equitable 发音
英:[ˈekwɪtəb(ə)l] 美:[ˈekwɪtəb(ə)l]
英: 美:
equitable 中文意思翻译
equitable 词性/词形变化,equitable变形
副词: equitably |名词: equitableness |
equitable 常用词组
equitable relief ─── 平等救济
equitable 同义词
equable | unbiased | due | justifiable | admissible | objective |fair | just | square | rightful | straightforward | fit | impartial | evenhanded | even | reasonable | proper
equitable 反义词
equitable 短语词组
1、equitable liabilities ─── [法] 平衡法上的债务
2、equitable owner ─── [法] 平衡法上的所有人
3、equitable interest ─── [经] 衡平法上有效的利益
4、equitable easement ─── [法] 平衡法上的地役权
5、equitable jurist ─── [法] 平衡法学家
6、equitable owership ─── [经] 衡平法所有权
7、equitable chattel mortgage ─── [法] 平衡法上的动产抵押权
8、equitable assets ─── [经] 按衡平法上可以抵债的财产
9、equitable lien ─── [经] 衡平法留置权
10、equitable execution ─── [法] 公平执行, 平衡法上的执行
11、equitable action ─── [法] 预防性诉讼
12、equitable grounds ─── [法] 平衡法理由, 平衡法上的根据
13、equitable estoppel ─── [法] 平衡法上的禁反言
14、equitable assignment ─── [经] 债权转让
15、equitable mortgage ─── [经] 衡平法抵押
16、equitable duty ─── [法] 平衡法上的义务
17、equitable estate inerest ─── [法] 平衡法上的财产利益
18、equitable assignment of debt ─── [法] 平衡法上的债务有效转让
19、equitable defence ─── [法] 平衡法上的抗辩
equitable 相似词语短语
1、equable ─── adj.平静的;变动小的
2、unequitable ─── adj.不公平的;不公正的
3、inequitable ─── adj.不公平的;不公正的
4、evitable ─── adj.可以避免的
5、equatable ─── 相等的
6、editable ─── adj.可编辑的
7、requitable ─── adj.可回报的;可报复的
8、requirable ─── 需要的
9、equitably ─── adv.公正地
equitable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、CIDA supports sustainable development in developing countries in order to reduce poverty and to contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world. ─── 加拿大国际发展署(CIDA)的宗旨是帮助发展中国家摆脱贫穷状况,提高可持续发展潜力,进而创造一个更加安去、公平和繁荣的世界。
2、The way rewards are distributed should be transparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes are equitable and equal to the inputs given. ─── 分配奖励的方式应该是透明公开的,这样员工就会认为奖励或者说结果是公平的,并且与付出相等。
3、Deepening the recognition of such an issue by people is conducive to the fair and equitable development of social sport. ─── 人们加深对这一问题的认识,有利于社会体育公平、公正的发展。
4、During the process of assessment, we could keep the independent, impersonal and equitable style of work, so that we won the affirmation of the relevant authorities and customer. ─── 在评估过程中始终保持独立、客观、公正的作风,获得主管部门及客户的认可。
5、Meanwhile, it is put out that the so-called equitable liability principle cannot become an independent principle of imputation. ─── 同时指出,公平责任原则不是一项独立的归责原则。
6、Measures, such as the division of large properties into smaller ones, that are taken to bring about a more equitable apportionment of agricultural land. ─── 土地改革:使农业土地的分派更趋合理的措施,如将大块儿的地产分成小块,
7、Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says his Congress Party will ensure more inclusive and equitable growth, if it wins the upcoming general elections. ─── 印度总理曼莫汉辛格说,如果他赢得即将举行的大选,他的大会党将确保更具包容性和公平的发展。
8、Enterprises should establish their own commercial cedit in the course of Sustained commerce activities according to the principle of equitable value. ─── 企业应在持续经营过程中按公允价值确认自创商誉;
9、Lowering world population by providing respectful and equitable support for people who choose to have fewer children. ─── 向选择节育的人们提供尊重和公平的支援,协助减少全球人口数目。
10、This can tell the employees that our company are equitable, and our company is focus on the people's efforts not on truckling to someone. ─── 再如,在提拔干部时,是根据谁在领导面前表现得多,还是根据他的知识、技能和以往的绩效呢?
11、CII's Tripathi says India must demonstrate that it is truly concerned with building an equitable partnership and empowering Africans. ─── 不过,印度的政府官员和工业领袖都说,他们对于非洲的兴趣并不仅仅局限于经济领域。
12、So equitable principle should play a leading role in solving the problem of De... ─── 在东海大陆架划界问题上,公平原则也应该起主导作用。
13、The implicit goal is that by 2050 China will create a low-carbon society that is equitable, environmentally sustainable, prosperous and resilient. ─── 一个没有言明的目标是,到2050年,中国将建立一个公正、环境可持续、繁荣、充满活力的低碳社会。
14、But this equitable decision-making procedure has nationwide intervened to the economic and social life in our country to a certain extent. ─── 在我国,这一公正的决策程序,已经在全国范围内、在一定程度上介入了我国经济和社会生活。
15、A zero sum game version of education has led the gender equitable education onto a wrong way. ─── “零和式”的教育使性别平等问题走向了极端。
16、However, together with the peasants, we should work out equitable ratios among these items. ─── 但是,这几项各占多少,应当同农民研究出一个合理的比例。
17、Paying what elder brother said BE, is accurate also as it does, I equitable beg to tell beam Mr. Guo to send up to the person. ─── 付兄说的是,也正是因为如此,我才求告梁国公千万别对人提起。
18、Once the plaintiff and defendant have presented their evidence, the judge determines an equitable monetary award, called J. ─── 在原告与被告各自呈上证据之后,法官再另外决定一个他认为公正的偿付额J。
19、SETA pursues the goal of service first, complies with the equitable, public and practical principles. ─── 奉行以服务为宗旨,克守公正、公平、公开的原则,以求实的态度为服务工作的理念。
20、Either Party shall be entitled to immediately proceed to file an action in any appropriate court to seek temporary or permanent injunctive or other equitable relief. ─── 各方均有权立即向适格法院提起诉讼,请求其发布临时或永久禁制令或其他衡平法救济。
21、Impartial; just; equitable. ─── 公平的; 公正的; 无私的
22、At the same time, it provides guidelines and detailed teachings for a just society, proper human conduct, and an equitable economic system. ─── 同时,它提供指引及详细教诲来求取公平的社会、正确的人类行为,以及平衡的经济系统。
23、Everyone thought this payment was equitable. ─── 大家都认为这种惩罚是公正的。
24、At that point, the firm may seek to invoke the equitable discretion of the federal court to obtain yet a further delay. ─── 在那种情况下,公司可以寻求联邦法院平衡裁决,以求获得再一次延期。
25、A divorce is only permissible twice: after that, the parties should either hold Together on equitable terms, or separate with kindness. ─── 休妻是两次,此后应当以善意挽留(她们),或以优礼解放(她们)。
26、Every investor should get market information as equally,quickly and wholly as possible in a equitable securities market,and this is the basic rules. ─── 一个公平的证券市场应该让每一个投资者能够平等、快速、尽可能全面地得到市场信息,这是证券市场的基本游戏规则。
27、Most employees expect to receive an equitable wage or alary and to be given gradual increases in the amount they are paid for the use of their skills and abilities. ─── 大多数的受雇人员期待接受一份公平的薪水或者有翼的和有数量的逐渐增加他们被支付他们的技术和能力的使用。
28、China stuck to the fundamental principles of being open, fair, equitable, efficient and in the public interest when carrying out government procurement. ─── 中国在进行政府采购时将遵循公开、公平、公正、有效及符合公共利益等基本原则。
29、To make this even easier on players we are likely to offer this ability to additional classes, as well as make sure that existing sources of Replenishment are more equitable. ─── 为了使得游戏更容易,我们可能会把这个技能提供给其他职业(让他们也可以提供恢复),同时保证当前已有的恢复提供者公平的团队位置。
30、You had better to control your expenses in equitable scope. ─── 你最好将你的开支控制在合理的限度之内。
31、We are here because the fight for a more prosperous, stable and equitable world is at the heart itself of the mission of the United Nations. ─── 我们来到这里,因为争取建立更加繁荣、稳定和公平的世界是联合国工作的核心。
32、He replied, however,-- "I entreat you, M. de Villefort, be, as you always are, kind and equitable, and give him back to us soon. ─── “维尔福先生,我求您,您一向所做的事都是那样公正仁慈,早些把他送还给我们吧。”
33、In such cases the Member shall,however,at least provide for the payment of equitable remuneration. ─── 但在这种场合,成员应至少规定向权利持有人支付公平的使用费。
34、Any selection shall allow for equitable opportunities for suppliers on the lists. ─── 任何选择应允许名单中的供应商获得公平的机会。
35、In this case, every dispenser divided the porridge as equitable as he could, otherwise he would eat least. ─── 为了不让自己吃到最少的,每人都尽量分得平均,就算不平,也只能认了。
36、But is this fair? Is this equitable? Is this the right approach? ─── 但是这种规定公平吗?有无衡平救济?这是好的方法吗?
37、The Chief Range Officer is responsible for the fair and equitable application of all procedural and scoring rules (under the authority of the Range Master). ─── 另外总靶场主任也负责执行程序与计分规定的公正与公平性(由靶场总监所授权)。
38、Making land distributions equitable and restraining taxes and other impositions on the people provide measure to what is levied and bestowed. ─── [冬官司空掌管]分配工人的任务,供应物资器材,提高工作效率。
39、Land auction listing policy on the ground will enable future developers to use more equitable opportunities and choices, the land cost will be lower. ─── 土地挂牌拍卖政策使得今后开发商在拿地上会有更公平的机会和选择,土地成本也会降低。
40、They have patiently petitioned the state to grant them more equitable rights before the law. ─── 她们耐心地请求国家基于法律给予她们更公平的权利。
41、The Christian bishops wanted a moral city, a sexless city, a pure city and a more equitable city too. ─── 基督主教要的城市是有道德、男女平等、单纯,并且公正公平的城市。”
42、Since then, he has breached a plain understanding that the two men (and a small third party) would share out the main ministries in an equitable manner. ─── 从那时起他打破了外界对津巴布韦较为朴素的理解:这两个人会本着公正的原则平分主要部委。
43、In a trust, the trustee is the legal owner of the property, while the beneficiary is the equitable owner who receives the real benefit of the trust. ─── 在信托中,受托人是财产的合法所有权人,而受益人是获得信托真正好处的衡平法上的所有人。
44、CHINA made practical to maintain the WTO commitment,try to built a equitable,free trade policy. ─── 中国切实履行入世承诺,致力于建设公平、自由的国际贸易体制。
45、Corruption was inevitable so long as businessmen wanted exemption from equitable taxation. ─── 只要企业人员逃避公平税收,贪污行贿就不可避免。
46、He knows he must tweak the constitution to ensure an equitable distribution of oil wealth and to reassure the Sunnis that federalism does not mean the end of Iraq. ─── 他清楚他必须修改宪法来确保对石油财富的公平分配,并使逊尼派明白联邦制并不会意味着伊拉克的终结。
47、Domestic legislation may provide an equitable time limit within which the proprietor of a mark must exercise the rights provided for in this Article. ─── 各国立法可以规定商标所有人行使本条规定的权利的合理期限。
48、Free press is not a luxury for just rich countries. It is at the heart of equitable development. ─── 新闻自由不是只有富裕国家才能享用的奢侈品,它是公平发展的核心。
49、How equitable is health care financing and service utilisation in African countries: Evidence from Ghana, Tanzania and South Africa? ─── 如何公平的卫生保健筹资和服务的使用率在非洲国家:证据来自加纳,坦桑尼亚和南非的?
50、In today's globalised world, that means new arrangements that are more effective, efficient and equitable. ─── 在当今的全球化世界,这就意味着效果更好、效率更高,也更公平的新安排。
51、In the U. S., the injection has retained its equitable character. ─── 在美国,强制令保持了公道的特性。
52、The Company will be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief to prevent a violation of this agreement. ─── 公司有权强制和公正的减轻或免除条款以免出现违约。
53、Strengthening health systems and making them more equitable have been recognized as key strategies for fighting poverty and fostering development. ─── 加强卫生系统并使它们更加公平已被确认为消灭贫困和促进发展的主要战略。
54、Only open could ensure people's right of know the inside story and participant.And only openning could make the government's action equitable and normative. ─── 只有公开透明,才能保障公众的知情权与参与权,才能让政府的行为更规范、更公平。
55、Mr. Roh's economic planners sought to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth. ─── 先生的经济规划者们努力实现更公平的财富分配。
56、"When I started practicing in 1973 there was no equitable distribution of property, " he said. ─── 当我1973年开始做律师时,并不存在公平的财产分配。
57、In resolving them, the court may allocate response costs "using such equitable factors as the court determines are appropriate". ─── 在解决问题时,法院分配反应费用可以“像做出判决一样那么恰如其分”。
58、Accordingly, it is agreed that the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to injunctive relief, specific performance and/or any other appropriate equitable remedy for any such breach. ─── 因此,一致认为,泄露缔约方应有权禁令救济,具体的性能和/或任何其他适当的公平补救任何此类违反。
59、But he shall bear the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms. ─── 做父亲的,应当照例供给她们的衣食。
60、The classic remedy for copyright infringement is equitable relief. ─── 传统的侵犯版权的救济是衡平法上的救济。
61、We were struggling with the inflation and farm problems, for example, and both of these involved the goal of an equitable distribution of income among groups. ─── 举例来说,我们始终被通货膨胀及农业问题纠缠,而这两个问题都包含了在各群体中公平分配收入这个经济目标。
62、To be an excellent, equitable and innovative university. ─── 做一所杰出的、公正的、不断创新的综合类大学.
63、The plaintiff is usually seeking either compensation or equitable relief (an order for specific performance or an injunction). ─── 原告通常是要求赔偿或是衡平法上的救济(特殊命令或是强制令)。
64、The corporate governance framework should ensure the equitable treatment of all shareholders, including minority and foreign shareholders. ─── 公司治理架构应确保平等对待所有股东,包括少数股东及外国股东。
65、It may be efficient to price telephone services out of the reach of people in rural Australia, but it is not equitable to do so. ─── 在澳大利亚农村地区,如果把电话服务的价格提高到人们无法承受的程度,也许会有经济效益,但这样做是不公平的。
66、equitable treatment of all citizens; an equitable distribution of gifts among the children. ─── 公平的对待所有的公民;公平的给孩子们分发礼物。
67、As a basic principle in the delimitation,equitable principle has been established gradually in international practice,and become one part of international practices. ─── 公平原则作为大陆架划界的基本原则的地位是在国际实践中逐步确立的,并且已经成为习惯国际法的一部分。
68、The dioceses of Iraq are likewise available to offer their structures to contribute to an equitable distribution of humanitarian aid. ─── 伊拉克国内各教区也同样有效的献出他们的建构,协助人道援助的公平分配。
69、It is the linchpin of the multilateral system as it is the ultimate safeguard of an equitable rule-based framework. ─── 协议能确保世贸成员遵守世贸条款,因此对多边贸易制度的有效运作至为重要。
70、For example, UNCTAD had been working on competition policy for many years on the basis of its set of multilateral agreed equitable principles and rules. ─── 例如,贸发会议多年来一直在根据其多边商定的公平原则和规定开展有关竞争政策的工作。
71、But Sadoway isn't alone in trumpeting energy storage as a missing link to a cleaner, more efficient, and more equitable energy future. ─── 但萨多维并不是唯一一个鼓吹能源储存是通向更清洁、更高效、更公平的能源未来的缺失环节的人。
72、It also includes statutory, common law and equitable claims. ─── 争议还包括依据法令、习惯法和衡平法提出的索赔。
73、China was committed to implementing the SCM Agreement in a manner that was fair and equitable to China and to other WTO Members. ─── 中国承诺以对中国和其他WTO成员公平公正的方式实施《SCM协定》。
74、National Biodiversity Authority will ensure that the benefit shared with the community from whom the materials have been collected is fair and equitable. ─── 国家生物多样性管理局将确保从已收集到材料的社区的利润分配是公正和平等的。
75、The new system is equitable, as well as links with outstanding achievement, and has inspiriting action. ─── 其目的是为了新的薪酬体系既具有内部公平性,又体现了与业绩挂钩,真正起到对员工的有效激励作用。
76、Both sides in the dispute showed an earnest desire to reach an equitable solution. ─── 争论双方都表示了达成公平解决的热切愿望。
77、But demanding though she was, she was always equitable, fair, and, above all, immensely appreciative of the work she paid people to do. ─── 她虽然对别人严格要求,但也很公正,平等,对付钱请别人做的事,也总要表示感激。
78、Mr Musharraf referred to this concept in his speech while claiming credit for having boosted women's rights, local **s and other equitable things. ─── 在辞职演说中,他提到了这个概念,同时他还为自己揽功,认为自己提高了妇女和地方政府的权利以及他做的其它一些公正的事情。
79、Legal ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable or beneficial ownership rests with the beneficiary. ─── 受托人享有法律上的所有权,受益人享有衡平法上的所有权或者说用益所有权。
80、They are always prompt and equitable in settling claims. ─── 他们总是迅速而公正地解决索赔。
81、In such cases the Member shall, however, at least provide for the payment of equitable remuneration. ─── 但是,在此类情况下,该成员至少应规定支付公平的补偿。
82、James D. Wolfensohn: Building an Equitable World, 2000, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. ─── 《营造一个公平的世界》,2000,世界银行,华盛顿特区。
83、In the promotion of education in the process of promoting fair and equitable social development, building a harmonious society so as to achieve the goal. ─── 在不断促进教育公平的过程中促进社会公平的发展,从而达到构建和谐社会的目标。
84、Botswana will have a more equitable income distribution that ensures the participation of as many people as possible in its economic success. ─── 博茨瓦纳将建立更加公平的收入分配制度,确保尽可能多的人民为这个国家的经济成就作贡献。
85、Conscience is the most equitable judge, you can deceive others but you can't deceive your conscience. ─── 46良心是每一个人最公正的审判官,你骗得了别人,却永远骗不了你自己的良心。
86、Shanghai prices Association, Mr Shu also said that the White Paper is Jiezhuang market prices more equitable pricing. ─── 上海价格协会会长徐家树也表示,白皮书中的价格是家装市场比较公平的指导价。
87、In any case, the effective use of ipchains will allow you to create an equitable firewall that protects your internal network from prying eyes outside. ─── 一般情况下,有效使用ipchains可以让您的内部网络细节受到防火墙良好的保护。
88、But speaking for the majority of people, they like best is that it can provide the most equitable people war. ─── 不过对大多数人来讲,他们最喜欢的还在于它可以提供最公平的多人对战。
89、In the U.S., the injection has retained its equitable character. ─── 在美国,强制令保持了公道的特性。
⒈ 正直无私,为大家利益:公正。公心。大公无私。
⒉ 共同的,大家承认的:公理。公式。公海。公制。
⒊ 国家,社会,大众:公共。公安(社会整体的治安)。公众。公民。公论(公众的评论)。
⒋ 让大家知道:公开。公报。公然。
⒌ 封建制度最高爵位:三公(中国周代指“太师”、“太傅”、“太保”;西汉指“大司徒”、“大司马”、“大司空”)。公子。公主。
⒍ 敬辞,尊称男子:海公。包公。诸公(各位)。
⒎ 雄性的:公母。公畜。
⒏ 对长辈和年老人的称呼:公公。外公(外祖父)。
⒐ 姓。
fair, equitable; public; duke
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