approximating 发音
英:[əˈprɒksɪmeɪtɪŋ] 美:[əˈprɑːksɪmeɪtɪŋ]
英: 美:
approximating 中文意思翻译
approximating 短语词组
1、approximating mean ─── 近似平均值
2、approximating sqrt ─── 近似sqrt
3、approximating function ─── [计] 逼近函数
4、approximating solution ─── [数]近似解
5、approximating logs ─── 近似对数
6、approximating pi ─── 近似pi
7、approximating patterns ─── 近似模式
8、closely approximating ─── 很接近
9、approximating area ─── 近似面积
10、approximating areas ─── 近似面积
11、approximating distribution ─── 近似分布
12、approximating root ─── 近似根
13、approximating with powers of 10 ─── 近似于10的幂
approximating 词性/词形变化,approximating变形
副词: approximately |动词过去分词: approximated |动词第三人称单数: approximates |动词现在分词: approximating |动词过去式: approximated |
approximating 相似词语短语
1、approbating ─── vt.认可;承认;批准
2、approximeeting ─── 接近
3、approximant ─── n.无擦通音;近似值;近似式
4、approximations ─── [数]近似值
5、appreciating ─── v.欣赏(appreciate的ing形式);感激;使增值;鉴别
6、approximative ─── adj.近似的
7、approximation ─── n.[数]近似法;接近;[数]近似值
8、appropriating ─── adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的;vt.占用,拨出(专款等)
9、approximate ─── adj.近似的,大概的;v.接近,近似;粗略估计
approximating 常见例句(双语使用场景)
2、surface approximating ─── 曲面拟合
3、The first paper introduces a new way of approximating the probability distribution of a function of random variables.This is done with a Gaussian probability law with stochastic mean and variance. ─── 在实际状况无法掌控时,工程师便引入机率的观点来判断系统本身具有的特性,藉由特定且连续之曲线来适当描述系统的失效机制,可靠度模型便由此衍生而来。
4、Methods This paper set up the functional projective relationship from the imput to the output ,utilizing the function approximating model of artificial neural network. ─── 方法利用人工神经网络的函数逼近功能模型,建立输入到输出的函数映射关系。
5、Geometric results for implicit iteration process approximating common fixed points of strictly pseudocontractive mappings ─── 严格伪压缩映像族隐格式迭代逼近不动点几何结果
6、A New Method for Approximating Minimal Surface ─── 一类极小曲面造型设计的新方法
7、An Asymptotic Approximating Solution of the Board Under the Average Loads Action ─── 均布荷载作用下四边固支板的一种逼近解法
8、Local conditions influence the values of the convection coefficient in a mixed convection regime, but the references permit locating the pertinent regime and approximating the convection coefficient. ─── 局部条件影响混合对流热传递系数值,但参考书中允许根据具体问题对对流系数进行近似取值。
9、In this paper, a new theoritical method, the steepest descent approxim ation method was developed to study the eigen value problem in optical waveguide theory. ─── 本文提出了一套研究波导电磁场本征值问题的最陡下降逼近方向。
10、Rational number can approxim ate to real number, use the notation of Approximate one can prove Riemann function isn't differentiable anywhere, that the Rational points are dense in unit circle. ─── 摘要利用有理数对实数逼近的表示方式,给出黎曼函数处处不可导的一种证明,给出单位圆周上的有理点在单位圆上稠密的证明。
11、Info:This is a beautiful Cocktail/Debs/Prom dress it is made to order, so delivery time would be approxim ...... ─── 主要材质:其它次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用季节:夏
12、This paper presents an asymptotic approximating solution for the internal forces of the board under loads by using the method of weighted residuals. ─── 提出一种用加权残数法求解均布荷载作用下四边固支板内力的逼近解法。
13、Being able to look at the paragraphs on the screen in an approximating of the font yin which they will appear in the book wan also instructive. ─── 屏幕上文稿所用的字体与以后印在书籍中的字体非常接近,因此,通过电脑屏幕上检查一段文字大有好处,你可以发现一些在双倍行距的柯里尔打印稿中并不明显的问题。
14、At last, the orthogonal property of signal with noise subspaces and the approximating of the binomial are utilized to estimate the types of the scattering centers. ─── 同时,利用特征分析法的信号与噪声子空间正交特性、二项式近似两种方法来提取散射中心的类型参数。
15、Superior at approximating high frequency lighting than spherical harmonics function,wavelets have been increasingly adopted in PRT based global light rendering algorithm. ─── 由于小波相比球面谐波函数能够更好地表现许多高频光照细节,哈尔小波被越来越多地被应用在许多基于PRT的全局光照渲染算法中。
16、Functional approximating ─── 函数逼近
17、Approximating to Minimal Surface with Weighted B-Spline Surface ─── 任意边界下的极小曲面造型问题
18、With mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating. ─── 对于数学题,你可以用近似法省时间。
19、finite dimensional approximating method ─── 有限维逼近
20、online approximating ─── 在线逼近
21、In the finite element method, one of the restrictions on the approximating functions is relaxed. ─── 在有限单元方法中,放开了定近似函数的限制。
22、Aiming at the problem of approximating non-linear functions, a new syncretized strategy-wavelet fuzzy network is presented. ─── 摘要针对非线性函数逼近问题,提出了一种新的融合策略-小波模糊网络;
23、Tabloid: Newspaper that about half the size of a regular newspaper. approximating to A3. ─── 小报:约为A3度的小张报纸,它比一般报纸细约一半。
24、Aiming at the surface approximating of the scattered data, this paper proposes a fitting method of curved surface which is based on the radial basis functions used together with the B-spline surface. ─── 摘要针对散乱数据的曲面拟合问题,提出一种径向基函数与B样条插值结合使用的曲面拟合方法。
25、Approximating to Nonparameterzied Minimal Surface with B-Spline Surface ─── B-样条函数极小曲面造型
26、Fluency and Sentence Structure: Speech appears to be fluent and effortless, approximating that of native-speaking peers. ─── 流利程度和句型使用:演讲如母语一般流利自如。
27、With few exceptions, data approximating one-dimensional or planar expansions were selected. ─── 只有很少的例外,选取了接近一维或平面膨胀的数据。
28、Iterative Procedures with Errors Approximating the Common Fixed Point of Set-Valued Strongly Pseudo-Contractive Mappings ─── 具有带误差逼近的赋值伪压缩映像的公共不动点迭代序列
29、a formula for approximating the weight of a horse ─── 估算一匹马重量的公式
30、This objection would be a good one if Congress had delegated something approximating its entire warmaking power to the President. ─── 如果国会将几乎完整的战争权都赋予总统,那么这项异议就是正当的。
31、However radiation-induced contracture of the neck skin can cause difficulty in approximating the voice tube with the tracheostoma. ─── 但是颈部皮肤常因放射治疗而变硬,使得病人将声管与气切口吻合时发生困难。
32、The organoleptic and physic-chemical targets of whole-seed sufu and conventional sufu are approxim... ─── 成品感官及理化指标均达到了普通腐乳标准,具有显著的经济效益。
33、Several Algorithm s and C Program s of Extractingan Approxim ate Root of a Unary Cubic Equation ─── 求解一元三次方程近似根的几种算法的C语言实现
34、The e mpirical formulae for approximating passing pressure waves given here and the te st fit curves have good matching precision.The paper also cites points for atten tion. ─── 所给出的会车压力波系数经验估算式与试验拟合曲线具有良好的吻合精度,并提出了使用时应注意的问题。
35、subspace approximating optimization ─── 子空间近似算法
36、Chuck Berry, who I saw a year or two ago, played guitar and did something approximating a dog walk. ─── 在一两年前,我看到 Chuck Berry 弹着吉他,像小狗走路一样跳着舞步。
37、Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is superior to the scheme based on wavelet modulus maxima by approximating better the edges of images. ─── 实验结果表明,与基于小波模极大值的图像边缘检测方法相比,该文算法有较低的计算复杂度,所提取的边缘更加逼近图像真实边缘。
38、approximating,resembling,or taking the place of a fundamental crystalline form or face ─── 接近、相似或者替代水晶似的形状或表面的
39、Approximating the Derivative Bounds of Parametric Curves and Applying to Curve Rasterization ─── 参数曲线导矢界估计及在曲线绘制中的应用
40、The evolutional process of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a process approximating to the developing law of human society. ─── 中国特色社会主义演进历程就是逐步趋近人类社会发展规律的过程。
41、Approximating Characteristics of Fuzzy Systems With Arbitrary Membership Function ─── 任意隶属度函数模糊系统的逼近特性
42、Approximating a transmition line as cascade of many parallel C and series L circuit model. ─── 以多段并联电容与串联电感串接电路模型逼近传输线。
43、Bernstein polynomials and its approximating continuous functions ─── 伯恩斯坦多项式与其所逼近的连续函数
44、Solving the full set of equations for anything even vaguely approximating the real universe is unthinkably difficult, and so most of us resort to the simpler route. ─── 即使是按照真实宇宙的粗略近似来计算这个方程组都有无法想象的困难,所以我们中的多数采取简化办法。
45、Study of Structural Methods of Approximating Function of Tabulate Curves ─── 列表曲线逼近函数构造方法的探讨
48、My dad grunted, checked the rearview mirror, and changed lanes at something approximating the speed of light. ─── 爸爸嘴里说着什么,一边看着后视镜一边换车道。车速似乎接近光速了。
49、Finally, an approximating formula which is applicable for the whole frequency range is given. ─── 最后给出了在全频率范围适用的声阻率近似公式。
50、Tabloid: Newspaper that about half the size of a regular newspaper. Approximating to A3. ─── 小报:约为A3度的小张报纸,它比一般报纸细约一半。
51、Approximating Common Fixed Point of Two Asymptotically Quasi-nonexpansive Mappings by Iteration Method in Convex Metric Spaces ─── 完备凸度量空间中两个渐近拟非扩张映像公共不动点的迭代逼近
52、Reaching infinitesimals, mathematics, the most exact of the sciences, leaves the process of analysis and enters on a new process of approximating to summing up the unknown infinitesimals. ─── 数学这门最精密的科学获得无限小数的时候,便放弃解析的过程,开始总和未知的无限小数的新过程。
53、Two calculating methods of straight line and Archimedes spiral approximating involute are introduced. ─── 介绍了用直线及阿基米德螺旋线逼近渐开线的两种方法。
54、Numerical results show that ridgelet transform is more effective than the wavelet transform in approximating and denoising images with straight edges. ─── 实验结果说明,脊波在对具有直线边缘的图像逼近和去噪时的确比小波有效。
55、This paper has also given the calculate method of approximating precision of B-spline surface. ─── 文中还给出了B样条曲面逼近精度的计算方法。
56、Approximating derivative bounds of parametric surfaces and its application for surfaces rendering ─── 参数曲面导矢界估计及其在曲面绘制中的应用
57、Locally Linear Approximating(LLA) ─── 局部线性逼近
58、Approximating Fixed Points of Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings by Modified Ishikawa Iteration Process ─── 用修改的Ishikawa迭代序列逼近渐近非扩张映像的不动点
59、The one part of the United States that has something approximating a proper free market in electricity, Texas, is also keener than any other state on deploying the turbines. ─── 德克萨斯州是美国几近完全自由的电力市场化的地方,同样它比任何州都积极地在建造风场。
60、Algorithm of the Scattered Data Approximating Based on Radical Basis Functions and B-spline ─── 基于径向基函数与B样条的散乱数据拟合方法
61、The first region to have something approximating today's ATC was New York City, with other major metropolitan areas following soon after. ─── 第一个出现类似现在的航空交通管制的地方是纽约市,很快,其它大城市也开始效仿。
62、By approximating the nonlinear chaotic system with a T S fuzzy model, the nonlinear chaotic system is fuzzed into a local linear model. ─── 采用模糊动态模型逼近非线性混沌系统,将非线性混沌系统模糊化为局部线性模型。
63、Research of Approximating Algorithm for Compensated Two-stage Stochastic Optimization Problem ─── 有补偿二阶段随机最优化问题的逼近算法研究
64、By approximating that, they can determine where to direct the next request. ─── 在类似情况下,它们就能确定将把下一个请求送到什么地方去。
66、anything tall and thin approximating the shape of a column or tower ─── 形状大概象圆柱或塔形的任何高而细的物体
67、Locally smooth approximating ─── 局部光滑逼近
68、Ratcheting up the time limit on a regular basis becomes a reasonable way of approximating that perpetuity. ─── 定期地逐渐抬高保护年限是接近永久保护的不错方法。
69、We introduce and motivate the main theme of the course, the setting of the problem of learning from examples as the problem of approximating a multivariate function from sparse data - the examples. ─── 我们介绍且激发课程的主题将朝向于实例学习法的问题设定,例如稀疏值中多变量函数近似的问题。
70、Also, he said, "the cost of marketing a Web site and the cost of free shipping both ways was approximating a store expense, " he said. ─── 他还说,“推广网站的费用,再加上免费送货和退货的成本,就和开一家店的花费差不多了。”
72、This objection would be a good one IF Congress had delegated something approximating its entire warmaking power to the President. ─── 如果国会将几乎完整的战争权都赋予总统,那么这项异议就是正当的。
73、The earth is not a sphere, but an irregular changing shape approximating to an ellipsoid; ─── 地球并不是球体,而是一个接近椭球体的不断变化的不规则形状。
74、Finally all the approximating errors of two regions are entropy coded. ─── 最后将所有误差数据进行熵编码。
75、Algorithm for approximating non-circular curve with tangent ─── 用切线逼近非圆曲线的算法
76、The routing space of the aircraft in penetration was studied, and a method for approximating the radar detection area was given. ─── 其次通过研究支援干扰条件下突防飞机的路径空间,提出了基于十边形的雷达探测区域近似方法;
77、The neurological deelopment sequence in the rat and human are similar, with the newborn rat CNS approximating that of the 24 week human fetus (1). ─── 大鼠与人类的神经学形成过程类似,新生大鼠CNS相当于人类胎儿24周左右[1]。
78、Optimal approximating ─── 最优逼近
79、arc approximating ─── 圆弧逼近
80、Final variable-ratio rates were higher than those under fixed ratios found in previous research, with rates for 2 of the 3 obese boys approximating those of the nonobese. ─── 最后的变率,有高于那些在先前研究中适用固定变率者的比例,约有大约三分之二的肥胖男孩,有近似于非肥胖男孩的表现。
81、The act, process, or result of approximating. ─── 接近接近的行为,过程或结果
82、We present a general method for approximating the considered bilevel programming problem by using asequence of bilevel optimization problems, and get some interesting results of this approach. ─── 我们给出了由一系列此类二层规划去逼近原二层规划的逼近法,得到了这种逼近的一些有趣的结果.
83、Approximating Methods of Orthogonal Wavelet Filter Banks Based on Lattice Structure ─── 基于栅格结构的正交小波滤波器组逼近方法
84、anything tall and thin approximating the shape of a column or tower. ─── 形状大概象圆柱或塔形的任何高而细的物体。
85、Approximating Fixed Points of Quasi-nonexpansive Mappings by Ishikawa Iterative Scheme in Banach Spaces ─── Banach空间中拟非扩展映象的不动点的迭代逼近
86、The evolutional process of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a process approximating to the developing law of human society. ─── 中国特色社会主义演进历程就是逐步趋近人类社会发展规律的过程。
87、smooth approximating function ─── 光滑近似函数
89、cubic spline approximating function ─── 三次逼近样条
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