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08-15 投稿


asystole 发音


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asystole 网络释义

n. [内科] 心搏停止(等于asystolia)

asystole 短语词组

1、asystole survival rate ─── 心脏停搏存活率

2、asystole algorithm ─── 心脏停搏算法

3、asystole definition ─── 心脏停搏定义

4、asystole means ─── 心脏停搏意味着

5、asystole tx ─── 心脏停搏

6、asystole survival ─── 心脏停搏存活率

7、asystole meaning ─── 心脏停搏的意义

asystole 相似词语短语

1、asystolism ─── 不对称

2、asshole ─── n.屁眼儿,肛门;令人讨厌的人;adj.愚蠢的;窝囊的;可恶的

3、asymptote ─── n.[数]渐近线

4、systole ─── n.心脏收缩

5、extrasystole ─── n.[内科]额外收缩;[内科]期外收缩;期前收缩

6、systyle ─── n.双径柱距建筑物;adj.双径柱距的;间距狭窄的

7、anisole ─── n.[有化]苯甲醚;[有化]茴香醚

8、asystolic ─── adj.心搏停止的

9、Keystone ─── n.基础,主旨;基本原则;楔石;拱顶石

asystole 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、electrical asystole of ventricle ─── 心室电停顿

2、In the lay vernacular of Hollywood, asystole is known as “flatlining. ─── 在好莱坞的电影台词中,把心脏停搏称为“flatlining”(心电图成直线)。

3、Successful treatment of penetrating cardiac injury with apnea and asystole: report of 1 case ─── 心脏穿透伤呼吸心跳停止抢救成功1例

4、Asystole underlies a proportion of sudden unexpected deaths in epilepsy, which could be prevented by cardiac-pacemaker insertion. ─── 心跳暂停是癫痫症猝死一部份原因,而这个现象可以藉由心律调节器的植入来作预防。

5、In the lay vernacular of Hollywood, asystole is known as "flatlining. " ─── 在好莱坞的俗话中,心跳停止被称为“flatlining。”

6、Atropine is no longer recommended for routine use in managing and treating pulseless electrical activity or asystole. ─── 阿托品不再推荐为控制和治疗无脉性电活动或心电静止的常规用药。

7、Results:After the blood flow was restored by operation, 4 died in the postoperative early stage because of sudden cardiac asystole due to hyperkalemia; ─── 结果:血流再通后早期死亡4例,主要原因为高血钾引起的心搏骤停;

8、Ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation or severe bradycardias or asystole may cause these symptoms in the form of a Stokes-Adams attack. ─── 室性心动过速及心室纤颤或严重的心搏除缓或心搏停止均可引起这些症状,表现为Strokes-Adams发作。

9、It is hard to define the exact time from arrest to arrival at the hospital, but the initial cardiac rhythm was mostly asystole. ─── 从心跳停止到送达医院的时间不好估计,同时送院时的心率多数是心跳收缩不全。

10、ventricular asystole ─── 心室停顿

11、asystole alarm ─── 心博停止警报

12、Adequate doses of atropine can abolish many types of reflex vagal cardiac slowing or asystole. ─── 适当剂量的阿托品能消除多种类型的迷走反射性心效减慢或停搏。

13、Of patients presenting with ventricular fibrillation or asystole there was a trend toward improved outcome with ITD, but the differences did not reach significance. ─── 至于以心室颤动或是心搏停止表现的病患,接受ITD有改善结果的趋势,但是没有达到统计上差异。

14、Keywords Head-up tilt table test;Vasovagal syncope;Asystole; ─── 直立倾斜;血管迷走性晕厥;心脏停搏;

15、"Asystole might underlie many of these deaths, which would have important implications for the investigation of similar patients and affect present cardiac-pacing policies. ─── 心脏无压缩很可能是猝死的潜在因素,这项发现对于类似症状的研究具有重要的意义,同时也可能会因此而改变心律调整的方式。

16、ECG abnormalities included transient asystole, ST-depression, T-wave inversion and Q-T elongation. ─── ecg还出现一过性心脏停搏、ST段下降、T波倒置、Q - T延长等异常改变。

17、doses of atropine can abolish many types of reflex vagal cardiac slowing or asystole . ─── 适当剂量的阿托品能消除多种类型的迷走反射性心效减慢或停搏。

18、It is hard to define the exact time from arrest to arrival at the hospital, but the initial cardiac rhythm was mostly asystole. ─── 从心跳停止到送达医院的时间不好估计,同时送院时的心率多数是心跳收缩不全。

19、AER in rats without aconitine could slow heart rate, be arrhythmiagenic and induce heart asystole with the dose increase from 6.16 mg/kg,15.44mg/kg to 17.61mg/kg respectively. ─── AER iv 6.1 6mg/kg可使心率明显减慢 ;

20、Complications included refractory hypotension, bradycardia, or asystole in 4 patients, of whom 2 died. ─── 其中有2人死亡。

21、"Asystole underlies a proportion of sudden unexpected deaths in epilepsy, which could be prevented by cardiac-pacemaker insertion. ─── 心跳暂停是癫痫症猝死一部份原因,而这个现象可以藉由心律调节器的植入来作预防。

22、7. Adequate doses of atropine can abolish many types of reflex vagal cardiac slowing or asystole. ─── 适当剂量的阿托品能消除多种类型的迷走反射性心效减慢或停搏。

23、At a subsequent syncopal attack, 24 hours ambulatory ECG was repeated and found intermittent complete atrioventricular block with prolonged ventricular asystole up to 19.4 sec. ─── 重覆第二次的廿四小时心电图检查才发现间歇性房室传导完全阻断,最久的心跳停止时间长达19.4秒。

24、Application of a New Type Asystole Perfusion Apparatus in Myocardial Preservation ─── 新型心脏停搏液灌注器在心肌保护中的应用

25、Ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation or severe bradycardias or asystole may cause these symptoms in the form of a Stokes-Adams attack. ─── 室性心动过速及心室纤颤或严重的心搏除缓或心搏停止均可引起这些症状,表现为Strokes-Adams发作。

26、Should myocardial ischemia continue too long, myocyte death occurs, and electrical shock after this will only result in pulseless electrical actiity or asystole. ─── 如果心肌缺血时间过长,心肌细胞死亡,此时的电除颤只会产生无脉性电活动或心搏停止。

27、Electrocardiogram findings include sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, sinoatrial heart block, and asystole. ─── 心电图检查结果包括窦性心动过缓、窦性停搏、窦性心脏传导阻滞,和心搏停止。

28、Electrocardiogram findings include sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, sinoatrial heart block, and asystole. ─── 心电图检查结果包括窦性心动过缓、窦性停搏、窦性心脏传导阻滞,和心搏停止。

29、4.After several minutes of VF, defibrillation often is followed by asystole or PEA and therefore 200 CCCs should be administered immediately post-shock, without a pause to assess the rhythm. ─── 心室纤颤几分钟后,除颤后常常出现心跳停顿或是心电机械分离,因此,除颤后应立即进行持续胸外按压,而不应该等待观察心脏复律情况。

30、A pilot case of transient ventricular asystole due to alcoholism ─── 飞行员一过性乙醇性心室停搏一例

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