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09-13 投稿


mortars 发音

英:[ˈmɔːtəz]  美:[ˈmɔːrtərz]

英:  美:

mortars 中文意思翻译




mortars 短语词组

1、mortars partner crossword clue ─── 迫击炮搭档纵横字谜线索

2、refractory mortars binder ─── 耐火砂浆粘合剂

3、heat resistant mortars ─── 耐热砂浆

4、mortars coc ─── 迫击炮coc

5、mortars tm ─── 迫击炮tm

6、mortars fireworks for sale ─── 出售迫击炮烟花

7、mortars fireworks ─── 迫击炮烟火

8、boat-shaped mortars in texas ─── 德克萨斯州的船形迫击炮

mortars 词性/词形变化,mortars变形

动词现在分词: mortaring |动词过去分词: mortared |动词过去式: mortared |动词第三人称单数: mortars |

mortars 常用词组

cement mortar ─── 水泥砂浆;水泥灰浆

dry mortar ─── 干灰浆;稠砂浆

polymer mortar ─── 聚合物灰浆

mortars 相似词语短语

1、mortary ─── adj.碎斑状的

2、mortared ─── adj.砂浆砌合的;砂浆涂抹的;黏合的;v.用灰泥涂抹;用砂浆砌合(mortar的过去分词)

3、costars ─── n.合演者;合演明星;vi.合演;vt.使联袂主演;n.(Costar)人名;(英)科斯塔;(罗)科斯塔尔

4、Tartars ─── 鞑靼人

5、mortals ─── 凡人;人类(mortal的复数)

6、cottars ─── n.栓;(苏)农场劳动者;佃农;vt.用栓固定

7、morals ─── n.(尤指性关系方面的)品行,道德;n.道德教训;格言,箴言(moral的复数);n.(Morals)(美)摩拉乐(人名)

8、mortar ─── n.灰泥,砂浆;迫击炮,迫击炮弹;研钵,臼;v.用灰泥涂抹,结合;用迫击炮攻击(或袭击)

9、mortuary ─── n.太平间;停尸间;adj.死的;悲哀的

mortars 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The statement said about 6:45 p.m. of local time the Base was fired by unknown armed personnel with mortars and six blasts exploded at Base. ─── 声明说,当地时间傍晚6时45分左右,身份不明的武装人员用迫击炮向这个基地轰击,有6枚炮弹击中了基地。

2、He will come upon rulers as upon mortar, As the potter treads the clay. ─── 他必临到掌权的,好像临到灰泥,仿佛窑匠踹泥一样。

3、For the restoration, special restoration mortars have to be used, which are chemically and physically compatible to the historic materials. ─── 文物是历史文明的载体,是不可再生的文化资源。

4、He did so hard, and this is his entitlement. buy bricks and mortar than cars! ─── 刚刚度过廿一岁生辰的他,莫非以豪宅当为送给自己的生日礼物?

5、We now need funding to turn the plans into bricks and mortar. ─── 我们现在需要资金将这些计划变为实实在在的大楼。

6、Grind the spices in a mortar. ─── 在研钵里碾碎调味料。

7、Decoration and protection of the concrete, cement mortar, mixed mortar, brick and stone surfaces various buildings. ─── 各种建筑物的混凝土、水泥砂浆、混合砂浆、以及砖石表面的装饰与保护。

8、More interesting exhibits. No, no, the mortar &pestle wasn't for spices... ─── 更多有趣的陈列品。这杵和臼不是用来磨香料的...

9、But superstardom's close 2 post mortar. ─── 但要成为天皇巨星你要死过返生。

10、The guns of all calibers, from 76 millimeter to 152, mortars of 82 mm, 120 mm, 160 mm caliber and "Katyushas" fired at the enemy defensive positions. ─── 从76到152mm口径的重炮,82mm,120mm,160mm口径的迫击炮和“喀秋莎”火箭炮向敌人阵地倾泻了大量的弹药。

11、A square board with a handle,used by masons to hold or carry mortar. ─── 一种有把手的方板,泥瓦匠可以用它来托运水泥。

12、Some [of the mortars] hit in our street. ─── 一些迫击炮击中我们这条街。

13、This article classified various the ready-mixed mortars, and analyzed the raw materials exhaustively. ─── 本文将众多品种的商品砂浆进行了分类,并详尽分析了所使用的原材料。

14、Directly, it will affect the dry mortar products store life and performance. ─── 否则将会影响干粉砂浆的储存时间和干粉砂浆的性能。

15、Gauge the plaster with the appropriate amount of mortar. ─── 把石膏与灰泥按照一定比例混合起来。

16、A large,mounted weapon that fires heavy projectiles.Cannon include guns,howitzers,and mortars. ─── 大炮一种发射重型抛射物的大型有支架武器。包括火炮、熘弹炮和迫击炮

17、Subjected enemy positions to heavy mortar fire;struck by rifle fire. ─── 受重型迫击炮火力威胁的敌军阵地;受步枪火力的袭击

18、Mortars are also available, which will lob shells high in the air-- this is perfect for battling enemies that are close but behind an emplacement or high terrain. ─── 在游戏中也有迫击炮,可以把炮弹高高的抛向空中-对于和躲在掩体之后的敌人或者在高地的敌人非常好用。

19、The foot of the mortar shows rot, but the pestles are in good condition. ─── 本项文物共有四件,一个臼、三个桩,臼脚已腐杇,而木桩保存良好。

20、The Construction products Sector covers insulation, Gypsum, Exterior products, industrial Mortars and Pipe operations. ─── 建筑产品行业主要包括保温隔音产品,石膏材料,室外产品,工业砂浆和管道系统等业务部。

21、Vandervoot called for the mortar platoon to go after the tank. ─── 万德沃下令迫击炮排弄掉那坦克。

22、I would sit huddled into the wet mud, terrified, as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me. ─── 我会坐在卷缩成湿泥土中,惊恐万状,因为欢呼的子弹和迫击炮坠毁下来在我身边。

23、The socalled “glacial mortars” are in fact the fluvial pot-holes developed on the river bed rock. ─── 据此,我们认为所谓冰臼群,实是河床壶穴地貌。

24、The two sides exchanged fire with mortars and small arms. ─── 双方以迫击炮和轻型武器交火。

25、Beijing Great Dry Blending Mortar Company Ltd. ─── 北京市格瑞特干混砂浆有限责任公司。

26、What is the possible problem in using mortar machines in China? ─── 干混砂浆机械在中国市场使用中会遇到些什么问题?

27、Such hit-and-run missions conceivably could be done either with machine guns, BARS, or light mortars minus base plates. ─── 机枪、轻机枪或除去底盘的轻迫击炮都能可靠地完成这种打了就跑的任务。

28、The cracking of mortars induced by delayed ettringite formation is due to the uniform expansion of microcrystalline ettringite in the hardened mortars. ─── 延迟钙矾石生成所导致的试件开裂是由于微晶状钙矾石在硬化砂浆中均匀膨胀所致。

29、A home isn't just bricks and mortar. ─── 家不只是一所房产。

30、Despite the concern about mortars, the men at the front all seem focused on their cause. ─── 尽管要小心迫击炮,所有前线战士好像仍紧盯着他们的目标。

31、A few basic guidelines for mortar teams follow. ─── 下面是一些迫击炮组的基础操作指南。

32、The trench mortars have begun to fire and the volume of sound increases. ─── 堑壕里的迫击炮早已开始了射击,声响愈来愈大。

33、Enemy mortar and artillery fire hit the 99th. ─── 敌军迫击炮和火炮开始轰击99师。

34、He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar. ─── 他是一个彻头彻尾,顽固不化的自私的人。

35、Guangzhou Guangbiao Dry-mixed Mortar Technology Co.Ltd. ─── 广州市广标干粉砂浆技术有限公司。

36、All that is needed on rock is a little concrete or mortar to make the surface level. ─── 在基岩上所需要做的全部工作是用少量混凝土或砂浆把表面找平。

37、The technology of mortar intrusion and anchor column has been successfully adopted to dispose of diseased project. ─── 压浆锚柱技术在一些病害工程处理中已取得了成功和一定的经济效益,具有一些突出优点。

38、This paper discussed the efficient method to use rejected cement mortar. ─── 摘要探讨利用废弃水泥砂浆的有效再生利用途径。

39、Shia militias responded by lobbing mortars into Sunni districts and by snatching and executing Sunni men. ─── 作为回应,什叶派民兵向逊尼派聚居区发射了迫击炮,同时绑架并处死了多名逊尼派教徒。

40、After you joined the Guards mortar unit, did you become a spotter immediately? ─── 你到近卫迫击炮部队后,马上成了一名观察员吗?

41、A large, mounted weapon that fires heavy projectiles. Cannon include guns, howitzers, and mortars. ─── 大炮一种发射重型抛射物的大型有支架武器。包括火炮、熘弹炮和迫击炮。

42、We supply dry-mixed mortar production line.Fujia. ─── 我们供干混砂浆生产线。

43、Powder and mix the sea greens and antioxidant tablets, if used. (Use a mortar and pestle or other crushing implements. ─── 将海藻弄成粉状,如果有用抗氧化剂片也要弄成粉。

44、Turkish media said the aircraft was carrying light weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket launchers and mortars. ─── 土耳其媒体说,飞机携带轻武器,包括自动步枪,火箭筒和迫击炮。

45、Wartime production of anti-aircraft guns, fighter wings, propellers and mortars. ─── 在战争期间生产过飞机部件,战斗机机翼,螺旋桨等。

46、People always used to tell me: put your money in bricks and mortar,there's nothing safer. So I bought my house. ─── 人们总是对我说:把钱投到房产上,没有什么比房产更保险的了。因此,我买下了房子。

47、The mortars had all our locations, which were ramps bulldozed up to the sand wall across the ditch at something like 200m or so intervals. ─── 迫击炮拥有我们周边所有要地的坐标,即每隔大约200米左右用推土机推出的通向沙堤用于跨越反坦克壕的坡道。

48、Both attacks met fierce opposition from 88s, self-propelled guns, mortars, and well-placed machine guns. ─── 两支攻击部队都遭遇到了88式大炮,自行火炮、迫击炮和部署巧妙的机枪的猛烈抵抗。

49、When two kinds of mortars are used, containers shall be marked with mortar brands. ─── 同时使用两种灰浆时,必须在容器上标明灰浆的品种。

50、So they had bricks for stone and asphalt for mortar. ─── 于是他们用砖代替石头,沥青代替灰泥。

51、The paper introduces the principle and way of making the cement,and also analyzes the feasibitity to make building mortars instead of ordinary cement. ─── 本文介绍该水泥的配制原理与方法,分析了代替普通水泥配制建筑砂浆的可行性。

52、An Israeli army jeep drives through a fire in southern Israel started by Palestinian mortars launched from the nearby Gaza Strip. ─── 在以色列南部,一辆以色列军队吉普车穿过一堆火,由巴勒斯坦从加沙地带附近发射迫击炮点燃的。

53、How about the foreign dry mortar producers develop in China? ─── 国外干混砂浆企业在国内的发展?

54、The paper delivered the physical properties and fracture morphology of cement mortars modified by two kinds of polymer powder. ─── 摘要研究了掺羟乙基甲基纤维素醚和乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物乳胶粉的改性水泥砂浆的各项物理性能及其断面形貌。

55、This thesis is based on polyvinyl alcohol fibers (vinylon) reinforced mortar. ─── 本文以聚乙烯醇纤维(即维纶)增强砂浆为基础进行研究。

56、From these positions mortar fire was rained down upon reinforcements moving up through the valley. ─── 密集的迫击炮火力从这些阵地射向由山谷那边上来的援军。

57、Large hoes, spades, axes, saws, mortars and pestles are tools for attacking walls. ─── 钁锸、斧、锯、杵臼,都可用为攻城器材;

58、Now and then with the difficulty the enemy would snarl with fire as almost all of the artillery and mortars were suppressed. ─── 时而敌人一边咆哮着一边有气无力的还击,因为他们几乎所有的炮兵与迫击炮部队都被我方压制了。

59、He ground the spices himself with a mortar and pestle. ─── 他自己动手用研钵和杵把香料研成粉。

60、Artillery and mortars were zeroed in on the enemy position. ─── 大炮和迫击炮对准敌人的阵地。

61、The exhibition hall has on display artifacts used by aborigines in the past, including wooden mortars and pestles, and traditional carvings. ─── 图1:山胞民俗文物馆展出泰雅族过去所使用的杵、臼以及雕刻品。

62、He ground the rock candy with a mortar and pestle. ─── 他自己动手用研钵和杵把冰糖研成粉。

63、When use, should put among mortar wing epispastic board, as expand resilient coating. ─── 在使用时,灰泥翅中间要放发泡板,作为膨胀缓冲层。

64、The farmers pound rice in a mortar. ─── 农民们在臼中舂米。

65、To fill and finish the joints of(masonry) with cement or mortar. ─── 以灰泥填抹用水泥或灰泥来填充和覆盖(石匠活的)结合部

66、The products are widely used in dry mortars like self leveller compounds, tile adhesives, tile grouts and repair mortars. ─── 公司主要产品如Fondu,TernalLC和TernalWhite已经在中国市场获得众多客户的信赖。

67、Most of them were car bombs, but there was at least one roadside bomb and later a salvo of four mortars hit an area in southwest Baghdad. ─── 许多都是汽车炸弹,但是至少有一枚路边炸弹,随后,四门迫击炮袭击了巴格达西南部地区。

68、A truck is a transporter which can carry a certain number of soldiers, stationary heavy machine guns, mortars or ammo boxes. ─── 卡车是一种运输工具,能够运输一定数量的士兵,支架式重机枪,迫击炮或弹药箱。

69、Subjected enemy positions to heavy mortar fire; struck by rifle fire. ─── 受重型迫击炮火力威胁的敌军阵地; 受步枪火力的袭击

70、They could not move their heavy mortars over the swampy ground. ─── 他们无法把重型迫击炮移过那片沼泽地。

71、In this unit, we were also trained to use the light and heavy mortars, anti-tank rifles, and the FlaK guns. ─── 在这支部队里,我们全部都要熟练的掌握轻重迫击炮,反坦克枪和高射炮的操作和使用。

72、I drove over the trench, rode over the mortars, squishing them, the Germans were fleeing. ─── 我开过战壕,碾过迫击炮,把他们轧得吱吱响,德国人落荒而逃。

73、The next procedure is to daub a layer of mortar on the wall. ─── 下一道手续是在墙面上涂抹一层沙浆。

74、Yesterday, we were targeted by approximately a dozen mortars and this is why we are still outside, ready for any type of scenario. ─── 昨天我们被大约一打石灰袭击,这就是我们没有撤回,随时准备应对各种突发状况的原因。

75、But superstardom's close 2 post mortar. ─── 但要成为天皇巨星你要死过返生.

76、What event contributed to the cessation of mortar practice from Battery Byrne? ─── 什么事件导致了贝特瑞伯恩的迫击炮练习的终止?

77、In the other incident at least four civilians were killed at the Pakistan border, and mortars fired by NATO troops fell short of their target. ─── 另一事件,北约地面部队毫无目标地乱发炮弹,造成至少四个平民身亡巴基斯坦边境。

78、The heavily-fortified Green Zone in the Iraqi capital Baghdad has suffered a day of attacks from rockets and mortars. ─── 今天在巴格达首都伊拉克,一个戒备森严的绿色地区遭受了一天的火箭和迫击炮的袭击。

79、Follow all attacks with trucks loaded mortars to ensure they are in range of the main point of attack. ─── 在进攻部队后面最好跟一些卡车运载的迫击炮,以便使要攻击的地方在它们的火力范围之内。

80、Yes. We're short on both mortars and antiaircraft guns for the Dutch army and automatic rifles for the Belgian Army. ─── 噢,我们还要荷兰军队使用的迫击炮和高射炮,比利时军队的自动步枪。

81、The majority of support company is deployed at about 200m, at the edge of a wood, with the 81mm mortars and a 20mm Mle1939 (Oerlikon) AA gun. ─── 支援连队的主力部署在森林的边缘约200米处,其它部队包括几门81mm迫击炮和1门20mm高射炮炮。

82、Trench foot put more men out of action than Germ, an 88s, mortars, or machine-gun fire. ─── 战壕足造成的减员,超过德军88毫米炮、迫击炮和机枪火力。

83、The army was fired by mortars. ─── 军队被迫击炮攻击。

84、Officials said the city had been hit by a barrage of mortars. ─── 官员们说,巴格达还遭到了迫击炮的密集攻击。

85、The data will include the location of hostile rockets, mortars, and artillery. ─── 该数据将包括敌方火箭、迫击炮和炮弹的位置。

86、Royal Marine Commando medics battle to save the life of a member of the Afghan National Army after a mortar attack. ─── 在一场激烈的交锋后,英国皇家海军陆战队的军医正在抢救一名阿富汗国民军士兵。

87、As for the effect of controlling volume stability of mortars, orderly, CLS>PC>PNS. ─── 减水剂控制砂浆体积稳定性的效果为:木质素系>聚羧酸类>萘系。

88、People always used to tell me: put your money in bricks and mortar, there is nothing safer. So I bought my house. ─── 人们过去总是这么告诫我:把钱用在购置房屋上吧,没有比这更保险的了。所以我买下了房子。

89、Mortar teams need to take initiative more than most other players. ─── 与其它炮兵相比迫击炮组要更加主动。

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