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08-22 投稿


appreciable 发音

英:[əˈpriːʃəb(ə)l]  美:[əˈpriːʃəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

appreciable 中文意思翻译



appreciable 网络释义

adj. 可感知的;可评估的;相当可观的

appreciable 短语词组

1、appreciable define ─── 可观的定义

2、appreciable attack ─── 明显的攻击

3、appreciable extent ─── 可观程度

4、appreciable error ─── 显著误差

5、appreciable mean ─── 可观的平均数

6、appreciable proportion ─── [医] 适当比例

7、appreciable difference meaning ─── 显著差异意义

8、appreciable delay ─── 明显延迟

9、appreciable definition ─── 可观的定义

10、appreciable harm ─── 明显的伤害

11、appreciable defined ─── 可观的定义

appreciable 词性/词形变化,appreciable变形

副词: appre-ciably |

appreciable 相似词语短语

1、appreciably ─── adv.明显地;相当地;可察觉地

2、depreciable ─── adj.可蔑视的;可贬值的

3、appropriable ─── adj.可供专用的

4、inappreciably ─── adv.微不足道地

5、approachable ─── adj.亲切友善的;易理解的;可接近的

6、appreciate ─── vt.欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别;vi.增值;涨价

7、inappreciable ─── adj.微不足道的

8、amerciable ─── adj.[经管]应罚款的

9、appreciative ─── adj.感激的;赏识的;有欣赏力的;承认有价值的

appreciable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There was no appreciable perilesional edema on STIR images (Figure 1D ). ─── STIR显像上没看到周围水肿(图1D)。

2、an appreciable consequence (especially a lessening). ─── 可以感知的结果,通常指逐渐减少的影响或印象。

3、An appreciable pause fell after I had closed the doors, a pause that must have lasted fully a minute. ─── 在我关上门后,有一个意味深长的静默,足足有一分钟之久。

4、At high gas velocities the circulation of solids becomes appreciable. ─── 在高气速时,固体颗粒循环变得显著了。

5、an appreciable difference ─── 可感觉得到的差别

6、He is unable to exert any appreciable Influence upon them . ─── 他无力对他们施加太大的影响。

7、an appreciable effect/increase/amount ─── 可观的效果/增长/数量

8、The cross sections for these fusion reactions are appreciable only for incident energies above 10 KeV. ─── 只有当入射能量超过10千电子伏时,这些聚变反应的截面才是可观的。

9、two main prerequisites for that to keep happening is that US public debt starts decreasing at an appreciable pace and that currency exchange imbalances start to be addressed also elsewhere. ─── 两个主要先决条件,要继续发生的是,美国开始减少公共债务在可观的步伐,并开始汇率失衡问题也必须解决其他地区。

10、The adsorption of nitrogen on ZSM-5 zeolite calcined in situ at 450 c under high vacuum was almost zero at 350 c, very small at 400 c, and quite appreciable at 450 c. ─── 对在高真空条件下,在经450℃即时锻烧而得的沸石上,氮气的吸附在350℃时几乎为零、400℃时很少而在450℃时则十分明显。

11、appreciaBle amounts of noxious waste are still Being dumped into the harBor. ─── 可以估算的大量有害废物仍被倾倒入海港。

12、(ii) Such risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident, particularly when approaching a very large vessel or a tow or when approaching a vessel at close range. ─── 即使有明显的方位变化,有时也可能存在这种危险,特别是在驶近一艘很大的船或拖带船组时,或是在近距离驶近他船时。

13、How hard can it be to make an appraisal? But I'd have to be good at observing the appreciable differences between various properties. ─── 做评估有什么难的?不过,我得有本事观察出不同财产间的明显差别。

14、67. The limit stop must be able to protect the pickoff if the plates are driven together with an appreciable force. ─── 当两板受很大的力被迫接近时,制动销应能保护信号传感器使不受损坏。

15、9. It is in fact quite serviceable for seiches of an appreciable magnitude and short period. ─── 但事实上它对量值大而周期短的假潮还颇适用。

16、CIT told investors late on Wednesday that there was no “appreciable likelihood of additional government support being provided over the near term”. ─── 周三晚些时候CIT告诉投资者,“短期内基本无望获得更多政府支持”。

17、The person who has a strong understanding and in-depth knowledge of food service operations will be appreciable. ─── 对食品服务操作有很深的认识和理解的候选人将被优先考虑.

18、Appreciable changes in temperature ─── 可察觉到的温度上的变化

19、There is no appreciable difference. ─── 大致相同。

20、Appreciable combustible material, in building construction or contents, closer than 35 feet (10.7 m) to the point of operation. ─── 在房屋建筑或建筑物的内容物中,距离作业点35英尺(10.7)内有显著(可观)的可燃物。

21、I can find no appreciable differences in the witnesses' descriptions of the accident, they seem the same. ─── 在我看来, 证人们对事故的描述没有什么明显的区别, 都是一样的。

22、The limit stop must be able to protect the pickoff if the plates are driven together with an appreciable force. ─── 当两板受很大的力被迫接近时,制动销应能保护信号传感器使不受损坏。

23、appreciable error ─── 可察觉误差可估误差显著误差

24、There is no appreciable difference between the two. ─── 两者之间没有什么可感知的区别。

25、The difference in magma source area is the fundamental cause for the appreciable difference in mineralization between the Dabie area and the lower Yangtze Valley area in the Yanshanian. ─── 岩浆源区的不同是造成大别地区和下扬子地区成矿作用重大差别的根本原因。

26、Is no appreciable difference between them. ─── 他们之间没有什么区别。

27、A few seconds delay to everyone on the train is an appreciable social loss, but scarcely matters to the selfish individual in question. ─── 地铁上每个人都被耽误几秒钟,是一种不小的社会损失,但对于我们讨论的那些自私的人而言,却无关紧要。

28、The oral mucosa has a thin epithelium and a rich vascularity that favors absorption, but contact is usually too brief, even for drugs in solution, for appreciable absorption to occur. ─── 口腔粘膜上皮很薄,血管丰富,有利于药物吸收。但是,接触的时间太短暂,即使是溶液剂也来不及等到明显的吸收发生。

29、Generally, radiography can detect only these features that have an appreciable thickness in a direction parallel to the radiation beam. ─── 一般来说,仅能探测这些特征摄有相当可观的厚度方向平行于辐射束。

30、tangible, tactile, palpably, palpable, noticeable, considerable, appreciable ─── 可感觉到的。有形的。明显的。

31、Any appreciable divergence from these values raises questions. ─── 对这些数值有任何可检测到的偏差均说明有问题。

32、Developing the appreciable database of college students'quality ─── 大学生综合素质评价系统软件

33、Appreciable differences may occur, however, when small deformations considerably alter the loading conditions. ─── 当微量变形能使加载条件发生颇大改变时,就会产生颇大的差异。

34、The yield point is the stress at which there is an appreciable increase in strain with no increase in stress, with the limitation that, if straining is continued, the stress will again increase. ─── 屈服点就是应力不增加而应变明显增加时的应力,而且有这样的限制,即如果应变继续增加,应力将再增加。

35、To be frank, if we leave aside mathematics and bypass the abundant formulas, the basic principles of the discipline (of science) are understandable and appreciable. ─── 其实,撇开数学,绕过那一大堆公式,一门学科的基本思想还是可以被我们理解和欣赏的。

36、The influence of reaction temperature and WHSV on conversion of propylene oxide is not appreciable. ─── 反应温度和空速对环氧丙烷的转化率影响不大。

37、There is no appreciable difference between the two ─── 两者之间没有什么(可感到的)区别。

38、imbricata was not detectable under Ar but was appreciable under Ar containing 15% C_2H_2 and 2% CO. ─── imbricata 固氮酶催化的放 H_2,在氩气中未能检出,但在氩中含15%C_2H_2和2%CO 时可以测到。

39、appreciable assets ─── 应升值资产

40、9.emitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous. ─── 像磷的慢慢氧化一样发出没有可感知的热的光。

41、appreciable amounts of noxious wastes are dumped into the harbor. ─── 为数不少的有毒废弃物都倾倒进了海港里。

42、They would like to know if there are ways in which their bilingualism, and their biliteracy, gives them and appreciable advantage, and whether, especially, their limitations and weaknesses in English are identifiable and can be remedied. ─── 他们更想了解,是否可利用某些捷径,得以有效提升自己的双语沟通与读写的能力;此外,尤其想知道,是否可以找到自己学习英语的先天限制与种种缺失,以及补救之道。

43、In the absence of an appreciable magnetic field, the ensemble of nebular electrons interacts with ions to emit weak continuous radiation by free-free and free-bound transitions. ─── 在不存在可观的磁场时,星云中的电子系综与离子相互作用可通过自由-自由和自由-束缚跃迁而发射弱连续辐射。

44、If you use the trick several times, you ll probably still get an appreciable speed boost. ─── 如果您多次用到这种诀窍,在速度方面,可能还将获得可观的改进。

45、Experiments detect appreciable non-linearity of albumin UCA that provides insights into medical ultrasound imaging technique and other prospects. ─── UCA谐波特性实验结果直观地反映了白蛋白超声造影剂显著的非线性特性 ,该特性将为医学超声成像技术和相应基础研究开拓新的领域 .

46、an appreciable shift in the past week. ─── 在过去的一周,两国关系发生了相当大的转变。

47、His essays, especially those on the noble morality and glorious life of his comrade-in-arms, are highly appreciable since every word of the works is overwelmed with passion. ─── 他的散文,那些抒写革命战友高尚情怀、壮美人生的篇章,似乎每一行文字都是用感情的液汁浸泡出来的,十分值得珍视。

48、In low subcooling and low quality region thermal non-equilibrium between two phases has appreciable effect on the critical flow rate, especially at lower pressure. ─── 在低欠热度和低含汽率区域两相间存在热力不平衡性,在较低压力下,它对临界流率的影响十分显著。

49、appreciable adj. ─── 可感知的;可评估的

50、But many experiments demonstrated that the stems of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to appreciable heights. ─── 但许多实验表明细胞都已死亡的植物茎干仍能将水输送到相当可观的高度。

51、This intermediate would not be expected to build up to any appreciable concentration. ─── 不应指望这个中间体会以可观的浓度存在。

52、A neutron has no appreciable electromagnetic interaction with nuclei or with electrons. ─── 中子与原子核或与电子并没有可察觉的电磁相互作用。

53、When the Irish Revival began to be appreciable Mrs. Kearney determined to take the advantage of her daughter's name and brought an Irish teacher to the house. ─── 当爱尔兰文艺复兴运动显出声势时,卡尼太太决心利用她女儿的名字,请来了一位爱尔兰家庭教师。

54、She was loudly applauded. There was an appreciable difference between her two performances. ─── 人们大声的欢呼。她的两次表演有着可以觉察的不同。

55、a small but appreciable amount. ─── 很小但可以感知的数量。

56、The earth 's rotation and its motion around the sun add an appreciable frequency shift . ─── 地球自转与地球绕日公转产生附加的频移。

57、But the Court saw no reason to believe that elimination of the exemptions would make an appreciable difference in public school integration, and thus denied standing. ─── 可是法院认为,没有理由相信取消免税待遇就会使公立学校在相互结合方面产生明显的不同。 所以,最高法院否认了法律地位的主张。

58、"There will be a lag between policy initiatives by governments and supply in the market in appreciable numbers, so we are starting from a fair way back to tackle this problem," he said. ─── "有一个滞后之间的政策措施,由政府和市场供应中称道的号码,所以我们开始从一个公平的方式返回来对付这个问题, "他说。

59、1.considerable (sum of money, losses, etc.); impressive; sizable; respectable; appreciable; 2.significantly; substantially ─── 可观

60、There has been an appreciable increase in the volume of business. ─── 交易额有了显著增加。

61、new regulations will not make an appreciable difference to most people. ─── 新的规定对大多数人将无大影响。

62、Did she have any appreciable influence on him, and thus on history? ─── 她有没有试图对他施以影响,从而改变历史呢?

63、just appreciable fading ─── 始感褪色

64、appreciable proportion ─── [医] 适当比例

65、Cages have an appreciable influence on the suitability of rolling bearings. ─── 保持架对滚动轴承的适用性有明显的影响。

66、adversely affected to an appreciable extent by ... ─── 受到明显不利的影响

67、AMG did not induce any appreciable gastroduodenal mucosal damage,but TOL administered at equimolar significantly produced gastric damage(P

68、one whose domicile lies at an appreciable distance from one's place of business ─── 不住在工作单位的人住宅离工作单位不远也不近的人

69、An appreciable reduction in oxygen content will lead to discomfort and possible death. ─── 当空气中的氧含量明显下降时,人会窒息甚至可能死亡。

70、To those who have never wavered in conscience, the predicament of the individual whose mind is less strongly constituted and who trembles in the balance between duty and desire is scarcely appreciable, unless graphically portrayed. ─── 对于一个意志不够坚强,在责任与欲望之间徘徊不定的人所处的困境,那些良心上从不动摇的人很难理解,除非有人细细地向他们描绘。

71、To ensure the accuracy of measurements when determining the potentials of electrochemical electrodes or cells, these measurements must be made without drawing appreciable current from the cells. ─── 当确定电化学电极或电池的电势的时候,为了保证测量的准确度,测量必须在不从电池吸取任何可察觉电流的情况下进行。

72、appreciable growth ─── 可观增长

73、An appreciable reduction in oxygen content will lead to disomfort and possible death. ─── 当空气中的氧含量明显下降时,人会窒息甚至可能死亡。

74、appreciable changes in temperature.See Synonyms at perceptible ─── 可察觉到的温度上的变化参见

75、The earth's rotation and its motion around the sun add an appreciable frequency shift. ─── 地球自转与地球绕日公转产生附加的频移。

76、Only the penetration method has been used to any appreciable extent. ─── 只有穿透法获得了较广泛的应用。

77、This intermediate would not be expected to build up to any appreciable concentration. ─── 不应指望这个中间体会以可观的浓度存在。

78、obligation not to cause appreciable harm ─── 不造成明显损害的义务

79、There is no appreciable distinction between the twins. ─── 在这对孪生子之间看不出有什么明显的差别。

80、emitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous ─── 像磷的慢慢氧化一样发出没有可感知的热的光

81、A twelfth part of the labour of making a plough is an appreciable quantity. ─── 制犁劳动的十二分之一还是-可觉察的数量。

82、What is troublesome is not just that the idea, like other geoengineering schemes, is untested on any appreciable scale. ─── 刺手的不只是该想法,像其他地质工程方案一样,它没有在任何可评估的范围内测试过。

83、Where study and experience indicate that an appreciable chance of loss must be recognized and allowed for , we have a speculative situation . ─── 如果在研究中通过经验分析一项投资,在必须考量的方面可以预估这次投资有很大的可能性会亏损,那么进行这次投资就是一次投机行为.

84、appreciable change ─── 可感觉到的变化

85、There is an appreciable scale effect on wake fraction,and the wake fraction decreases as the size of models increases. ─── 伴流分数有明显的尺度效应,随模型尺度的增加而下降。

86、But I'd have to be good at observing the appreciable differences between various properties. ─── 不过,我得有本领观察出不百口当间的明显差别。

87、In order to observe health regulations in force in most countries, inflow and outflow is permissible as long as no appreciable current or turbulence is created. ─── 为了遵守大多数国家的卫生条例,只要不产生明显的流动和漩涡,允许采用循环换水。

88、The authors find that there is appreciable difference in focal mechanism between mining-induced earthquakes in the Laohutai coal mine and natural earthquakes of the region. ─── 发现老虎台煤矿矿震与该区域天然地震的震源机制差异明显。

89、Directs and participates in manufacturing engineering projects of a broad and complex nature requiring appreciable creativity, ingenuity and judgment. ─── 引导和参与广泛而复杂的制造工程项目,并具有富有灵感的创造性、思维敏捷和判断力强。

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