 美:
electrified 中文意思翻译
electrified 词性/词形变化,electrified变形
原型:electrify 过去式:electrified 过去分词:electrified
electrified 短语词组
1、electrified garage ─── 电气化车库
2、electrified truslow ─── 带电桁架
3、electrified bike ─── 电动自行车
4、electrified carbon ─── 带电碳
5、electrified thefatrat ─── 通电窃听器
6、electrified synonyms ─── 电气化同义词
7、electrified up ─── 通电
8、electrified song ─── 电气化歌曲
9、electrified body ─── [化] 带电体
10、electrified sport ─── 电气化运动
electrified 相似词语短语
1、electrised ─── 电学
2、electric field ─── [电磁]电场
3、electrifying ─── adj.令人振奋的;惊人的;n.毛绒电光整理;v.使充电;使激动(electrify的ing形式)
4、electric fields ─── 电场
5、electrician ─── n.电工;电气技师
6、electrifies ─── vt.使电气化;使充电;使触电;使激动
7、electrized ─── vt.充电;使起电;使电气化
8、unelectrified ─── 不带电的
9、electrifier ─── 起电器
electrified 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、When two lovers get in touch, it's like being electrified. ─── 两个相爱的人一接触就会有触电的感觉。
2、CLOSE upon the hour of noon the whole village was suddenly electrified with the ghastly news. ─── 临近中午时分,那个可怕的消息使全村人一下子惊呆了。
3、"The system wants electrified " , afore-mentioned two induce again a such words that have demand interest, can serve as the cautionary word of the leader of executive system very much. ─── “制度要带电”,把上述两句再归纳成这样一句具有要求意味的话,很可作为执行制度的领导者的警戒之言。
4、The Ark of the Covenant was allegedly an electrified transmitter that allowed Moses to communicate with the astronauts. ─── 圣约柜依其申述,是一部充了电的传送器,允许摩西与宇航员联系。
5、Reduce the Rate of Faults by Electrified Wire Netting Operation Analysis ─── 加强电网运行分析降低事故率
6、In our country, we have about 5 billion AC dynamos in usage, 60% of industry electric motors have consumed 70% energy of electrified wire netting. ─── 5概述: 在我国,有近五十亿台交流电机在使用中, 60%的工业电机消耗了70%的电网电能,当感应电机在低负荷运行时、电机于低效能状态。
7、In modern dog racing the dogs make after a mechanical rabbit that circles track on an electrified rail. ─── 在现代赛狗运动中,狗追逐的是一个在电动轨道上绕圈子疾跑的机械兔子。
8、Be that the common electrified wire netting provides stable , clean green sources of energy , be the main form that the country applies in large scale. ─── 为公共电网提供稳定,清洁的绿色能源,是国家大规模应用的主要形式。
9、How wild his hair looked, as though it had been electrified. ─── 他的头发多乱啊,就像受了电一样。
10、Harbin-Dalian Electrified Railway The 946.5-kilometer Harbin-Dalian Electrified Railway transcends any other of the kind in China in terms of total investment and technological input. ─── 哈大电气化铁路我国投资最大、技术含量最高的电气化铁路,全长946.5公里。
11、III.Energizing the control cabinet After the earth wire and the power cord has been connected and the connection has proved to be correct, the control cabinet may be electrified. ─── 三、控制机柜上电在接地线、电源线连接完毕并检查正确后,可进行机柜的上电工作。
12、AC electrified railway system ─── 交流电气化铁道
13、Instead of using fossil fuels the magnetic field created by the electrified coils in the guideway walls and the track combines to propel the trains5. ─── 代替使用化石燃料,由导轨槽内的通电线圈产生的电磁场和磁轨共同推进了这列列车。
14、She was first transfixed with surprise, and then electrified with delight. ─── 她先是惊奇得愣住了,后来又欢喜得发呆。
15、The future of the car will be electrified, and the Porsche 918 Spyder concept shows just how much fun it will be. ─── 未来的汽车将靠电力发动,这款保时捷918S系列概念车正显示出能给大家带来多少乐趣。
16、Some 40 large and medium-sized projects were launched, 45 projects put into operation, 4,800 km of rails laid on new lines, 4,100 km of railways double-tracked, and 4,300 km of electrified railways built. ─── 全路新开工大中型项目40个,建成投产45个;完成新线辅轨4800公里,复线铺轨4100公里,建设电气化铁路4300公里。
17、His white hair was so hard that it looked as if it had been electrified . ─── 他的白头发如此硬的以致看起来象触了电似的。
18、With the development of high speed electrified railway,newtype materials of pantograph-strip need to be further studied on. ─── 为满足我国高速电气化铁路的发展要求,研制新型的高速列车受电弓-滑板材料的试验研究。
19、Others are bold, such as electrifying more track (only a third of Britain's railway is electrified, low by Western standards) and building lines in crowded cities. ─── 另一些则很大胆,比如使更多轨道电气化(目前只有三分之一的英国铁路实现电气化,低于欧洲标准),在人口密集的城市兴建新线路。
20、Wu Yue's home looks from far, conceal in a bungalow, belong to not electrified ladder the sort of, a bit not make public. ─── 吴越的家从远处看,隐藏在一片平房之中,属于不带电梯的那种,一点不张扬。
21、Kitchen fully electrified, simple cooking to meet demand. ─── 厨房完全电气化,可以满足简单的烹饪需求。
22、When electrified bodies may repel as well as attract. ─── 一旦通过电流物体就既可以排斥,也可以吸引。
23、Electrified rails for mounting spot lights ─── 安装投影仪用电轨
24、How wild his white hair looked as if (though) it had been electrified. ─── 他的花白头发是那么凌乱,仿佛触了电似的。
25、Their electrified strings, world beats, and upbeat shows introduce classical music to a much broader, younger audience. ─── 她们的电子琴弦、合潮流的节拍和热情的表演让更多更年轻的人了解了古典音乐。
26、In terms of domestic indoor section posts of the electrified double-tracked railway traction network, there are more than 10 types of main electrical schemes for the primary system. ─── 在国内复线电气化铁道牵引网运行的户内型分区所中,一次系统主接线有10余种。
27、Some railroads once run by steam are now electrified . ─── 从前由蒸汽操纵的铁路现在电气化了。
28、Only 16 percent of American homes were electrified in 1912. ─── 到1912年,只有百分之十六的美国家庭使用电力。
29、The very thought of the speed at which the beautiful avenue was contructed electrified every visitor; the road had only recently been torn up to lay drainpipes not long ago. ─── 一想到这条林荫大道的建设速度,参观者都感到很吃惊:这条路不久前还在开挖及铺设排水管。
30、They were electrified to hear the news. ─── 他们听到这消息感到震惊。
31、The railway line was electrified in the 1950s. ─── 这条铁路线在20世纪50年代就实现了电气化。
32、They base this belief upon the known effects that sunspots produce, and upon one astronomer's uncontested showing that sunspots are whirlwinds of electrified matter that burst out in pairs from the sun's interior. ─── 他们的这种观点是以已知的太阳黑子所产生的影响为基础的。 同时科学家也毫无异议的证明太阳黑子的是从太阳内部爆发出来的成双成队的电化物质的旋风。
33、As a special consumer of power grid, electrified railway possesses the features of non-linearity, asymmetry and fluctuation. ─── 作为电力系统的一个特殊用户,电气化铁路具有非线性、不对称和波动性的特点。
34、Obvious effect on degraded insulating oil treatment, field transformer oil treatment when machine electrified. ─── 处理劣化变质的绝缘油效果明显,可现场带电处理各种牌号的变压器油。
35、If you encounter a black hole that is spinning and has an electrified field, you will not be killed passing through its massive gravitational fiuelds. ─── 如果你遇到了一个旋转的黑洞,并且有一个电磁场,那么经过巨大的重力流体时,你并不会遭遇不测。
36、It aims at building up 5 electrified counties, 17 electrified townships and 716 electrified villages. ─── 其中,重点完成2000个行政村的电网改造,建成新农村电气化县5个、电气化乡17个、电气化村716个。
37、Application of LAN in Two-Way Electrified Education System ─── 局域网在双向电教系统中的应用
38、"Cheers for Edgar Poe!" roared the assemblage, electrified by their president's words. ─── 为埃德加·坡而欢呼
39、Because Lang Lang is so electrified by audiences, it was widely assumed that most of his major recordings would be taken from live concerts. ─── 因为郎朗在听众面前特别来劲,所以一般都认为他绝大多数的重要录音作品都取自现场演奏会。
40、He had all the fences around his home electrified. ─── 他把房子周围的铁丝网都通了电。
41、According above-named causes,safety and technology measures are brought about to use electricity safety and to prevent fire accident to electrified circuit. ─── 并针对上述原因,提出安全用电,预防配电线路发生火灾事故的安全技术措施。
42、rural electrified wire netting ─── 农电网
43、The national railways have now been electrified. ─── 全国铁路现已电气化了。
44、A single track system in 1910, it was completely electrified and double-tracked by 1983. ─── 九铁在一九一零年投入服务时是一个单轨系统,在一九八三年,已改善成为一个完全电气化的双轨铁路系统。
45、So it is necessary to do the researches on the interferences on communication by electrified railway,and electromagnetic protection of the communication system in order to pro. ─── 为保证通信安全,需要对电气化铁路对铁道通信的电磁影响和电磁防护进行研究,从而给铁路现场实际工作提供一定的理论依据。
46、The national railroad system has nearly all been electrified. ─── 全国铁路系统基本上全部电气化了。
47、It is the trend to realize OCS isolating switches' centralized interlocking monitoring with the development of electrified railway. ─── 实现接触网隔离开关的集中联锁监控是铁路电气化发展趋势。
48、How wild his hair looked, as though it had been electrified. ─── 他的头发多乱啊,就像受了电一样。
49、The Kowloon-Canton Railway started operation in 1910 and was double-tracked and electrified in the early 1980s. ─── 九广铁路于一九一零年通车。八十年代初期,九广铁路铺设双轨,并推行电气化服务。
50、The national railway system has nearly all been electrified. ─── 全国的铁路系统几乎全部实现了电气化。
51、Even if is 68 cities in be born, sth resembling a net of wide electrified wire netting serves badly, collect fees backwardly way also makes user experience great sell at a discount. ─── 即便是在落地的68个城市,广电网络糟糕的服务,落后的收费方式也让用户体验大打折扣。
52、a powerful performance that electrified the audience. ─── 强有力的表演使观众万分兴奋
53、THE news in May that the Congress party had won India's elections by a big margin electrified the political establishment and sent shares soaring. ─── 五月印度国大党以绝对优势赢得大选,消息一出,政界的权势人物大为震惊,同时股市飞涨。
54、In a word, construction of Luneng Cambridge will provide an electrified ecological community to residents in Jinan and become a modle of urban construction and environmental construction of Jinan. ─── 总之,鲁能康桥的建设,将为济南市居民提供一个电气化生活生态精品社区,成为济南市城市建设和环境建设和典范。
55、An electrified wire can be strung along the outer edges of this flange. ─── 在外缘引上一条通了电的电线。
56、6KV electrified wire netting ─── 6KV电网
57、Eg: a powerful performance that electrified the audience. ─── 强有力的表演使观众万分兴奋。
58、Below condition of socialist market economy, realize electrified wire netting the only way that commercializing operation is market of electric power trend. ─── 在社会主义市场经济条件下,实现电网的商业化运营是电力走向市场的必由之路。
59、After Gaocheng Coal Mine raising to coal and gas outburst mine,the Locomotive with power line is transformed battery locomotive,to construct and design a electrified chamber. ─── 告成煤矿升级为煤与瓦斯突出矿井后,将架线电机车改为电瓶车牵引,设计并施工了充电硐室。
60、But once King took to the microphone, the crowd was electrified. ─── 但金一拿起麦克风,人群就兴奋起来。
61、It is introduced the principles, critic technology and application effects on electrified railways of the static dynamic passive compensator for high voltage thyristor. ─── 介绍基于高压晶闸管阀的静止型动态无功补偿装置原理、关键技术及在电气化铁路上的应用效果。
62、large-sized connection electrified wire netting ─── 大区互联电网
63、A single track system in 1910,it was completely electrified and double-tracked by 1983. ─── 它在一九一零年投入服务时是一个单轨系统,在一九八三年,已改善成为一个完全电气化的双轨铁路系统。
64、The reed switch is used as relay to spring the drug release movement remotely when the extracorporeal magnetic field of electrified coil has an effect. ─── 以胶囊内的干簧管作为磁继电器,由体外通电线圈的磁场对药物释放动作进行遥控触发。
65、By 2002, China's total mileage of railways opened to traffic is expected to top 70,000 km. Of these, double-tracked lines will rise from 18,000 km to 21,000 km, and electrified lines from 11,000 km to 15,000 km. ─── 到2002年,中国铁路总营业里程将突破7万公里,其中复线里程从1.8万公里增至2.1万公里,电气化里程从1.1万公里增至1.5万公里;
66、During the five years, the sector built 5,700 km of railways, 4,100 km of double-tracked lines and electrified 4,300 km of lines. ─── 完成新线铺轨5700公里,增建复线铺轨4100公里,既有线电气化改造4300公里。
67、Her performance electrified the audience. ─── 她的表演使观众兴奋不已。
68、railway line was electrified as long ago as 1974. ─── 早在1974年铁路就电气化了。
69、In this article, the author states the multi-points automatic continuous jacking construction technology of a continuous steel box beam over several railway lines and electrified contacting nets. ─── 介绍了跨越多条铁路线路及电气化接触网的连续钢箱梁多点自动连续顶推施工技术。
70、His white hair was so hard that it looked as if it had been electrified. ─── 他的白头发如此硬的以致看起来象触了电似的。
71、The BEV establishes contact with an electrified rail, plate or overhead wires on the highway via an attached conducting wheel or other similar mechanism (see Conduit current collection). ─── BEV建立的联系与电气化铁路,钢板或架空线的公路上通过一个附加进行车轮或其他类似的机制(见导线目前收集) 。
72、The DWY telecontrol systems for electrified railway have been widely used along many electrified railway lines. ─── DWY系列电铁远动系统 (DWY Telecontrol System for Electrified Railway)已经在电气化铁道沿线获得了非常广泛的应用。
73、Despite early predictions that the LDP would fare badly, Koizumi electrified voters and led the party to a huge victory. ─── 尽管早前都预测自民党将受挫,小泉还是“电”到了选民,并带领该党取得了一个巨大胜利。
74、A few months later Herman Cain said there should be an electrified fence, with a charge strong enough to kill. ─── 几个月后,赫尔曼·凯恩表示应该有一个电荷足以对人生命造成威胁的带电栅栏。
75、In power industry, transformation of electrified wire netting, by applying advanced science and technology, will give an impetus to the growth in production and consumption. ─── 在电力行业 ,应用先进的科学技术 ,对电网进行改造能带动生产和消费的有效增长。
76、Over the past five years, construction of 5,944 km of new railway lines, of which 4,603 km are double-track and 5,704 km are electrified, was completed. ─── 五年建成新线5944公里,复线4603公里,电气化线路5704公里。
77、Electrified measuring of MOA using three-phase current method ─── 基于三相电流法的金属氧化物避雷器带电测量研究
78、Its heating dement, instead of being a bare resistance wire, uses a device of insert heating tube, which will not burn red and will not make the surface of the chafing dish electrified, thus ensuring its safety and durability. ─── 不用裸露电阻丝作为发热体,而是用最先进的嵌入式电热管,外壳不带电、不发烫,安全可靠、使用寿命长。
79、The discovery means that many volcanic ash plumes might be electrified, which could have implications for the air-travel industry. ─── 种种迹象表明很多火山灰羽流很容易携带上大量电荷,这种现象很有可能会被应用到航空领域。
80、They base this belief upon the known effects that sunspots produce,and upon one astronomer's uncontested showing that sunspots are whirlwinds of electrified matter that burst out in pairs from the sun's interior. ─── 他们的这种观点是以已知的太阳黑子所产生的影响为基础的。同时科学家也毫无异议的证明太阳黑子的是从太阳内部爆发出来的成双成队的电化物质的旋风。
82、The air has been electrified by fearfulness these days, a fearfulness fostered and manipulated by politicians and the media. ─── 如今空气中弥漫着恐惧--由政治家们和媒体培养和玩弄的恐惧。
83、Build and Analysis the Integal Equation on Multi Electrified Disc ─── 多极带电圆盘积分方程的建立和分析
84、IF INDOORS ...Shut down all the windows of routeway.Avoid using cell phone or set phone or other electrified equipment, such as computers. ─── 如果在室内:注意关闭过道的窗户,避免拨打、接听手机和座机或使用插着电源插座的电器,包括电脑。
85、Wu Yue's home looks from far, conceal in a bungalow, belong to not electrified ladder the sort of, a bit not make public. ─── 吴越的家从远处看,隐藏在一片平房之中,属于不带电梯的那种,一点不张扬。
86、Most transport is done by electrified waggons. ─── 大部分货物都用电瓶车运送。
87、Application of Multifunction Electrified Crossover-Stand on Transmission Line ─── 多功能带电跨越架在输电线路施工中的应用
88、Electrified particle produces high-energy amount through the cyclotron, appear then new use. ─── 带电粒子通过回旋加速器产生高能量,进而出现新用途。
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