consolidation 发音
英:[kənˌsɑːləˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] 美:[kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃ(ə)n]
英: 美:
consolidation 中文意思翻译
consolidation 短语词组
1、consolidation and merger ─── [法] 合并与合营
2、absorptive consolidation ─── [法] 吸收合并
3、consolidation by lease ─── [经] 租赁合并
4、consolidation ledger ─── [经] 合并分类帐
5、consolidation of stocks ─── [经] 债券的合并
6、consolidation by purchase ─── [经] 购买合并, 受盘合并
7、consolidation of debt ─── [经] 统一债务, 债务的合并
8、cargo consolidation ─── [经] 集中货物
9、consolidation of action ─── [法] 诉讼合并
10、consolidation of fragmented holdings ─── [法] 合并零星土地
11、consolidation service ─── [经] 集箱作业, 联合服务
12、consolidation of mortgage ─── [经] 抵押合并
13、consolidation form ─── [经] 统一格式, 联合形式
14、capital from consolidation ─── [经] 由合并所得资本
15、consolidation by merger ─── [经] 吸收合并
16、cargo consolidation scheme ─── [经] 货运统筹计划
17、consolidation excess ─── [经] 合并溢值, 合并商誉
18、consolidation of provisions ─── [法] 条款合并
19、amalgamated consolidation ─── [法] 联合组建, 合并设置
consolidation 词性/词形变化,consolidation变形
动词第三人称单数: consolidates |名词: consolidator |动词过去分词: consolidated |动词现在分词: consolidating |动词过去式: consolidated |
consolidation 常用词组
secondary consolidation ─── 次固结,次生固结;二次固结
consolidation settlement ─── 固结沉降;地基应力和变形固结沉降
coefficient of consolidation ─── 固结系数;压实系数;土的物理性质压密系数
consolidation 相似词语短语
1、consociation ─── n.联合;联盟;合作
2、reconsolidations ─── n.再压密;重新巩固
3、consolation ─── n.安慰;慰问;起安慰作用的人或事物
4、conciliation ─── n.调解;安抚;说服
5、consolidator ─── n.集运商;并装业者
6、consolidations ─── n.总合报告表(consolidation复数)
7、reconsolidation ─── n.再压密;重新巩固
8、consolidative ─── 固结的
9、consolidating ─── 巩固;合并
consolidation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、To posit that it should act as a spur rather than a deterrent to consolidation of our CARICOM destiny is one thing. ─── 一方面,对于我们CARICOM的前景来说,这应当是一次刺激发展的机遇而不应当做沟堑。
2、At some point consolidation of development is going to occur at Autodesk and we're going to end up with fewer choices. ─── 如果一些重要的开发计划和新产品都出现在欧特克公司,那我们用户很可能最终只能有非常少的选择权利。
3、Courage, Strategy, Consolidation, Discipline, We are the strongest Master! We made rules of the World! ─── 勇气、谋略、团结、纪律、强者为王,这个世界规则我们制定!
4、One patient had traction bronchiectasis within consolidation areas. ─── 1例病灶中充气的支气管腔稍大。
5、The denser population necessitates closer consolidation both for internal and external action. ─── 住得日益稠密的居民,对内和对外都不得不更紧密地团结起来。
6、The consolidation of the crust can hardly have occurred less than 20 or more than 40 million years ago. ─── 地壳的凝固不会少于2000万年,或多于4000万年。
7、Typically, consolidation servers use a set of source-specific connectors that may also be referred to as wrappers. ─── 通常,整合服务器使用一组数据源特定的连接器,它们也称为包装器。
8、He dropped the consolidation into the acid bath. ─── 他把凝固剂掉进了酸水中。
9、Even people involved in the deal concede a tieup would be risky because consolidation would have to take place quickly. ─── 即便是参与此项交易的人员也承认合并存在风险,因为整合必须尽快进行。
10、We need correct methods for Party consolidation, just as we need correct policies in land reform. ─── 像土改要有正确政策一样,整党也要有正确方法。
11、Consolidation of the storage file failed. (commit succeeded). ─── 存储文件的合并失败。(确认成功)。
12、The affected economies, including Hong Kong, are now undergoing a period of painful adjustment and consolidation. ─── 受影响的经济体系,包括香港在内,现正处於痛苦的调整巩固期。
13、The Biot consolidation of spherical soil-sample is one of the famous examples in discovering the Mandel-Cryer effect. ─── 圆球土样固结是发现Mandel-Cryer效应的一个著名例子。
14、The most surprising bout of consolidation and revival has been in Latin America. ─── 最令人惊讶的整合与复活发生在拉丁美洲。
15、Only then can you make a fully informed decision on whether debt consolidation is right for you. ─── 你才作出完全知情的决定是正确的,你是否巩固债务。
16、But the bulk of that is consolidation within group companies or orchestrated deals. ─── 但其中多为集团公司内部整合或联手交易。
17、For these reasons it's best to think carefully before choosing the consolidation option. ─── 基于这些原因也最好三思选择合并选择。
18、What are the differences between the purchase and the pooling methods of consolidation? ─── 合并会计的购入法与联营法有哪些不同?
19、At a more cephalad level, patchy consolidation and ground-glass opacity are visible. ─── 在近头侧层面,可见斑片状实变和毛玻璃样影。
20、The current CCMA is the consolidation of former CCMA and China Building Machinery Association. ─── 中国工程机械工业协会是由原中国工程机械工业协会与中国建设机械协会合并而成。
21、His tormented monsters appeared during this decade, which gave way to the consolidation of his plastic vocabulary. ─── 他那折磨人的怪兽在这个阶段出现,并对于他弹性的字汇让步。
22、Once you select this check box, you won't be able to change which cells and ranges are included in the consolidation. ─── 一旦选中此复选框,则不能对在合并计算中包括哪些单元格和区域进行更改。
23、Only uncoated freesheet managed to sustain higher pricing in 2007, influenced by consolidation. ─── 只有未免费管理,以维持较高的价格在2007年,受巩固。
24、In the time of the Principate's consolidation, all the princeps' power and the status followed old conventions. ─── 元首制巩固时期,元首的各种权力和元老院的地位与作用皆由奥古斯都时期沿袭而来。
25、Large-scale consolidation and compaction of soil were responsible for a major part of the destruction. ─── 大部分破坏都是由于土壤的大规模固结和压密所造成的。
26、Some experts believe that if the trend continues for much longer, further consolidation in the automotive sector is likely . ─── 一些专家认为,如果这种趋势持续更长时间,汽车行业的进一步合并是可能的。
27、During the late consolidation stage of sedimentation, mineralized solution are squeezed into fractures. ─── 在沉积物固结的晚期,矿化溶液渗入到裂隙中。
28、He said the crisis could accelerate industry consolidation by forcing small producers out of business. ─── 他说,这场危机可能迫使规模较小的厂家出局,从而加速产业整合。
29、The consolidation of bones or their parts to form a single unit. ─── 关节强直使骨和其它部位强直并形成一体
30、Jade agree to share with sinotrans on a 50/50 basis the spread of usa shipment forward In consolidation . ─── jade同意将联合运输美国货物的手续费按50/50比例与中运分配。
31、At another, the emphasis may be on consolidation, i.e., on organizing the masses and training the troops. ─── 另一时期,则把重心放在巩固方面,这就是组织民众、训练部队的工作。
32、HRCT findings include bronchial wall thickening, ill-defined centrilobular nodules, and lobular consolidation. ─── HRCT上的表现包括支气管壁增厚,边缘模糊的小叶中心型结节、小叶实变。
33、To his credit, Mario Draghi, the newish governor of the Bank of Italy, called for banking consolidation earlier this summer. ─── 为了银行信誉,意大利银行的新行长MarioDraghi今年夏季早些时候呼吁银行进行合并。
34、The consolidation equations were discretized using Crank-Nicolson finite difference form to facilitate solving them. ─── 利用Crank-Nicolson差分格式离散非线性固结方程以方便求解。
35、Wedge-shaped areas of peripheral consolidation without uniform density abutting the pleura were seen in 2 patients. ─── 2例可见基底贴附于胸膜面的楔形阴影,楔形阴影内密度不均,5例显示供养血管征。
36、After their consolidation the two bills were passed unanimously. ─── 他们合并之后,这两个法案获得全票通过。
37、In the end, your best bet, if you can manage it, is to have your bank set you up with a debt consolidation loan. ─── 到最后,你最好的赌注,如果你能管理、是你有你的银行订定一个巩固的贷款债务。
38、"There's a good deal of foment and consolidation happening. ─── “有大量的煽动和巩固发生。
39、During that period of consolidation, the total number of radio owners dropped by 34 percent. ─── 在那个相互联合的时期,收音机拥有人的总数下降百分之34。
40、Some researchers contend that sleep plays no role in the consolidation of declarative memory (i.e., memory involving factual information). ─── 一些研究者认为,睡眠对于陈述性记忆(例如:牵扯到事实信息的记忆)的巩固没有影响。
41、Consolidation of the storage file is inappropriate. (commit succeeded). ─── 存储文件的合并不适当。(确认成功)。
42、Another potential problem with consolidation is that, in a sense, you're giving yourself a fresh start financially. ─── 另一个隐忧是,巩固,在某种意义上,你给自己重新开始接手。
43、In the long run, it will lead to consolidation and a reshuffling of the industry, he said. ─── 他说,长期而言,它将导致该行业的整合和重组。
44、The State guarantees the consolidation and expansion of State-owned mining enterprises. ─── 国家保障国有矿业经济的巩固和发展。
45、If he does not want to promise loans and unsecured debt consolidation loan, he is the best way to borrow loans. ─── 如果他不想要承诺贷款的抵押然后无担保的债务合并贷款是他的最佳的方式能借用贷款。
46、But is debt consolidation really as simple as all that? ─── 但真的这么简单整理债务呢?
47、Do you want to be the Technorati authority on debt consolidation? ─── 为了申请这样项目,您将需要抵押。
48、The consolidation pressure can reach up to 1MPa. ─── 固结压力提高到1MPa以上。
49、The consolidation coefficient is key parameters in the soft clay engineering. ─── 在软土工程中,地基土的固结系数是重要参数。
50、Similarly, there have been three distinct stages in the building up of the Party, its development, consolidation and bolshevization. ─── 党的建设的过程,党的发展、巩固和布尔什维克化的过程,也同样是有三个阶段的特点的。
51、Once this central task -- the consolidation of the Party -- has been accomplished, the rest will follow. ─── 只要抓住整党这个中心环节,各个方面的整顿就不难。
52、Analysts and industry officials have said that deal could trigger consolidation in the global steel sector. ─── 分析家和工业部官员说这笔业务可能引发全球钢铁产业的合并。
53、All comrades in the Party, without exception, should subject themselves to Party consolidation. ─── 全党同志都应该接受整党,谁也不能强调特殊。
54、These firms seem to have run out of energy to play the game of worldwide consolidation that accompanies globalisation of markets. ─── 这些公司似乎没有心力去玩市场全球化过程中的整合游戏了。
55、But the new social system has only just been established and requires time for its consolidation. ─── 但是,新的社会制度还刚刚建立,还需要有一个巩固的时间。
56、Traders watch for proof that consolidation can develop near 2600. ─── 交易者们应寻找2600点附近可能形成盘整的证据。
57、Breakouts from these consolidation patterns are sometimes rapid, but they have a consistent behaviour. ─── 从这些盘整形态中突破有时是很快的,但是它们有着一致的行为。
58、The affected economies,including Hong Kong,are now undergoing a period of painful adjustment and consolidation. ─── 受影响的经济体系,包括香港在内,现正处于痛苦的调整巩固期。
59、The state ensures the consolidation and growth of the state economy. ─── 国家保障国营经济的巩固和发展。
60、Whoever harms this consolidation is doing wrong, and we oppose him. ─── 凡对于这个革命统一战线的巩固工作有所损害者,我们就反对他,他就是错误的。
61、A system of consolidation that only overcrowded the classrooms. ─── 只能把教室塞得爆满的联合体制
62、This is an important consolidation period in the rising trend in the first three months of 2007. ─── 在2007年的头三个月这个区位是上升趋势中重要的盘整时期。
63、The State ensures the consolidation and development of the state-owned economy. ─── 国家保障国有经济的巩固和发展。
64、The CT appearances were exudation,consolidation and fibrosis after 14 days. ─── 中后期 (14天以上 )变化不显著 ,表现以肺渗出、实变、肺纤维化为主。
65、Can these co-operatives help to bring about the gradual consolidation of the others? ─── 可以不可以由这些已经巩固的合作社带领其余尚待巩固的合作社逐步地获得巩固呢?
66、Updated deployment tools are included with SP1 to help you with site consolidation. ─── SP1中包括更新的部署工具,有助于您进行站点合并。
67、Debt Consolidation Services Worth It? ─── 债务是巩固服务值得吗?
68、Consolidation settlement occurs mainly in clays or silts. ─── 压缩沉降主要出现在粘土或粉沙中。
69、Consolidation makes it even more worrisome. ─── 合并现象更是令人担忧。
70、You can lose everything: Consolidation loans are secured loans. ─── 你可能失去一切:债务合并贷款是一种安全的贷款。
71、X-ray chest film or CT showed multi-node and patchy consolidation. ─── X线胸片或CT显示双肺多发结节影和斑片状浸润影。
72、After a recent spate of consolidation in the industry, many steelmakers are looking at acquisitions . ─── 在近期的钢铁行业整合大潮后,许多钢铁制造商正在考虑收购。
73、But, says Mr.Bonnell, 'it seems like they've lost the power to force a consolidation. ─── 但邦内尔表示,看起来中央政府已经失去推动行业整合的能力。
74、Different thermal treatment solutions can be used for the consolidation of the gelly organic films deposited by the direct printing methods. ─── 通过所述直接印刷法沉积的凝胶状有机膜可使用不同的热处理解决方案来固结。
75、He added that his company, one of China's top three chip design houses, was ready to be part of beginning consolidation. ─── 他补充表示,作为中国三大芯片设计公司之一,展讯通信已准备好加入刚刚开始的整合。
76、The "Three Improvements" meant organizational consolidation, ideological education and rectification of style of work. ─── 三整,是指整顿组织、整顿思想、整顿作风。
77、The application of dynamic consolidation in roadbed engineering is analyzed. ─── 分析了强夯在路基工程中的应用。
78、The permeability of geo-bag s clay fills will change significantly in the process of consolidation. ─── 充填粘土袋工程的固结过程中,充填土体的渗透性变化较大。
79、Before you consider debt consolidation, closely examine the proposal. ─── 在考虑负债整合之前,要仔细检视其还款方案。
80、How are minority interests treated under the consolidation method? ─── 合并法如何处理少数者权益?
81、He was also involved in providing leadership and direction during the successful consolidation of PIA and GATF. ─── 他还参与提供领导和指导期间成功地巩固和GATF木。
82、Debt consolidation is the simplest and most straightforward way of dealing with debt. ─── 债务整理是最简单、最直接的方式,解决债务。
83、A consolidation or merger, as of several corporations. ─── 合并,联合几家企业的合并或联合
84、But now consolidation of Dongshan District has the Yuexiu district. ─── 不过现在东山区已经合并了越秀区了。
85、We must integrate consolidation of the Party's class Base with expansion of its mass Base. ─── 坚持增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础相统一.
86、Prepare weekly/monthly selling results consolidation and reporting for the HQ. ─── 为总部准备每周及每月的销售数据汇总报告。
87、Voucher checking, bank statements consolidation checking, check cash stocktaking. ─── 凭证审核,银行对帐单审核,现金盘点审核.
88、In principle, industry consolidation makes it easier for firms to synchronize their actions. ─── 原则上,产业间的合并更容易在统一价格上行动一致。
89、Among several countries, the civil law consolidation always starts within the field of contracts. ─── 在几个国家,民法的汇编总是在合同领域开始。
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