affrontive 发音
英:[[ə'frʌntɪv]] 美:[[ə'frʌntɪv]]
英: 美:
affrontive 中文意思翻译
affrontive 短语词组
1、affrontive synonym ─── 侮辱性同义词
2、affrontive define ─── 冒犯性定义
3、affrontive definition ─── 冒犯性定义
affrontive 相似词语短语
1、affrontiveness ─── 冒犯
2、affinitive ─── adj.关系紧密的,密切相关的
3、affront ─── n.(当众)侮辱,(故意)冒犯;;v.冒犯,侮辱;面对;相遇
4、affrontee ─── 前面
5、affronting ─── n.(当众)侮辱,(故意)冒犯;;v.冒犯,侮辱;面对;相遇
6、affective ─── adj.情感的;表达感情的
7、afflictive ─── adj.难受的;苦恼的;给人痛苦的
8、affirmative ─── adj.肯定的;积极的;n.肯定语;赞成的一方
9、affricative ─── adj.塞擦音的
affrontive 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、For one thing she knew she was not well qualified and could he nothing more than a petty clerk, which would have been an affront to her dignity. ─── 一来她自知资格不好,至多做个小职员,有伤体面。
2、Sister says: "My dear child, you won't affront my. ─── 修女说:“我亲爱的孩子,你不会冒犯我的。
3、he shout :“I'm free !? These damed chinch should pay for their affront for me !!” ─── 克拉夫怒吼著:“我自由了!?那些该死的臭虫们要为他们对我的冒犯付出代价!”
4、Her great white hat with its vulgar, showy flowers was an affront. ─── 她的大白帽子印着庸俗刺目的花朵,本身就是一种挑衅。
5、Reach " barefaced affront other is concoctive perhaps the fact is calumniatory other " wait for case. ─── 及“公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人”等情形。
6、calm's just a method of his speaking,he's not intent to affront you. ─── 冷静点。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。
7、I apologize if i seem forward You put an affront upon me, you owe me an apologize ─── 你当众侮辱了我,你要向我道歉
8、He shout:"I'm free!? These damed chinch should pay for their affront for me! ─── 克拉夫怒吼着:“我自由了!?那些该死的臭虫们要为他们对我的冒犯付出代价!
9、put an affront upon someone ─── offer an affront to someone
10、At that time, I really feel frustrating and also was thoroughly confused why the renowned expert-type scholar took my considered argument and debate as unacceptable affront? ─── 在那个时候,我真的感到沮丧,也被彻底混淆为什么著名的专家型学者了我认为争执和辩论是不可接受的侮辱?
11、To omit ethical change = an affront to God's holiness. ─── 人得救若没有道德上的改变,对上帝的圣洁是侮辱。
12、4. but there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody;and Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her. ─── 不过,伊丽莎白的为人一贯温柔乖巧,不轻易得罪任何人,而达西又对她非常着迷,以前任何女人也不曾使他这样着迷过。
13、But the Chinese fund has generated criticism among his opponents, who view it as an affront to Venezuela's sovereignty. ─── 但是中国的基金受到了查韦斯的反对者的批评,称其是对委内瑞拉主权的公然侮辱。
14、Her mind was now very susceptible to affront . ─── 如今她的意志动不动就受到冒犯。
15、If you are bound and determined that "GOD" creates only good, then any physical deficiency, or illness or deformity becomes an affront to your belief, threatens it and makes you angry or resentful. ─── 如果你固执地认为上帝只创造善,那么任何物质上的缺陷和不足、疾病或畸形就变得与你的信念冲突,威胁它并使你愤怒和怨恨。
16、Your behaviour is an affront to public decency. ─── 你的行为有伤风化。
17、They did not want to affront this mad woman. ─── 她们不愿意跟这个疯女人拌嘴。
18、He put an affront upon me. ─── 他当众侮辱我。
19、He affirmed that the affront was by no means to be put up by any who bore the name of a gentleman ─── 他说任何负有正人君子之名的人都不能忍受这种冒犯。
20、"Among the exhibitors were Camille Pissarro, Henri Fantin-Latour, James M. Whistler, and édouard Manet, whose scandalous Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe was officially regarded as an affront to taste. " ─── 参加展览的有毕沙罗、方丹-拉图尔、惠斯勒以及马奈。其中马奈诽谤性的《草地上的午餐》被认为是对传统美学的公然冒犯。
21、It refused to say whether a new ruling by the Federal Communications Commission, that “fleeting expletives” are indecent, was an affront to the constitutional guarantee of free speech. ─── 但拒绝说明此项联邦通讯委员会的新规定,即“短暂的粗口”是不礼貌的,是否是对宪法保障的言论自由的一种冒犯。
22、His speech was affront to all members of the community ─── 他说的话,对社区的成员是个冒犯
23、His speech was an affront to many in the local community. ─── 他的讲话冒犯了当地社区的许多人。
24、The Rev. Gene Robinson, kept to the fringes of the decennial Lambeth Conference, is lionized by Anglicans who view his exclusion as an affront. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!
25、put an affront upon sb. ─── v. 当众侮辱某人
26、You put an affront upon me, you owe me an apologize. ─── 你在当众冒犯了我,你要向我道歉。
27、She views me, a white male, as a personal affront. ─── 她将我的白种男性身份视为对她个人的一种冒犯。
28、 双语使用场景
29、In Jackson it was counted an affront to the neighbors to start out for anywhere with an empty seat in the car. ─── 在杰克逊镇,如果开车出门而车上剩有空座位,就被认为是对邻居的冒犯。
30、Underlined is: “Each and every irksome Jew is a serious affront to the authenticity and veracity of our German identity. ─── 他写到:“每一个犹太人恼人的存在都是对忠厚诚实的德国人的公然侮辱。”
31、The act of causing anger, resentment, displeasure, or affront. ─── 冒犯使产生愤怒、憎恨、不愉快或恼怒的行为
32、His refusal to see me was an affront. ─── 他拒绝见我, 这对我是个侮辱。
33、Caius, not enduring to hear so open an affront upon his majesty, made no more ado but presently tripped up his heels. ─── 卡厄斯看到他公然这样侮辱国王,就不由分说当即绊了他一跤。
34、Her woebegone expression, her hang-dog manner, her over-anxiousness to please, or perhaps her unconscious hostility towards those she anticipated will affront her-all act to drive away those whom she would attract. ─── 他本来可以吸引很多人,只因她那副愁眉苦脸的表情,自觉做错事的样子,急于讨好别人的举动,或者也许是她以为别人会有意使她难堪而产生的下意识的敌意,往往把人吓跑。
35、He took his son's desertion as a personal affront. ─── 他把儿子的离开看作是对他个人的侮辱。
36、You can imagine there is a place ,a river stretching affront ,and a sea of bamboos behind .this is such a fabulous paradise .you can imagine my happiness living here . ─── 你可以想象一个地方,前面是长流的小河,后面啊是密林,这是给我们孩子们创造的多么快乐的家园。你可以想象我们是多么快乐的生活在这里。
37、Above all is individual opinion, if affront, ask excuse me. Ask excuse me.. ─── 以上均为个人意见,假如冒犯,请见谅。
38、Any push for English is seen as a bid to sweep aside the importance of Malay as the national language and, consequently, an affront to the Malay community. ─── 任何一点推动英语的行动都会被看成是把马来语作为官方语言的重要性放在一边的行为,结果甚至是,对马来社会公然的污辱。
40、At a news conference today, Mr.Bush said not to go to the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in Beijing would be an affront to the Chinese people. ─── 在今天的一个新闻发布会上,布什说不参加北京奥运会的开幕典礼将会是对中国任命的一种冒犯。
41、They built this temple to offer prayers to Athena! This entire village stands as an affront to lord Ares! Burn this village, burn it to the ground! ─── 他们建造这座神庙是为了向雅典娜祈祷!这座村庄的存在就是一种对于阿瑞斯的侮辱!烧毁这村庄,把它夷为平地!
42、Rejection of such a friendly offer would be considered an affront in Saudi Arabia. ─── 在沙特阿拉伯,拒绝这样的表示友好的东西会被看作是公开的侮辱。
43、"And you do not cooperate." The walls of his office made clear that the regime saw the opposition less as a threat than an affront. ─── 他办公室的四面墙壁让你很清楚知道,这里的制度把反对党更多视作一种公开的侮辱而不仅仅是一种潜在的威胁。
44、His speech was an affront to all members of the community . ─── 他的话对社区所有成员是故意的侮辱。
45、* We must be punctilious in our planning of this affair, for any error may be regarded as a personal affront. ─── *我们必须拘泥形式在我国规划的这件事,对任何错误可看作是个人的侮辱。
46、He put an affront upon her . She shouted at him and he said "Do you think you are a beauty?" ─── 他当众冒犯她。她朝他叫起来他却反问她"你以为你是个大美女吗?"可以这样用吧
47、Putting the icon so boldly in a user's face when it is almost never needed is a real affront, like pasting an advertisement on the windshield of somebody's car. ─── 在用户不需要时,将图标显眼地放在用户面前实际上表示一种公开的冒犯,就像在某人车子的挡风玻璃上粘贴广告一样。
48、affront death ─── 临死不惧
49、The play was considered an affront to public morals. ─── 人们认为这出戏侮辱了社会公德。
50、His very presence was an affront to a man of society, cloak it as he might in an assumed good manner. ─── 只要他一出现,不管他装得多么斯文得体,上流人便要引以为耻了。
51、He said he saw it as an affront to his authority and the damage to their relationship was likely to be irreparable. ─── 他说他把这种行为视为对他权威的公开挑衅,不可逆转的毁灭了他们的关系。
52、Kratos: They built this temple to offer prayers to Athena! This entire village stands as an affront to lord Ares! Burn this village, burn it to the ground! ─── 克瑞托斯:“他们建造这座神庙是为了向雅典娜祈祷!这座村庄的存在就是一种对于阿瑞斯的侮辱!烧毁这村庄,把它夷为平地!”
53、His refusal to see me was an affront . ─── 他拒绝见我这对我是个侮辱。
54、On the other hand, maybe those who are reassuring about the environment are Pollyannas, or are afraid to affront those in power, or are supported by those who profit by despoiling the environment. ─── 但也有可能,这些声称环境能自我修复的人是盲目乐观,或者是他们不敢挑战当权者,或者他们是掠夺环境者所支持的。
55、He was not a man to sit down with affront. ─── 他并不是一个可以忍受当众侮辱的人。
56、Since some of the things he was saying appeared to be an affront to religion, and were finding acceptance among the young, he was considered a threat to the established order. ─── 他所鼓吹的一些东西与宗教公然对抗,且被年轻一代接受,所以他被视为对当时既定秩序的一个威胁。
57、he speech are an affront to all rembers of community. ─── 他的话对社区人员是当众冒犯。
58、But the Chinese fund has generated criticism among his opponents, who view it as an affront to Venezuela’s sovereignty. ─── 但中国的基金却招致他的反对者的批评,他们认为这是对委内瑞拉主权的藐视。
59、an affront to one's dignity or self-esteem. ─── 公开侮辱某人的尊严和自尊。
60、His speech be an affront to all decent member of the community ─── 他的话对社区所有体面的成员是故意的侮辱
61、Her great white hat with its vulgar. showy flowers was an affront. ─── 她的大白帽子印着庸俗刺目的花朵,本身就是一种挑衅。
62、His speech is an affront to all decent member of the community. ─── 他的话对社区所有体面的成员是故意的侮辱。
63、She did not dare affront him. ─── 她不敢冒犯他。
64、He may be an affront to Conservatives and others, but that doesn't mean he poses a threat to Canada. ─── 他也许会冒犯保守党和其他一些人,但这不等于说他会威胁加拿大的国家安全。
65、Some see such images as a blasphemous affront to faith and an attack on believers. ─── 在一些信徒看来,这些“艺术”无疑是对宗教信仰的亵渎侮辱,以及是对信徒的挑战。
66、Her woebegone expression, her hang-dog manner, herover-anxiousness to please, or perhaps her unconscioushostilitytowards those she anticipated will affront her-all act todriveaway those whom she would attract. ─── 他本来可以吸引很多人,只因她那副愁眉苦脸的表情,自觉做错事的样子,急于讨好别人的举动,或者也许是她以为别人会有意使她难堪而产生的下意识的敌意,往往把人吓跑。
67、conspicuous consumption which is an affront to people on low incomes ─── 使低收入者感到自惭形秽的那种铺张.
68、The code:“Your questions are an affront to my beliefs or practices. ─── 他的密码是:“你们的问题侮辱了我的想法或做法。”
69、1.Elizabeth, having rather expected to affront him, was amazed at his gallantry; ─── 伊丽莎白本来打算使他难堪一下,这会儿见他那么体贴,倒楞住了。
70、They are so easily prone to attack others in the face of alleged affront which in fact are nothing more than considered arguments and debates. ─── 他们是那么容易受到攻击的其他人在面临指控侮辱实际上只不过是考虑的论点和辩论。
71、In this heat every extra gesture was an affront to the common store of life. ─── 在这酷热的大气,每一个多余的手势都是滥用生活的公有财富。
72、he shout :“I'm free !? These damed chinch should pay for their affront for me !!" ─── 克拉夫怒吼着:“我自由了!?那些该死的臭虫们要为他们对我的冒犯付出代价!”
73、“The RUF specialised in cutting off the hands of their opponents for what they regarded as the smallest affront,” ─── 关于RUF,最骇人听闻的莫过于哪怕他们的对手对他们只是最轻微的冒犯,也会招致砍去双手之灾。(有待商榷)
74、She did not dare affront him, for she understood the pride of artists. ─── 她不敢冒犯他,因为她明白艺术家最珍视尊严。
75、19.His speech was an affront to all decent members of the community . ─── 他的话对社区所有体面的成员是故意的侮辱.
76、Camus" exploring about "how to affront with absurdity" didn"t stop on "the absurdist", he had a profound thinking on it, namely, "the stranger"s" Eigentlichkeit survival manner. ─── 因为加缪对“如何面对荒诞”的回答并没有仅仅停留在“荒诞人”的层面上,而是有其更深刻的思考,即“局外人”追求本真的生活方式。
77、People adores land, value land, regard land as one's very life, connect childe offspring of the nobility also not dare affront it. ─── 人们崇拜土地,珍惜土地,把土地当作命根子,连公子王孙也不敢冒犯它。
78、His speech was an affront to them. ─── 他的演说对他们来说是冒犯。
79、His speech was an affront to all the members of the community. ─── 他的话对社区所有成员是故意的冒犯。
80、But Ms Espinosa of Mexico’s Foreign Minister are very unsatisfied with this reasonable measure ,and you think that it’s an affront to your country people. ─── 墨西哥外长埃斯皮诺萨竟然对香港政府的合理举措闹起了情绪,称这是对墨西哥人的“无理行动”。
81、to offend; to affront ─── 冲犯
82、Under the principle" try to be practical creative, expand the future" of spirit, with the principle" customer is highest, reputation the first, win victory with the quality" of management, affront the market and expand forever. ─── 公司本着“务实创新、拓未来”的精神,以“用户至上、誉第一、质取胜”的经营理念,面对市场,开拓进取。
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