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08-18 投稿


slacked 发音

英:[slækt]  美:[slækt]

英:  美:

slacked 中文意思翻译







slacked 短语词组

1、slacked food ─── 松软的食物

2、slacked app ─── 松弛的应用程序

3、slacked jaw ─── 下颚松弛

4、slacked off ─── 偷懒;懈怠

5、slacked lime ─── 熟石灰,消石灰

6、slacked up ─── 减退, ─── 减弱

7、slacked syn ─── 同步器松弛

8、slacked cod ─── 松软鳕鱼

9、slacked water ─── 静水;缓慢流动的水;憩流

10、slacked of ─── 懈怠

slacked 反义词


slacked 同义词

slackness | die away |loose | slacken | slake | limp | slack off | lax | slow down | inactive | morass | falloff | slow-moving | inattentive | quagmire | slow up | unprofessional | sluggish | inefficient | remiss | careless | quiet | lazy | relaxed | floppy | droopy | quag | mire | slump | hanging | let up | slack water | drop-off | relax | slack up | idle | falling off | slow | abate | baggy | dull

slacked 常用词组

slack off ─── 偷懒;懈怠

slack season ─── 淡季

slack wax ─── 疏松石蜡;粗蜡

slacked 词性/词形变化,slacked变形

动词现在分词: slacking |动词第三人称单数: slacks |形容词最高级: slackest |动词过去分词: slacked |副词: slackly |动词过去式: slacked |形容词比较级: slacker |名词: slackness |

slacked 相似词语短语

1、slicked ─── adj.光滑的;华而不实的;聪明的;熟练的;老套的;n.[机]平滑器;[机]修光工具;通俗杂志;adv.灵活地;聪明地;vt.使光滑;使漂亮;vi.打扮整洁;n.(Slick)人名;(英)斯利克

2、slacker ─── n.懒鬼;逃避兵役者

3、clacked ─── v.劈啪作响;大声唠叨,喋喋不休;n.噼啪声,啪嗒声;唠叨,喋喋不休;n.(Clack)(美)克拉克(人名)

4、lacked ─── 缺乏;缺少

5、blacked ─── adj.黑色的;黑人的;邪恶的;n.黑色;黑人;黑颜料;vt.使变黑;把鞋油等涂在…上;把(眼眶)打成青肿;vi.变黑;n.(Black)人名;(英、西)布莱克;(德、葡、捷)布拉克

6、sacked ─── v.解雇;洗劫;(美式橄榄球)擒抱(四分卫);把……装入袋里(sack的过去式及过去分词);adj.被洗劫的

7、shacked ─── n.棚屋;小室;vi.居住

8、slaked ─── v.缓和(口渴);满足(欲望);平息,消除,熄灭;(石灰)熟化;使清凉(slake的过去式和过去分词)

9、slacken ─── vi.松劲,懈怠;变松弛;变缓慢;vt.使缓慢;使松弛

slacked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's natural to slack off towards the end of a hard day's work. ─── 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。

2、He's been getting slack and making silly mistakes. ─── 他越来越懒散, 出了些荒谬的错误.

3、For the first few days, I mostly relaxed and slacked off. ─── 一开始的几天,我基本上都是每天放松和睡觉。

4、Haas slacked off in his work. ─── 哈斯工作很懈怠。

5、Demand is slack over the summer months. ─── 夏季的几个月市场滞销。

6、Business was brisk at the beginning of the year, but now it is slack. ─── 年初生意还兴隆,没想到现在竟萧条了。

7、Soon the water will become slack, and the tide will turn. ─── 很快水流就滞缓了,潮汐就要变了。

8、A unique example of the slack diaphragm is the draft gage. ─── 弱膜片的典型例子是风压计。

9、He is always slack in doing his homework. ─── 他做作业总是马马虎虎。

10、One who is slack in work is close kin to a vandal. ─── 做工懈怠的,与浪费人为弟兄。

11、Everything was slack, grooved, comfortable, and faintly civilian. ─── 一切都松松垮垮,墨守成规,得过且过,隐隐有些老百姓办事的味道。

12、Their enthusiasm slacked off. ─── 他们的热情减退了。

13、Masters Of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar - Vol. ─── 夏威夷大使们的闲散调子吉他-第一卷。

14、The crane was slacked off without waiting for the joint material to cure. ─── 吊机不需等到接缝料养护就可移开。

15、Take her all around she was pretty slack. ─── 从各方面来看,她这个人就未免很差劲了。

16、If you slacked consistently, you could be thrown overboard. ─── 如果你屡教不改老偷懒,你可能会被活活扔到海里。

17、He slacked his pace as the sun grew hot. ─── 太阳越来越热,他的脚步也随着放慢了下来。

18、A rope is slack if it hasn't been pulled tight. ─── 如果一根绳子没有拉紧,那它是松的。

19、January is always a slack period . ─── 一月份总是萧条时期。

20、Look busy while you slack off or play games. ─── 你偷懒或是玩游戏的时候要假装忙碌。

21、After intense work in the summer, we 'll be slack off now . ─── 夏季紧张的工作过後,我们现在放松了。

22、Business is slack at this season. ─── 在这个季节生意清淡萧条。

23、They keep the workers even in slack times. ─── 在萧条时期他们也不裁减人员。

24、Actually, many students slack off during the projects and barely slip by. ─── 其实,这样的"课题研究",不少学生也都是应付了事的。

25、Slack out your anchors under the hawse-pipes. ─── 2把你的锚松出锚链筒。

26、The early autumn was lusterless and slack. ─── 初秋的日子是黯淡、萧条的。

27、He is slack in answering letters. ─── 他疏于回信。

28、Don' t slack up your effort, as we are getting to the end. ─── 快到完成的时候了,别松劲

29、After intense work in the summer, we are slack off now. ─── 夏季紧张的工作过後,我们现在放松了。

30、They have stepped up warnings about slack lending standards. ─── 他们已经站出来警告不要放松信贷标准。

31、Scott: My boss said I slacked off too much. ─── 史考特:老板说我太混了。

32、Slack the rope before trying to unite the knot. ─── 在试图打结之前请把这条绳子放松。

33、The ropes of the tent are too tight. Slack off a little! ─── 帐蓬的绳子太紧了。放松一点!

34、The train slacked off it speed as it came into the station. ─── 这列火车进站时,它放慢了速度。

35、Discipline in Mr.Brown's class becomes very slack. ─── 在布朗先生的班上纪律很松。

36、After intense work in the summer,we'll be slack off now. ─── 夏季紧张的工作过后,我们现在放松了。

37、November is a slack month in the hotel. ─── 22月份饭店的业务很平淡。

38、He tightened a few slack screws. ─── 他旋紧了几只松动的螺丝。

39、Never slack off in your position and fulfill your responsibility loyally. ─── 居之无倦,行之以忠

40、His movements were slow and slack. ─── 他的动作慢慢腾腾,懒懒散散。

41、He pulled in the slack of the rope. ─── 他收紧松垂的绳索。

42、Level 2 is much more difficult than Level 1, so many people slacked. ─── 公共英语二级比一级难多了,所以许多人都灰心气馁了。

43、Never really studied much. I slacked and learned a few survival skills. I've returned without accomplishment. ─── 没正经上过学,蹉跎中练就一身生存技能,现在学无所成海外归来。

44、Slack up before you reach the cross - roads . ─── 到交叉路以前减速。

45、Winter is the slack season at most hotels. ─── 冬天是大多数旅馆的淡季。

46、Ask them to be more careful. Don't let them get slack. ─── 叫他们小心些,不要马马虎虎。

47、She was shocked at the slack discipline in the school. ─── 对于学校松弛的纪律她感到震惊。

48、The task becomes critical if the total slack reaches zero. ─── 如果总时差为0,则任务成为关键任务。

49、Bussiness is slack at this season. ─── 不完善的法律。

50、There is a good deal of slack to be taken up before we have reached full productive capacity. ─── 在我们的生产能力达到饱和前,还有大量的闲置人员和设备有待发挥作用。

51、Free slack is how much a task can slip before it delays another task. ─── 可用可宽延时间是在不延迟其他任务的情况下,任务可以落后的时间量。

52、His pace has gradually slacked. ─── 他的步速逐渐慢了下来。

53、She slacked off in her work . ─── 她工作很懈怠。

54、Do not slack off in your studies . ─── 不要荒费你的学业。

55、Do not slack off in your studies. ─── 学习上不可懈怠。

56、He noticed at once that discipline was slack. ─── 他马上觉察到敌方纪律松弛。

57、Other airlines are stepping in to pick up the slack. ─── 其它航空公司纷纷出面收拾残局。

58、There's a good deal of slack to be taken up before they have reached full productive capacity. ─── 他们还得好好整顿才能达到最高的生产能力。

59、I gradually slacked off, blaming it on the fact that our cat loves knocking things like flower vases over. ─── 慢慢地我就懈怠了,因为我会抱怨我家的猫喜欢打碎花瓶。

60、The driver slacked up on the gas pedal. ─── 驾驶员松开油门减速。

61、Agricultural production is both year-round and highly seasonal; strictly speaking, there is no slack season. ─── 农业生产是贯穿于全年而又富于季节性的事情,严格说来,无所谓农闲时间。

62、She was staring into space, her mouth slack. ─── 她双唇微张,失神地望着前方。

63、One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys. ─── 做工懈怠的,与浪费人为弟兄。

64、Organization of the conference was rather slack. ─── 会议的组织工作很松散.

65、Although he slacked through school, when he hit high school, things began to turn around for him. ─── 虽然他通过学校偷懒了,当他击中了高中,事开始为他转过来。

66、You've been slack in your work recently. ─── 你最近工作有些马马虎虎。

67、He was capable of slack writing which he would not condone in others. ─── 他痛恨别人草率成篇,其实自己也有这个毛

68、Slack up the tent ropes before it rains. ─── 在下雨之前把帐篷的绳子放松。

69、Though they were very tired, their enthusiasm never slacked off. ─── 他们虽然很疲倦,但是他们的热情却始终饱满。

70、But I'll tell you what, if you cut him a little slack. ─── 但是我要告诉你,如果你对他宽容一点。

71、His hands slacked down when he heard her shouting. ─── 当听到她的喊声时,他的双手松垂下来。

72、February is a slack time for hotels by the sea. ─── 二月份是海滨旅馆的淡季。

73、Don' t slack off in your studies. ─── 不要荒费学业。

74、Slack water usually happens near high tide and low tide. ─── 在高潮和低潮之间通常有水的滞留。

75、His left arm hung Slack and his hand trembled a good deal. ─── 他的左臂松驰地垂着,手抖得厉害。

76、Attach the cable to the brake, with little or no slack. ─── 在制动器上接一根线,不要太松或者一点都不要松。

77、Slack seasons and wretchedness were unknown. ─── 失业和苦难都已消灭。

78、The train slacked up as it came into the station . ─── 列车进站时减速。

79、He slacked his pace as the sun grew hot. ─── 太阳越来越热,他的脚步也随着放慢了下来。

80、N/C,P/C,nylon,poly for slack suits and down olothes etc. ─── 尼龙/棉,涤/棉,尼龙,涤纶宽松便装,羽绒衣面料。

81、The antenna of master and slave transmitters slacked and liable to be shortened in current. ─── 笼中主发信机和备用发信机天线松弛,易短路。

82、Give me a little slack, will you? ─── 你先休息一下,好吗?

83、Total slack is how much a task can slip before it delays the project. ─── 可宽延的总时间是在不延迟项目的情况下,任务可以落后的时间量。

84、He got fired because he slacked off at work. ─── 他因为在工作中偷懒被炒了鱿鱼。

85、Don' t get slack about doing yourexercises. ─── 不要疏於练习.

86、The offensive has slacked off. ─── 攻势已经衰弱。

87、A slack pace He tightened a few slack screws. ─── 他把几个松动的螺钉拧紧了。

88、Don't get slack at your work. ─── 不要对你的工作懈

89、Carl is sick, so we'll have to pick up the slack for him. ─── 卡尔生病了,所以我们不得不帮他把他那份儿也干了。

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