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09-11 投稿


ozone 发音

英:['əʊzəʊn]  美:['ozon]

英:  美:

ozone 中文意思翻译



ozone 网络释义

n. [化学] 臭氧;新鲜的空气n. (Ozone)人名;(日)小曾根(姓)

ozone 短语词组

1、ozone sickness ( ─── 喷气机在4万英尺以上高空飞行时飞行员因吸入渗进机舱内的臭氧而引起的)臭氧病

2、ozone pipe ─── 臭氧管

3、ozone demand ─── 臭氧需求

4、ozone-resistant rubbber ─── [化] 耐臭氧橡胶

5、ozone-friendly product ─── 臭氧友好型产品

6、Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer 《 ─── 保护臭氧层维也纳公约

7、ozone proof ─── [电] 耐臭氧

8、ozone-friendly a. ─── 不破坏臭氧层的, ─── 不含破坏臭氧层的化学物质的

9、ozone residual ─── 臭氧残留

10、ozone lamp ─── 臭氧灯

11、ozone hole ─── 臭氧洞

12、siemens ozone tube ─── [机] 西门臭氧管

13、ozone-ether ─── [医] 臭氧乙醚(乙醚、过氧化氢、醇合剂)

14、ozone paper ─── 臭氧纸

15、ozone monitor ─── 臭氧监测器

16、ozone layer ─── [电] 臭氧层

17、Ozone Layer Depleting Substance ─── 臭氧层消耗物质

18、ozone-gas ─── 臭氧气体

19、ozone generator ─── [医] 臭氧发生器

ozone 词性/词形变化,ozone变形

形容词: ozonic |

ozone 相似词语短语

1、to zone ─── 至区域

2、ozonide ─── n.[化学]臭氧化物

3、Godzone ─── n.上帝之国

4、zone ─── n.地带;地区;联防;vi.分成区;vt.使分成地带;环绕;n.(Zone)人名;(塞)佐内

5、ozonise ─── 臭氧酶

6、ozonize ─── vt.使含臭氧;以臭氧处理;vi.变成臭氧

7、ozonate ─── 臭氧

8、ohone ─── int.(苏格兰、爱尔兰,诗、文)唉(表示后悔、哀伤,同ochone)

9、ozon- ─── n.(Ozon)人名;(罗、法)奥宗

ozone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer. ─── 众所周知氯氟烃会破坏臭氧层。

2、The ozone hole forms over Antarctica in August and September, when the temperatures are coldest. ─── 南极上空的臭氧洞于8月至9月间天气最冷的时候形成。

3、The frigid temperatures and atmospheric conditions above Antarctica favor the destruction of ozone. ─── 南极上方寒冷的温度和大气状况促进臭氧的破坏。

4、The protective ozone layer above the Earth has been thinned. ─── 地球上方具有保护作用的臭氧层正变得越来越稀薄了。

5、But no one had been able to take those circulation changes into account accurately enough to reveal the underlying ozone recovery. ─── 但是很少有人可以准确无误地计算出环流中的这些变化,因而很难揭示出臭氧层恢复的趋势。

6、Title: Physiological effects of seawater treated by ozone on Chlorella sp. ─── 关键词:臭氧;小球藻;生理效应.

7、At its largest this year, the ozone hole covered more than 15 million square kilometers. ─── 今年臭氧空洞最大的时候曾达到1500万平方公里,

8、But since then, there has been continued progress toward recovery of the ozone layer. ─── 但从那以后,臭氧层却继续恢复。

9、Therefore, ozone disinfection requirements in time for restocking the previous week. ─── 因此,要求臭氧消毒时间在进货前一周安排。

10、If the circumpolar vortex lasts longer than usual in future years, a large ozone hole could be expected to develop above the Arctic. ─── 如果环极涡旋在未来几年里比正常情况下持续更长时间,一个大规模的臭氧空洞就很可能在北极上空发展起来。

11、Unless the destruction of the ozone layer is stopped, the polar ice caps will melt with terrible consequences. ─── 如果不停止对臭氧层的破坏的话,南北两极的冰冠就可能融化并造成可怕的后果。

12、Dangerous for the ozon layer. ─── R59 对臭氧层有危害。

13、Exogenously administered ozone may, in this model, amplify the efficacy of antigen-antibody dynamics. ─── 在这个情况中,从外施加的臭氧会扩大抗原抗体作用的功效。

14、The ORP controller uses high and low set points to control the production of ozone. ─── ORP 控制器使用高,而且低的组合指出控制新鲜的空气制造。

15、The function of degrading AFTB1 in oils by ozone is also verified. ─── 对油脂中的黄曲霉毒素B1有较好的降解功能。

16、In 1985 scientists discovered a gaping hole in the ozone layer over the South Pole. ─── 1985年科学家发现南极臭氧层上方出现一个裂开的洞。

17、It is environmentally friendly with an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of zero. ─── 与环境有关地它对臭氧稀薄化潜能 (ODP) 感到友好零。

18、Minimum quantity of ozone friendly refrigerant. ─── 填充量少的环保型冷媒。

19、The layer of the atmosphere in which the concentration of ozone is greatest. ─── 大气中臭氧量最多的一层。

20、It has the unique function of sterilization &kill acarid by ultraviolet and ozone radiation. ─── 具有紫外线杀菌功能,可高效驱除尘螨和细菌。

21、Ozone density at 35 km, 30 km and 25 km altitude was high in summer and autumn, and low in winter. ─── 不同高度的臭氧数密度具有明显的季节特征, 35km、30 m和25km高度的臭氧数密度变化特征表现为夏季数密度高,冬季数密度低。

22、Mr. Fraser led a study about the ozone layer for the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization. ─── 他领导了一个研究小姐,为联合国和世界气象组织进行臭氧层的研究。

23、If desired or needed, a vent fan and ozone destruct device can also be added. ─── 如果需要或需要,一个排气口狂热者和新鲜的空气破坏装置也可能是附加的。

24、Prof Austin's computer simulation suggests that the Arctic ozone hole will not recover until around 2040. ─── 奥斯丁教授的电脑模拟显示北极的臭氧洞到2040年之前也不会复原。

25、They must campaign to repair the ozone shield, halt the greenhouse effect, preserve soils and save the tropical rainforest. ─── 他们为了修护臭氧层,遏止温室效应,保护土壤和拯救热带雨林,必须奔走游说。

26、Isentropic Cross-Tropopause Ozone Transport in the Northern Hemisphere. ─── 北半球等熵跨对流层顶臭氧传输。

27、If you look up it opens a hore in the ozone layer. ─── 只要你抬头臭氧层就会破个洞。

28、The ozone layer screens out dangerous rays from the sun. ─── 臭氧层能遮挡住来自太阳的有害射线。

29、We began our analyses with a focus on a particularly efficient oxidant, ozone. ─── 我们开始分析时,焦点锁定在一种强氧化剂:臭氧。

30、One team will fly balloons carrying instruments to measure the ozone. ─── 其中一个小组将放飞载有测量器具的气球来测量臭氧含量。

31、In 1994, scientists reported that, during 1993, Antarctic ozone levels had dropped to their lowest recorded level. ─── 1994年,科学家又报告说,1993年南极臭氧层已经降到了它们最低的纪录水平。

32、Just breathe in that ozone! ─── 吸吸那种新鲜空气吧!

33、My fave Ozon's work is Under the Sand. ─── Angel 我旧年睇咗喇, 一般啦.

34、Peden also said that ozone levels are higher, which causes more asthma symptoms. ─── 佩登还说臭氧水平更高了,这将引起更多的哮喘症状。

35、Nitrogen dioxide and ozone may cause pulmonary edema. ─── 二氧化炭和臭氧可以引起肺水肿。

36、Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas. ─── 臭氧是一种高度活跃的氧气形态。

37、Clean Air Act Amendment (1987) established a national air-quality standard for ozone. ─── 1987年洁净空气法修正案建立了空气的国家空气质量标准。

38、The reaction of CFH_2 radicals with ozone is a strongly exothermic reaction. ─── 同时发现CFH2与O3的反应是强放热反应.

39、That is, those that react with other pollutants, in the presence of sunlight, to form tropospheric ozone. ─── 也就是说,在阳光照射下,与污染物质起化学反应,来形成对流层臭氧。

40、Oxidation by ozone, one of advanced oxidation technologies. have been used in water treatment for more than a century. ─── 臭氧氧化技术是高级氧化技术的一种,在水处理中已有百年的历史。

41、Scientists and politicians worldwide are working to slow the destruction of the ozone layer. ─── 全世界的科学家和政治家正在努力减缓臭氧层的破坏。

42、Addition of organic matters to recirculating water can improve the effect of ozone on descaling. ─── 向循环水中投加有机物可改善臭氧对水垢的脱除效果。

43、A more serious worry is stratospheric ozone. ─── 另一个更值得担心的议题是平流层中的臭氧层。

44、As Roy's soul left his bodywe all said a silent prayer.It drifted up to heavenand left a hole in the ozone layer. ─── 当罗伊的灵魂离开他的身体的时候,我们默默地祈祷。它升上天空,在臭氧层钻出了一个洞、

45、The air there is 95% carbon dioxide. Mars has no ozone layer to screen out the Sun's lethal radiation. ─── 火星大气的构成中有95%是二氧化碳,而且,火星上没有能屏蔽太阳致命射线的臭氧层。

46、In 1985, British scientists confirmed that chemical reactions had begun to damage the ozone layer above Antarctica. ─── 1985年,英国科学家确认,化学反应已开始损害南极上空的臭氧层。

47、Our protective ozone layer above the earth has been thinned. ─── 我们地球上方具有保护作用的臭氧层变得稀薄了。

48、Enhanced upper stratospheric ozone: Sign of recovery or solar cycle effect? ─── 平流层上层臭氧的增强:是恢复或太阳周期作用的信号吗?

49、The hole in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica almost thirty years ago. ─── 大约30年以前,南极上空的臭氧层上发现有空洞。

50、For IMT, anticoagulated blood taken from the patients was exposed to ozone and ultraviolet light and then re-injected. ─── 作为免疫治疗,患者的血液在抗凝状态下被抽出,暴露于臭氧和紫外线,然后再回输。

51、For ozone depletion, we don't use Freon -discharging products. ─── 对臭氧层破坏,我们不用要氟利昂的产品。

52、ShangHai Ozone Purified Technology Development Co., LTD. ─── 上海奥中净化技术开发有限公司。

53、DECO Ozone generator, rest Ozone decomposer. ─── deco臭氧发生器,臭氧休息decomposer.

54、Chlorine from chlorofluorocarbons, or CFC's, is responsible for destroying part of the ozone layer over Antarctica. ─── 含氯氟烃(CFC's)中的氯是对南极上空部分臭氧层造成破坏的化学物质。

55、We can use non-Fresno freezers or air conditioners to protect ozone in the atmosphere. ─── 我们可以用无氟冰箱或空调以保护臭氧层。

56、Ozone losses above the temperate areas of Earth between the tropics and the poles were taking place during summertime. ─── 地球两极与赤道之间温带区域上空的臭氧损失正在夏季里发生。

57、Experts warn that the Northern Hemisphere faces equally disastrous ozone depletion. ─── 专家们提出警告:北半球的臭氧层也同样面临枯竭的问题。

58、Ruiz-Suarez, J.C. and Mayora, O.A., A neural network-based prediction model of ozone for Mexico City. ─── [31李柞泳,邓新民,环境污染预测的人工神经网络模型,成都气象学院学报,1997,12(4),279-283

59、Antarctica was an early victim of ozone destruction. ─── 南极洲是臭氧层被破坏的最早受害者。

60、Catalyst addition not only reduces the residual ozone content by 60. ─── 加入臭氧催化剂能使剩余臭氧含量降低60。

61、Rilling S.The basic clinical applications of ozone therapy.Ozonachrichten,1985,4:7-17. ─── 张晓林.安全、快捷、有效的高压臭氧疗法.健康报,2005-5-24(6).

62、Customer want to buy Ozone Purifier with CE certification in large quantities. Please send us your quotation sheet. ─── 下面是翻译客户想购买臭氧净化器与ce认证数量大。请把您的报价表送给我们。

63、Why the ozone hole is only found in Antarctica? ─── 为什麽臭氧破洞只在南极上空发现?

64、To convert(oxygen) to ozone. ─── 使臭氧化把(氧气)变成臭氧

65、Carbon tetrachloride is an ozone deleting chemical,while chloroform is not. ─── 四氯化碳是臭氧消耗原料,而氯仿则不是。

66、In addition, at an altitude of 12 km ozone is also at its most effective as a greenhouse gas. ─── 引外,在海拔12公里高度,臭氧是最有效的生成温室效应的气体。

67、For an ozone hole to form, proper weather conditions must also exist. ─── 对一个臭氧空洞的形成来说,必须存在适当的气象条件。

68、In 1974, scientists first proposed the idea that manufactured chemicals could threaten the ozone layer. ─── 在1974年,科学家首次提出了工业化学物质可能威胁臭氧层的想法。

69、Ozone depletion seems to be leaving us more vulnerable to damage from ultraviolet (UV) radiation. ─── 臭氧的损耗似乎使我们更容易受到紫外线辐射的伤害。

70、Each month during 1991 saw average ozone levels reach new highs. ─── 1991年的每个月平均臭氧水平都达到新高。

71、Drier and residual ozone eliminator (option) start up. ─── 干燥器和尾气破坏器开始运行。

72、Similar scientific and technical bodies also operate under international treaties dealing with the ozone layer. ─── 其他类似的科学技术机构也根据与臭氧层有关的国际条约开展业务。

73、Just breathe in the ozone on the sea. ─── 吸吸海上的新鲜空气吧。

74、Although ground-level ozone is considered a harmful pollutant, the ozone layer in the stratosphere is beneficial. ─── 尽管地表的臭氧被看成是有害的污染物,但平流层里的臭氧层却是有益的。

75、The concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and ozone also exceed the objectives for a few days in a year. ─── 二氧化氮及臭氧的浓度,每年也有几天超出了空气质素指标。

76、After the antiozonant works its way to the outside of the tire and is exposed to the ozone in the air, it turns brown. ─── 当抗臭氧剂在轮胎上发生化学反应后,它会散发出一种清新的味道,然后会变成谒色。

77、Ozone is formed in the reaction, and a nitro derivative of the olefin. ─── 在反应中形成臭氧及烯烃的硝基衍生物。

78、It has made a very big hole in the ozone layer. ─── 它已经使臭氧层出现了一个非常大的空洞。

79、This heating is accentuated with height because of absorption of solar energy by ozone. ─── 因为太阳能主要被臭氧所吸收,这种加热随高度的变化很突出。

80、The use of wax to inhibit ozone deterioration probably goes back to 1881. ─── 使用蜡来抑制臭氧劣化可追溯到1881年。

81、Guidelines on how to avoid bromate in water have been published by the International Ozone Association. ─── 国际臭氧协会已经发表了有关如何避免接触溴酸盐水的指南。

82、Media reports dubbed the annual thinning a hole in the ozone layer. ─── 媒体报道称之为臭氧层年度稀释“空洞”。

83、Can stratospheric temperature trends be attributed to ozone depletion? ─── 平流层温度趋势能被归因于臭氧减少吗?

84、Next is UVB this type of radiation causes tanning and sunburn most but not all of it is absorbed by the ozone layer. ─── 其次是窄波紫外线B,这种紫外线可造成晒黑及晒斑现象,其中有一部分不能被臭气层吸收。

85、I could have made the decision, if I had this information not to move to the ozone capital of the United States. ─── 如果我们拥有了这些信息,无需到美国的臭氧中心就可以得出结论。

86、Reactions among indoor pollutants relate directly or indirectly on the ozone. ─── 室内污染物间的化学反应都直接或间接与臭氧有关。

87、When the Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987, governments did not originally envision the phase-out of any ozone-depleting substance. ─── 在1987年签署《蒙特利尔议定书》时,各国政府原来并没有想到会逐步淘汰任何消耗臭氧层物质。

88、The additional ozone may absorb more than the usual amount of the sun's heat, which in turn may effect our weather. ─── 增加的臭氧吸收比正常量更多的太阳的热量,从而影响到我们的天气。

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