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09-01 投稿


occultation 发音

英:[ˌɑːkʌlˈteɪʃən]  美:[ˌɒkʌlˈteɪʃən]

英:  美:

occultation 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 掩星


occultation 短语词组

1、Taiwanese–American Occultation Survey ─── 台湾-美国掩星调查

2、occultation ffxi ─── 掩星ffxi

3、occultation mars ─── 掩星火星

4、occultation band ─── 掩带

5、occultation meaning ─── 掩星意义

6、occultation def ─── 掩蔽定义

7、occultation book ─── 掩星书

8、occultation moon ─── 掩月

occultation 词性/词形变化,occultation变形

副词: occultly |动词过去分词: occulted |名词: occultness |动词第三人称单数: occults |动词现在分词: occulting |动词过去式: occulted |

occultation 相似词语短语

1、curtation ─── 卷曲

2、auscultation ─── n.[临床]听诊

3、crustation ─── n.壳化作用,成壳作用

4、consultation ─── n.咨询;磋商;[临床]会诊;讨论会

5、acceptation ─── n.赞同;承认;通用意义

6、flocculation ─── n.絮凝;絮结产物

7、occupation ─── n.职业;占有;消遣;占有期

8、occultations ─── n.[天]掩星;掩蔽

9、acculturation ─── n.文化适应;文化移入;文化互渗(不同文化在频繁交流中的互相影响)

occultation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Others are aware of the occult world, telling their own myths and legends. ─── 其他知道玄奇世界的生物告诉狼人他们所知的秘密和传说。

2、After the occultation, Io will become the innermost moon. ─── 卫星被遮挡结束后,木卫一会成为最内环的卫星。

3、Mysticism and magic from throughout the world, many are drawn to dark arts, occult studies and forbidden lore. ─── 世界上的秘密和魔法很多都被制成黑暗的艺术品、神秘的知识和封印的学问。

4、The emergence of a celestial body from eclipse or occultation. ─── 出凌天体从蚀或掩星中的出现。

5、A partial explanation for these data may be the presence of occult micrometastatic disease at diagnosis. ─── 作为这些数据的不完全解释可能是在诊断时隐蔽的微转移疾病的存在。

6、One is caused by the tumor around temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which is occult. ─── 一类是发病部位隐蔽的关节周围组织的肿瘤。

7、Three odd-ball scientists get kicked out of their cushy positions at a university in New York City where they studied the occult. ─── 三个致力研究超自然现像科学家,在不受学术机构重视下,决定开业捉鬼。

8、Mobile phones are killing off ghosts, a British expert who has spent years researching the occult said. ─── 手机正在让鬼魂趋于灭绝,一位长期研究神秘事物的英国专家如是说。

9、With his own wife no longer believing in his occult powers, Liu the Sage lost courage. He never tried to demonstrate them again. ─── 二诸葛见老婆都不信自己的阴阳,也就不好意思再到别人跟前卖弄他那一套了。

10、Besides finding exoplanets, COROT will also be able to determine their sizes, because the amount of dimming during a planet's occultation is proportional to that planet's girth. ─── COROT不但能找系外行星,也能测量它们的大小,因为掩星所造成光度减弱的幅度,和行星的最大圆周成正比。

11、As you get older, you may be attracted to more offbeat studies, such as astrology and the occult. ─── 但随着你年龄的增大,你可能会被诸如占星和玄学方面的非主流科学所吸引。

12、Finally, the mechanism and prospect for using GPS occultation to monitor seismic precursor are discussed. ─── 最后讨论了GPS掩星技术应用于地震前兆监测的机理和前景。

13、Like dream,like phantasm,it is a labyrinth what is occult one by one,make me to find the one way...... ─── 如同梦境,如同幻影,是玄机重重的迷宫,让我在寻找那唯一的出口.......

14、In hepatitis C patients, occult HBV coinfection will reduce the response to interferon. ─── 在丙肝感染者中,重叠感染隐匿性HBV会影响干扰素的疗效。

15、Hypotensie, fluid-resuscitated patients with seere CAP should be screened for occult adrenal insufficiency. (Moderate recommendation; leel II eidence. ─── 患有低血压的较严重的社区获得性肺炎患者要区别于被隐蔽的肾上腺机能减退患者。

16、In this, he will be guided by the masters of The Path all the way up to the sources of occult knowledge. ─── 所以,全程上他将受到道路之上大师们的指导,向上到达奥秘知识的来源。

17、Tranquility, meditation, inspiration, occult wisdom, protection, healing, understanding, patience, relationship harmony, devotion, sincerity. ─── 宁静,冥想,灵感,超能力,保护,康复,了解,耐性,和谐关系,投入,诚挚

18、You may also bring occult knowledge forward into the light. ─── 你也能带来引导走向光明的神秘学识。

19、Refer to thePDQsummary onMetastatic Squamous Neck Cancer With Occult Primaryfor more information. ─── 如果癌症位于颈部区域(颈淋巴结),其治疗可能会是下述的一种:

20、But from some locations the Moon actually passed in front of Venus, interrupting the tight grouping with a lunar occultation. ─── 但是从一些地理位置上看,实际上月球会从金星前通过,所以月掩金星中断了的星月相遇的现象。

21、Hoogewerf PE, Hislop TG, Morrison BJ Burns SD and Sizto R. Health belief and compliance with screening for fecal occult blood. Social Science and Medicine 1990; 30(6): 721-6. ─── 姜逸群:高血压患者的健康信念、规范于按时门诊群与未按时门诊群之差异研究。卫生教育论文集刊1996;9:1-11。

22、He' s interested in the occult. ─── 他对神秘学很感兴趣.

23、A star does not shine because some occult force has caused it to do so. ─── 一颗恒星不发光是因为某些未知的力所致。

24、Slight tenderness over epigastric region, heart beat120/ min, stool tarry like, occult blood test showed strong positive. ─── 上腹部轻度压痛,心率120次/,大便柏油样,潜血试验强阳性。

25、Is that why his dabbling in the occult and secret societies has led to the recent charges of abuse? ─── 他涉足隐性神秘的社会组织是导致他近来受侵犯指控的原因吗?

26、GW doesn't have any interest in the occult, but others may have. ─── GW在这神秘事件里丝毫没有任何兴趣可言,其他人也许除外。

27、The occult cancer lesion was pathologically confirmed within ipsolateral lobe in all the 30 cases. ─── 1例死于肺转移。结论:治疗应选择一侧腺叶全切或次全切除术。

28、Some problems are solved or thorough explored in sensing Earth's atmosphere via GPS radio occultation methodology. ─── GPS无线电掩星反演地球大气参数方法是上世纪八十年代末提出的一种具有挑战性的理论。

29、noise occultation was significant, and the undertone was the easiest one to be occulted. ─── 噪音对信号的掩蔽作用显著,其中低音最易被掩蔽。

30、But only a day before, well placed observers could also watch a lunar occultation of Saturn as the planet passed behind the nearly Full Moon. ─── 但就在月全食发生的前一天,当土星通过距离更近的满月后方时,位置较好的观测者还观看到了月球掠掩土星的景象。

31、In most religions they have been used in worship because of a very old belief that beads of glass or stone have occult power. ─── 在大多数宗教中,敬神礼拜时会使用珠子项链,因为有一个非常古老的说法,即玻璃或宝石珠子有超自然的力量。

32、The main content includes the analysis of occultation installations, population evacuation route and the optimization of the network. ─── 主要包括人防掩蔽工程分析、人口疏散路线分析及疏散网络的最优化分析。

33、How is defecate occult blood caused? ─── 大便潜血是怎么引起的?

34、A prospective study was conducted to evaluate the occurrence of occult blood in the faces in 48 patients after receiving extracoporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) treatment. ─── 摘要吾人于48位临床因肾脏或上端输尿管结石接受体外波碎石术治疗之病人进行一前瞻性之研究,观察其术前术后粪便潜血出现之情形。

35、The emergence of a celestial body from eclipse or occultation. ─── 终切;出凌天体从蚀或掩星中的出现

36、The cleaning effects were compared between the groups by randomly sampling 5 instruments with axes for test of occult blood. ─── 同时在每例病员所用的手术器械经清洁处理后随机取样5件有轴节的器械进行隐血试验,比较两种清洁方法的清洁效果。

37、However, thanks to Young and the mysterious owner of a cafe called the Cafe Occult, Suh Rin is rescued from a new existence as someone's servant. ─── 并别出心裁地提出了检查大便和远离电视、电脑等举措对于减肥的重要性,纠正了大众对节食的认识误区。

38、Hence we find occult or psychic science, as would be called at the present, was rather the natural state of man in the beginning. ─── 因此我们发现了神秘事物或神秘科学,目前就这样称呼它,说得贴切点这是人与生俱来的本能状态。

39、The theory and the procedure of inversion of Earth′ s neutral atmospheric parameters with GPS occultation are briefly introduced. ─── 介绍了利用gps掩星反演地球中性大气参数的原理。

40、The computation with data of certain occultation event is don... ─── 对特定掩星事件的数据进行了反演计算,并对计算结果进行了分析。

41、They've got me practicing this thing called "occultation," the art of hiding yourself from magical spies. ─── 他们让我不断练习称作“隐伏”的事情,让你在魔法间谍面前隐藏自己的技巧。

42、Operation should be taken without delay when it is doubtful that there is a occult scleral rupture. ─── 对疑有巩膜破裂的患者早期行手术探查是避免漏诊和误诊的关键。

43、The radio occultation technique is a new way to explore the Earth's atmosphere. ─── 无线电掩星技术是一种探测地球大气的崭新途径。

44、ICGA is a good method for the study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of AMD and the detection of occult choroidal neovascular membrance. ─── 对AMD患者进行FFA和ICGA眼底血管对照检查,对了解AMD的发病机理,及早发现潜在的脉络膜新生血管,以尽早给予适当的预防性治疗均有重要意义。

45、The occultation will be seen from parts of Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. ─── 在非洲,欧洲,中东地区,和亚洲的部分地区可以看见月掩星。

46、Don‘t seek and don‘t believe: all is occult. ─── 不要探寻也不要相信:一切都是神秘的。

47、Most stool examination was normal (10/18, 55. 56%) but few stool specimen could be found with some leucocytes (3/18,16.67%) and little occult blood (4/18, 22.22%). ─── 大部分粪便常规检测正常(10/18,55.56%),个别见少量白细胞(3/18,16.67%)和潜血弱阳性(4/18,22.22%);

48、Were not all things charged with occult virtues? ─── 所有的一切事情,难道不是都有隐藏的品质?

49、Here we report observations of an occultation of a star by the plume on 24 October 2007 that revealed four high-density gas jets superimposed on the background plume. ─── 2007年10月,“卡西尼”的紫外成像光谱仪观测到该水蒸气柱对一颗遥远恒星所造成的掩星现象。

50、Lateral aberrant thyroid rests may be found that are actually occult metastases with a benign histologic appearance. ─── 可以发现一侧迷走性甲状腺残余,实际上这是带有良性组织表观的癌的隐性转移。

51、I had thought Father's book on the occult were harmless entertainment, tricks for my imagination. ─── 我认为我的隐密的父亲书是无害的娱乐,我的想像力的把戏。

52、Usually, we analyze variation stars or occultation events by applying aperture photometry. ─── 传统上寻找变星或掩星的方法是测光分析。

53、The chronic anaemia of children and defecate contain the only show that occult blood may be countercurrent sex esophagitis. ─── 儿童的慢性贫血和大便含潜血可能是反流性食管炎的唯一表现。

54、The potential of human is mysterious and unimaginable just like the universe with exhaustless and occult power and extrasensory information. ─── 人体潜力是神秘和不可思议的,就象宇宙蕴藏着无穷尽的神秘力量和特异信息。

55、Stools may show gross or occult blood and bilious vomiting or hematemesis may also be present. ─── 我们观察了一些此类的病例,有些与过敏性紫斑有关;

56、As we have seen Oriental religion and the European occult traditions had made a great impact on the intellectual elite of America in the nineteenth century . ─── 我们已看到,19世纪的美国知识分子精英已受到东方宗教和欧洲秘密传统的巨大影响。

57、The probe was equipped with a radio occultation experiment to profile atmospheric density. ─── 探测器上配备有一个用于测定(绘)大气密度轮廓的无线电掩星实验装置。

58、Some mediumship is noted with keen interest for occult studies. Don't let the flame extinguish. ─── 很多灵媒都对神秘学研究充满兴趣,不要让这火焰熄灭。

59、He and the black-leather fellow looked very occult. ─── 他和那个象黑皮革似的家伙显得很神秘。

60、The pentagram has longed been linked to the occult and devil worshiping. ─── 五角星长久以来一直与魔鬼崇拜有着神秘莫测的联系。

61、The greatest delight which the fields and woods minister, is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable. ─── 在野地与森林中所蕴藏着的极大的喜悦,意味着人与植物之间存在着某种神秘的联系。

62、With an almost occult carefulness he turned the door handle, and opened the door an inch. ─── 他带着一种几乎是超自然的谨慎,旋转门把柄,随着低微的嘎吱声,门开了一条缝。

63、The way of remote sensing of terrestrial atmospheric parameters using space borne GPS radio occultation technique is discusses in this paper. ─── 探讨了空基无线电掩星技术应用于遥感地球大气参数方法,并将该方法编制成资料处理软件。

64、Although no ancient texts on Atlantean Vailixi are known to exist, some information has come down through esoteric, "occult" sources which describe their flying machines. ─── 尽管没有关于亚特兰蒂斯维利斯的文献存在,一些资料通过深奥而来,“神秘的”来源形容着他们的飞行机器。

65、This investigation presents a retrospective study of occult spinal dysraphism(OSD)in 40 patients. ─── 对40例隐性椎管闭合不全的患者进行了回顾性研究。

66、They have all the intelligence and tool-using capability of any human, making some werewolves masters of both high technology and occult power. ─── 他们拥有的所有人类有的智慧和使用工具的能力使一些狼人能同时掌握高端的科技和神秘的力量。

67、Strul HArber N.Fecal occult blood test for colorectal cancer screening[J].Ann Oncol.200213(1):5l56. ─── 姜泊智发朝,刘思德等.采用腺管开口分型和内镜黏膜切除术诊治大肠肿瘤[J].中华医学杂志200383(4):294297

68、He was a student of the occult. ─── 他曾研究神秘学。

69、In England, men and women between 60 to 69 years old are asked to have a faecal occult blood test (FOB test) every two years. ─── 在英国,男性和女性之间60到69岁是问有粪便潜血试验 (离岸价测试)每两年一次。

70、Slight tenderness over epigastric region, heart beat 120/min, stool tarry like, occult blood test showed strong positive. ─── 上腹部轻度压痛,心率120次/分,大便柏油样,潜血试验强阳性。

71、They've got me practicing this thing called " occultation , " the art of hiding yourself from magical spies. ─── 他们让我不断练习称作“隐伏”的事情,让你在魔法间谍面前隐藏自己的技巧。

72、In literary contexts, it is applied, generally, to poetry of a Platonic, esoteric, recondite, or occult kind. ─── 就文学范围说,它一般用于指柏拉图式的、深奥的、晦涩的或玄妙的诗歌。

73、In evolved individuals, Pluto in the eighth indicates healing energy and occult or psychic ability. ─── 在现有的个案上,冥王星八宫代表疗愈能量以及超自然的灵魂能力。

74、In order to know the efficacy of manual washing and autoclaving in sterilization of medical needles, occult blood and sterility tests were carried out. ─── 为了解医用针头手工清洗与压力蒸汽灭菌的效果,进行了隐血与无菌试验。

75、There are an abundance of the lunar occultation records in ancient China. ─── 我国古代有相当丰富的月掩星观测记录。

76、In the circumstance of Chinese classic culture, "sanctitude" and "Tao" had many same meanings, both of them showed a kind of occult human's realm. ─── 在中国传统文化的背景中,“神”与“道”互通,它们共同表现了一种玄妙的人生之境。

77、In such an expression, sword is depicted as inspiring conscious weapon, knowing all kinds of occult methods. ─── 剑器被神化为“剑术”的过程中,不仅有社会文化心理因素,还有文学自身的继承和发展因素。

78、The hemorrhage was intermittent and self-limited, which mostly showed black stool or positive in occult test. ─── 出血呈间歇性、自限性,多为黑便和大便潜血试验阳性。

79、Of the total 118 cases of TCS, spinal bifida was accompanied in 112 (94.9%), of which 14 cases were occult spinal dysraphism and 98 cases were secondary dysraphism. ─── 118例TCS患儿中 112例伴有脊柱裂(占 94.9%)。 其中包括 14例隐性脊柱裂及 98例显性脊柱裂。

80、From lunar occultation experiments at infrared wavelengths, it has been determined that the dust shell can be represented by two components. ─── 通过红外波段的日掩星观测,已经确定该尘埃壳是由两个成分原组成。

81、His last letter mentioned that in his travels, he had discovered some good uses for magic and the occult. ─── 他的前封信件提及了那在他的旅行,他发现了魔术和隐密的某一好用法。

82、His victory over Justice should serve as ample evidence of his superhuman battle ability. His occult powers easily surpass all known limits. ─── 他击败Justice充分地证明了他超人的战斗能力。他神秘的力量轻易地超越了现今任何生物的界限。

83、For a few precarious seconds, the chaplain tingled with a weird, occult sensation . ─── 在吉凶未卜的几秒钟时间里,牧师心头猛地一动,出现了一种神秘古怪的感觉。

84、The results suggest that the mountain-based occultation technique is a potential new method for monitoring lower atmospheric environments. ─── 实验结果和原理研究表明,山基掩星观测技术是一种潜在的低层大气环境监测新技术。

85、Among 23 patients, there were 13 cases of occult cleft spine, 10 cases of spine bifida manifesta, all were myelomeningocele. ─── 2 3例中 ,隐性脊柱裂 13例 ,显性脊柱裂 10例 ,均为脊髓脊膜膨出。

86、Conclusions:It is ciliary body detachment that should be considered if there is shallow membrane bulge of the utmost periphery of occult wall at nose side. ─── :传统 B超发现鼻侧极周边球壁浅层膜状隆起 ,应高度怀疑睫状体脱离

87、Astrology and alchemy are occult sciences. ─── 占星学和炼丹术为神秘之学。

88、Usually, we analyze variation stars or occultation events by applying aperture photometry. ─── 传统上寻找变星或掩星的方法是测光分析。

89、This is one reason why cults and the occult are rampant, especially among rural churches. ─── 异端邪教因而得以迅速蔓延,尤以农村教会为甚。

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